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Ideas are difficult to sell when buyers cannot assess an idea's value before it is revealed and sellers cannot protect a revealed idea. These problems exist in a variety of intellectual property sales ranging from pure ideas to poorly protected inventions and reflect the nonverifiability of key elements of an intellectual property sale. An expropriable partial disclosure can be used as a signal, allowing the seller to obtain payment based on the value of the remaining (undisclosed) know-how. We examine contracting after the disclosure and find that seller wealth is pivotal in supporting a partial disclosure equilibrium and in determining the payoff size. 相似文献
从潜产权到产权:一种产权起源假说 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
现实中,常常有这样的现象:一个事物在完全成为该事物即确定为该事物之前,有一个模糊状态,这种状态还不是该事物,但是正在成为或可能成为该事物。笔者称这种状态为某种事物的潜状态。那么产权形成前是否存在潜状态即潜产权呢?笔者认为是存在的。 相似文献
徐忠爱 《中南财经政法大学学报》2009,(2)
权利性产权安排是通过所有权来界定公司和农户的权利义务关系的.在公司和农户共同经营的农业产业链中,资产的多重属性和多维度性,特别是农户人力资本控制权和索取权的不可分离性、交易主体的不同类型以及契约实施的事后成本等决定了仅仅依靠权利性产权的界定来实施契约存在天然的障碍.而关系性产权的引入可以克服以上因素导致的契约不完备性问题,减弱准租金的占用.关系性产权比权利性产权在公司和农户的契约关系中更为重要. 相似文献
产权不应包括各种非经济性质的权利。把产权理解为包含非经济性质的权利,是西方产权学者认识过程发生误解的结果。如果运用马克思主义经济学所有权权能分解理论对产权作出抽象,所谓“产权”就是指一般财产权,具体是指在所有权权能发生分离条件下,由所有权及其派生的支配权,使用权,收益权,处置权诸权能发生重新组合而形成的多种财产权形式的共性的抽象。 相似文献
Willingness to Pay for Forest Property Rights and the Value of Increased Property Rights Security 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Martin Linde-Rahr 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2008,41(4):465-478
This paper studies the willingness to pay (WTP) for forest property rights in Viet Nam. We do so by asking respondents to
estimate the value of two different forest property rights regimes where only the level of property security differs and all
other forest plot characteristics are constant. We use this information to identify the value of the property rights security.
Our results reveal that a significant number of individuals are willing to pay for an additional area of forestland but that
the amount offered appears to be inadequate to compensate sellers, as very few land market transactions actually take place.
The results further indicate that income relates positively to WTP, irrespective of forest property regime. Wealth, age, and
ethnicity also have an impact on the amount households are willing to pay. As expected, there was a significant mark-up on
the more secure right. Econometric estimates of the difference between the WTP for secure and insecure property rights show
that a higher level of female education, and household age decrease the difference between the two WTP measures while the
difference tends to increase as income improves. This has important policy implications, as it indicates that households tend
to evaluate the property rights institutions differently. 相似文献
公共产权在市场经济中普遍存在,集体产权在中国转型经济中将长期存在.在辨析相关概念涵义基础上,本文分析比较了公共产权和集体产权的区别与联系,探讨它们对我国转型经济的意义.认为具体的制度环境和社会对具体产权形式选择的成本-收益权衡规定着现实经济中集体产权或公共产权的存在及其演变,尤其是在联系到历史与现实的关系时,集体产权的存在与发展(或演化)对于转型经济的和谐稳定发展具有正向作用. 相似文献
We contend that the notion of teaching effectiveness has no verifiable empirical content and therefore the question of teaching score validity is misguided. Universities create knowledge, invest in human capital, and grant degrees, yet teaching scores are ill equipped to capture and evaluate any of these outcomes. In spite of well-documented shortcomings, virtually all universities in North America use teaching scores because they allow the managerial elite to legitimize their control over the affairs of academia in the broader context of university governance. Using the enabling myth of teaching scores, the bureaucrats shift the focus from the investment in human capital to the granting of degrees in order to re-cast higher education into an authoritative, vertically organized hierarchy, better suited for managerial rent-extraction and entrenchment. 相似文献
Decentralization in Indonesia has resulted in an increased influence of local communities over the terms of logging agreements with timber companies. The outcomes of such community–company negotiations vary significantly across communities. What are the conditions that cause this variation, and how can the outcomes be more effectively and efficiently influenced by third-party actors such as the local government or NGOs? This paper addresses these questions by developing a game-theoretic model to illustrate the strategic interactions between communities and companies. The model allows for endogeneity of de facto property rights and bargaining positions. We show that third-party actions to improve the community’s bargaining position by raising its reservation utility may result in an increase in the area logged and thereby harm the environment. Our results indicate that the strategy of intervention matters. In particular, strategies that raise the sensitivity of interventions to local logging threats are likely to be more cost-effective in supporting communities and reducing forest degradation than more indiscriminatory strategies. The model will be relevant to other situations where communities negotiate contracts over natural resource use with outside actors in a context of weak property rights, a situation increasingly observed in other developing countries. 相似文献
李菲 《广东财经职业学院学报》2003,2(3):66-69
本文首先阐述人们为什么会对“社会人”产生争议,西方人与中国人在各自的特定的历史环境下对待这个问题态度的流变和原因,及其对当代权利能力平等观的影响;其次,将论述在现代民法中是财产权而不是财产决定了人的民事权利能力得以平等享有。 相似文献
和谐产权关系与农村集体产权制度分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
黄韬 《经济社会体制比较》2007,(2):82-87
产权是协调各方面利益关系的边界,和谐产权关系是构建和谐社会的重要经济基础。在社会主义新农村建设中,最根本的是要加强对集体土地产权的界定和保护,重新构建农村地区的产权基础,扭转集体产权处于弱势产权主体的地位,使农村在产权上与城市处于“均势”;并通过不断完善农村集体产权制度,探求多样化的集体产权形式,促进农村生产力发展与和谐社会建设。 相似文献
本文将中国近60年的地权变迁过程分为合作化、家庭联产承包和土地规模流转三个阶段加以回顾,考察了其中发生的产权权能细分、主体身份变化、市场范围扩展和经济绩效变动等几个特征性事实,并以一个基于Spence-Dixit-Stigliz框架的模型刻画了从传统自给性农业向现代商业化农业转型过程中的地权细分和流转交易,从而为复杂产权理论提供了一个经验证据,并揭示出产权细分是复杂产权实际实施的一个重要途径,因而不存在绝对有效的产权安排,只能在状态依存的互动过程中寻求相对有效的产权结构。 相似文献
在企业剩余产权的范式下提出人力资本剩余产权的概念.在此基础上阐述了人力资本产权优化的机理,认为企业内部产权安排与人力资本产权的优化,在本质上是统一的.我国企业理清内部产权关系的关键在于如何解决企业内部人力资本产权主体与非人力资本产权主体对企业剩余产权的分配问题,也就是人力资本产权优化的问题. 相似文献
虽然远程交流技术快速发展,但现有研究表明专利发明在很大程度上仍依赖于信息的地理邻近。以中国1992-2009年的1 331个新能源发明专利为研究对象,运用Jung Wonn,Jaffe等的实验设计方法,研究了专利引证的地理邻近是否会随时间递进而增大。结果表明,个人、大学、公司及其它种类发明专利引证的地理邻近会随着时间变化而增大,而政府受到的影响较小。另外,由于区域城市分属不同省份,因此并不能证明区域专利引证的地理邻近也会随着时间变化而增大。 相似文献
企业产权研究的新视角--直接产权与间接产权 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文从企业存在的两种形态:物质形态和价值形态出发,将企业的产权划分为直接产权与间接产权,二者分别又有物质与价值之分。直接产权的主体是经营管理者和投资者,直接产权由于其产权主体所拥有的和企业所必需的特殊资源-企业家才能和资本直接地参与了企业财富的创造过程而具有充分的排他性和独立性;间接产权包括个体间接产权和国家间接产权,它们的主体分别是企业内部的职工和政府,间接产权由于其产权主体占有的特殊资源,劳动力和环境间接地、被动地参与了企业财富的创造过程而具有高度的依附性和有限的排他性。产权的、对象、实现方式等决定了其主体在企业治理机制中的作用和地位,产权之间的统一与分离状况决定了企业的制度模式。 相似文献