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【原文】子曰:"君子和而不同,小人同而不和。"【译文】孔子说:"君子用自己的正确意见来纠正别人的错误意见,使一切都做到恰到好处,却不肯盲从附和、同流合污。小人只是盲从附和,只求完全一致,却不讲求协调,不肯表示自己的不同意见。"  相似文献   

"子曰:君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠";"子曰:德之不修,学之不讲,闻义不能徙,不善不能改,是吾忧也"……每天晨读课上,曲阜市的中小学校传来朗朗的诵读孔子诗文的声音,这是曲阜市加强中小学生思想道德教育的一项重要内容.  相似文献   

仲尼曰:"君子中庸,小人反中庸。君子之中庸也,君子而时中;小人之反中庸也,小人而无忌惮也。"——《中庸》第四章 孔子说:"君子一言一行所作所为都合乎中庸的道理,小人所作所为都违反中庸的道理,君子之所以能合乎中庸的道理,是因为君子能随时守住中道,无过与不及;小人之所以违反中道,是因为小人不明此理,无所顾忌无所不为。"  相似文献   

《论话·阳货篇第十七》原文:子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫予莞尔而笑曰:“割鸡焉用牛刀?”子游对曰:“昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰:‘君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。’”子曰:“二三子,偃之言是也!前言戏之耳。”When Confucius went to the walled town of Wu,he heard the sound of stringed instruments and singing.Confucius said with a gentle smile:“To kill a  相似文献   

China's Regional Disparity and Its Policy Responses   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The fruits of China's rapid economic development over the 3 decades have not been distributed fairly across different regions. Using data from a sample of 815 Chinese listed firrns during 1998-2004, our error-correction investment model showes evidence of different financial constraints on firms' investment in different regions. We argue that China's regional development policies have contributed greatly to the regional inequalities. To control the rising inequality, China has shifted its focus from the coast to the interior regions. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to direct the economy, as market mechanisms now have afar greater influence on the economy than the government does. The people-centered approach of the current leadership has meant that substantial attention has been placed on regional development disparities in an attempt to build a "harmonious society. " China needs further extensive reforms if all the measures for reducing regional disparity are to be effective.  相似文献   

希望是附丽于存在的,有存在,便有希望,有希望,便是光明。——鲁迅☆先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。——屠格涅夫☆君子喻于义,小人喻于利。——孔丘☆志当存高远。——诸葛亮☆一个能思想的人,  相似文献   

耕之 《走向世界》2014,(45):92-92
《论语·里仁篇第四》原文:君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠。 译文 君子以弘扬道德为己任自强不息,小人贪图安逸不思进取;君子关心的是法律秩序,小人考虑的是恩惠小利。  相似文献   

In 2004, The National Statistic Bureau publicized the first "The Classification of Cultural and Related Industries," which defined the cultural industry as a dozen industries such as news, publishing, network, entertainment and tourism. At the same time, with the increasing attention that the government is paying to the cultural industry, it is now becoming the focus of the whole of society.  相似文献   

李晶 《魅力中国》2014,(15):45-46
With the further deepening of process global trade, many of our businesses have joined the ranks of intem~tional trade. At the same time, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the use of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rules which are obeyed by all the people in the nation, therefore, in the international trade, we should pay attention to how to use the international etiquette in all fields, such as politics, economics, culture, military and even trade terms. The business etiquette shows the principle of respecting each other in business acdves. The business etiquette is a role to restrain the negotiators' behavior in daily business actives. Treating others politely in negotiatiom uot only shows negotiators ' education and quality, but also affects the thoughts and emotious of the other party in some degree. This thesis gives a definition of business etiquette and systematically explains contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and practices. And it illmtrates greeting etiquette, dining etiquette, symbolizing etiquette, dress code, telephone etiquette and meeting etiquette in detail.  相似文献   

In the anticipation of the 150th anniversary of the Riga Technical University (Latvia), some questions have become the objects of historical research. This article is devoted to the beginnings of the Faculty of Trade and Commerce in Latvia. The article reviews the historical situation and documents characterising the establishment of the faculty of the new educational institution; attention has been mostly paid to the history up to 1896 when the school underwent reorganisation.  相似文献   

一位十六岁的少年去拜访一位年长的智者。他问:我如何才能变成一个自己愉快、也能够给别人愉快的人呢?智者笑望着他说:孩子,在你这个年龄有这样的愿望,已经是很难得了。很多比你年长很多的人,从他们问的问题本身就可以看出,不管给他们多少解释,都不可能让他们明白真正重要的道理,就只好让他们那样好了。少年满怀虔诚地听着,脸上没有流露出丝毫得意之色。智者接着说:我送给你四句话。第一句话是,把自己当成别人。你能说说这句话的含义吗?少年回答说:是不是说,在我感到痛苦忧伤的时候,就把自己当成是别人,这样痛苦就自然减轻了;当我欣喜若狂之…  相似文献   

The concept of business ethics ranges from respect of the obligatory law, to attention to mutually shared ethical rules, to the collective well being, and as far as philanthropy. Due to such a heterogeneity of interpretations, it proves useful to attempt to define the concept of moral problems by establishing their contents and limits. Such a matter proves to be of primary importance: Firstly, to be able to establish which situations have underlying questions of ethical implications; Secondly, to be able to evaluate the moral conduct of the company. The objective of this present work is twofold: (1) Identify the distinctive components of an ethical problem; (2) Prepare a support instrument for management to use in the monitoring process of the ethical dimension of the company.  相似文献   

马霓 《魅力中国》2010,(23):297-297
The traditional Homeric hero is a man of noble birth who fights bravely, punishing the evil and promoting the good. They will not return until they are loaded with honors or have a beauty with them, which is quite legendary. The core of Homeric heroism is glory and dignity instead of life. However, performances of protagonist in The Red Badge of Courage written by Stephen Crane demonstrate a redefinition of heroism that ordinary man evaluates himself and herself wisely, try to overcome their shortcomings and thus reaffirm self- value when confronting difficulties and hardships. This paper intends to quest redefinition of heroism in The Red Badge of Courage.  相似文献   

The unemployment rate is a key indicator of labor market and economic performance. Based on a unique survey, we estimate the unemployment rate at 13.44percent in 30 provincial capital cities in China in 2007, which is well above the officially announced registered unemployment rate. The discrepancy results from inaccuracy in the calculation of registered unemployment. The discrepancy is not stably evolving across regions or over the years, making it difficult to recover the true unemployment rate using a simple multiplier approach. We further investigate the sources of the discrepancy by examining the determinants of unemployment registration. It is evident that participation in certain public activities, which would facilitate the spread of knowledge related to job-searching and unemployment registration, encouraged unemployment registration. Social attention to government antiunemployment programs also encouraged unemployment registration. These findings confirm the behavioral hypothesis that incomplete knowledge and limited attention can cause deviation from optimal choice. The policy implications of the findings of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

I. Introduction People have started to talk about the community building in Northeast Asian region. Whatdoes the term “community building” mean? People all seem to agree that due to the great diversity and the great culture of the Northeast Asian region, a community does not mean a European type regional organization with a central power managing the regional affairs. The aim of the Northeast Asian community building is to create an environment for living together peacefully and for real…  相似文献   

Ma Xiaona 《魅力中国》2013,(28):285-286
News headline translation is one of the most important types of news transhtion. As news headline is strongly purposeful, the tramhtion of it must be achieved by some special methods, The history of news headline tramlation is almost as long as that of newspapers, but it has not been attached enough attention to. In the last twenty years, Chinese scholars of this field have paid much greater attention to news headline transhtion. Concerned studies of principles of news headline translation have also been made remarkable progress.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the current urban poverty situation,examines the factors affecting the probability of a household being in poverty and investigates how the urban minimum living standard guarantee (dibao) program helps poor people to get out of poverty. The targeting efficiency of the urban dibao program is discussed. The present study finds that the poverty rate of households with unemployed workers is much higher than that of households without unemployed workers. The urban dibao program is helpful in reducing poverty rates,but it does not reduce poverty rates too much. The government should place emphasis on helping laid-off and unemployed workers to become reemployed. The most urgent problem for the dibao program is improving the efficiency of targeting.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Since the late 1990s, the debate on China’s current real estate cycle has aroused great attention. The People’s Bank of China, China’s central bank, initiated a series of macroeconomic management policies to prevent the real estate market from overheating. Since the real estate bubble in the early 1990s, the Chinese Government is conscious to attach great importance to the possible financial risks and corresponding shocks to China’s economy of the real estate market ove…  相似文献   

山东是孔孟之乡,特殊的历史传统和人文环境,在漫长的历史发展中无形地锻铸了山东人特殊的性格典型。尤其是孔孟关于道德人格的思想,对山东人群体性格的形成,产生了深刻的影响。孔子道德人格的典范是"君子"。在《论语》中,"君子"和"小人"对称。孔子赋予"君子"和"小人"以新的涵义,使之成为一种道德范畴,前者指道德高尚的人,后者指道德卑下的人。这种主张在道德面前每个人都具有平等人格的思想,是孔子思想中民主性因素的表现,在当时是一种伟大的历史进步。孔子认为,"君子"的基本特征是重义轻利的价值观念,要"志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺"(《论语·述而》。)道德是"君子"的精神生命。但孔子的"君子",具有一种复杂的矛盾性格。一方面,"君子"要具备一种强烈的社会责任感和道义感,具有独立的人格和大无畏的气概。如孔子  相似文献   

The communication, joined with all its problems, became the topic for interesting studies during the mid of 90s. This attention was due to the publication of"Being Digital", wrote by Nicholas Negroponte, the first book that analyzed the communication environment in a comprehensive way. The novelty of this original book, which was immediately perceived by both the scientific and socio-economic environment, was twofold: The forecast of the revolutionary impact of digital technologies applied to the communication and the subsequent modified scenario. Nevertheless, the described scenario was contradicted or confirmed several times during last years.
The linkage between communication and socio-economic environment, after the publication of that book, represented a special focus for the scientific society since the beginning of the new millennium. The evolution of technologies involved several structural components in many different phases during last years and generated a lot of deep changes in a short time. These developing conditions made really difficult any forecasting attempt about the evolution of each technological component and, consequently, any reliable scenario for the communication environment.
The functional update of existing technologies leaded to the appearance of a new medium: Internet. This medium started with revolutionary peculiarities: low access and operating costs, multimediality, bidirectional way of usage and, above all, planetary target. The new communication tool seems to be a good candidate to substitute many of the former media or, at least, to reduce their usage in a meaningful way. Vice versa, the socio-economic effect of Internet was very weak: The new medium appears as simply added to the previous shape without meaningful influences on the diffusion of traditional media.
Nevertheless, the advantages offered by the technological innovation was not reserved only to Internet, but deeply changed all the media influencing particularly their way of supplying service. The most meaningful effects of these innovations involved both the diffusion systems and trading approach so generating a special attention also by politic environments.
The final objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution of the communication environment due to the innovation and to depict the actual communication offer. This approach will be useful to verify the conditions for reliable definition of scenarios.  相似文献   

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