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The paper presents a brief overview of the basic premise of the Burczak's Socialism after Hayek, and shows that Burczak's “applied epistemological postmodernism” presents a unique unifying ground for heterodox economics, breaking down traditional barriers between right and left. This new approach allows us to revisit the Marx-Keynes-Hayek debates in a more constructive way for a unified theory of social justice. However, we argue that Burczak's system does not automatically guarantee full employment, so it cannot be considered an ideal theory of social justice. A Post Keynesian contribution is presented in the form of the Employer of Last Resort (ELR) program which we argue is compatible and complementary to Burczak's theory of social justice. Finally, we argue that an adequate system design of the magnitude proposed here must be infomed by the principles of institutional adjustment as outlined by J. Fagg Foster.  相似文献   

Unemployment exacts a high cost to its victims, not only in lost income, but also in terms of quality of life (insecurity, depression, abandoned families, divorce, suicide and poorer health). It also exacts a high cost to society in terms of lost output, foregone tax revenue, depreciating human capital, and increased costs of welfare, crime and health care. Yet modern wealthy societies have, principally for the sake of price stability and to avoid the budget costs of a full remedy, chosen to tolerate a substantial level of permanent unemployment. This article explores the moral conditions of this social choice and its rationality in terms of social welfare. It makes and develops support for two claims: society's tolerance of involuntary unemployment is morally wrong, and it is socially and economically irrational. It concludes that government should guarantee employment by serving as employer of last resort and where appropriate provide for retraining.  相似文献   

本文在对香港金融管理局履行最后贷款人角色和国内近几年地方政府动用公共资源对地方法人类金融机构进行资本救助、财务重组情况进行总结的基础上,研究认为:处置地方法人类金融机构的风险,必须发挥地方政府的积极作用;建立我国基于市场机制作用的真正的LLR制度;更严格地限制异地非金融机构类股东入股地方法人类金融机构;适当扩大外汇储备的运用范围.  相似文献   

系统重要性金融机构危机监管制度是后金融危机时代国际金融监管领域的重要理论和实践问题。探讨了系统重要性金融机构危机监管制度的重要性,在此基础上,梳理了系统重要性金融机构危机监管制度路径的历史演变,主要包括存款保险制度与最后贷款人机制。最后,讨论了“太大而不能倒”危机管理理念的缺陷,指出完善系统重要性金融机构危机监管制度的紧迫性及其最新发展趋势。  相似文献   


This article analyses the political and ideological agency of an emergent European transnational capitalist class in the socioeconomic governance of the European Union (EU) by examining the case of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT). It seeks to show that the ERT‐as an elite forum mediating the interests and power of the most transnationalise d segments of European capital‐has played a significant role in shaping European governance in as much as it has successfully articulated and promoted ideas and concepts thathave at critical times set the political agenda and, beyond, have helped to shape the discourse within which European policy making is embedded. Here, the increasingly neoliberal orientation of the ERT reflects, and at the same time is a constitutive element within, the construction of a new European order in which governance is geared to serve the interests of a globalising transnational capitalist elite, and hence the exigencies of global 'competitiveness'. Although in recent years some detailed work has been done on the role of the ERT in the internal market programme, there has as yet been little attention paid to (and thus interpretation of) the content of the ideas promoted by the ERT and hence to the ideological power that this forum of transnational capitalists exercises. The article is divided into four main parts. The first briefly elaborates the theoretical framework that informs my analysis. Drawing upon what has come to be labelled the 'neo-Gramscian school' in International Relations (IR), I willadvance a historical materialist understanding of the dynamics of European integration, emphasising in particular the role of transnational social forces‐as engendered by the capitalist production process‐in the political and ideological struggles over European order. The second part introduces the case of the European Round Table. I will claim that the ERT is neither a simple business lobby nor a corporatist interest association, but must rather be interpreted as having developed into an elite platform for an emergent European transnational capitalist class from which it can formulate a common strategy and‐on the basis of that strategy‐seek to shape European socioeconomic governance through its privileged access to the European institutions. It is this latter role of the ERT that will be the focus of the final two parts. As such, the third presents an analysis of the evolution of ERT's strategic project and the initiating role the Round Table played in the relaunching of the integration process from Europe 1992 to Maastricht. Following this, the fourth part will analyse the ideological orientation and strategic outlook of today's Round Table and its current role in shaping what I will call the neoliberal discourse of competitiveness which, I argue, increasingly underpins European governance.  相似文献   

本文根据生态足迹理论和方法,计算和评价了湖南省城市居民生活消费的生态足迹状况.指出消费结构对生态系统的影响,并提出相应对策。调节城市居民的消费方式与消费结构,实施文明消费,提高消费效益,对于促进城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在新发展阶段如何通过数字贸易推动高质量充分就业备受关注。本文基于2013—2020年我国30个省(市、自治区)(因数据缺失,不包括西藏和港澳台地区)的面板数据,利用熵值法对数字贸易与高质量充分就业发展水平进行测度,理论阐释并实证检验了数字贸易对高质量充分就业的影响及其作用机制。研究表明:考察期数字贸易对高质量充分就业有显著推动作用,在考虑内生性问题后该结论依然稳健。机制检验结果揭示,产业结构升级与人力资本积累分别从劳动力的需求和供给端发挥着重要的中介渠道作用。门槛分析显示数字贸易水平越高,对高质量充分就业的推动作用越强。空间溢出检验发现,本地数字贸易发展对邻地就业产生正向溢出效应。异质性检验中,数字贸易对高质量就业比对充分就业的推动作用更大,对东部地区的作用强于中西部地区。研究结论为更全面地考察数字贸易对高质量充分就业的影响提供理论依据、实证支持和政策参考。  相似文献   

Social interaction models, i.e. the changing sequence of actions between individuals who modify their behavior under the influence of their peers, have rarely enjoyed as high a profile in economic analysis as they do today. However, the literature growth has not been accompanied by a process of academic consolidation. The difficulties encountered in research are largely but not entirely the result of data constraints. The main argument of this article is that the source of problems may be traceable to the lack of a complementary approach between economics and other disciplines. The difficulties presented by the deficit in academic exchange among social scientists are compounded by the current analytical framework, which still concentrates on the fundamental, but mutually exclusive, traditions of thought: homo oeconomicus and homo sociologicus. In spotlighting these ideas, this article reviews the economic body of literature on social interactions and their effect on individual unemployment status. Two directions in current research are analyzed: the impact of social (work) norms on unemployment and the role of social networks in the job search process. The theoretical and methodological challenges encountered in research suggest that the future of social interactions models might be found at the crossroads of economics and other social sciences.  相似文献   

本文运用生态足迹理论和方法,计算2003年深圳市龙岗区生态承载力和居民生活消费的环境压力。结果显示,龙岗区居民六项生活消费(食物、衣着与生活用品、生活用能、水资源、住区和生活污染物)的足迹总和为1.5061hm2/人,而生态承载力仅为0.0717hm2/人,生活消费足迹约为生态承载力的21倍,存在较大的生态赤字。居民的食物、生活用能、生活用品消费以及生活污染物的生态足迹较大,从而对耕地资源、化石能源用地和水域产生较大环境压力,是造成生态赤字的主要方面。为了减少居民生活消费对区域生态环境的压力,建议适度控制区域人口规模,转变生产方式和消费模式,并加强土地资源保护。  相似文献   

Religious conservatism is often associated with patriarchal attitudes and deterioration of women’s rights. This conventional wisdom has motivated ubiquitous policies that limit public expressions of religion and emphasize secular values. This paper demonstrates that a policy change which undermines secularity ends up empowering women. The current article takes advantage of a unique divergence in political institutions that occurred in Turkey’s recent history to explore how revoking a headscarf ban affected employment outcomes of women in the public sector. In a difference-in-discontinuities setting, I exploit the before/after discontinuous policy variation and compare female employment within municipalities that have Islamist and secular mayors. I find that eliminating legal obstacles against observant Muslim women in the labor market improves female employment in Islamist municipalities. Yet, when women are not allowed to wear headscarves to work, Islamist mayors employ less women vis-à-vis secular mayors. Overall, findings point to unintended consequences of headscarf bans on pious women.  相似文献   

新时期非典型雇佣的发展趋势及策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非典型雇佣方式的快速发展和演化,使雇佣关系向组织外部转移的趋势越来越明显,市场对雇佣关系的控制力越来越大,单纯依靠企业内部的管理尚不能完成对非典型雇佣方式的管理,由此引发了非典型雇佣发展的一系列突出问题。金融危机背景下,企业为重获成本优势越来越依赖于非典型雇佣方式,使非典型雇佣方式越来越普及化,这就意味着,市场和政府必须对此进行合理的引导和规范,企业要健全人力资源管理体系,本文将针对非典型雇佣方式发展遇到的问题进行策略分析。  相似文献   

城市化进程中政府行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化发展的实践表明,政府在城市化进程中的作用是举足轻重的。在对城市化发展进行宏观调控、制定市场规则、提供公共服务等领域,政府行为的作用具有一定的不可替代性。但是政府在城市化发展中要摆正位置,把市场化作为城市化的第一推动力,实现政府与市场的互赢。  相似文献   

发达国家服务业就业结构变迁对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏作磊 《经济管理》2007,29(1):72-79
发达国家服务业就业结构的演变过程表明:服务业就业比重的提高主要是由以商务服务业为主的生产者服务业和以教育、医疗卫生业为主的社会服务业就业增长推动的。生产者服务业和社会服务业是今兽譬国就业增长的主要领域.但服务业难以承担大规模转移农村剩余劳动力的任务。发展劳动密集型制造业仍是今后转移我国农业剩余劳动力的主要渠道。  相似文献   

中国目前独生子女数量超过1.5亿,每年由于独生子女死亡新增7.6万失独家庭。独生子女的去世使得独生子女家庭结构断裂而成为特殊的空巢家庭,失独父母的生活福利受到了严重影响。利用2013年陕西省专项调查数据,分析了失独家庭在生理福利、心理福利、经济福利、社会支持和养老状况等方面的弱势性和差异性。失独家庭生活福利的各个方面都显著脆弱于一般家庭;失独家庭虽然由于丧子具有一定的共性,但其群体内部由于失独父母特征和去世子女特征差异而显示出部分生活福利的差异性。应改进和细化现有的失独家庭扶助政策,充分考虑政策目标群体差异性,有针对性地进行扶助。  相似文献   

中国的规制政府是在经济转型过程中崛起的。这一特殊历史背景使得关于规制的公共利益理论、公共选择理论、新比较经济学和制度移植论对其崛起逻辑的解释都值得商榷。事实上,中国的规制政府是中央政府考虑不同利益集团约束和外部竞争压力前提下,根据自己的信念和认知能力,对原有治理制度进行边际改进的一个供给主导型过程。该过程的路径依赖特征既是引发规制失灵的根本原因,也为提高规制效率提供了改革思路。  相似文献   

新《劳动合同法》下企业人力资源管理理念的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨方方 《经济管理》2007,(23):55-58
新颁布的《劳动合同法》具有倾向雇员、鼓励稳定、强调集体协商、与国际惯例接轨等特点,给企业的人力资源管理提出了新的课题。企业惟有转变观念,树立劳动合同长期化、提高招聘谨慎性、企业承担举证责任、建立三方协商机制、运用柔性化管理方式保留雇员、人力资源外包等理念,才能从容应对潜在风险,在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,河北省消费率明显偏低。河北省消费率偏低是城市化水平低、农村居民平均消费倾向低等多因素造成的。应从提高收入,减小居民收入差距,提高城市化水平等几方面入手,提高当前消费率,促进河北经济健康发展。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the impact the Unemployment–Vacancy (UV) curve (or Beveridge curve) had on economic theory and to provide an account of the subsequent radical changes in its place and role over the decades since its first appearance in 1958. The paper traces the historical development of the UV curve and argues that the role of the UV curve has changed from that of a measuring device, to a graphical representation of full employment, to an axiom necessary for matching models of unemployment to a diagnostic tool. This changing role is best understood in the light of the paradigmatic change from Keynesianism to neoclassical search theory.  相似文献   

当代资本主义的新变化既不是资本主义本质的根本改变,也不只是资本主义统治与剥削的手段、形式和斗争策略的改变,而是资本主义社会经济结构的部分质变。当代资本主义生产方式的积极扬弃,已经跨越了资本主义生产方式的临界点,超越了资本主义生产方式的界限,包含某些社会主义因素,逐渐向社会主义和平发展。因此,绝对不能抱着教条主义的态度,简单地用机械的、绝对的和主观的方法,而应当用辨证方法和历史唯物主义的科学方法来认识当代资本主义的新变化,根据新的历史条件来创造性地发展马克思主义理论,实现马克思主义理论的与时俱进和创新发展。  相似文献   

温泉旅游度假区是我国一个新兴旅游项目,近年来发展很快。通过大量的实证调查,对影响蓝田汤峪温泉度假区开发的主要因素进行综合分析。这些因素是温泉资源自身因素,周边自然和人文景观,客源市场和交通条件,区域经济发展水平,温泉旅游文化特色,空间集聚和竞争以及人才状况。它们共同作用于汤峪温泉旅游的发展。通过对这些因素的分析,对蓝田汤峪温泉旅游的进一步开发具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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