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近年来,美国经济连续高速增长,许多经济界和企业界有识之士纷纷探索其中的奥秘,共同认为,新经济具有超常增长力,旧经济仍有自己的优势。传统产业为新经济提供了广阔的市场空间,新经济成为改造传统产业的动力。探索美国企业运用新经济改造与创新传统产业的做法,主要集中在创新知识管理思维,加快高新技术与网络经济发展,实施风险投资,建立与之相适应的企业技术创新机制等六大方面。这对于我国加快高新技术提升传统产业,使之不断焕发出新的生机和活力具有很大的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

宋立峰 《中国储运》2021,(1):141-142
新经济形态使得企业的环境和外部形势都产生了很大的变化,作为企业决策反馈机构的审计部门也面临着严峻的挑战.为了使企业的审计体系能够在新经济形态下保持正常的工作效率,本文对新经济形态下提升企业审计质量的路径进行分析.首先通过新经济形态下企业的变化所带来的风险来论证新经济形态下企业审计建设的重要性.然后对现阶段企业审计存在的...  相似文献   

网站电子商务指主要通过网站进行,或以网站为主要载体,或以网站为突出特征的电子商务活动。如今,越来越多的传统企业认为,以网络化、知识管理、全球化为主要特征的新经济已是不可逆转的趋势,电子商务化已成为企业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

21世纪是充满竞争和极具活力的新世纪,国际市场一体化、国内市场国际化趋势更加明显,世界企业先进管理思潮不断涌现,新的管理概念不断产生,尤其是知识经济、信息与网络、科技、新经济改造与提升传统产业等诸多领域,不断产生出新的管理思想,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。其中经营管理八大新理念对现代企业家极具影响力,需要我们创造性地加以运用,指导企业不断登上新台阶。  相似文献   

政策新经济刺激方案有望敲定偏向民生和消费第一轮4万亿经济刺激方案推出5个月后,第二轮新经济刺激方案呼声节节高升。在经历了一系列的  相似文献   

当今已进入新经济发展特征明显的时代,知识经济与全球一体化进程加快,建立高科技企业已经成为新世纪竞争与发展的重要战略。企业新经济发展,技术创新是不竭之力。未来企业技术创新速度加快,层次变高,要求更严,技术创新的理念则不断更新。研究美国新经济的高科技企业和旧经济的传统产业企业的技术创新与发展,清楚地看到,其六大理念正产生着巨大的影响力,  相似文献   

于张喜 《中国储运》2021,(2):139-140
随着新经济策略的实施,物流贸易行业正在我国迅速发展,甚至有人将快递物流行业称之为国民经济发展的助推器。而相比较于国外发达的物流行业,我国的物流产业虽然近几年发展十分迅猛,但终究还是处于起步发展阶段,整个发展过程的环节中还是存在着不少的问题。本文通过分析先进新经济形势下的物流贸易行业现状以及目前为止物流贸易行业存在的一些问题来得出目前为止我国新经济形式下物流贸易行业应该如何突围,通过一系列的解决措施来使我国的物流贸易行业发展更上一层楼。  相似文献   

新经济时代已经来临.电子商务使千里迢迢的贸易洽谈可以足不出户在网上解决,这无疑会给传统经济带来翻天覆地的变化.然而交易的最终实现还有赖处于后台的物流产业,传统的运输仓储方式在新经济的模式下,正在发生着质的变化.  相似文献   

一、新形势下财务管理工作的特点 1.注重资源配置 以作业基础管理为基础的成本控制系统,成为新经济时代财务成本管理的主流。在新经济时代,企业作为社会的组成部分,与社会联系日益紧密,企业的经营目的不再是单一地追求利润,而是谋求参与企业活动的各个方面的利益,尤其是把经营者的利益放在很重要的地位。  相似文献   

新经济刺激方案有望敲定偏向民生和消费 第一轮4万亿经济刺激方案推出5个月后,第二轮新经济刺激方案呼声节节高升。在经历了一系列的“传言和误解”后,有消息称管理层将在15日举行的国务院常务会议上讨论是否推出新的经济刺激计划。  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):215-223
The global air transport has been undergoing wings of change in the past 30 years as a result of deregulation and liberalisation. During this period, the air transport in China has also been undergoing significant transformation and rapid growth following the reform and opening up policy of China since 1978, the same year when the USA enacted the Airline Deregulation Act. Although China has become the world's second largest air transport system since 2006, few studies have analyzed the growth pattern and policy evolution of this important market. This paper critically reviews the development of the air transport policy of China and examines the challenges in the 21st Century. Such an investigation leads to the following conclusions: (A) the reform of China's civil aviation has been based on the national policy in socialist market economy as well as the liberalisation of air transport; (B) the substantial growth in the last three decades has been driven by economic growth as well as the transformation of China's transport industry. (C) In order to sustain the rapid and continuous development in civil aviation, China should continue to implement scientific management and development, deepen the reform and opening up and continue liberalisation.  相似文献   

The direction of the research in this paper is dictated by the particular characteristics attaching to the special relationship that exists between Ireland and the USA. In order to understand the complexities that govern the motivating factors underlying American tourist interest in Ireland, this research examines the singular historical, psychological, emotional, and connectional dimensions that will afford us the knowledge from which deductible theories, conclusions, and recommendations can be extracted. This paper, therefore, seeks to outline the historical framework governing the development of the relationship between the USA and Ireland, and identifies the historical, ancestral, emotional, and connectional factors that bind the two nations. This research presents new empirical findings on the American tourist's quest for ancestral tangibility in destination Ireland. Destination Ireland is marketed in a highly competitive environment and the future of the Irish tourism industry will inevitably be dependent on the ability of tourism industry managers to deliver new viable options and motivations to travel to Ireland. A significant finding in this current research suggests that the development of an ancestral product would address this requirement in the market place.  相似文献   

运输业在基础设施和运输组织两个层次上都具有显著的网络经济特征,运输业的规模经济和范围经济均来自于其网络经济.建立了基本的运输网络经济分析模型,依据一体化特征对运输业进行了层次划分,对运输业不同产业层次的网络经济特征进行研究,提出相关运输经济管制政策取向的建议.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of how the new economy and the Internet have and are likely to change the conduct of business. The Internet creates value on both sides—on the demand side by allowing firms to customize to suit specific consumer needs and on the supply side by reducing costs. Our particular interest is in identifying opportunities for airports, which are almost an afterthought in the travel industry. Our survey of online trends indicates that airports are essentially local brands and the value proposition lies in complementing the local economy.  相似文献   

经济学视角的高速铁路盈利能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速铁路盈利性是其财务可持续性的直接反映,是其投融资模式的直接反映,是我国高速铁路和铁路产业发展形态的直接反映。高速铁路发展模式主要包括股权主导型发展模式、负债主导型发展模式、财政主导型发展模式三种类型。我国高速铁路公益性突出,采用的主要是负债主导型发展模式,在铁路价格受到严格管制,市场化水平有待提升的情况下,亟需构建多渠道长效补贴机制,以克服高速铁路可能产生的营运困难。美国、日本、欧盟等国家和地区的经验教训也证明了构建长效补贴机制、进行铁路产业改革、保持铁路财务可持续性的必要性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the seemingly inexorable decline in yield in the airline industry. The external shocks to the industry of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, wars in Afghanistan and the Arabian Gulf and SARS all had downward impacts on the demand for air travel. However, these effects mask a more fundamental change in the demand for aviation services. The analysis uses published sources and a survey of 264 travellers to examine the fall in yields. The traffic mix of economy, business and first class passengers is shown to have changed over a 10 year period as proportionally more travellers choose to use economy class products. This combined with a fall in yield by a third in this cabin during the same period has lead to a significant fall in industrywide yields. Behavioural shifts in business travel and leisure demand are examined. Business travellers have switched from business class products as the difference between business class and leisure fares have increased significantly and as economy class and low-cost carrier products are increasingly viewed as acceptable for business traveller needs, particularly in short-haul markets. Leisure travel has increased as low-cost carriers have introduced low fares, generating new traffic and winning market share from scheduled and charter airline competitors alike.  相似文献   

为将六安市规划打造成为全国陆路型物流节点城市,发挥六安市区位及交通优势,推动地区产业升级、优化城市发展格局。基于六安地区铁路总图规划,结合城市经济、产业布局、交通条件、用地条件等,确定新建铁路物流基地选址。根据选址车站枣树店站的地理位置、铁路条件和功能分区设计,提出平行铁路布置方案与垂直铁路布置方案2个方案。经综合比选,推荐采用作业效率高、工程代价小的平行铁路布置方案,加快实现六安市物流产业网络化、集约化和信息化,促进区域产业升级转型。  相似文献   

运用运输经济学和区域经济学的相关理论,从缓解运输紧张状况、节约旅行时间、促进经济一体化、带动高新产业和第三产业发展等方面,探讨京津城际铁路的优势及其对区域经济的影响机理。采用有无对比法,通过建立数学模型,对京津城际铁路的区域经济影响进行定量实证评价。  相似文献   

During the past four decades, the tourism industry has emerged as one of the leading industries worldwide. In the Arab countries, however, despite its huge potential, the tourism industry is still in its infancy phase. With the exception of only a few countries, until recently most of the Arab countries almost ignored the economic potential of tourism. Since the 1990s, their traditional attitude of neglect toward the tourism industry has undergone a transformation, a fact that was not lost by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Thus, since the mid-1990s, all of the GCC countries, without exception, have been trying to promote their tourism sector, which soon became a prominent economic sector. The paper concentrates on one tourism development case – that of Bahrain – the least ‘rentier’ within the GCC oil-economies. The main research question addressed by this paper is to what extent Bahrain has introduced a cohesive and economically viable tourism industry that contributes to a more sustainable economy of this country. This exploratory paper examines Bahrain's motivation to promote tourism; its tourism comparative advantage; the major difficulties facing Bahrain's further tourism expansion; and the overall role of the tourism industry in the Bahraini economy.  相似文献   

The business traveller contributes significantly to the turnover of the hotel industry and, with the globalisation of business, this sector shows signs of increasing growth. Service quality has now become one of the main factors used to gain competitive advantage, thus the industry must focus more specifically on the needs and expectations of its business customers. The aim of this paper is to focus on the business travel market and more specifically on the comparison of two hotels in two European cities, Brussels and Manchester. This area of research has not been attempted before and will provide an interesting comparison with findings in USA. A literature review identified the relevant attributes used to measure service quality, which were utilised to design a questionnaire, distributed to customers in a five star hotel in Manchester and in Brussels. The primary data obtained were then compared with the findings of other researchers. The analysis indicated that Brussels scored the majority of the attributes more highly (many significantly) than did Manchester. This may be influenced by the international profile of the Brussels respondents who tended to travel on business more frequently than the Manchester sample. The comparisons with the USA surveys found some inconsistencies that might be attributed to societal differences.Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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