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节能减排,是海事界多年来追求的目标。近年来,挪威船级社(DNV)联合设计单位、船厂、船东打出一系列船舶节能减排组合拳,在艰难的市场环境中共同创造竞争力。针对新船型设计、燃料电池的应用、燃油效率指南的颁布以及LNG船等话题,记者采访了DNV有关人士及相关合作伙伴。 相似文献
Christopher Durugbo 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(4):314-334
This article investigates how the co-design of industrial services is managed by technology firms. Through multiple-case studies within high-technology semiconductor companies, the article finds that overlapped stages and collective action require considerations on a case-by-case basis as determined by business opportunities, industry standards, existing organisational practice and service level agreements. The major contribution of this article is a connection between recent research emphasising the importance of providing industrial services, and established literature on co-design. Key service operations management challenges are also identified and discussed in terms of the need for studies and frameworks to coordinate negotiations for enhanced service encounters, to critique industrial service co-design, and to integrated information during service design. 相似文献
浅谈工业仪表与自动化技术的新发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
黄忠祯 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(14)
工业仪表最早出现在20世纪30年代,最初只是用于化工、石油炼制、热能动力和冶金等连续性的热力生产过程.然而,自动化仪器仪表的出现,则极大地扩充了传统仪器仪表的应用范围.随着以知识经济为特征的信息时代的到来,仪器仪表又有新的发展,也会有自己新的特点. 相似文献
Flexible technology and industrial structure in the U.S. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper analyzes the development over the postwar period of output, employment, and the number of plants in manufacturing in the United States. It is shown that the distribution of flexible technology in the form of machine tools (NCMTs) shifted markedly toward small plants during the 1980s. It is found that the probability of adoption and the penetration rate of NCMTs are higher in large than in small plants, even though the number of NCMTs per worker is much higher in small plants. This apparent paradox is explained. It is also suggested that the shift of output towards smaller plants is correlated with the increased use of flexible technology, and that this reflects changes in the division of labor among plants of various sizes, as well as changes in the composition and organization of production in large plants.The authors would like to thank Bennett Harrison, an unknown referee, and the editors of this Journal for valuable comments. Any remaining errors are the responsibility of the authors. 相似文献
产业共性技术作为未来能够在多个行业或领域广泛应用,其应用和扩散能够对一个或多个行业及企业产生深刻影响,且处于竞争前的技术,越来越受到重视.本文对产业共性技术开发存在的问题进行了分析,并以管理集成思想为指导提出了相应的解决方法. 相似文献
The evolution of manufacturing technology and its impact on industrial structure: An international study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bo Carlsson 《Small Business Economics》1989,1(1):21-37
This paper shows that plant and firm size in manufacturing, and especially in engineering industry, in several Western industrial countries has declined since the early 1970s. Two hypotheses explaining the decline are advanced. One is de-glomeration or specialization: the divestiture of non-core businesses in order to free up scarce resources (particularly management time) to defend and nurture core business activities. The second hypothesis is that the emergence of new computer-based technology has improved the quality and productivity of small and medium scale production relative to standardized mass-production techniques which dominated previously. 相似文献
本文从区域层面来考察科技园区和产业集群,以河南商丘市为实证对象进行研究,结果表明:作为区域经济胞体的科技园区与产业集群之间存在着协同进化的关系;企业、产业、集群、园区、集聚区及区域经济则构成了具有等级体系的共生单元;区域经济、科技园区、产业集群、企业则形成了圈层嵌套的逐级共生环境;在商丘市科技园区与产业集群的发展中存在着点共生、间歇共生和一体化共生模式。 相似文献
R. C. J. von Gersdorff 《Intereconomics》1975,10(5):156-160
“Managerial technology” is as important as “medium”, “labour-intensive” and other technology in the LDCs. This article describes the situation and some of the problems in the field of industrial costing, giving suggestions for solutions and exemplifying with research results obtained in Brazil. 相似文献
试论公共管理与工商管理的区别 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
公共管理与工商管理有共性 ,但也有本质区别 ,主要表现在四个方面 :两者研究和管理的领域不同 ;两者所掌握和动用的资源不同 ;两者追求的价值目标不同 ;两者运行的机制和方式不同。正确认识两者的区别 ,有利于防止政府管理与工商管理主客体错位。 相似文献
Small Business Economics - This article studies the synergy effect of entrepreneurship on China’s industrial cluster. We propose an extension to Duranton and Overman’s (The Review of... 相似文献
Harold J. Novick 《Thunderbird国际商业评论》1989,31(1):14-17
For many U.S. manufacturers, the Canadian marketplace can have a delightful incremental impact on the bottom line. And for low-cost, fast penetration of the Canadian market, independent sales reps may be the best approach. 相似文献
陈鸿 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(14)
全球能源形势日趋严重,能源已成为制约各国经济发展的瓶颈,如何提高能源利用率,降低能耗,已是大家关注的课题.我国<十二五规划刚要>提出全面实行资源利用总量控制、大幅度提高能源资源利用效率,提出坚持把建设资源节约型,环境友好型社会作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要着力点,采取各种有效措施,使单位国内生产总值能源消耗降低16%,这对节能降耗工作提出了新的、更高的要求. 相似文献