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研究目的:探讨土地资源市场配置对土地集约利用的重要作用。研究方法:政策分析法。研究结果:从微观经济角度来讲,集约利用土地是企业经营中的生产要素组合问题。只有企业经营者根据各种要素的相对价格自主决策才能确定最佳要素组合方式。政府只能通过土地价格来影响、促使企业做出节约土地的要素组合决策。从宏观经济角度上讲,集约用地的标志是要最大限度地提高土地利用效率,实现土地资源在产业部门间、企业间、地域间和区位上的优化配置,而要达此目标,离不开开放、竞争、统一、有序的要素市场。研究结论:现行的行政一计划配置制度不能实现土地资源优化配置。为集约利用土地,提高社会总体的土地利用效率,需要尽快转变土地资源计划配置为市场配置,同时在市场配置的基础上建立有效的国家宏观管理体系。  相似文献   

棉花流通体制改革与收购资金封闭运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花流通体制改革的核心是推向市场,具体内容包括:棉花资源的配置方式用市场机制取代现行的计划配置;棉花购销价格由市场决定取代国家统一的计划价格,国家只公布棉花的收购指导价格;放开经营市场,允许棉纺企业以及经资格认定的其他单位进入棉花流通市场。同时,为维护棉花市场的稳定和有序竞争,国家对棉花流通采取必要的宏观调控措施,具体内容包括:建立和完善棉花储备制度、市场准入制度、强制性质量检验制度以及加强进出口管理等。与市场机制和宏观调控手段相配套的改革措施还包括棉花流通主体自身的改革、资金供应政策以及处理历史遗留包袱等。  相似文献   

我国土地市场建设回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地市场建设经历了土地使用制度改革和以市场形成土地使用权价格为核心的全面建设土地市场两个阶段。目前,土地市场制度基本确立,市场配置土地资源的基础性作用开始得到发挥。但是,土地市场建设中仍存在许多问题,如政府对土地市场的宏观调控不力、土地地产权保护制度欠缺、及相关配套改革滞后等。因此,对今后土地市场的建设提出了明确的目标及改革措施和对策。  相似文献   

征地制度、土地财政与中国土地市场化改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国工业化、城市化的快速发展必然导致农地非农化。中国政府着力推进土地市场化改革的同时不断强化征地制度的原因在于,试图在既利用征地制度获取所需要的土地和资金又充分利用市场机制配置土地资源之间寻找平衡。尽管改革和完善征地制度可以在一定程度上保护农民的土地权益,但是,在现行行政考核和财税体制下,地方政府对土地财政的依赖会诱致地方政府滥用征地权,从而阻碍土地市场化改革的深入。要建立城乡统一的土地市场,一方面要不断改革和完善征地制度,另一方面要加快中国经济结构的转型和升级,深化财税体制改革,赋予地方政府尤其是基层政府更多的与事权相匹配的税权。  相似文献   

累退税、土地市场与地权配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:在土地市场存在的情况下,分析累退税制度对地权配置的影响。研究方法:历史文献、逻辑推理与案例比较。研究结果:(1)人头税与土地税实际上均与土地挂钩,导致了事实上的土地累退税;(2)明朝的士人优免制度形成了制度上的土地累退税;(3)豪强与权贵具有更强的逃税和避税能力,造成了事实上的土地累退税;(4)中国近年来具有土地规模累进特征的农业补贴制度,对地权配置的影响起到了与土地累退税类似的效果;(5)具有土地累退税特征的财税制度影响了土地市场运作,促进了地权集中,导致了效率和公平双重损失。研究结论:应改革具有土地规模累进特征的财政补贴政策,实现单位面积农业补贴的均等化。  相似文献   

生态用地在国家级规划中占有重要地位,但实践中却被建设用地等挤占。在我国土地市场发展和细分化中,生态用地市场缺失。文章认为创建生态用地市场,能够促进土地供给侧改革和生态文明建设。为政府提出的对策建议主要有:落实生态用地,严格实施用途管制;出让国有一般生态用地使用权;指导和规范集体所有一般生态用地使用权的流转;激励和培养生态用地使用权的需求者;完善和实施生态补偿制度,实施土地发展权制度等。  相似文献   

郑振源 《中国土地科学》2012,26(7):23-27,83
研究目的:现行征地制度的最大弊端是土地补偿标准过低,如何合理确定土地补偿标准仍是征地制度改革中需要解决的核心问题。本文旨在厘清地价形成和分配的理论基础。研究方法:逻辑推理法。研究结果:基于马克思地租理论和物权法的法理,对三种主要的地价形成和分配理论进行了讨论:(1)土地增值是由于土地用途的转换;(2)土地的外力增值不应归土地所有者,应归之于社会;(3)土地开发权属于国家或全民,开发收益应收归国家,由国家分配。研究结论:应当以当时当地土地正常的市场价格作为土地补偿标准。  相似文献   

本文认为,现行的农村土地制度内含着“公平与效率”,“稳定与流动”的双重矛盾。它极大地限制了农地使用效率的提高。解决上述双重矛盾的有效途径是建立受国家计划宏观调控的农地使用权流转市场,形成“计划 市场”这种新型的农地使用权流砖机制。全文就农地使用权流转市场建立的必然性、构造特征和国家计划宏观调控的措施展开详细论述,阐明了在“计划”市场”这种新型机制调节下,能够有效实现农地利用的公平效率兼顾、稳定与流动兼备的自标,从而为如何改革现行的农村专地制度提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

招标、拍卖国有土地使用权,是土地使用权制度改革的重要内容,也是健全土地市场的客观要求。招标拍卖国有土地使用权,不仅集中体现了公开、公平、公正的原则,同时可以实现政府按规划统一开发、统一供地,以供应引导和制约需求,实现土地优化配置,防止土地出让中的不正之风和腐败行  相似文献   

我国土地资源配置的“双失”问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究目的:从西方经济学的原理出发,通过对我国土地资源配置中市场失灵和政府失灵问题的分析,寻求在市场和政府的双重作用机制下土地资源高效配置的实现途径。研究方法:文献资料分析法、比较分析法。研究结果:在市场经济条件下,单纯地依靠市场或政府,不可能实现我国土地资源的优化配置,必须将二者结合起来,以规划的宏观调控来弥补和矫正市场失灵的缺陷,但是当前的土地利用规划存在失效的负面影响。研究结论:应该从加强土地利用规划的政府宏观调控与完善土地市场机制两个途径入手,实现土地资源的高效配置。  相似文献   

T. Firman   《Land use policy》2004,21(4):347-355
This article addresses issues of urban land development in Indonesia, including urban land use; ownership and transfers; land taxation; and land information systems. Until very recently, urban land-use planning in Indonesia was largely top-down in character and neglected to include the public as a stakeholder. This article argues that the role of government in urban land-use development needs to change at all levels and that the capacity of local government in land-use management needs to be strengthened. The presence of private developers in urban development should be encouraged. Land development permits—as a means of urban development control—while they may still be necessary should be granted primarily in relation to urban land-use plans (RUTR). Land taxation instruments have not been effectively applied to control land utilisation in the cities. Data and information on land affairs are lacking.  相似文献   

Differences in the internal composite structure during urban built-up land sprawl (UBLS) will generate different effects, and thus, a city’s spatial structure has important bearings on urban sustainability. This study investigates the spatial and temporal characteristics of the internal structure and allocation relationship of UBLS using multivariate spatial correlation and the Weaver-Tomas composite coefficient based on site data of granted built-up land parcels. Moreover, the composite structure evolution process of UBLS and its driving mechanism are examined in this study. The results reveal that the amount structure of the three types of UBLS (i.e. industrial land sprawl, residential land sprawl and commercial land sprawl) tended to be balanced during the study period. Following the transformation and upgrade of the urban industry structure, the overall composite structure of UBLS ranged from single residential land-use structure (Res.) to industrial-residential land-use structure (Ind.-Res.) In the early period of land marketization, the marketization land granting mechanism caused low spatial correlation between the various types of UBLS and a single composite structure, i.e. Res., single commercial land-use structure (Com.), and residential-commercial land-use structure (Res.-Com.). Subsequently, a dual-driving force including the market economy and government interventions caused a relatively high degree of spatial correlation and a multiple composite structure, i.e. Ind.-Res. and industrial-residential-commercial land-use structure (Ind.-Res.-Com.). However, the evolution characteristics of the composite structure in various regions illustrate some problems, such as the spatial isomorphism phenomenon of the composite structure and the dislocation of urban built-up land allocation. The urban internal built-up land spatial layout pattern is the embodiment of two dominant driving forces, the market and the government, interacting with each other according to natural and socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, we suggest that it is necessary to reform the future urban built-up land granting mechanism based on market guidance, and the composite structure of UBLS should be adjusted according to the regional function. The government should reinforce the macro-control of land-use planning for the dispersed granted land parcels so as to optimize the urban land-use structure.  相似文献   

文章在分析市场经济发育程度和政府宏观调能力对土地利用规划影响的基础上,结合国际有关土地利用规划中运用市场经济机制的研究动态,论述了价格信号是协调土地利用规划中的政府宏观调控与市场调节的结合点,以期为我国新一轮土地利用总体规划的修编,正确处理宏观调控与市场自我调节的关系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

宅基地退出是提高土地利用效益、优化土地资源配置的迫切要求。对宅基地退出的探索,有利于我国土地制度改革的方向、农民土地权益维护和政府与市场边界的划分等问题的解决。研究从宅基地的退出意愿、退出机制、退出模式和退出补偿方面,梳理了国内关于宅基地退出的已有研究成果。同时,从社会公平与正义、重视土地"利用主义"、引领土地制度改革和强调市场机制在资源配置中的作用等视角,对宅基地退出制度的未来改革进行了展望。  相似文献   

Aiming at realizing the efficacy and fairness of spatial allocation of land resources, zoning is one of the most widespread tools adopted by governments around the world. However it also brings imbalanced land development which will lead to the "windfall-wipeout dilemma" of stakeholders. Local government regarded as the regional governor and economic driver, is an important part of stakeholders, and will fall into fiscal dilemma when the land development is restricted. In this paper, we discuss how imbalanced land development affects local fiscal condition based on the theory of farmland preservation externality and finance and taxation system. Taking Hubei Province as an example, the degree of imbalanced land development, and the relationship between local fiscal condition and imbalanced land development are quantified by employing a panel dataset of 88 local jurisdictions (counties or districts) from 2009 to 2014. The results show that: (1) The degree of imbalanced land development in Hubei Province is 0.260 with characteristics of temporal decrease and spatial increase from high urbanized eastern areas to middle, northern agricultural dominate areas to low urbanized western mountainous areas. (2) The imbalanced land development aggravates the local government fiscal difficulty, the higher degree of imbalanced land development, the more serious the fiscal condition is. Therefore, innovation of trans-regional fiscal payment on the basis of the degree of imbalanced land development can effectively address the local fiscal dilemmas and achieve regional coordinated development.  相似文献   

新增建设用地指令性配额管理的市场取向改进   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究目的:通过案例分析,揭示改进农地非农化开发指令性配额管理体制的方向。研究方法:文献资料法和案例分析法。研究结果:在中国农地非农化开发中,地方政府是第一顺序的土地开发者,中央以新增建设用地配额的形式统筹分配土地开发权,这一指令性配额管理体制与土地公有制以及当前所处的转型发展阶段总体上是适应的,但这一体制的“刚性”也引发了很多矛盾。改进指令性配额管理的可能路径是实行新增建设用地配额与其耕地保有量挂钩,构建新增建设用地指标市场对配额进行调剂。研究结论:沿着可转让配额方向推动农地非农化开发的指令性配额管理体制改革,是实现最严格的土地管理制度与市场机制有效衔接和协调的一个可选路径。  相似文献   

基于政府与市场关系,运用产权理论与新结构经济学理论,探讨农村土地要素市场化的政策史流变、经济学意涵和制度性创新。研究表明,第一,改革开放以来市场在土地资源配置中的作用经历了由辅助性到基础性再到决定性的历史转变,农村土地要素市场化也经历了改革探索期、改革发展期与改革深化期。第二,土地要素市场化的经济学本质是土地转让权的赋予,赋予农户充分、完整且有保障的土地转让权具有理论必要性和现实必然性。第三,未来的农村土地要素市场化改革,一方面要培育有效市场,以土地产权制度改革为主线,做好产权界定、产权配置和产权保护工作;另一方面要建设有为政府,以土地管理制度改革为依托,做好数量管控、用途管制和市场监管工作。  相似文献   

China's economic reforms over the past decades have given rise to the development of a rudimentary urban land market. Although one cannot speak of a land “market” in the strict sense of the word, there is an urban land allocation system in which land lease rights can be acquired through the payment of a land-use fee. If the urban land market is to develop in a sustainable manner, new credible institutions need to be established that can safeguard greater legal security and transparency. For these purposes, it is necessary to establish a management system that can support the legal (tenure security), economic (leases, taxes) and broader aspects (spatial and environmental land use policies) of land administration. To make an urban land administration system socially credible and functional, land-related information should be registered and structured at a detailed spatial level, such as parcels. There is no parcel-based information system in China, but the country has developed a population registration system at a detailed spatial level that could be a starting point to develop integrated information systems, or a so-called “local spatial data infrastructure”. This paper reviews China's population registration system and their spatial units and presents a proposal for an information system that can be expanded or adapted to meet the requirements of an effective land administration system.  相似文献   

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