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We study an international trade model with symmetric countries and symmetric firms, with countries making strategic trade policies, anticipating the decisions of firms on R&D collaboration at the subsequent stage. In general we should observe a conflict between the equilibrium outcome and the efficient one. We find that an asymmetric outcome where one country unilaterally liberalizes trade while the other does not is likely to occur. We also find that while banning international R&D collaboration may help to reach free trade equilibrium in certain situations, it provides little assistance in reaching the outcome that maximizes global welfare.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Goyal and Moraga‐Gonzalez (2001 ) model of strategic R&D collaboration networks in the open economy framework. The R&D is the d'Aspremont and Jacquemin (1988 ) process innovation and collaboration takes the form of research joint ventures (RJV) in which firms cooperate in R&D but compete in product markets. Countries decide whether to establish free‐trade links while firms decide whether and with whom to form RJVs. A double‐layer pairwise stability concept is introduced to characterize equilibrium network structures. In contrast with conventional wisdom, it is shown that global free trade generally reduces collaborative R&D levels. We give conditions for which pairwise stable R&D networks are welfare maximizing. Stability and efficiency are congruent when R&D cost is either too high or too low. A large public spillover effect is detrimental to an R&D network when trade networks are regional.  相似文献   

In this paper we employ a wage‐setting approach to analyze the labor market effects of immigration into Germany from 1980 to 2004. This enables us to consider labor market rigidities, which are prevalent in Europe. We find that the elasticity of the wage‐setting curve is particularly high for young workers. Moreover, natives and foreigners are imperfect substitutes. The wage and employment effects of immigration depend on the skill structure of the immigrant workforce. Because the foreign labor supply shift has mainly affected the high‐skilled labor market segment, the 4 percent increase of the workforce through immigration has not increased either aggregate or foreign unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether off‐shoring promotes technological specialization by reallocating resources towards high‐tech industries and/or stimulating within industry R&D. Using data for the USA, Japan and Europe, our results show that material off‐shoring promotes high‐tech specialization through input reallocation between sectors, while service off‐shoring favors technologically advanced production by increasing within‐industry productivity, mainly via its positive impact on R&D. Conversely, we find that the increasing fragmentation of core production tasks, captured by narrow off‐shoring, has adverse effects on technological specialisation, which suggests that this type of off‐shoring is mainly pursued for cost‐reduction motives.  相似文献   

This paper examines unemployment, wages, and voters' demand for redistribution policy under three different labour market structures: laissez–faire, wage–setting by company or industrial unions, and wage–setting by a central union. Decisions on the level of taxes and benefits are made by majority rule. Taxes, wages, and unemployment are lowest under competitive wage–setting and highest with decentralised unions. A higher degree of centralisation of union wage–setting implies lower unemployment and taxes because a fiscal externality is internalised. Under some conditions about the composition of the population, the political–economic equilibrium can further be improved upon by cooperation between the government and the central union. This seems to have happened in the Netherlands where the unions and the government agreed to cut taxes and restrain wages, which has led to the 'Dutch Miracle'.  相似文献   

We investigate the imposition of a horizontal technical barrier to trade (HTBT) in a symmetric, cross‐hauling duopoly. Tariffs and subsidies are ruled out, but, in the absence of a mutual recognition agreement, governments can impose HTBTs, so long as firms operate different technologies. With firms being first movers, this possibility may induce them to avoid technical collaboration, in order to tempt governments into creating national monopolies, unless spillovers in R&D are high. This exacerbates the costs of regulatory protection, compared to standard models without R&D or spillovers.  相似文献   

使用2005-2018年中国信息与通信技术领域(ICT)专利数据,运用社会网络分析方法与负二项回归模型,实证分析技术多元化与协作研发网络中心度对企业创新绩效的影响以及两者的交互作用。研究发现,技术多元化与协作研发网络中心度对企业创新绩效均存在正向影响,而两者的交互作用可以进一步促进企业创新绩效提升;中介中心度与技术多元化交互作用对企业创新绩效的促进效果最显著,且这种促进作用仅存在于技术多元化程度较高的企业中。因此,企业应采用技术多元化战略,主动选择中心度较高的网络位置,特别是占据网络成员联系最短路径。  相似文献   

R&D investment has well‐known liquidity problems, with potentially important consequences. In this study, we analyze the effects of monetary policy on economic growth and social welfare in a Schumpeterian growth model with cash‐in‐advance (CIA) constraints on R&D investment, consumption, and manufacturing. Our main results can be summarized as follows. Under the CIA constraints on R&D and consumption (the CIA constraint on manufacturing), an increase in the nominal interest rate decreases (increases) R&D and economic growth. We also analyze the optimality of Friedman rule and find that Friedman rule can be suboptimal due to a unique feature of the Schumpeterian model.  相似文献   

跨国企业是日本研发创新的重要力量.在经济日益全球化以及技术知识流动性不断加快的背景下,日本跨国企业瞄准市场和人才,不断扩大海外经营销售和生产基地规模,增设海外研发基地,加快了其研发组织的国际化步伐,同时致力于将其研发组织间的单向垂直管理模式转变为双向扁平化管理模式,以提高其全球研发效率.通过简要介绍和分析日本跨国企业研发组织的现状和发展趋势,希望能为我国建设以企业为主体的技术创新体系相关政策研究提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a two‐country model in which oligopolistic firms export goods and undertake cost‐reducing R&D investment. Each country imposes tariffs. A decrease in the tariff rates in both countries decreases cost‐reducing R&D investment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conditions under which increasing knowledge, encapsulated in ideas for new technology through R&D and embodied in human capital through education, sustains economic growth. A general model is developed where, consistent with recent literature, growth is non‐scale (not increasing in population size) and endogenous (generated by factors within R&D and education). Recent models feature the counterfactual assumption of constant returns to existing knowledge and restrict the substitutability of inputs within R&D and education. We find that non‐scale endogenous growth is possible under less stringent conditions. The findings reconcile sustained economic growth with evidence of diminishing marginal returns in education and R&D, which suggests an ambiguous role for R&D policy.  相似文献   

Goals are an important motivator. But little is known about why and how people set them. We address this issue in a model based on two stylized facts. First, goals serve as reference points for performance. Second, present‐biased preferences create self‐control problems. We show the power and limits of self‐regulation through goals. Goals increase an individual's motivation—but only up to a certain point. Furthermore, they are painful self‐disciplining devices. Thus, greater self‐control problems may result in tougher goals; but for a severe present bias goals either lack a motivating force, or are too painful to be accepted.  相似文献   

采用1999—2015年华为公司PCT专利数据,运用社会网络分析方法构建分阶段的跨国研发网络模型,考察研发单元在网络中所扮演的角色,并着重探究守门人角色的演变路径。分析结果表明:华为公司跨国研发网络内的研发单元各自扮演着不同角色,但尚未明显地涌现外部导向型研发单元;除不活跃研发单元外,守门人与内部导向型研发单元构成了跨国研发网络中的主体;研发单元守门人角色的形成主要遵循"不活跃单元-内部导向型-守门人"的路径。通过识别华为公司跨国研发网络中研发单元角色的演变路径,可为企业在研发国际化实践中制定知识获取策略提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper provides a thorough second‐best welfare analysis of the standard two‐stage model of R&D/product market competition with R&D spillovers. The planner's solution is compared to the standard non‐cooperative scenario, the R&D cartel, and the cartelized research joint venture (or joint lab). We introduce the notion of a social joint lab, as a way for the planner to avoid wasteful R&D duplication. With no spillovers, the non‐cooperative scenario, the joint lab, and the second‐best planner's solutions coincide. However, with spillovers, all three scenarios yield R&D investments that fall short of the socially optimal level. To shed light on the role of the spillover level on these comparisons, we observe that the gaps between the market outcomes and the planners solutions widen as the spillover parameter increases. Finally, we establish that a social planner and a social joint lab solutions may be achieved starting from any of the three scenarios by offering firms respective suitably weighted quadratic R&D subsidization schedules.  相似文献   

研发合作是弥补单主体研发能力短板、提升科技成果转化效率的重要途径。随着创新主体研发合作行为的日益增加,合作模式采选原则、合作内在动因成为影响合作成果产出的关键,但现有研究尚未形成成熟的研发合作全过程系统理论框架。为更好地坚持开放创新理念,提升国家科技创新能力,从研发合作管理全过程视角梳理相关研究现状,针对传统综述阅读体量大导致判断误差大的问题,利用文献计量法对研发合作相关文献进行梳理,分析研究热点、期刊分布和作者合作网络,利用系统分析法筛选出重点文献50篇,通过构建研发合作管理全过程模型,对重点文献进行深入解读,系统论述研发合作内在动因、伙伴与治理模式、合作网络演化规律及绩效影响因素,评析研发合作研究现状并提出未来方向,为创新主体制定研发管理战略提供指导。  相似文献   

We show that international outsourcing and R&D by the outsourced firm may be either substitutes or complements. Outsourcing increases the R&D investment in small markets and in highly competitive product markets, whereas it decreases the R&D investment in large markets. If the outsourced firm can be technologically very efficient under exporting, outsourcing can make the consumers worse off by reducing the R&D investment. If there is skill differential in the production process and outsourcing occurs only in the unskilled activities, R&D‐reducing outsourcing occurs in a relatively low‐skilled industry. If outsourcing of the unskilled jobs reduces the effective cost of the skilled workers by increasing the productivities of the skilled workers, outsourcing provides further disincentive for R&D compared to the situation where outsourcing of the unskilled jobs does not affect the effective cost of the skilled workers.  相似文献   

全球研发网络、吸收能力与创新价值链动态升级   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从发展吸收能力的角度,首先通过一个国际生产折衷理论的拓展框架,分析了跨国公司研发活动全球化的动因。然后,结合创新价值链理论,对国际生产折衷理论进行了进一步的拓展,并在此框架下解释了跨国公司全球研发活动网络化的问题。最后,根据吸收能力的因果累积效应,分析了全球研发网络对我国创新价值链动态升级的影响。  相似文献   

We use an extensive dataset on occupational wages to measure the manufacturing skill premium and assess, for the first time, the influence of natural resources and institutional quality—in addition to traditional drivers—for advanced and less‐advanced countries and the full sample. The new findings, regarding 21 countries between 1988 and 2008 in the main panel estimations, suggest the premium of advanced countries rises with tertiary enrollment, net foreign direct investment (FDI) and institutional quality, and falls with centralized wage negotiations and geographically diffuse natural resource activities, mainly re‐exportation related. In less‐advanced countries, the premium rises with net FDI, scale effects, centralized wage negotiations and geographically concentrated natural resource activities (absorbing scarce skilled workers), and falls with trade, diffuse natural resource exploration (using mainly unskilled workers) and high‐technology exports, as emerging national low‐end technology industrial exporters may lower skill pay compared with foreign industrial exporters. In the full sample, the premium rises with scale effects, trade, institutional quality and concentrated natural resources, and falls with the relative skilled‐labor supply, centralized wage negotiations and diffuse natural resources. The results account for a wider diversity of situations compared with the previous studies.  相似文献   

随着中国企业从“制造商”向“投资家”的转变,建立海外研发机构进而充分利用国际市场创新成果,成为中国企业实现创新驱动的重要转型升级道路。尽管现有研究已经充分认识到后发国家企业建立海外研发机构的动机和组织管理特征有别于发达国家企业,但遗憾的是针对后发企业设立海外研发机构的组织与管理问题的详细分析还没有系统展开,研究结论比较分散。以此为切入点,对比式地梳理国外企业和中国企业海外研发机构设立动机、进入模式、战略定位和组织形式等若干海外研发组织与管理核心问题,在此基础上提出中国企业海外研发机构的潜在研究方向。结论有利于弥补已有海外技术投资领域对新兴市场企业关注不足的缺陷,可为未来中国企业海外研发机构的实证研究提供文献基础。  相似文献   

企业间客观存在各种技术差异,对研发合作网络关系形成具有重要影响。借鉴技术生态位理论,从规模和结构两个维度探讨技术距离内涵,提出研究假设;以石墨烯领域合作专利为样本,采用指数随机图构建度量模型,开展实证研究。结果发现:在规模维度,技术宽度距离、技术深度距离正向促进企业研发合作;在结构维度,技术多样性距离、技术重叠性距离反向抑制企业研发合作。该结果说明规模层面的技术距离为合作双方带来新的要素组合可能,扩展了潜在创新空间,进而形成双方研发合作的创新动力;结构层面的技术接近为合作双方的知识交流与技术兼容提供了基础,降低了交易成本,提升了技术协同性,进而形成双方研发合作的创新基础。  相似文献   

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