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Holger Dette 《Metrika》1993,40(1):37-50
The optimal design problem for the estimation of several linear combinationsc′ l ϑ (l=1, …,m) is considered in the usual linear regression modely=f′(x)ϑ (f(x) ∈ ℝ k ,ϑ ∈ ℝ k ). An optimal design minimizes a (weighted)p-norm of the variances of the least squares estimates for the different linear combinationsc′ l ϑ. A generalized Elfving theorem is used to derive the relation of the new optimality criterion to theE-optimal design problem. It is shown that theE-optimal design for the parameterϑ minimizes such a (weighted)p-norm whenever the vectorc=(c′ 1, …, c′k)′ is an inball vector of a symmetric convex and compact “Elfving set” in.  相似文献   

Rainer Göb 《Metrika》1997,45(1):131-169
Consider lots of discrete items 1, 2, …,N with quality characteristicsx 1,x 2, …,x N . Leta be a target value for item quality. Lot quality is identified with the average square deviation from target per item in the lot (lot average square deviation from target). Under economic considerations this is an appropriate lot quality indicator if the loss respectively the profit incurred from an item is a quadratic function ofx i −a. The present paper investigates tests of significance on the lot average square deviationz under the following assumptions: The lot is a subsequence of a process of production, storage, transport; the random quality characteristics of items resulting from this process are i.i.d. with normal distributionN(μ, σ 2); the target valuea coincides with the process meanμ.  相似文献   

Let X 1,X 2,…,X n be a random sample from a continuous distribution with the corresponding order statistics X 1:nX 2:n≤…≤X n:n. All the distributions for which E(X k+r: n|X k:n)=a X k:n+b are identified, which solves the problem stated in Ferguson (1967). Received February 1998  相似文献   

Summary LetN=[n ij ] (i=1, …,r;j=1, …,c) be the matrix of observed frequencies in anr×c contingency table fromr possibly different multinomial populations with respective probabilitiesp i =(p i1, …,p ic ).Freeman andHalton have proposed an exact conditional test for the hypothesisH 0 :p i =(p 1, …p c ) of the exact test is derived. Numerical values forβ(p) were previously computed for the special case:r=3,c=2 [Bennett andNakamura, 1964].  相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2,… be i.i.d. with finite meanμ>0,S n =X 1+…+X n . Forf(n)=n β ,c>0 we consider the stopping timesT c =inf{n:S n >c+f(n)} with overshootR c =S T c −(c+f(T c )). For 0<β<1 we give a bound for sup c≥0 ER c in the spirit of Lorden’s well-known inequality forf=0.  相似文献   

Andrej Pázman 《Metrika》2002,56(2):113-130
The nonlinear regression model with N observations y i=η(x i,θ) +εi, and with the parameter θ subject to q nonlinear constraints C j (θ)=0; j=1, …,q, is considered. As an example, the spline regression with unknown nodes is taken. Expressions for the variances (variance matrices) of the LSE are discussed. Because of the complexity of these expressions, and the singularity of the variance matrix of the LSE for θ, the optimality criteria and their properties, in particular the convexity and the equivalence theorem are considered from different aspects. Also the possibility of restriction to designs with limited values of measures of nonlinearity is mentioned. Research supported by the VEGA-grant of the Slovak grant agency No. 1/7295/20.  相似文献   

Summary LetX andY be two random vectors with values in ℝ k and ℝ∝, respectively. IfZ=(X T,Y T) T is multivariate normal thenX givenY=y andY givenX=x are (multivariate) normal; the converse is wrong. In this paper simple additional conditions are stated such that the converse is true, too. Furthermore, the case is treated that the random vectorZ=(X 1 T , …,X t T ) T is splitted intot≥3 partsX 1, …,X t.  相似文献   

L. Kuo  N. Mukhopadhyay 《Metrika》1990,37(1):291-300
Summary We havek independent normal populations with unknown meansμ 1, …,μ k and a common unknown varianceσ 2. Both point and interval estimation procedures for the largest mean are proposed by means of sequential and three-stage procedures. For the point estimation problem, we require that the maximal risk be at mostW, a preassigned positive number. For the other problem, we wish to construct a fixed-width confidence interval having the confidence coefficient at least 1-α, a preassigned number between zero and one. Asymptotic second order expansions are provided for various characteristics, such as average sample size, associated risks etc., for the suggested multi-stage estimation procedures.  相似文献   

LetX 1,…,X m andY 1,…,Y n be two independent samples from continuous distributionsF andG respectively. Using a Hoeffding (1951) type theorem, we obtain the distributions of the vector S=(S (1),…,S (n)), whereS (j)=# (X i ’s≤Y (j)) andY (j) is thej-th order statistic ofY sample, under three truncation models: (a)G is a left truncation ofF orG is a right truncation ofF, (b)F is a right truncation ofH andG is a left truncation ofH, whereH is some continuous distribution function, (c)G is a two tail truncation ofF. Exploiting the relation between S and the vectorR of the ranks of the order statistics of theY-sample in the pooled sample, we can obtain exact distributions of many rank tests. We use these to compare powers of the Hajek test (Hajek 1967), the Sidak Vondracek test (1957) and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. We derive some order relations between the values of the probagility-functions under each model. Hence find that the tests based onS (1) andS (n) are the UMP rank tests for the alternative (a). We also find LMP rank tests under the alternatives (b) and (c).  相似文献   

Liang and Ng (Metrika 68:83–98, 2008) proposed a componentwise conditional distribution method for L p -uniform sampling on L p -norm n-spheres. On the basis of properties of a special family of L p -norm spherical distributions we suggest a wide class of algorithms for sampling uniformly distributed points on n-spheres and n-balls in L p spaces, generalizing the approach of Harman and Lacko (J Multivar Anal 101:2297–2304, 2010), and including the method of Liang and Ng as a special case. We also present results of a numerical study proving that the choice of the best algorithm from the class significantly depends on the value of p.  相似文献   

D. Plachky  A. L. Rukhin 《Metrika》1991,38(1):369-376
Some notions ofL p (μ)-completeness resp. totally L p (μ)-completeness (1≦p≦∞) are characterized for families of probability distributions dominated by aσ-finite measureμ and their conservation with respect to direct products is proved. Furthermore, it is shown that totallyL (μ)-completeness does not implyL 1(μ)-completeness and that there are families of probability distributions in the i.i.d. case induced by the order statistic, which are L1(μ)-complete but not totallyL (μ)-complete.  相似文献   

Tashiro (Ann Inst Stat Math 29:295–300, 1977) studied methods for generating unform points on the surface of the regular unit sphere. The L p -norm unit sphere is a generalization of the regular unit sphere. In this paper we propose a method associated with an algorithm for generating uniformly scattered points on the L p -norm unit sphere and discuss its applications in statistical simulation, representative points of a wide class of multivariate probability distributions and optimization problems. Some examples are illustrated for these applications. This research was supported by The University of Hong Kong Research Grant and a University of New Haven 2005 and 2006 Summer Faculty Fellowships.  相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2, …,X n be independent identically distributed random vectors in IR d ,d ⩾ 1, with sample mean and sample covariance matrixS n. We present a practicable and consistent test for the composite hypothesisH d: the law ofX 1 is a non-degenerate normal distribution, based on a weighted integral of the squared modulus of the difference between the empirical characteristic function of the residualsS n −1/2 (X j − ) and its pointwise limit exp (−1/2|t|2) underH d. The limiting null distribution of the test statistic is obtained, and a table with critical values for various choices ofn andd based on extensive simulations is supplied.  相似文献   

F. Brodeau 《Metrika》1999,49(2):85-105
This paper is devoted to the study of the least squares estimator of f for the classical, fixed design, nonlinear model X (t i)=f(t i)+ε(t i), i=1,2,…,n, where the (ε(t i))i=1,…,n are independent second order r.v.. The estimation of f is based upon a given parametric form. In Brodeau (1993) this subject has been studied in the homoscedastic case. This time we assume that the ε(t i) have non constant and unknown variances σ2(t i). Our main goal is to develop two statistical tests, one for testing that f belongs to a given class of functions possibly discontinuous in their first derivative, and another for comparing two such classes. The fundamental tool is an approximation of the elements of these classes by more regular functions, which leads to asymptotic properties of estimators based on the least squares estimator of the unknown parameters. We point out that Neubauer and Zwanzig (1995) have obtained interesting results for connected subjects by using the same technique of approximation. Received: February 1996  相似文献   

Dr. Klaus Abt 《Metrika》1960,3(1):26-45
Zusammenfassung Wenn aus Versuchen oder Beobachtungen stammende, nach einer oder mehreren Richtungen gruppierte Zahlenpaare (x;y) analysiert werden sollen, deren Gliederx undy Messungen des gleichen und daher i.a. an verschiedenen Zeitpunkten registrierten Merkmals sind, so stehen dazu zwei Verfahren zur Verfügung. Das eine ist dasjenige der Kovarianzanalyse; es beruht somit wesentlich auf der Regressionsrechnung. Dabei wird die Ver?nderlichey als stochastisch abh?ngig von der ihrerseits als unabh?ngig betrachteten Ver?nderlichenx angesehen. Das andere Verfahren ist die Varianzanalyse der Differenzen aus den beiden Gliedernx undy dieser Paare, wobeix im allgemeinen Fall noch mit dem dimensionslosen Koeffizientenβ 0 behaftet sei:d=yβ 0 x.β 0=1 beschreibt den wichtigsten Fall der gew?hnlichen Differenzen ausy undx. Dieses zweite Verfahren wird kurz mit “Differenzenanalyse” bezeichnet. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die beiden Verfahren miteinander zu vergleichen.  相似文献   

Summary Letx 1,x 2,x 3, ... be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables andτ an estimable parameter of their distribution. We want to estimateτ by the correspondingU-statisticu n with loss function (u n τ)2 +cn. We derive a stopping time and prove its risk-efficiency in the sense of Starr (1966) without any assumption on the nature of the distribution function other than the existence of some moments. Research supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 72, at the Universit?t Bonn.  相似文献   

A method to obtain new copulas from a given one   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given a strictly increasing continuous function φ from [0, 1] to [0, 1] and its pseudo-inverse φ[−1], conditions that φ must satisfy for Cφ(x1, . . . ,xn)=φ[−1](C(φ(x1), . . . ,φ(xn))) to be a copula for any copula C are studied. Some basic properties of the copulas obtained in this way are analyzed and several examples of generator functions φ that can be used to construct copulas Cφ are presented. In this manner, a method to obtain from a given copula C a variety of new copulas is provided. This method generalizes that used to construct Archimedean copulas in which the original copula C is the product copula, and it is related with mixtures  相似文献   

Let be an interval order on a topological space (X, τ), and let x ˜* y if and only if [y z x z], and x ˜** y if and only if [z x z y]. Then ˜* and ˜** are complete preorders. In the particular case when is a semiorder, let x ˜0 y if and only if x ˜* y and x ˜** y. Then ˜0 is a complete preorder, too. We present sufficient conditions for the existence of continuous utility functions representing ˜*, ˜** and ˜0, by using the notion of strong separability of a preference relation, which was introduced by Chateauneuf (Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1987, 16, 139–146). Finally, we discuss the existence of a pair of continuous functions u, υ representing a strongly separable interval order on a measurable topological space (X, τ, μ, ).  相似文献   

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