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作为现代物流行业的关键业务单元,仓储管理涉及商品的收货、入库上架、拣货、补货、出库发运以及库存盘点等环节。客户需求瞬息万变,信息技术支持下的现代仓储管理正在快速地兴起和发展,传统的手工仓储作业早已无法适应商品的频繁移动,本文从国外仓储管理的发展现状入手,实证分析现代仓储存在的问题,提出实现我国仓储管理准确性、透明性、时效性的措施。  相似文献   

对于石油化工类销售企业来说,物流成本是企业销售费用的重要组成部分,而仓储是物流运输的核心环节,因而仓储成本在物流成本中占比很高。所以,研究和分析当前销售企业在仓储管理中存在的问题和不足之处,并提出有效的改善措施,优化仓储管理、保障库存的合理性、加快物资周转、确保货物安全,就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

供应链运输与库存整合优化技术应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出,运输与库存是物流配送过程中的两个关键环节,这两个环节的整合优化是供应链管理研究的前沿课题.运输与库存的整合优化是指,在满足给定的产品需求及运输限定条件下,同时寻求最优的库存与运输配送策略,使供应链系统运输与库存的总费用达到最小的最优化技术或方法.运输与库存整合优化应着重解决四个问题:一是确定最优库存水平;二是确定补货频率及补货时刻;三是确定所需车辆数量及配送区域;四是确定运输线路.进而实现对运输与库存问题的联合统筹决策,最低化运输与库存总成本.文章提出,尽管目前运输与库存整合优化问题研究还面临许多困难(如抽象出具有特定应用背景的实际问题并运用恰当的数学优化模型进行全面而准确的描述,然后用可行算法求解等),但随着先进库存管理模式在我国的广泛应用及市场供应链竞争的不断加剧,对运输调度与库存决策整合优化技术进行研究将变得越来越迫切,其广泛应用也将成为必然趋势.  相似文献   

针对传统的仓储管理信息数据的不精确性和数控化程度不高的问题,在射频技术和货物的一维条码结合下进行数字化仓储管理的系统设计,从而实现出入库自动化和库存管理的实时监控。  相似文献   

<正>公司库存工作中,需要解决产品管理与销售的问题,避免库存产品流转迅速、管理不方便,导致公司仓库存储产品数量无法满足买方需求,或者公司仓储货物数量过多,造成商品滞销。公司库存管理过程中,一方面要尽可能提升商品的流转周期,提升公司的生产运作效率;另一方面,公司要尽量缩减库房中的剩余产品数量,降低库存商品。所谓的"无库存管理"可以理解为,将商品的仓储保管剩余数量保持在接近"清零"的状态,从而起到  相似文献   

王莉 《现代商业》2014,(17):57-58
RFID可以快速传送信息和数据,极大地提高货物入库、出库、库存管理的效率。本文在当今仓储管理中出现的效率低下、易出错等问题基础之上,分析了RFID技术应用于仓储管理系统中,解决仓储管理的种种问题,达到实现全智能进行管理,提高系统运作效率和工作人员工作效率的目的。  相似文献   

刘浩宇 《中国海关》2004,(10):24-25
2005年10月15日,A公司以加工贸易方式进口了一批用于生产儿童服装的保税布料。货物办结通关手续后,A公司因暂时无场地存放该批保税料件,在报请某海关同意后,将货物交予某海关指定的经营海关监管货物仓储业务的B企业暂时保管,B企业将进口布料存放于其下属的一家仓库。2005年10月18日晚,存放A公司上述货物的仓库发生火灾,包括保税布料在内的仓储货物全部被烧毁。事后查明,火灾的起因是由  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,物流逐渐成为企业竞争中举足轻重的一环,而仓储管理作为物流供应链中的基础环节尤其需要重视,目前我国仓储管理仍存在人力资源浪费,仓储效率低,管理无序散乱等问题,因此本文对物联网以及可应用于该仓储管理系统的物联网技术进行了介绍,并从货物出入库、盘点调配以及环境检测三大子系统对基于物联网技术的企业仓储管理系统进行了详细研究以帮助企业在仓储管理中利用该系统更高效地实现仓储管理。  相似文献   

兰亭亭 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(23):127-128
目前,苏宁在供应链领域却面临着巨大的压力。体现为:商品运输环节面临着挑战;商品仓储环节面临着挑战;商品补货环节面临的挑战。为此,惟有通过优化供应链管理来降低流通成本,才能获得市场份额。并且,惟有提升对消费者的售后服务质量,才能最终赢得市场。因此仍须依赖于苏宁对供应链管理的优化努力。提升供应链的信息化管理水平,降低物流综合运营成本,便成为优化供应链管理的切入点。  相似文献   

供应链的自动补货模式及其价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着市场竞争日趋激烈 ,企业面临着降低成本和提高服务水平的双重挑战。如何在满足顾客需求的条件下 ,降低企业及其供应链的成本是学术界研究的重要课题。由于传统的基于需求预测的推式库存补货模式存在明显的缺陷 ,如响应迟缓 ,过多的积压存货 ,企业间信息共享能力差 ,缺乏协调与合作等 ,众多企业采取基于实际需求进行自动补货的拉式库存补货模式 ,即ARP。本文着重对ARP的特点及绩效作了定性分析 ,并探讨了CRP ,VMI,CPI三种自动补货模式的优缺点 ,为企业的库存模式选择提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   


Consumer logistics (CL), focuses on the role of consumers in the logistical processing of goods for the purpose of consumption from point of acquisition to the point of disposal. The objective of this study is to test and validate the CL scale as introduced by Bahn, Granzin, and Tokman for grocery shopping in a previously unexplored country setting, namely in Turkey. Our findings show in contrast to Bahn et al. only six CL functions: information search, transportation management and materials handling, storage management & inventory needs assessment, contingent inventory operations & product acquisition, intra-household communication, and interdependent transportation operations. These six CL functions are more applicable for an emerging market, such as Turkey. These findings are consistent across the different socio-demographic characteristics in our sample.  相似文献   

郑可人 《中国市场》2007,(36):55-57
企业集团内的生产企业与销售企业委托同一物流中心管理库存商品时,为了便于对库存商品进行实地盘点,往往要求将不同企业的同种库存商品分开保管,但是,分开保管的结果却增加了物流成本。为此,有必要改变传统的盘点思维,引入现代管理信息系统,实现不同企业同种库存商品共享同一场地的管理方式,以降低物流成本。  相似文献   

传统的存货管理注重的是企业内部存货实物形态的管理,流动资金占用额高。随着市场经济的不断发展,经济社会化和信息化程度得到空前加强,传统的存货管理模式和方法已不适应快速发展的市场经济。随着第三方物流的产生和发展,存货的社会化管理势在必行。充分利用第三方物流可以提高企业的服务水平和质量,可以帮助企业提高劳动生产率,降低成本。本文结合存货管理中存在的问题,谈谈第三方物流在降低存货成本中的作用及在利用第三方物流中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

文章对产成品库存最高限量和最低储备量全规格储备控制标准进行了系统的说明.  相似文献   

The effects of inventory management on firm performance have been well documented. Most previous research, however, has focused on the performance effects of total inventories and has ignored the potentially differential performance effects of raw materials, work‐in‐process, and finished goods inventories. This research investigates the effects of various inventory types on firm performance. The empirical analyses of data from U.S. manufacturing industries reveal that the magnitude of the inventory–performance relationship varies by type of inventory and across industries. Specifically, raw materials inventories have a greater impact on firm performance than work‐in‐process and finished goods inventories. As a possible explanation, intertemporal interactions among these inventory types are explored using vector autoregressive and vector error correction models. The results suggest that raw materials and finished goods inventories asymmetrically affect each other over time. Implications for research and practice as well as future research opportunities are discussed.  相似文献   

Effective inventory management is fundamental to order fulfillment excellence and supply chain success. In this paper, we develop a strategic inventory management decision tool that integrates inventory classification and inventory control policy decisions for maximizing order fulfillment performance, while accounting for a constraint on inventory budget and the profit expectation of a firm. This inventory solution tool provides critical enhancements to current inventory planning software, which is developed upon the traditional inventory classification scheme and where practitioners have to balance service levels and safety stock decisions through trial-and-error. The model allows firms to assess whether the current inventory performance is Pareto optimal, quantify the trade-offs between various performance measures, and identify the right inventory level according to the firms' strategic goals. In computational results, we demonstrate the trade-off and positive relationships between key item- and order-based inventory performance measures and short-term profitability under different levels of inventory budget in a multi-item finished goods inventory system.  相似文献   

To insure appropriate inventory levels in retail outlets, replenishment managers concern themselves with both timing of shipments and quantity of product available within the store. While organizations regularly use inventory management or enterprise resource planning systems to procure inventories, we find that these systems can incorrectly manage a sizable group of products found within retail organizations. To illustrate, we explore a collection of goods called retail project quantity items, subsequently explaining how customers purchase and use these items in a fashion that leads to a bimodal distribution of demand. We then employ simulations to demonstrate how the use of a bimodal lead-time demand distribution, rather than a normal or Poisson distribution, improves respective product service levels. Based on these results, we offer a modified reorder point heuristic and discuss how inventory managers should alter existing replenishment processes to insure sufficient stocks of retail project quantity items. Lastly, we discuss broader implications for inventory management systems and bimodally distributed products.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between a retailer's product returns processing structure and Multi‐Echelon inventory system performance under cross‐channel and same‐channel product returns policies with nonstationary demand. Our research contributes to the growing body of reverse logistics literature, offering insight into how a retailer's logistical returns management strategy can impact inventory effectiveness in cross‐channel retail environments. Adopting a contingency framework, we develop research hypotheses which we test through experimentation on a Multi‐Echelon retail inventory system within a discrete‐event simulation. Model parameters are derived from data collected from a large U.S. retailer of consumer durable and nondurable goods. We find an amplifying effect of a cross‐channel returns policy on the positive relationship between a decentralized returns processing structure and inventory effectiveness. Further, through our analysis of nonstationarity in demand and resulting returns, we uncover strong main and interaction effects that seasonal demand variation can have on inventory outcomes, even under only moderate levels of seasonality. Our results highlight the need for firms to align logistical structures for returns processing with the returns policy and the external environment, while also lending credence to calls within the logistics literature for improved modeling of nonstationary demand in inventory management research.  相似文献   

张媛  赵玉兵 《中国市场》2008,(49):71-72
本文针对国内某钢铁企业备件库存管理现实中存在的问题,提出采用先进的JMI理念,构建企业新的备件库存管理模式。并且,本文在JMI思想的指导下,提出了在构建国内某钢铁企业JMI备件库存管理过程中一些关键环节上的做法。  相似文献   

库存不仅占用流动资金,增加储运成本,而且还会带来诸如安全、变质、贬值等一系列风险.因此,如何科学地削减库存总量,保持合理的库存水平,实现企业低成本运营,一直是企业界所关注的热点问题.鉴于此,本研究在全面库存管理思想的指导下,分析了AIP公司的库存管理现状,通过加强物流管理、改善内部供应链、扩大信息共享范围等手段,解决了库存量偏高和库存结构不合理问题,实现了优化库存总量、降低经营成本和提高市场竞争力等企业目标,并据此提出库存管理内容和模式的一些创新观点,从技术层面找到了普遍适用的库存管理与控制的有效措施,以期对制造型企业的库存管理有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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