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基于中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)2015年、2017年和2019年三期面板数据探讨数字普惠金融与家庭消费借贷之间的关系。研究表明,数字普惠金融对家庭消费借贷具有扩张效应,其中对低层次消费借贷扩张效应更强,金融素养提高能强化数字普惠金融对消费借贷的扩张效应。分数字普惠金融子维度来看,数字普惠金融对消费借贷的扩张效应主要源于覆盖广度和使用深度的提高,数字化程度作用较小。异质性分析发现,数字普惠金融对消费借贷的扩张效应对“长尾”群体更显著,即对农村和中西部家庭消费借贷具有更强的扩张效应。另外,该扩张效应存在工具门槛及知识门槛,拥有智能手机及高学历的家庭更容易获得消费借贷。  相似文献   

地方政府干预企业信贷体现了多元利益驱动下地方政府对金融资源的竞争。本文首次同时结合财政激励、晋升激励以及腐败考察了政府利益对企业信贷规模、成本以及期限结构的影响。研究表明,政府利益会对企业贷款特征产生u型影响,其中财政激励对企业贷款特征的影响范围和程度最大,晋升激励和腐败的影响范围和程度相对较弱。进一步检验发现,政府利益给予国有控股企业的信贷优势表现在:财政激励会降低贷款利率和延长贷款期限,晋升激励会设定隐含的贷款利率上限,官员腐败程度的加深会引致贷款规模、贷款利率以及贷款期限先于非国企达到最值。基于金融危机的外生冲击分析表明,危机后地方政府较少因晋升激励和腐败干预企业信贷决策。  相似文献   

Why are international financial institutions important? This article reassesses the role of the loans issued with the support of the League of Nations. These long‐term loans constituted the financial basis of the League's strategy to restore the productive basis of countries in central and eastern Europe in the aftermath of the First World War. In this article, it is argued that the League's loans accomplished the task for which they were conceived because they allowed countries in financial distress to access capital markets. The League adopted an innovative system of funds management and monitoring that ensured the compliance of borrowing countries with its programmes. Empirical evidence is provided to show that financial markets had a positive view of the League's role as an external, multilateral agent, solving the credibility problem of borrowing countries and allowing them to engage in economic and institutional reforms. This success was achieved despite the League's own lack of lending resources. It is also demonstrated that this multilateral solution performed better than the bilateral arrangements adopted by other governments in eastern Europe because of its lower borrowing and transaction costs.  相似文献   

A double‐hurdle partial observability model of hire‐purchase lending is specified and estimated to test for racial discrimination by retailers of consumer durables during apartheid. ‘Discrimination’ is defined as supplying no loans or less desirable loans to certain borrowers, who do not differ from more successful borrowers with respect to creditworthiness but who do differ with respect to race. There is strong evidence of discrimination. In particular, black households are 13 percentage points more likely to desire a hire‐purchase loan but not to have one supplied to them than are other households equivalent in all ways except race. Although the statistical test cannot determine whether race affected lending because lenders were bigoted or because race is correlated with unobserved characteristics correlated in turn with creditworthiness, increased access to formal loans for all South Africans could be promoted by relaxing the Usury Act and by removing from loan applications information that could reveal an applicant's race.  相似文献   

In this study, we show how decisions to borrow from different formal and informal sources are associated with different types of disasters. We estimate the associations between loans from different sources using monthly panel data from Northern Bangladesh. Households borrow from different sources to cope with disasters. The cost of loans, however, may vary by the source of funds. MFI loans, while low in terms of interest cost, usually require a savings deposit, loan or application fee, with a longer trip or waiting time. Hence, households resort to loans from informal sources to deal with crises. We estimate the impulse responses of loans from different sources, which clearly show a hump-shape centring for the months of disasters. Pre-emptive loans are associated only with partially anticipated shocks. Aggregate shocks also limit how much households can borrow from their local peers. Our findings rationalise the roles played by both informal and formal micro-loans in crisis coping in Bangladesh, where the market for microfinance is ubiquitous. The development of the emergency credit market and the introduction of insurance services in rural areas will require the non-price costs of such financial products to be lowered.  相似文献   

During the financial crisis numerous European governments decided to rescue domestic banks with public funds to prevent a collapse of the banking system. To internalize the public costs, bank levies have been introduced in many countries. This paper analyzes the German bank levy which was implemented from 2011 till 2014. We examine not only if banks shift the cost of the levy to their customers’ lending rates, but also whether there are spillovers to their local competitors. The German savings and cooperative banks are a perfect setting to study such effects as they only operate within well-defined regions, allowing us to identify their local competitors. Additionally, only some of them are subject to the levy due to a tax allowance. Firstly, we find that a bank that has to pay the bank levy raises its lending rate by about 0.14 percentage points. Secondly, we examine whether the increased lending rates of paying banks spill over to their local competitors. We find this indirect effect to be about one third of the size. Lastly, adverse effects of the levy on paying banks’ loan supply growth are absorbed by their competitors to a certain extent.  相似文献   

许祥秦  刘艳芳 《科技和产业》2014,14(11):179-182
通过联保小组成员与银行之间的博弈分析,得出影响违约率的因素,并针对这些影响因素提出相应的建议,以帮助企业继续从银行获得贷款,同时帮助银行降低信用风险和操作风险。  相似文献   

程超  赵春玲 《南方经济》2015,33(5):53-66
本文选取东中西部六个省份200家村镇银行作为研究样本,实证分析了村镇银行贷款技术、设立取址与小微企业贷款发放量之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)经济发达地区村镇银行小微企业贷款发放量明显低于经济欠发达地区;(2)村镇银行在发放小微企业贷款时,更倾向于使用关系型贷款技术。随着地区金融基础设施的完善,村镇银行所使用的贷款技术中交易型贷款技术的比例逐渐增加,且小微企业贷款发放量也呈递增趋势;(3)当主发起人为农村金融机构时,村镇银行的小微企业贷款发放量明显高于主发起人为非农金融机构的村镇银行。因此,为了进一步缓解小微企业融资难,政府应当采取积极措施鼓励村镇银行更多的设立在能发挥其小微企业贷款比较优势的欠发达地区,尤其是当主发起人为农村金融机构时;同时,应当努力完善地区金融基础设施,以方便贷款技术的创新与应用。  相似文献   

中国的影子银行会成为另一个次债?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近几年中国的影子银行或信托融资业务快速发展,反映了利率市场化的实际表现,不过这些业务的潜在风险也引发了对中国经济增长硬着陆的担忧。向公众销售理财产品的信托融资和由金融机构作为中介的委托贷款两种融资方式具有较大的潜在风险。尽管个别违约可能会引发广泛的赎回,但中国的信托融资尚不致形成"资产价格下跌—不断恶化的资产负债表—被迫抛售资产"之间的恶性循环。中国的影子银行也还不会导致系统性金融风险,但完善影子银行业务的监管已经成为一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

This paper shows, using data from the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, that housing credit has become increasingly available over time in Japan, especially since 2000, and that this has made it easier for Japanese households to purchase housing and enabled them to do so at an earlier age. However, it also shows that the greater availability of housing credit has increased households’ housing loan repayment burden, which has resulted in their cutting back on their other consumption expenditures and created the potential for retirement insecurity. Another concern is that the increasing availability of housing credit has been accompanied by a pronounced shift from fixed-rate to variable-rate housing loans. This is cause for concern given the low level of financial literacy that prevails among the Japanese population and the likelihood that interest rates on variable-rate housing loans will be raised sooner or later as monetary policy is tightened.  相似文献   

We estimate interest rate pass-through in the loan market using an individual bank-based panel dataset from Japan. Previous studies using data from European countries have presented a number of common findings, including that banks with a high proportion of relationship lending tend to set lower pass-through. In this respect, we have obtained similar results using a dataset for Japan going back to the early 2000s. We further examine the influence of borrowing firms’ balance sheet characteristics on loan interest rate pass-through, and find that these additional factors are also important determinants for pass-through dispersion. However, after the recent global financial crisis, even banks with a high proportion of relationship lending have largely lowered loan interest rates by raising pass-through, and pass-through has not necessarily been determined in accordance with borrowing firms’ balance sheet characteristics. These results differ from those of recent studies on European countries. Possible background factors explaining this change are that (i) pressure to lower loan interest rates has risen due to extensive monetary easing and greater lending competition among banks, while Japan’s banking system as a whole has maintained its resilience in the post-crisis period; (ii) demand for bank loans has increased substantially due to disruptions in the market for alternative funding sources, such as commercial paper and corporate bonds; and (iii) public measures to increase bank loans have been broadly introduced in Japan.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which Chinese development banks have financed the globalization of China's "national champion "firms: specifically, through outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). We create a database of Chinese fnance for OFDI and compare our results to the existing literature and available data on Japan, Korea and other Asian nations. We estimate the total value of China's OFDI finance from 2002 to 2012 at US$14Obn. As a percentage of total OFDI, China's lending is roughly three times higher than Japan 's, the previous global leader in OFDl finance. We identify two major reasons for China's high (31 percent) ratio of OFDl lending to total OFDI. First, China has a greater incentive to give OFDI loans than Japan or Korea ever did because its borrowers are statelowned so it can more easily channel funds to targeted areas. Second, China has a greater capacity to give OFDI loans because it has significantly higher savings and foreign exchange reserves than Japan and Korea.  相似文献   

现有贷款定价理论一般认为商业银行应该对中小企业贷款实行高定价以实现当期收益最大化,却对中小企业后续业务价值缺乏考虑。本文认为后续业务价值可以用期权收益表示,进而利用期权定价方法构建了同时考虑当期收益和期权收益的贷款定价模型,并以广东省某股份制商业银行2011年中小企业贷款数据为基础进行了实证应用与比较。分析结果表明,当前市场条件下商业银行没有综合考虑中小企业贷款后期权风险与价值的合理匹配,商业银行对中小企业短期贷款利率水平偏高,而长期贷款又过度集中于传统行业并有定价偏低迹象。总体而言,商业银行高估了中小企业短期贷款风险制定了较高贷款利率,这可能超过了中小企业融资负担承受能力,并进一步阻碍中小企业发展壮大与商业银行后续业务拓展。  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence of the existence of a bank lending channel in the Netherlands by analyzing the responses of different borrower groups to a contraction of monetary policy. It is found that corporate loans are depressed only after a lapse of over a year, whereas household loans decrease almost instantly due to an interest rate rise. However, since the latter reaction is not accompanied by a fall in consumer expenditure, the bank lending channel is probably not very important for the transmission of monetary policy in the Netherlands. It appears that households, as well as banks and firms, tend to buffer monetary policy shocks through adjustments in liquid financial instruments.We would like to thank the managing editor, two anonymous referees as well as R. Lensink (University of Groningen), E. Sterken (University of Groningen), P. Vermeulen (ECB) for their comments, and J. Kakes (the Netherlands Bank) for his research assistance  相似文献   

Hundreds of independent, local, quasi-charitable microcredit societies, or “loan funds,” were lending to as many as 20% of Irish households in the mid-19th century. Their goal was to relieve poverty by providing credit to the “industrious poor” at competitive interest rates without public funding. They successfully mitigated informational, moral hazard, and enforcement problems, and operated at a surplus in a market where intermediation by the banks seems not to have been profitable. Loan fund activity offers new insights into capital formation in the 19th-century Irish economy and challenges traditional notions regarding the economic activities of the Irish poor. They are also relevant for economists studying current microcredit initiatives.  相似文献   

In this work, we systematically investigate the pricing mechanism change from auction to big data pricing on one of the major marketplace lending platforms in China. We find that big data pricing reduces the average interest rate while the borrowers with delinquency or default histories are assigned higher interest rates. However, repeat borrowers are also faced with growing interest rates, even though they have been paying their debts on time. Further analysis shows that repeat borrowers have lower income and education levels. Moreover, investor returns become less dispersed after pricing with big data, which can be a result of homogeneous loans on the market. The implications of the above findings are discussed.  相似文献   

P2P网络贷款是影子银行体系的一个组成部分,它是依托互联网而产生的一种新的融资形式.同其他影子银行类型一样,对它的研究和监管都基本处于空白状态,P2P贷款的发展也面临着诸多争议.文章在借鉴美国监管经验的基础上,从金融脱媒以及个人贷款的角度对其进行了研究,指出影子银行体系的发展暴露了我国金融监管体制中存在的市场的割裂和不完备.并认为应当反思我国金融理论,通过立法的方式制定系统、综合的金融体系现代化方案.  相似文献   

Microdata Evidence on the Bank Lending Channel in the Netherlands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leo de Haan 《De Economist》2003,151(3):293-315
This study contributes to the empirical evidence on the lending channel in the Netherlands using individual bank data. The main conclusion is that a lending channel is operative in the Netherlands. However, it is only operative for unsecured lending and not for secured lending, possibly because loans with government guarantees get special treatment by banks. Effects of monetary tightening on unsecured lending are more negative for smaller, less liquid and less capitalised banks, in line with the lending channel theory. The contribution of this study is that it gives evidence that the monetary policy impact on bank lending also depends on the market segment in which a bank is active. The evidence suggests that the policy impact is weaker on credit to households than it is on lending to firms.  相似文献   

While the increased access to consumer credit has helped many families improve their welfare, the rising repayment burdens upon a background of chronically low saving rates have generated concerns that South African families are becoming ever more financially fragile and less able to meet their consumer debt repayment obligations. Using data from the Cape Area Panel Study, this article investigates whether consumer debt repayment problems are better explained by excessive spending which leaves households financially overstretched or by negative income shocks. The results indicate that households are significantly more likely to be delinquent on their financial obligations when they suffer negative events beyond their control rather than due to the size of the expenditure burden. This suggests that consumer repayment problems are likely to endure even when consumers borrow within their means. Thus, regulatory efforts to improve mechanisms for debt relief might be more meaningful than restrictions on lending.  相似文献   

邹新月  刘明禹 《南方经济》2014,32(32):18-34
现有贷款定价理论一般认为商业银行应该对中小企业贷款实行高定价以实现当期收益最大化,却对中小企业后续业务价值缺乏考虑。本文认为后续业务价值可以用期权收益表示,进而利用期权定价方法构建了同时考虑当期收益和期权收益的贷款定价模型,并以广东省某股份制商业银行2011年中小企业贷款数据为基础进行了实证应用与比较。分析结果表明,当前市场条件下商业银行没有综合考虑中小企业贷款后期权风险与价值的合理匹配,商业银行对中小企业短期贷款利率水平偏高,而长期贷款又过度集中于传统行业并有定价偏低迹象。总体而言,商业银行高估了中小企业短期贷款风险制定了较高贷款利率,这可能超过了中小企业融资负担承受能力,并进一步阻碍中小企业发展壮大与商业银行后续业务拓展。  相似文献   

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