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马丽  黄嘉程 《现代商业》2023,(19):134-137
在社会经济转型升级的背景下,企业经营压力增大,如何降低离职意愿成为企业与员工共同面对的重要问题。现有研究主要从个体层面分析员工离职因素的产生原因,从群体层面探究组织公平氛围与员工离职的研究相对较少。因此,对组织公平氛围、组织承诺与离职意愿之间的直接关系以及组织承诺在组织公平氛围与离职意愿中的中介效应展开研究,同时考察前瞻性人格的调节效应。结果表明:组织承诺分别在分配公平氛围、程序公平氛围、互动公平氛围与离职意愿之间起到中介作用;前瞻性人格对分配公平氛围与离职意愿之间的负向关系有着显著的削弱作用;前瞻性人格在程序公平氛围、互动公平氛围、组织承诺与离职意愿的影响关系之间没有发挥中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷调查法,通过对职业承诺量表和16PF人格因素测试得到的相应分数进行相关以及回归分析发现,商业银行员工职业承诺中的情感承诺与人格特征中的恃强性有显著的正相关,与敏感性有显著相关,与自律性有显著相关.商业银行员工职业承诺中的规范承诺与人格特征中的恃强性有极其显著的相关.  相似文献   

管理者声誉对决策质量影响作用的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
管理者的声誉在战略决策过程中的作用如何?本文研究管理者的声誉与公司决策质量的关系,研究结果显示,声誉与决策质量之间存在显著的正相关关系,并且决策承诺在声誉和决策质量的关系中起中介作用。因此,中国企业决策制定的过程中,不能仅仅关注反映决策质量的简单财务指标,更要关注决策者对决策的承诺,加强决策者对决策实施的承诺有助于提高最终的决策质量。  相似文献   

施千里 《市场论坛》2004,12(11):85-86
组织文化对员工如何看待组织责任和组织承诺有重要的影响.领导不仅直接作用影响员工,而且通过组织文化影响下属.它们的结合可以创造有效的组织,这是因为组织文化对组织绩效有重大的影响.今天领导面对经常的不可预测的挑战,这要求他们具有很高的适应性.现在,组织危机强调对决策者的领导力和个人承诺的需要,决策者的领导力已成为影响组织成功的关键因素.  相似文献   

苏子昂 《现代商业》2024,(2):114-117
企业人力资源管理观念和模式随着企业治理结构的现代化转型升级,逐渐呈现从控制型人力资源模式过渡到承诺型人力资源管理模式的状态,承诺型人力资源管理能够发挥积极的作用,增强企业员工与企业之间的密切联系,通过行之有效的影响机制提升员工的企业忠诚度。基于此,承诺型人力资源管理模式具有较强的应用前景和价值,企业在开展人力资源管理时应当要立足于自身实际和员工的培养目标,合理应用和实施承诺型人力资源管理模式,用以增强员工和企业之间的粘性,切实有效地推动企业员工忠诚度培养工作的开展。因此,本文先对企业承诺型人力资源管理模式的特征展开了分析探究,指出了承诺型人力资源管理的必要组成部分。而后还深入研究分析了企业员工忠诚度的重要价值以及承诺型人力资源管理对企业员工忠诚度的影响,确定了承诺型人力资源管理模式与企业员工忠诚度之间存在的关系,希望能够为企业人力资源管理模式转型升级提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

一、员工流失的原因 (一)决策者不遵守诺言,不讲信用 为了激励员工的工作积极性,员工刚进入企业时或每年年初时,企业都会向员工承诺,一旦完成多少业绩或取得多少利润,除正常的提出外,企业还会提供额外的奖励。员工为了得到企业给予的奖励,加倍努力工作,经过拼搏,果真岁末完成了要拿额外奖金所需的业绩量,这时企业决策者应兑现承诺,然而老总却支支吾吾,会找出许多的客观的理由来打发员工,甚至有的老总此时却不再提自己许诺奖金的事。还有的找一些原因来克扣员工工作的积极性,以后要么不再用心工作,要么辞职。这是决策者伤了员工的心,导致员工离开了自己的企业。  相似文献   

信息不对称引发的商业银行信贷风险日趋严重,迫切需要采取建立健全金融法律法规、制定限定性契约、提供贷款承诺、创建新型银企关系、决策者实现聘任制、做好信用评级和授信工作等措施,最大限度的减少信息不对称给商业银行造成的风险。  相似文献   

作为一种战略资源,隐性知识已成为影响当下企业竞争优势地位的重要因素.文章基于社会交换理论和个体—环境匹配理论,以组织承诺为中介变量,主动性人格为调节变量,构建了责任型领导对员工隐性知识共享意愿的影响模型.结果表明,责任型领导对员工隐性知识共享意愿具有显著正向影响;员工组织承诺在二者的关系间发挥了部分中介作用;员工的主动...  相似文献   

2001年经过艰苦谈判,中国终于正式成为世贸组织成员。由于当时世贸组织为中国设定了极高的门槛,中国政府在工业、农业、服务业等方面都做出了广泛和深入的承诺。10年过去了,金融业的发展让任何一个中国人都不再怀疑当初决策者的果敢决断,这10年是中国金融业发展最好的10年之一。  相似文献   

资本与人格是两个领域的两个不同概念 ,但两者关系密切 ,如同孪生兄弟 ,资本投资决策与资本运营方式无不渗透着决策者的个性 ,资本运营过程就是实现资本人格化的过程。企业经营者的人格构筑非常必要 ,企业经营者也应有索取权 ,这对企业是极为重要的。  相似文献   

This paper studies how salespeople make ethical decisions. For this purpose a structural model has been developed which configures how the organization's environment, the organizations's climate, and personality traits affect ethical decision making. Internal communication and the choice of a control system especially affect ethical decision making. Internal communication also affects the attraction of salespeople with unethical personality traits (Machiavellism), while the control system affects the ethical climate. Ethical climate and salespeople's personality traits also affect the ethical decision making. In fact the study shows that ethical decision making can be influenced by management.Willem Verbeke is assistant professor in marketing, School of Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His research concentration is sales management.Cok Ouwerkerk is founder and director of the CSA, a consulting firm for statistical applications, in Mijnheerenland, The Netherlands. He has been involved in many research projects at different Dutch universities and firms.Ed Peelen is associate professor at the School of Economics, The University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research concentration is marketing management and logistics.  相似文献   

Can Regulatory Focus Theory be used to better understand consumers' saving attitudes and behaviours? The theory posits that prevention‐ and promotion‐oriented personality traits may influence financial decision making. Using secondary and experimental survey data, two research questions were examined: (1) Are promotion‐ and prevention‐related saving goals, in combination with promotion‐ and prevention‐oriented personality traits, related to attitudes towards saving behaviour? (2) To what extent does the match between these goals and traits affect actual saving behaviour? Findings confirmed that promotion‐oriented consumers were less likely to save for prevention goals, while the opposite was true for prevention‐oriented individuals. Further, consumers' saving goal and personality trait‐based regulatory focus were found to influence cognitive attitudes towards saving. The discussion focuses on how these findings and theoretical perspectives may predict and influence consumers' financial decision making.  相似文献   

Middle managers responsible for sustainability operationalize top management decisions on the organization's social and environmental activities. With their focus on sustainability, they could be expected to consider ethical issues particularly well in their decisions and to possess ethical personality traits. While earlier research has focused on top management this paper examines the influence of personality traits of middle managers on their corporate sustainability preferences. Based on a primary survey sample of 204 professionals responsible for sustainability in their company, we study the relationship between dark triad personality traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) of sustainability managers and their environmental and social responsibility preferences. The analysis shows that managers who score higher on the dark triad personality scale are less concerned about environmental and social responsibility issues. The business environment, analyzed in a cross-cultural comparison between the United States and Europe, and the organizational context function as a moderator of the influence of personality traits on sustainability preferences. The results suggest that dark triad personality traits should be considered in recruitment and assessment processes of middle managers responsible for corporate sustainability.  相似文献   

Although personality is a key determinant of consumer purchasing decision making, the role of personality traits in impulse buying and variety seeking is not conclusive. This research uses a personality perspective to determine the unique associations among impulse buying tendency (IBT), variety seeking tendency (VST), and the Big Five personality traits within one integrated framework. Based on data from a nationally representative sample of 1644 Norwegian adults, the results show that while IBT and VST might be correlated, they differ significantly with respect to two major personality aspects: “neuroticism” and “openness to experience.” Specifically, the present study indicates that neuroticism predicted IBT positively and VST negatively, while openness was a strong predictor of VST and unrelated to IBT.  相似文献   

The sheer impact of the recent global financial turmoil and scandals (such as Enron and WorldCom) has demonstrated that unbridled commercial entrepreneurs who are allowed to pursue their short-term opportunities regardless of the consequences has led to a massive depreciation of the wealth of nations, social livelihood and environmental degradation. This article suggests that the time has come for entrepreneurs to adopt a more integrative view of business that blends economic, social and environmental values. Social entrepreneurs present such a proposition through their deep commitment towards the social vision, appreciation of sustainable practices, innovativeness, ability to build social networks and also generate viable financial returns. It could be expected that social entrepreneurs often possess certain distinct personality characteristics which define their behaviours/actions. Personality traits are partly developed by innate nurturing, socialization and education. These tacit traits are also formed values/beliefs held and play an important role in driving social entrepreneurial decision making. Thus, personality traits may influence the intentions and the manner in which the individual acts. We hold that if social entrepreneurship is to be effective and impactful, business and management education can facilitate the development of these critical personality traits. Thus, this study primes at determining the personality traits that influence social entrepreneurs’ start-up intentions. It also reinforces the findings that personality traits do influence entrepreneurship in general. This study examines the influence of the Big Five personality traits on social entrepreneurship dimensions. The findings reveal that agreeableness positively influences all dimensions of social entrepreneurship, whereas openness exerts a positive influence on social vision, innovation and financial returns. Methodologically, this study develops valid and reliable scales for social entrepreneurship and verifies the adopted Big Five personality measure of Schmit et al. (Pers Psychol 53:153–193, 2000) using the five-point Likert scale. The implication of this study is that element of appreciation of social responsibility, sustainability and character development needs to be integrated within the business education curriculum to support social entrepreneurs in realizing genuine value and impact to the causes and communities they serve. Future business leaders also need to be equipped with entrepreneurship skills, while exuding independent and reflective thinking in the pursuit life-long learning. The originality of this study lies in its focus on personality traits on social rather than commercial entrepreneurship. It is hoped that the findings will trigger a paradigm shift towards greater social entrepreneurship through education by nurturing sustainable development values in future business graduates.  相似文献   

The research reported here examines the underlying personality antecedents for marital power in purchase decision making. Taking the stance that spousal decision making is a culturally situated phenomenon, the research was conducted in India, a culture vastly different from the one in which the existing antecedents of power were established. Data were collected via participant observation and multiple, in‐depth ethnographic interviews and analyzed by a constant comparative method. Contrary to popular impression, this article finds that Indian wives wield considerable decision‐making power. Further, the findings reported here argue that that a spouse's personality traits will largely dictate his or her relative influence in decision making. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the theory of virtue ethics, this study builds a decision tree predictive model to explore the anticipated impact of good traits (i.e., virtuous and personality traits) on socially responsible consumption. Using R statistical software, we generate a classification tree and cross-validate the model on two independent datasets. The results indicate that the virtuous traits of self-efficacy, courage, and self-control, as well as the personality traits of openness and conscientiousness, predict socially responsible purchase and disposal behavior. Remarkably, the largest segment of socially responsible consumers in the study (41 %) scored high in self-efficacy and openness. This result suggests that marketers should focus on these good traits when creating advertisements to encourage sustainable consumption. Our study contributes to enhancing knowledge about the social and psychological aspects of the sustainability movement and provides a new analytical approach to predicting socially responsible consumption.  相似文献   

Advertising alliances are an effective shortcut to increase brand awareness and improve brand image. However, few studies have compared the effectiveness of advertising alliances with traditional (single-brand) advertising. Thus, this study focuses on a specific type of brand beliefs – namely, brand personality – and compares the ability of advertising alliances and traditional advertising to strengthen positive traits and downplay negative traits for a real brand in need of image repair. The results show that the advertising alliance is considerably more effective in upgrading positive brand personality traits than single-brand advertising. Importantly, this superior effect remained one week after exposure. The choice of advertising strategy had no effect on negative brand personality traits. Implications for advertising management are discussed.  相似文献   

机遇决策行为属于一种非常规决策,决策时间敏感,决策信息动态关联,因而需要决策者发挥主观能动性,并承担一定的风险.文章提出,不同人格特质的决策者在面临相同机遇决策情境时会产生不同的心理与行为反应,人格因素中的果敢性和安详机警性与机遇决策水平之间呈显著的正相关关系,而内外向性与机遇决策水平之间的相关性较差.  相似文献   

Based on a large, representative German household panel, we investigate to what extent the personality of individuals influences the entry decision into and the exit decision from self-employment. We reveal that some traits, such as openness to experience, extraversion, and risk tolerance affect entry, but different ones, such as agreeableness or different parameter values of risk tolerance, affect exit from self-employment. Only locus of control has a similar influence on the entry and exit decisions. The explanatory power of all observed traits among all observable variables amounts to 30 %, with risk tolerance, locus of control, and openness having the highest explanatory power.  相似文献   

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