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The author discusses the results of a research project carried out by Bell Canada to assess the organizational impacts of office automation technology. The project consisted of a detailed survey of the reactions of users of the NLS system developed by the Stanford Research Institute. The article includes an examination of the primary and secondary impacts of altered work modes and altered work hours and locations, and detailed attention is given to the question of the ‘portable office’.  相似文献   

Police forces, in common with much of the UK system of public administration, continue to come under pressure to engage in managerial and administrative modernisation. This article looks at the role office automation systems play in these processes and at the case for organizational change to accompany the adoption of these systems.  相似文献   

Managerial work stations are expected to proliferate in the near future. But managers have diverse needs. To serve managers well, we must have ways of studying managers, so that we can adapt systems to their individual needs. The author discusses three roads to the study of managers: use-of-time analysis, the analysis of procedures, and the critical success factors approach. The author also raises the issue of how much individualization we can afford and how much users really want.  相似文献   

办公室工作的有效运转关系到企业机关工作的全面开展,对集团公司的整体工作起着举足轻重的作用。当前,在煤炭行业落实科学发展观,坚持走高效、安全、可持续发展道路的新形势下,作为煤炭企业的办公室,如何才能扎实有效开展工作?笔者认为,关键要围绕中心,服务大局,认真做好以下四个方面的工作:  相似文献   

从水利水电规划设计总院的办公自动化实际情况谈起,论述了在办公自动化条件下如何进行档案的收集、整理和利用。对档案的收集,笔者认为目前还应实行“并行管理”:对档案的整理和利用方面主要阐述了利用文档一体化管理的优势。  相似文献   

This paper argues that new franchise systems are more likely to survive if they are structured to economize on agency costs. After controlling for industry effects, and firm age and size, this paper shows empirical support for six of nine hypotheses about the linkage between mechanisms for economizing on agency costs and the survival of new franchise systems. © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了上海院综合管理与办公自动化系统的设计思路,对系统设计原则,系统功能结构,系统开发平台等进行了详细描述,并对系统实施的效果进行了预测。  相似文献   

一个企业的办公室是一个单位的枢纽,起着承上启下、综合协调、参谋助手、督促检查和服务保障的作用。其工作水平和工作质量直接影响企业的整体工作。近年来,我们针对办公室管理工作中存在的问题坚持以人为本、与时俱进。最大限度地调动办公室工作人员的工作积极性,发挥办公室工作人员的整体合力,开创了一种团结向上、积极奉献的工作氛围。进一步转变工作作风,改进工作方式。加大服务力度,提高服务质量,提升自身素质始终是企业办公室工作的努力方向。  相似文献   

大力推进政府办公自动化与电子政务建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,随着信息技术迅猛发展,特别是互联网技术在全球的普及应用,推进政府部门办公网络化、自动化、电子化,实现全面信息共享成为大势所趋。国家安全生产监督管理局(国家煤矿安全监察局)紧随政府信息化建设的时代潮流,1993年就开始启动机关办公自动化建设,并在实践探索中取得了一定成效。但是,  相似文献   

This article reports an ethnographic study of call centre work. Analytics are applied enabling study of relations between power and subjectivity. Findings indicate that organisational 'truth' claims about workers are produced in a constellation of architectural, technological and managerial apparatuses. Workers orient to and reify the power of these claims, even when resisting.  相似文献   

Suppliers using independent resellers are vulnerable to low compliance and frequent opportunistic behaviors. We expand predominant attention to monetary incentives to motivate independent resellers in two ways. First, we propose that a supplier needs to achieve alignment on two issues: Aligning reseller actions with its actions through coordination mechanisms and aligning reseller interests with its interests through monetary incentives. Second, we propose and test the logic of a discriminating match between the two facets of monetary incentives (magnitude and immediacy) and two coordination mechanisms (monitoring and improvisation). We propose that it is a discriminating match between an incentive facet and a coordination mechanism that enhances compliance and suppresses opportunistic behavior. Conversely, a mismatch between the two negatively affects reseller outcomes. Analysis results of data from 198 mobile phone resellers in South Korea support our predictions.  相似文献   

文章阐述了在知识经济时代,思想政治工作队伍面临的挑战及应具备的素质,并提出了知识化的措施.  相似文献   

CAD has been described as a'Trojan horse'through which drawing office work will be deskilled. This article rebuts the crude Tayloris-ation thesis which underlines such views and offers an alternative analysis of the effects of CAD .  相似文献   

Is allowing trading enough? Making secondary markets in spectrum work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The debate on spectrum reforms has mostly focused on the choice between a property rights and a commons regime. This article argues that moving to a property right system requires careful attention to details in order to avoid that “micro” rather than “macro” factors may prevent efficient trades from taking place. It provides a framework to conduct this assessment, identifies a number of possible concerns and puts forward some solutions.  相似文献   

Alternative perspectives from economics and political economy now agree that work is set to disappear through the impact of mass automation. Some worry about the negative effects on unemployment and inequality, while others see the opportunity to extend free time. This paper confronts and criticises these perspectives. It addresses previous visions of an automated (‘workless’) future presented by Marx and Keynes and shows the enduring barriers to working less in capitalist society. It then questions whether work will be reduced by technological progress; rather, it argues that work will likely persist, despite and indeed because of the wider use of new technology. The threat to workers from technology is seen to come more from the erosion in the quality of work than from the loss of work. The paper argues that a better future for work and workers ultimately depends on broader changes in ownership.  相似文献   

Technology has driven new organisations of work and employment relationships, rendering changes that would have been unimaginable just a decade ago. The rise of digital platforms has not only enabled new forms of work activity but also transformed the way workers find new opportunities. This development, referred to as gig work, is distinct from traditional employment in that it is mediated through online platforms. While we can somewhat objectively designate traditional job characteristics as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, designating gig work itself as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ overlooks the fact that workers are inclined to evaluate the quality of their jobs according to their own individual needs, priorities, backgrounds and other circumstances—even if those jobs are objectively the same. Unlike previous scholarship on gig work, which has viewed job quality largely from a platform-focused perspective, this article takes a worker-centric approach and provides a typology of gig workers. The typology demarcates how gig work is used and indicates key attributes that differentiate how workers approach such jobs. Moreover, the typology reveals heterogeneity in gig workers’ motivations, characteristics and intentions. Consequently, platforms with ‘bad’ job quality characteristics can still offer work that some workers will see as ‘good’ and vice versa.  相似文献   

受领导的委托,值此热烈庆祝第36届世界标准日和《水利血防技术导则》培训班开幕之际,我谨代表建设部标准定额司并以陈重司长的名义,对长期以来关心、支持和从事工程建设标准化工作的各位领导和专家,表示诚挚的敬意和衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

While the adoption of Partner Relationship Management (PRM) systems by suppliers to manage and monitor its network of partners (i.e. resellers) has been on the rise, the performance improvements have not been consistently realized. Governance theory suggests this may be due to how the PRM system builds on the mechanisms employed by the supplier to oversee their partners. This study investigates how the two capabilities of PRM systems (relationship and fulfillment capabilities) and two partnership governance mechanisms – formal (certification control) and informal (service support) – reinforce each other. These are then related to partner performance in terms of trust, commitment and customer satisfaction. Analysis of data collected from 192 partners in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector suggest a complex relationship. In terms of direct effects, a relationship capability increased trust yet, surprisingly, a fulfillment capability reduced commitment. In terms of moderating effects, certification control weakened the positive link between the relationship capability and performance. Service support, on the other hand, negated some of the detrimental impact of the fulfillment capability on performance. The results suggest the need of to tailor PRM systems in response to the specific performance expectations around them as well as a need to clearly understand how existing partnership governance mechanisms employed by the supplier will affect the performance of these systems.  相似文献   

运城市水利工程建设已全面实行了建设监理制,大型工程由山西省水利工程建设监理公司承担监理任务,中小型工程由运城市监理单位对施工阶段进行监理。实行建设监理制以来,工程质量和效益都有了明显的提高,工程合格串100%,优良率75%以上。实行建设监理制后,建设(业主)单位普遍对监理单位的介入表示欢迎,这样他们可以腾出时间,把精力集中在搞好前期工作,争取更多的项目投资,解决好征地、占地赔偿和外部环境的协调、三(四)通一平的建设以及筹集资金,提高投资到位率等方面。施工现场的工作很放心地委托监理单位去负责,监理单位也认真负责地选派一…  相似文献   

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