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公仆型领导:概念的界定与量表的修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用一组管理者-员工配对样本数据和一组管理者样本数据对西方的公仆型领导的结构与含义进行了深入分析并对量表的效度进行了验证.探索性因素分析(N=285)表明,公仆型领导由利他主义、情绪抚慰、智慧、说服引导和社会责任感五个维度构成.验证性因素分析(N=304)表明,五维度的结构模型对数据拟合最佳.为了更好地考察公仆型领导量表的结构效度和实证效度,采用"管理者-员工"配对样本(N=209)数据进行分析,结果表明,公仆型领导量表具有较高的结构效度和实证效度.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of two comparative leadership styles on organizational performance outcomes. The leadership styles undertaken is transformational and servant leadership. A sample of 155 participants is taken from profit-oriented service sector of Pakistan. Data through survey gathered on a five point likert scale from organizations. AMOS and SPSS are used for statistical analysis. The result shows that, transformational leadership has more impact on organizational learning than servant leadership. Furthermore organizational learning enhances organizational performance. Managers and leaders of corporate sector can get benefited from this study. Their main objective is to maximize the profitability of organization thus, they can choose leadership style which polishes their abilities and helps them to achieve profit maximization.  相似文献   

As a component of overall employee performance, adaptive performance refers to the ability of an individual to change his or her behaviour to meet the demands of a new environment. The concept is relevant to firms that face especially complex and volatile business conditions. Research and practice have been hampered by a general lack of a widely available, psychometrically sound, multidimensional scale of adaptive performance that is applicable across a wide range of job contexts. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, we develop and evaluate a 19‐item scale measuring five dimensions of adaptive performance. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The construct of distributive justice has been conceptualized largely along the three allocation rules of equity, equality, and need. Extant empirical research in the marketing channels area, however, treats distributive justice as a unidimensional, global construct focusing almost exclusively on the allocation rule of equity. As a result, the measurement of equality and need, two distinct and significant allocation rules, has been largely overlooked in the context of people and organizations involved in interorganizational exchange. The current study tests a measure of distributive justice that takes into account each of the three allocation rules. Results indicate valid scales that accurately measure three rules of distributive justice across two independent samples of channel participants in franchise systems. This research represents an important step toward accurately, concisely, and efficiently measuring this important and socially relevant construct in an interorganizational setting.  相似文献   

Ethical leadership has become a thriving research field. However, on reviewing previous research, we argue that several fundamental questions remain unclear and need further investigation. (1) Ethical leaders are defined as behaving ‘normatively appropriate[ly]’ (Brown et al., Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 97(2):117–134, 2005), but it remains unclear what this entails. What specific behaviours does an ethical leader show? (2) To date, ethical leadership has focused primarily on leader behaviour towards employees. Which stakeholders apart from employees are important to the ethical leader, and what kind of ethical behaviour does the ethical leader show towards them? (3) What are further antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership? We addressed these questions by qualitatively analysing interviews with 17, mostly Swiss, executive ethical leaders. The results indicate that executive ethical leaders care not only about employees but also about other stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, owners of companies, the natural environment and society. Additionally, this study identified a broad range of executive ethical leaders’ behaviours towards these stakeholders, and, therefore, may function as a useful resource for future quantitative studies. Furthermore, we identified several antecedents of executive ethical leadership, for example ethical role models, business strategy and owner’s values, and consequences such as effects on other stakeholders than employees. Finally, our results shed more light on the processes of ethical guidance of employees. Managerial implications and avenues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   


Given the risks and returns associated with conducting business online, practitioners and academics alike are urged to gain an understanding of the strategic variables that can offer firms competitive advantages. A strategic variable of importance to traditional retailers is the image that is promoted to consumers. To date the concept of online retail or “e-tail” image has not been assessed in marketing literature. This study forwards the development of a multi-dimensional scale to measure e-tailer image. By way of extensive review of retail image literature, the authors develop a six-dimensional definition of e-tailer image consisting of the functional dimensions of price, merchandise, and service, and the affective dimensions of atmosphere, self/site image congruence, and convenience. Through interviews with online consumers and experts in the field, an item pool is generated to represent e-tailer image. The results of three empirical tests, the first consisting of a student sample and the second and third consisting of online shoppers, are reported. Utilizing exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis, findings confirm the proposed dimensionality, reliability and validity of the e-tailer image scale. The most important contribution of the study revolves around the fact that it takes the first logical step in measuring a very illusive, yet crucial, strategic marketing variable.  相似文献   

In view of growing interest in alternative consumption channels and critiques of conventional retailing, this study proposes a scale of second-hand shopping motivations. After defining the concept, we present the characteristics of second-hand shopping and explain the importance of a motivation-based approach. Through qualitative and quantitative studies and two data collections carried out in France with 708 subjects, we propose a reliable, valid, eight-factor scale that includes motivations related to products and distribution channels. A second-order hierarchical structure supports the tripartite nature (critical, economic, and recreational) of this form of shopping. Furthermore, the measure reveals, through a typological analysis, four consumer segments: “polymorphous enthusiasts”, “thrifty critics”, “nostalgic hedonists”, and “regular specialist shoppers”. We discuss the applications of this new scale and their implications for both research and retailing strategies.  相似文献   

The article advances an understanding of responsible leadership in global business and offers an agenda for future research in this field. Our conceptualization of responsible leadership draws on deliberative practices and discursive conflict resolution, combining the macro-view of the business firm as a political actor with the micro-view of leadership. We discuss the concept in relation to existing research in leadership. Further, we propose a new model of responsible leadership that shows how such an understanding of leadership can address the challenges of globalization. We thereby propose positive outcomes of responsible leadership across levels of analysis. The model offers research opportunities for responsible leadership in global business.  相似文献   

The need of business enterprises for professionals trained for the challenges of cross-border assignments will increase exponentially through the decade. Business schools will be hard pressed to deliver programs with the scope, scale, and effectiveness necessary to address the unique competencies required for cross-cultural understanding and communication, and the complexity of global business operations. This article reviews the existing literature in order to identify the competencies that are needed by global managers and the training approaches that can successfully build those competencies. A template of 10 criteria that should be addressed by training programs for cross-border professionals is proposed and applied to a sample of business schools that currently offer executive programs. Although there are good examples of programs that meet one or more of the 10 criteria, most business schools will be required to expand and to innovate their programs in order to meet the projected demand for training.  相似文献   

While the link between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been established, the individual-level mechanisms underlying this relationship and its boundary conditions remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigate the salience of the mediating mechanisms of leader–member exchange (LMX) and psychological empowerment in explaining the process by which servant leaders elicit discretionary OCB among followers. We also examine the role of followers’ proactive personality in moderating the indirect effects of servant leadership on OCB through LMX and psychological empowerment. Analysis of survey data collected from 446 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a large Chinese state-owned enterprise suggests that while servant leadership is positively related to subordinate OCB through LMX, psychological empowerment does not explain any additional variance in OCB above that accounted for by LMX. Moderated mediation tests confirm the moderating effect of proactive personality through LMX. By providing a nuanced understanding of how and when servant leadership leads followers to go above and beyond their job role, our study assists organizations in deciding how to develop and utilize servant leaders in their organizations.  相似文献   


Purpose: The goal of this paper is to investigate whether salesperson proactive behavior mediates the relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance rating by the sales manager. Moreover, it examines whether salesperson customer orientation and political skill moderate the sales manager servant leadership ? salesperson proactive behavior ─ salesperson overall performance. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical analysis is based on dyadic data from 181 industrial salespeople and their sales managers in a range of different industries (including both manufacturing and service industries). To analyze the multilevel moderated mediation process, this investigation uses Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM). Findings: Sales manager servant leadership was positively related to salespeople overall performance rating through their proactive behavior except when their customer orientation was low. Moreover, this relationship between sales manager servant leadership and overall performance rating through proactive work behavior was stronger the greater the salespeople consumer orientation and political skill. Research implications: The study suggests that sales manager servant leadership is indirectly related to salesperson overall performance rating through salesperson proactive behavior. The findings also support subsequent research on salesperson values, skills, and behaviors as moderators in the servant leadership – proactive behavior – overall performance rating relationship. Understanding how these salesperson factors interact with sales management leadership to produce organizational outcomes (e.g., stress, engagement, organizational commitment) are questions that sales researchers may wish to pursue via further study. Practical implications: Sales managers should employ servant leadership to stimulate salespeople proactive work behavior. This study clearly indicates the salespeople need to adopt customer orientation and to have political skill. Hence, sales managers need to try to improve the customer orientation and the political skill of their salespeople through selection procedures or training programs. Originality/value: The relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance through proactive work behavior has not been addressed and tested in the literature to date.  相似文献   

Three hundred forty middle-level managers from two private and two public sector manufacturing companies in India rated their superiors on 22 items of ethical leadership. Factor analysis of the scores on such items yielded two dimensions of ethical leadership: (a) empowerment, and (b) motive and character. Items of the scale had high reliability, validity, and discriminative power. On two dimensions of ethical leadership, the superiors self-rated themselves more favorably than their subordinates rated them. This justified the proposal to consider the subordinates' ratings to their superiors in assessing ethical leadership. Subordinates perceived their superiors more ethical in private sector than in public sector. Subordinates' manipulative behavior, and cheating in performance and misuse of finance were less frequent in the presence of ethical superiors. Also, ethical superiors enhanced the job performance, job involvement and affective commitment of their subordinates but not their continuance commitment.  相似文献   

李萍  田世野 《财贸研究》2021,32(2):43-52
基于马克思主义政治经济学的基本分析范式,新发展阶段加强党对三农工作的领导,涵盖历史使命、实践路径和制度保障三个基本方面.加强党对三农工作领导的历史使命是贯彻落实新发展理念和践行以人民为中心的发展思想,确保中国农业农村现代化始终沿着共同富裕的社会主义道路行进.这一历史使命的实践路径是在党的领导下,遵循农业农村经济社会发展的内在规律,努力实现有效市场和有为政府的更好结合.为此,需要完善制度环境,提供制度保障,构建地方政府、企业、农村基层干部的亲农型激励机制.深刻理解新发展阶段加强党对三农工作领导的内在逻辑,讲好这一中国故事,必须以马克思主义基本方法为指导,适应中国发展阶段、发展方式转换的现实要求,紧密结合中国的具体实践,依循整体经济观进行经济学理论范式的创新,不断开拓当代中国马克思主义政治经济学新境界.  相似文献   

Group Development (II): Implications for GSS Research and Practice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article is the second of a two-part series that examines the issue ofgroup development and its impact on the study and design of group supportsystems. It builds on the ideas developed in the preceding article anddiscusses the implications of group development for group support systems(GSS) research. Specifically, the paper examines the impact of computersupport systems on group development processes. Our previous paper reviewed models of development—based on two competingparadigms, sequential and nonsequential—proposed by various researchers.Despite differences between the two paradigms, individual models share somecommon aspects, from the types of processes experienced to the nature ofoutputs produced, that jointly help describe group development. Commonprocesses displayed in the evolution of a group, distilled from the variousmodels, include cohesiveness, conflict management, balance betweensocioemotional and task needs, effective communication, and involvement ingroup activities. Additionally, the various models also indicate that groupshave critical periods in their developmental path. This paper develops the idea that GSS structures can support groups withtheir developmental processes and help them deal with critical periods. MostGSS provide global structures like anonymity, simultaneity, and the capacityfor enhanced information processing. These structures, if appropriatedeffectively by groups, can influence their developmental paths over time. Inmany cases these structures can help the development of groups by improvingtheir ability to manage conflict, increasing their cohesiveness, developing asense of group identity, and enhancing open communication. This paperdevelops a set of testable propositions that can guide researchers of groupbehavior, organizational users of GSS, and developers of these systems.  相似文献   

We use data from the Understanding America Study (UAS) internet panel to build upon the Knoll and Houts Financial Knowledge Scale (FKS). Specifically, we provide practitioners with a shorter 10-item scale, describe additional analyses on both the full- and short-form versions of the scales, and explore the relationship between FKS scores and a variety of retirement-related outcome variables. Importantly, the full- and short-form scales are developed using a statistical model that accounts for guessing, which allows us to provide more accurate estimates of financial knowledge than similar scales that do not account for guessing. The paper also provides conversion tables that can aid in the analysis and interpretation of FKS scores in practice. With the development of a 10-item short form that accounts for guessing, we hope to provide practitioners and researchers with a tool that will enable them to reliably measure financial knowledge more parsimoniously and accurately than other measures currently in use.  相似文献   

Recently, various studies have suggested that ethical leadership offers an important antecedent of fluid internal workplace relationships, which are conducive of internal social capital. Yet existing research has neither inquired into potential mediators of this relationship nor addressed the role of other distinct leadership strategies in encouraging such a valuable capital. This study advances previous research by examining if servant leadership, which seeks to put followers’ interests and needs first, can account for social capital variance within the work group, which is the building block of organizations. New to the literature, we also investigate whether group citizenship behavior mediates this relationship. A sample of 352 work groups, spanning 187 hotels located in Spain, reveal that group citizenship behavior partially mediates the positive influence of servant leadership on group social capital. Managers can use these findings to lead their businesses in a more socially friendly direction while also building group social capital, which can improve the competitiveness of their work groups, and the entire business.  相似文献   

Although agility has been identified as one of the most important issues of contemporary supply chain management, the theoretical basis for understanding supply chain agility is fragmented. This research addresses the gap related to the ambiguity surrounding the dimensions and definitions of firm supply chain agility by employing a multidisciplinary literature review to gain an in‐depth understanding of agility. In addition, a comprehensive measurement instrument that draws on the foundations of social and life science theory is developed and empirically validated. The results of the research indicate that firm supply chain agility is composed of five distinct dimensions including alertness, accessibility, decisiveness, swiftness, and flexibility. Based on these elements, a comprehensive definition of firm supply chain agility is developed for further theoretical testing of the concept.  相似文献   

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