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基于知识的新创企业国际化驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新创企业国际化的不断发展对传统的国际化理论提出了挑战。通过对新创企业国际化的分析,指出新创企业国际化的关键在于国际化知识的积累。从如何实现国际化知识积累的角度,分析了企业家精神、企业网络和组织学习等因素对新创企业国际化的驱动作用。  相似文献   

企业国际化理论的新发展:国际新企业理论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡宁  黎常 《国际贸易问题》2007,291(3):98-103
传统的国际化理论认为,企业国际化发展是一个渐进的过程。而近年来却出现了企业国际化加速的现象,许多企业在建立之初就开始进行跨国发展,这是传统理论所不能解释的。国际新企业理论就是在这种背景下产生的。本文从国际新企业的概念、形成、发展以及其理论框架模型出发,对国际新企业理论的相关研究进行了回顾和评述,探讨了其未来研究方向,同时阐述了其对我国企业相关研究的指导作用,并对后续研究作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

传统理论认为,企业国际化是一个逐步开拓国际市场的过程.然而在过去的十多年内,越来越多的中小企业在成立不久就活跃在全球市场中并取得了较好的发展.这种现象展示了一种企业迅速国际化的发展道路,形成了企业国际化的特殊现象.本文通过文献梳理和整合,对这些新型国际化企业在概念、特征和动因上进行了分析.  相似文献   

在前人研究的基础上,将现有的各个时期中外不同学者对于中小企业国际化制约因素研究的理论成果进行总结、归纳;从制约中小企业国际化发展的企业内外部两个方面,分析了制约中国中小企业国际化发展的影响因素,得出了一些结论。最后提出了对于中小企业国际化制约因素研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,我国企业也逐渐走向市场化和国际化。与此同时,企业资金链中断问题成为影响企业发展的重要因素。于是,融资便成为企业走出发展瓶颈的重要手段。本文分析了企业投资组合理论,并详细阐述了企业如何防范融资过程中的财务风险问题。  相似文献   

有关企业国际化的理论较多地关注了先进国多国企业早期的国际化行动,甚少论及后进国企业的国际化。温州地区不仅是我国最先推进经济民营化的地区,也是企业国际化发展较成熟的区域之一。但是,温州地区企业与一般理论总结的企业国际化模式大不相同。本文的研究从温州地区民营企业国际化进程展开,分析后进国家民营企业国际化的发展模式。  相似文献   

中国企业国际化的影响因素及其战略选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业国际化研究企业如何向跨国企业演变发展,随着国际竞争环境的变化,中国企业的国际化战略也由内向国际化转向外向国际化,“走出去”成为企业的必然选择.在企业国际化的过程中,企业的技术水平、产品战略、海外投资的固定成本、母国与东道国的文化差异、东道国的管制与工业化程度等是企业国际化的主要影响因素.中国企业应该采取“差异化”、“本地化”及“渐进推进”等战略,以提升中国企业的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化加剧和中国经济持续稳定增长,中国企业积极投身国际化,已经成为推动中国经济发展不可缺少的重要因素之一。本文通过对我国企业参与国际化发展过程中选择的转口贸易型国际化战略与日本企业选择以产品的国际化为出口导向型国际化战略比较分析,从日本企业国际化经营成功经验中得出,我国企业在国际化经营时要树立国际化经营理念、产品要以国际化需求为方向、技术要在技术引进基础上实施自主创新等有益启示。  相似文献   

中国在成为”世界制造基地”的过程中,国内企业也在经济全球化进程中加快了国际化的步伐。所以选择和实施什么样的国际化战略,是当前中国企业要明确的关键问题。文章在对相关企业国际化理论评述的基础上,分析了全球化条件下我国企业国际化的特征及面临的问题,最后基于系统理论提出了相应的企业国际化战略体系。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家的快速发展,企业也在不断扩大规模,不断探索走向全球,在国际化发展过程中闯出一条新路。企业要想"走出去"不仅面临国内外复杂的宏观形势,也同样面临企业自身的改革转变。基于此,本文主要以企业在国际化发展过程中如何提升自身国际化能力建设做几点思考,提出国际化发展过程中的对策。  相似文献   

国际化战略是企业产品与服务在本土之外的发展战略,是企业优化资源配置、赢得持续竞争能力的有效制度安排。随着全球环境问题的日益严重,环境管理机制成为企业国际化进程中获取合法性的重要内容之一,环境会计信息披露制度对于促进企业自觉履行环境保护责任、降低环境事项风险至关重要。本文以2008年沪市重污染行业上市公司为例,分析企业国际化程度与环境会计信息披露的关系,提出企业国际化与环境会计信息披露显著正相关,并对这一结论的政策含义进行了阐述。  相似文献   

中国民营企业国际化研究进展文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李锐  李毅 《江苏商论》2014,(6):20-26
世界经济全球化趋势已基本确立,越来越多的中国民营企业开始走出国门开展跨国经营。随着我国民营企业国际化的快速发展,在过去的二十多年里,与民营企业国际化相关的问题已成为我国学者关注的焦点。对此,本文系统梳理了中国民营企业国际化问题的研究进展,从四个视角观察国内对中国民营企业国际化相关问题的研究,即:以中国民营企业国际化的必然性和可行性为主体的研究、以影响中国民营企业国际化的因素为主题的研究、以中国民营企业微观决策为主题的研究以及实证类研究和个案研究。  相似文献   

国际化渐进理论认为,企业的国际化是一个逐步探索、渐进完成的过程。温州民营企业哈杉反规律而成功实现跳跃式成长,在全球金融危机背景下其成绩尤为亮眼,在进行成功归因分析中,其独特的社会责任公关战略成为其赢得利益相关者支持、顺利跨越文化障碍、有效化解各种危机的关键。  相似文献   

随着中国企业的不断壮大以及国际化进程的加快,越来越多地受到商标壁垒的阻碍,从而使企业的国际化进程受到阻碍。中国企业应提高自身知识产权的保护意识,利用有关的国际或地区性条约协定或法律,选择合适的代理机构,办理商标的海外注册。当商标被抢注后,企业、政府、行业协会和媒体应共同应对,以减少给企业造成的经济损失。  相似文献   


This work analyzes the changes caused by the adoption of a strategy of internationalization in two Brazilian companies: Embraco of the machinery sector and Bamerindus of the banking sector. In the case of Embraco, it was confirmed that there was a relation between three specific instances in the process of internationalization and the adoption of mechanisms of normative integration by the company connected to the dissemination of values, transfers of personnel, communication between the units, programs of personnel exchange, and training and job rotation. In the case of Bamerindus, the impact of internationalization on the interpretive schemes of the organizational managers at each strategic level was evaluated. In both cases, the effect of internationalization was gradual and continuous, characterizing the change as incremental although the direction of change was different in each of the companies analyzed. The explanation for the type of change in each case appears to result from differences in interpretation of which environment constituted the institutional context of reference of each company.  相似文献   

中国企业的国际化战略,已逐渐聚焦于"在全球范围创造新的价值",其实质正是一种跨国创业行为,传统的围绕动机、阶段、模式展开的国际化理论已不足以解释及指导中国企业的国际化实践。本文从"创业导向的定义和维度"、创业导向维度和组织绩效的测度方法,创业导向与组织绩效的关系、"跨国创业导向"等四方面对国内外相关研究进行了综述。并指出现有跨国创业导向研究存在"套用封闭环境下的创业导向研究框架"、"未区分不同规模、不同发展阶段国际化企业的跨国创业导向差异"、"对时滞因素和前因变量等缺乏关注"等不足之处。  相似文献   

Although the importance of people and institutions has been highlighted in multinational enterprise studies, the association between people, institutions, and the internationalization of small to medium‐sized enterprise (SMEs) is an underexplored issue from the context of a small developing country. We examine theories subsumed under the Universal Model of human resource management (HRM) onto SMEs to study the hypothesized people and institutionally orientated barriers posed to SMEs’ internationalization. Using quantitative analysis, the impacts of the barriers on internationalization are highlighted with particular attention to employer attractiveness. Following extant literature review, this study has used primary data collected through questionnaires from 212 Bangladeshi SMEs. We developed and validated the partial least square‐based structural equation model (PLS‐SEM) to assess the impacts and successfully framed people versus institutional barriers as a second‐order hierarchical reflective model, which has not been done previously. Given their marginal significance over institutions, people‐oriented cultural barriers should be included as an extension of the Universal Model to study SME internationalization.  相似文献   

This exploratory research focuses on an unconventional practice in a Russian small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME). While studying the decision-making process of the entrepreneur and executives of this firm, we noted some differences with extant theories. This article aims to shed light on the influence of the SME entrepreneur’s representation of internationalization on his decisions in a foreign context. The results support the assumption that the representation plays a role in guiding strategic decisions and mobilizing subordinates to support the strategic orientation defined by the leader. In particular, we will see that a very favorable representation of internationalization can lead to unexpected success abroad.  相似文献   

Twenty years after the seminal work on rapid and early internationalization, export barrier research remains detached from this path of internationalization. Thus far, export research has largely disregarded the relationship between path to internationalization and the influence of export constraints. This paper opens a new thoroughfare of inquiry by distinguishing international new ventures from conventional enterprises on the basis of the export barrier construct. Using a sample of 129 small multinational enterprises, our logistic regression model separates international new ventures from conventional enterprises, with accuracy approaching 80 % on the basis of eight underlying export barrier factors. Our results convey two dynamic implications: In the realm of export research, we demonstrate that export barriers can indeed predict the path to internationalization. Thus, gradual internationalization is induced by skill and knowledge shortages, while rapid internationalization ensues from positive managerial orientation and lack of confidence in the host market. From a policymaking perspective, this study provides a basis for predicting the international new venture-to-conventional enterprise ratio within the population as well as an instructive basis for needs-based targeting of incentives.  相似文献   

This paper explores how Facebook effectively used crowdsourced translation to accelerate its rapid internationalization. We apply the learning perspective of internationalization theory to unpack what the firm learned in order to mobilize crowd-based knowledge to facilitate internationalization in the virtual context, and how it did so. Increasingly, global activities are conducted in virtual space and virtual markets and thus the paper offers insights into successful expansion in this new terrain. The findings highlight two key points: (1) the firm used cognitive/explicit learning to acquire external and codified knowledge, rather than the experiential knowledge traditionally suggested in the literature on the process of internationalization, and (2) the firm's success rested on its ability to use virtual learning tools and incentive systems to acquire, articulate and integrate knowledge from communities of internationally dispersed users – the “crowd” – to accelerate its internationalization in cyberspace. This empirical study extends internationalization theory regarding knowledge and organizational learning.  相似文献   

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