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This study measures cost inefficiency of Kansas public school districts and applied both mathematical programming and stochastic frontier approach. The empirical study uses two-stage data envelopment analysis model and the cost inefficiency effects model proposed by Battese and Coelli (Empirical Economics 24:325–332, 1995) and applied to a panel data. The results found mean inefficiencies from these two models are very close. The results indicate that Kansas school districts, on average, exhibit cost inefficiency in their operations, however, there is a tendency for inefficiencies to decline over time. The study does not find any strong evidence for lower efficiency due to lower expenditure per-pupil. Instead, we found inconclusive evidences where lower efficiency for certain school districts could be assigned to unfavorable environmental cost conditions.
John PoggioEmail:

This article provides estimates of efficiency effects of changes in Commonwealth–State funding arrangements. These estimates allow for flypaper effects and interstate factor mobility, and take account of State endowment and cost differences.  相似文献   

The government has the responsibility of providing a social service to its citizens. It decides whether to award funds to a religious nonprofit, secular nonprofit, or to produce the service itself. Religious charities are willing to provide the service at lower costs if they can use the funds as an opportunity to proselytize their doctrine. This proselytizing alters the religious preferences of believers in society. In a situation of equal grants to religious charities, this has the consequence of reducing the number of extremists. Furthermore, conservative religious denominations may discriminate against non-religious individuals in the provision of the social service.  相似文献   

A stochastic cost frontier with inefficiency effects is estimated to investigate the impacts of decreases in state funding support on the operating efficiency of public colleges and universities in the U.S. Panel data for 378 institutions spanning 10 academic years, 2004 through 2013, captures the efficiency effects of declines in state funding from 32 % to 23 %. There are several improvements over early work of like kind that was, however, confined to four academic years, 2005 through 2008, and could not account for the accelerated effects of state funding decreases that followed the financial crisis. Inefficiency effects are extended to include both private giving as a substitute revenue source and federally funded Pell Grants. Empirical results are robust and support the notion that government does matter. Decreases in state funding create inefficiency in producing public higher education. Results also suggest the same for private giving and Pell Grant support, although the former was statistically weak at best. On the cost side, the results, not surprisingly, indicate that university administrators held costs down with hiring increases in non-tenure track faculty and staff relative to tenure track and tenured faculty.  相似文献   

从演化观点看马克思主义的效率与公平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李浩 《生产力研究》2004,3(10):59-62
效率与公平是经济社会长期研究的一个主题 ,马克思主义对这一问题进行过探讨。马克思主义的效率与公平不是一成不变的 ,而是不断地发展进化的。从马克思主义的效率与公平角度 ,可以为我国的经济发展提供一些启示  相似文献   

本文从行为学、社会学和经济学的角度分别研究公平与效率的关系及其选择。通过分析,提出了效率与公平共同提高的路径-以效率的提高来推动公平的提高,即以生产最优和消费次优的统一来评判。  相似文献   

Professional team sports represent an important aspect of Australian life. Interest is great, and a significant portion of household expenditure is directed toward sports-related goods and services. Based on international comparisons and on the size of attendance and television revenues, the sector should be highly profitable. Yet, significant amounts of public funding and regulatory exemptions are afforded to team sports in Australia. This article analyses the magnitude and reasons for government spending that subsidises professional team sports.  相似文献   

任何国家都存在由区域差异而导致的区域差距,政府的责任是要控制乃至缩小这种区域差距,实现区域的协调发展.改革开放以来我国的区域差距逐步扩大,这与中央政府区域政策目标在效率与公平上的孰为"优先"的偏差有关.本文认为,效率与公平是两个不同层次的概念,中央政府应该确立效率与公平兼顾的区域政策目标,并建议国家开征"统筹税",促进在效率与公平兼顾基础的区域协调发展.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of Lazear contracts with defined‐benefit pensions on aggregate technology composition and the aggregate risk premium is examined. In the presence of capital market constraints affecting workers, defined‐benefit pensions bias the economy towards risk‐free production. Leveraging the risky technology relaxes the constraints and results in more risky production and a fall in the aggregate risk premium. This effect holds with risky debt and low pension shortfall risk but breaks down with high pension shortfall risk. A key prediction is that as Lazear contracts become less common, risky production will increase and the aggregate risk premium will fall.  相似文献   

The joint impact of long term structural features, on the one hand, and of recent market-oriented reforms in the macroeconomic incentive regime, on the other, are inducing major changes in social and production organization throughout the Latin American region. The new economic model is quite different in structure and performance from the one Latin American countries exhibited during the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) period. Non tradable activities such as telecommunications, energy or transport services, natural resource processing industries producing low value added industrial ‘commodities’ and assembly industries (‘maquiladoras’), producing computers, TV and Video sets and garments for the US market, together with the vehicle industry, which has managed to receive preferential treatment from the part of the various governments in the region, have performed much better than average, both in terms of labor productivity growth as well as in terms of ‘catching up’ with the international productivity frontier. Contrary to the above, unskilled labor, and engineering and knowledge intensive industries, have performed worse than average and are ‘falling behind’ international standards. Domestic subsidiaries of multinational corporations and large local conglomerates are gaining ground within GDP, while SMEs and public enterprises have been losing it. The paper examines some of the macro-to- micro relations underlying the above mentioned process of structural transformation and the interdependency between economic, technological and institutional forces inducing it. It argues that ‘main stream’ economics fails adequately to capture the role played by such interdependencies and offers a policy advice which can not deal with the new efficiency and equity problems resulting from recent structural changes.  相似文献   

现阶段我国仍属于新兴市场经济国家,市场机制并不完善,中小企业的生存环境不容乐观.为提升中小企业市场竞争力,各级政府加大对其创新研发的资金和政策扶持力度对帮助其持续稳定发展有着十分重要的意义.本文从深市中小板上市企业中筛选出了471家企业在2014—2018年间的面板数据,利用回归模型进行实证检验,以探究政府资助政策对中小企业创新研发的影响.结果显示:政府的资助政策在整体上对科技研发投入产生了积极的作用,但对创新研发的产出没有直接影响;只有对科技研发人员进行投入才能给创新产出带来积极影响.因而,政府资助应该着重加强对科技人员的投入.  相似文献   

瑞典解决公平与效率问题的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑞典在解决公平与效率问题上确立了以公平促进效率的机制:十分重视教育的发展;实施积极的劳动力市场政策和积极的公共财政政策。从瑞典经验出发,我们应该努力建立和完善以公平促进效率的机制:一方面应在思想上突破把效率与公平割裂开来甚至是对立的思维方式,另一方面,加大教育财政投入,逐步完善劳动力市场,实现劳动力的自由流动,加大公共财政支出,通过再分配实现社会公平。  相似文献   

In the next decade Australia will experience a substantial privatization program. This represents a switch away from public debt financing towards public equity financing. In this paper, estimates of the likely effect of the government's privatization program on corporate financing are provided. The main result of an increase in the supply of equities along with a commensurate reduction in the supply of government debt is to cause a significant increase in the relative cost of equity, thereby creating incentives for corporate financiers to emphasize reliance on debt financing relative to equity financing. The estimated effect on the weighted cost of finance in the economy, while positive, is small  相似文献   

公平、效率与最优税收理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闫威 《财经科学》2002,(6):6-10
帕累托效率不保证竞争过程导致的分配与广为接受的公平概念相一致,因而具有分配功能的税收政策在其理论与实践中,必须考虑公平与效率的权衡问题。正如我们在税收理论的发展历程中看到的,公平优先,效率优先,还是二者兼顾,直接地导出了不同的理论形态和政策结论。本文主要从公平与效率的角度分析了税收理论的发展脉络,在对不同理论模型及其政策含义进行评介的同时,着着分析其间蕴藏的公平与效率含义。  相似文献   

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