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The concept of "Golden Week" has emerged in response to the development of China holiday economy. As it is the first "NewGolden Week" since the implementation of the new vacation system, the 3-day May Day holiday has affected many aspects.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the major factors influencing the selection of holidays from travel brochures, and the effect different brochure designs have on the perception of holidays by potential tourists. The influence of (a) coloured photographs, (b) black and white photographs and (c) the balance of written and photographic material in holiday brochures was investigated using interviews and the repertory grid technique. Three sets of seven sample holiday brochure designs were prepared which varied along these three dimensions. Results indicated that there were differences in the way these sample holidays were construed.  相似文献   

In the German system of fiscal equalisation, Länder (states) with below-average tax revenue receive above average payments. The difference between the average and the own tax revenue per capita is compensated up to 63%. To prevent states from getting payments from other states by lowering their own tax rates, tax revenue with taxing autonomy is standardised. States can also influence their tax revenues by changing the number of holidays because each state decides on its own. In 2018, the Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Schleswig Holstein introduced designated Reformation Day as a holiday (Berlin also plans to add a holiday). A state with numerous holidays will have lower tax revenues and higher payments in the fiscal equalisation system than the same state with no extra holidays. To consider each state’s real ability to pay the fiscal equalisation system, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of differing holidays. This paper shows the fiscal consequence of the new holiday and a way to neutralise this effect and calculates the impact to the states’ payments in the fiscal equalisation system.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of the Chinese lunar calendar and superstitions on holiday preferences using theories on time and mood to identify investor sentiment. Trading interruptions caused by Thursday holidays negative significantly influence investor sentiment for trust companies and individual investors. Trading detachment derived from cultural holidays in June positive significantly influences investor sentiment for dealers and individual investors. Trust companies and the market exhibit significantly positive sentiments toward winter holidays. The stock exchange indicates negative and positive sentiments toward winter holidays and holidays in January. Cultural holidays and superstition in Taiwan indicate strong support for holiday preferences in Asia.  相似文献   

China has 16 legal festivals, including New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day, National Day, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival when all Chinese people will be on vacation. The other 9 are for special industries or specific people like Women's Day, Arbor Day, Youth Day, International Nurse Day, Children's Day, Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Com- munist Party (the Party's Birthday) and Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Teacher's Day, and Journalists' Day. At the festivals, people can enjoy the legal holidays. Always a lot of people go out of their homes for traveling or shopping.  相似文献   

大连市的节庆旅游发展较早、项目繁多,但发展中仍存在一些问题。依据SWOT分析法剖析,可以发现大连节庆旅游项目:既有其独特的城市形象、良好的旅游业发展空间、得天独到的自然环境等良好优势,也存在着建城历史短、文化底蕴薄;缺少专业策划人才等劣势。同时,也发现具有很好地发展机遇。为全面提升大连节庆旅游水平,在发展对策方面应注重依托城市形象,充分体现"浪漫之都";主打独特的沙滩文化,开拓市民空间;培养专业节庆人才,形成动态空间辐射;开发旅游淡季产品;提高大连节庆旅游知名度。  相似文献   

文章指出,进入2011年以来,我国消费品市场运行平稳良好,除一、二月份受春节小长假影响外,其余月份社会消费品零售总额增速在17%左右平稳波动,实际增速继续在低位运行,CPI增速在8月和9月份连续出现回落.大型零售企业销售稳定快速增长,三季度零售额增速比2010年同期提高4.02个百分点,1~9月份零售额累计增速比2010年同期提高4.18个百分点,服装零售额同比快速增长,而零售量却大幅下滑,家电零售额增速波动较大,金银珠宝类销售降温,食品类零售额增速逐步放缓.  相似文献   

The 1998 Christmas season established the Internet as a viable consumer sales channel; a year later, the holiday season brought increasing numbers of shoppers to the Web. By relating the insights of the Diffusion of Innovation model and of Expectancy-Disconfirmation theory to the results of a number of surveys of Web shoppers, the present paper considers why 1999 online shoppers may have been harder to satisfy than were their cyber counterparts in 1998. The paper also discusses the efforts e-tailers made to deal with the more mainstream consumers of 1999, and how the appearance of the sites evolved during the period between the two holidays.  相似文献   

<正>如何过春节?选择有很多。你可以在网上体验淘宝带来的购物乐趣,可以徜徉在商街上体验商业与文化的碰撞,还可以从龙乡河南濮阳到马尔代夫间五花八门的线路中任意畅游……这是岁首假期,一个激发人们享受热情的季节,它点燃了市场的红火:从购物中心到秀水街,从黄金龙饰到网购年货,还有休闲度假游……让我们对着2012高喊:龙年,开市啦!  相似文献   

在世界范围内,中国春节越来越受消费者欢迎,特别是东南亚消费者会在社交商务中参加中国春节活动。然而,现实中却存在一个矛盾的现象,即一些东南亚消费者春节期间热衷于购买中国商品,而春节过后却抵制中国商品。实证研究发现,东南亚消费者并未完全从态度上偏好中国春节和中国商品,只是出于社交商务的需要才参与中国春节和购买中国商品。东南亚消费者可区分为文化杂食型和节日身份型两个细分市场。其中,文化杂食型消费者包容并喜欢多元文化,会长期偏好中国节日和中国商品;节日身份型消费者仅在中国节日期间会参与中国节日和购买中国商品。这样的结论对指导中国企业实践具有重要价值,首先,为更好地响应“一带一路”倡议,应树立中国品牌意识,在“一带一路”沿线国家培育偏好中国文化和产品的朋友圈,转变消费者态度;其次,为更好地实施“走出去”战略,应在国际市场进行文化杂食和节日身份的细分,对文化杂食型消费者以文化为纽带培育其长期稳定的消费习惯,对节日身份型消费者通过营销策划刺激其消费;其三,为成功进入东南亚市场,对在东南亚运营的社交商务,应侧重培育消费者亲中国文化与产品的态度,并增加其使用社交商务平台的愉悦感。  相似文献   

“假日经济”的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国每年的公休假日达114天,几乎占全年总天数的1/3,假日消费可谓举足轻重。但假日消费高潮的背后,存在着一些亟待解决的问题,要从政府、服务行业、消费者等几方面着手,引导消费,促进经济。  相似文献   

浅谈我国经济型酒店的发展现状与发展策略   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
孙静 《商业研究》2005,(9):162-164
随着我国假日经济引发的国内旅游的兴起,使人们对经济型酒店的需求骤然升温,因此为经济型酒店的发展带来了新的商机。在分析我国经济型酒店发展中存在问题的基础上,阐述经济型酒店的市场经营环境,进而提出了我国经济型酒店的发展策略  相似文献   

“黄金周”对我国旅游业的影响及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张传统 《商业研究》2008,(3):172-176
旅游"黄金周"是中国现代旅游业发展中的一个独特现象。"黄金周"推动了中国旅游业的发展,尤其是国内旅游业的发展,促进了假日经济的形成,开启了中国城镇居民大众休闲旅游的新时期。然而,在旅游"黄金周"中,在巨大经济效益的背后,各种隐患也渐渐显露出来。从长远来看,不利于中国旅游的持续、快速、健康发展。"黄金周"对我国旅游业具有正反两方面的影响。因此规避其负面影响,制定相应的解决措施:确保国内旅游的和谐发展,真正实现旅游与整个社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

农户粮食销售时机选择及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古三省区232个农户调查数据分析,发现农户的售粮渠道较为单一,71.7%的农户将粮食卖给小粮贩。农户通过选择不同的销售时机来尽量化解单一销售渠道带来的"敲竹杠"风险。通过进一步分析农户售粮时机选择的影响因素,发现农户的财富水平和销售时机选择存在正相关关系,即农户家庭财富水平越高,农户销售时间越往后延。  相似文献   

<正>还来不及细数2010年的战果,2011年的新年钟声就已经敲响。新年伊始,破旧迎新,一切都应有个崭新的开始,商家们自然也希望在新年开个好头,于是,抖擞精神,各显神通。元旦刚到,节日气息逐渐浓郁,各行各业的顾客争  相似文献   

刘忠印 《中国市场》2007,(32):42-44
广州市民、企业在过春节时,为了求得吉利和美化生活环境,总要购买大量的花卉、盆橘等摆放。春节过后,大量的枯花烂橘被弃置,不仅给环境带来危害,而且造成人力物力的浪费,本文以废弃物流相关理论作指导,提出解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

程德年  刘红艳  陈璇  陈曼  朱梅 《江苏商论》2013,(9):36-42,51
本文以第16届苏州国际旅游节参与者为调查对象,研究节庆活动参与者的收获,探讨苏州国际旅游节对"家在苏州"品牌构建的作用。通过对调查数据进行因子分析、研究,发现节庆活动参与者收获有6种类型:"人际交往,拓宽视野"、"获取信息,转变认识"、"个人发展,愉悦享受"、"自我认知,和谐渴望"、"改变印象,增强理解"、"降低压抑,提升信心"。运用多元方差分析比较苏州本地居民和外来者的收获差异,旨在帮助相关组织和部门能更好地借助苏州国际旅游节的平台去构建"家在苏州"品牌。  相似文献   

上个世纪末,分时度假作为一种全新的旅游消费概念进入我国市场。国际分时度假交换机构对分时度假在我国的发展前景十分看好。目前我国的经济、政治、社会文化等方面因素制约了分时度假在我国的快速发展。现阶段我国发展分时度假必须结合国情,采取相应措施。  相似文献   

节庆旅游发展潜力巨大,已日益成为各地发展旅游业、振兴当地经济的重要方式。节庆旅游牵动效应比较显著,对举办地经济、社会效益具有广泛而深远的影响。节庆旅游可以促进黑龙江旅游业及相关产业发展,有利于塑造旅游目的地形象、弘扬传统文化、创造就业机会、优化目的地环境。  相似文献   

When clothes are taken on a summer holiday in a hot climate, their performance properties may become particularly important. The purpose of this research was to determine women's fibre preferences for holiday clothes and to discover the perceptions underlying those preferences. Results showed a strong preference for cotton and an extreme dislike of nylon. There was a tendency to regard all man-made fibres with disfavour, with perceptions founded primarily on past unfavourable experiences of nylon only.  相似文献   

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