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Experiments have shown that some people behave more altruistically in collective decisions than they do in individual ones, which could be interpreted as an ‘expressive voting’ effect. However, there is substantial variation in the behaviour of experimental participants. We conduct experiments to explore the reasons for this variation, and find that certain characteristics are sometimes associated with a propensity for expressive voting. However, the strength of these effects depends on the ordering of individual and collective choices. The ‘warm glow’ of expressive voting can influence subsequent individual decisions, and the ‘cold shower’ of individual selfishness can influence subsequent collective decisions.  相似文献   

We consider a directed search model with buyers and sellers and determine whether buyers look for sellers or vice versa. The buyers and sellers can choose to search or wait; what they do in equilibrium depends on the relative size of the two populations and the price formation mechanism. We study bargaining and auctions and find that when one population is much larger than the other the former searches and the latter waits. Under auction with roughly equal populations some buyers and sellers search and some wait. Our results challenge the practice of postulating who searches and who waits.  相似文献   

In this paper, we conduct an experiment to determine the characteristics of individuals who are more likely to donate to a gay charity. After filling out a questionnaire that includes information on gender, ethnicity, and religiosity, as well as other factors, Israeli undergraduate students are asked to choose two out of four options: participation in a lottery, donation to a gay charity, donation to a religious charity, and donation to an education‐focused charity. Our most robust findings are that females and the less religiously observant are more likely to donate to the gay charity.  相似文献   

This study examines the enrollment decisions of freshmen applicants to highly selective private colleges relative to highly selective public colleges. The empirical analysis shows that college enrollment varies by family income—in particular, low-income students with demonstrated financial need are less likely to enroll at private colleges, controlling for other factors including race and financial aid. Grant aid tends to have a moderating effect but the amount of aid under the existing college pricing and financial aid system appears to be inadequate. This finding provides support for recent revamping of financial aid offerings to low-income students by some highly selective private colleges. In addition, the results suggest that while family income appears to be a strong determinant of enrollment at these colleges, race does not seem to play a role . ( JEL I21)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the choice of a firm's delegate (either the owner or the manager) bargaining wages and employment with a union under a unionised duopoly. We show that if an owner delegates the task of bargaining to a manager, the owner always compensates the manager for profits by penalising sales, regardless of whether the rival owner delegates or not. Moreover, we show that an owner's decision to delegate the task of bargaining to a manager depends on the incremental benefit of delegating and the cost of hiring a manager. The asymmetric outcome (wherein one owner delegates but the other does not) can occur if there is a sufficiently large disparity of hiring costs between the owners. Finally, we show that the union in an owner‐managed firm always earns more than the union in a managerial firm.  相似文献   

会议于1985年8月29日至31日在芬兰赫尔辛基举行。参加会议的有27个国家的90余名代表。中国心血管病人群监测主任吴英恺出席了会议。会议的主要内容有:(1)各协作中心汇报了1984年来的监测工作;(2)讨论推动某  相似文献   

Using federal individual income tax data, this paper presents the first long‐run estimates of the fraction paying no income tax. Between 1985 and 2015, the fraction of working age adults paying no tax increased from 20% to 36%. A decomposition shows that almost all of this increase resulted from changes in tax policy, especially from more generous tax credits. Increasing tax progressivity over the last three decades also resulted from more generous tax credits. The substantial federal tax changes enacted in 2017 are forecasted to temporarily increase both the fraction paying no tax and individual income tax progressivity. (JEL H22, H24, H31)  相似文献   

本文通过介绍世界卫生组织和国际健康行动机构发展的评价药品价格的方法,以及在国内外的应用,为今后进行类似的研究提供方法学的帮助。  相似文献   

《烟草控制框架公约》的正式生效,在烟草业界可谓一石激起千层浪。面临诸多压力,中国烟草业近年来一直不断改革,重组后的中国烟草业发展格局初定,在民众健康与经济利益之问如何取舍,或者说现时期如何平衡二者之问的关系确实是良方难寻。  相似文献   

Trade subject to predation generates externalities within and between markets. Efficient tax, infrastructure, and enforcement policies internalize the net externality—more trade implies fewer predators but drawn to trade at rising cost. The balance is positive (negative) as enforcement is weak (strong). Dual economies pair weak Periphery and strong Core enforcement markets. Efficient taxation and infrastructure promote the Core at the expense of the Periphery. Efficient enforcement promotes both. Tolerance (intolerance) of smuggling is efficient when Core enforcement is weak (strong). Tolerance of informal market Mafias that provide enforcement and infrastructure is efficient when Core enforcement is strong.  相似文献   

2003年5月21日,世界第一部国际控烟法律《烟草控制框架公约》(FCTC,以下简称《公约》)在第56届世界卫生大会上由192个成员国一致通过。《公约》共分11部分、38条条款,提出了限制烟草供应、限制烟草需求的一系列烟草控制措施。其制定旨在提供一个由各缔约方在国家、区域及全球实施烟草控制措施的框架,以便使烟草使用和接触烟草烟雾持续大幅度下降,从而保护当代和后代免受烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾对健康、社会、环境和经济造成的破坏性影响。  相似文献   

<正> 由于经济发展的周期规律的作用,发展时期有冷热之分是正常的。但是暴热暴冷、乍热突冷又是不正常,应该尽量避免的。我国经济在传统的计划体制下经常大起大落,波动的幅度和频率都是一般市场经济国家所罕见的,问题的关键就在于这种起落是人为控制的结果,不是市场规律和经济规律使然。总结多年的经验和教训,在对待冷与热的问题上必须注意三点:一是要用两点论、两分法分析解决问题。全局经济过热(冷),不等于全国各地皆热  相似文献   

张亚威 《新经济》2013,(11):24-25
有钱才能出去玩?随着旅游市场的深度开发及中国富豪人数的增长,奢华游、天价游越来越多,且不说10万元游南极了,那是小菜一碟,101万元的环游世界80天让儒勒·凡尔纳也会汗颜,至于伦敦奥运会期间的888万元包机看开幕式,说是天价一点也不为过。当然,有钱的并不只是中国人。维珍航空推出的20万美金太空亚轨  相似文献   

目的 比较2021年版WHO基本药物清单、2018年版国家基本药物目录与《国家基本医疗保险、工伤保险和生育保险药品目录》(2021年版)(后称“医保目录”)中收录精神障碍药物状况的不同与相同之处,在目录对比中提出科学调整和完善我国两大目录的建议,为我国下一版目录的制定提供参考。方法 比较分析国家基本药物目录、WHO基本药物清单和医保目录收录精神障碍药物的品种、重合药物的规格剂型等方面的异同。结果 2021版WHO基本药物清单有17种精神障碍药物,2018版国家基本药物目录有33种,2021版医保目录有98种,其中3个目录中药物重合数有11种。国家基本药物目录和医保目录的剂型明显多于WHO基本药物清单,医保目录甚至没有规格显示。与WHO-EML(2019)相比,WHO-EML(2021)新增了3种药物帕利哌酮、安非他酮和伐尼克兰。并且,安非他酮和伐尼克兰均是WHO-EML(2021)独有的。此外,纳入了2021版WHO基本药物清单,而没纳入2018版国家基本药物目录的药物有卡马西平、丙戊酸钠、美沙酮。结论 与WHO基本药物清单纳入的精神障碍药物相比,我国的目录涵盖范围并不够全面,收录新型...  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于加快建设全国统一大市场的意见》,一石激起千层浪。这浪花同样打到了生态环境市场,有人跃跃欲试,有人仍在观望。市场人士普遍认为,加快建设全国统一大市场,是坚持和完善社会主义市场经济体制的生动体现。  相似文献   

整个证券行业几年来潜亏(实际亏损与账面亏损之和)高达2200亿人民币,平均每家要赔上20亿元.20亿元是个什么样的概念?一个中等规模券商全部的注册资本.随着证券市场行情的走低,这一态势更为严峻,丝毫不亚于银行不良贷款的金融风险.  相似文献   

刘晶 《经济》2005,(11):24-27
翻开人类历史,我们不难发现,几乎每一次大规模的流行病,都会给人类文明进程带来一次重大的变革。禽流感亦将如此吗?  相似文献   

今年10月之后,阿里巴巴集团董事长马云的去留竟然成了个疑问.这不是空穴来风,至少从雅虎和阿里巴巴的商业协议来看,从今年10月起,雅虎在阿里巴巴董事会的投票权,将从35%增至39%,而马云等管理层的投票权将从35.7%降为31.7%.  相似文献   

在抗击微软对中国市场的冲击战中,九九年是中国扬眉吐气的一年。但是,本想打老虎,没有想到打的却是一只猫,心里那个别扭劲就别提了。  相似文献   

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