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通过对社会和谐、社会发展、社会矛盾之问的关系进行分析,指出从中国改革开放事业发展到今天,我们既取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,同时又出现了一系列新问题、新矛盾,而且一些问题和矛盾还比较突出,迫切需要解决。因此,只有把握好和谐、发展、矛盾之间的关系,中国特色社会主义事业才能不断推向前进。  相似文献   

社会发展观的研究是近年来的热点之一。何为社会发展观?社会发展观是人类在长期的发展中逐渐积累和形成的关于社会长期稳定发展的看法,它是人类进入文明社会后不断摸索、总结中形成之结晶。构成人类社会发展的基本要素是相类似的,包括维系社会发展最基本的生存要素如人口、土地、粮食、水、天然资源(动植物、矿产资源等)众多因素,  相似文献   

蔡宁  李建升  李巍 《技术经济》2006,25(7):67-70
近年来国内学者在企业社会责任方面已取得不少研究成果,但很少有人对这个概念在我国当前的适用性提出讨论和质疑。本文首先对中外企业的特征进行了深入比较分析,认为企业社会责任的概念并不适合我国企业的特征。在此基础上提出适合当前我国企业特征的社会责任概念——商人社会责任,并将其与企业社会责任概念进行对比,分析了这个概念的优点和价值。  相似文献   

江苏无锡市哲学社会科学界现有学会、研究会、协会总计134个,其中绝大多数是社科联的团体会员,个人会员有6万余人,全市社会科学专业技术人员已达93588人。这些众多的社科学术团体和成千上万的会员,活跃在我市城乡各条战线,各个行业,各个部门,他们都是我市改革  相似文献   

We interpret the psychology literature on social identity and examine its implications. We model a population of agents from two exogenous and well defined social groups. Agents are randomly matched to play a reduced‐form bargaining game. We show that this struggle for resources drives a conflict through the rational destruction of surplus. We assume that the population contains both rational players and behavioral players. Behavioral players aggressively discriminate against members of the other social group. The existence and specification of the behavioral player is motivated by the social identity literature. For rational players, group membership has no payoff‐relevant consequences. We show that rational players can contribute to the conflict by aggressively discriminating and that this behavior is consistent with existing empirical evidence. Our paper relates to the empirical literature which finds that social heterogeneity tends to be increasing in economic variables which we interpret as indicating inefficiency. We provide an explanation that, as social groups compete for surplus, disagreement and inefficiency can result. Our work also relates to the social conflict literature, which examines the relationship between macro level factors such as unemployment and civil disturbances. This literature finds that the amount of social conflict tends to be increasing in the inequitability of the environment.  相似文献   

Social Dynamics     
Lutz Leisering and Robert Walker (eds.), Review of The Dynamics of Modern Society
Steven Durlauf and H. Peyton Young (eds.), Social Dynamics  相似文献   

Social movements     
The new social movements—environmentalism, feminism, pacifism, etc.—are not really new, but recurrent for at least two hundred years. They play an important role in the process of ongoing modernization, even if they intend to be antimodernistic. They push for the periodical readaptation of the industrial system to its natural and cultural context.  相似文献   

论转型时期的社会分化与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前正处于急速的社会转型时期,社会结构的快速分化对原有的整合方式提出了挑战,以至于在社会分化和整合之间出现了断裂,对我国的社会稳定产生了不可忽视的影响.在新形势下,我们必须建立一种新的社会整合方式以适应社会的急速分化,维护社会的稳定.  相似文献   

This article was prepared by Helen Owens of the Institute research staff.
Until the mid-1960's it was generally accepted that gross national product provided not only a measure of economic performance but also a useful overall indicator of some aspects of human welfare. The limitations of GNP with respect to most non-market phenomena were well recognised but the implicit assumption was made that the unmeasured aspects of welfare were positively related to changes in income as recorded in national accounts statistics. However, in the last decade or so, growing recognition of social costs and problems asociated with material advancement has led economists and other social scientists to look for new approaches to the measurement of social 'progress'.1  相似文献   

This paper proposes to critically situate how social developmentalism reshaped social policy in Brazil in the 2000s, to stimulate access to credit and to financial markets, thereby fostering a transition towards a mass-consumption society. This structural move is radically distinct from the very framework which inspired the tenets of early Latin American structuralist thought in the post-war period. Whereas seminal structuralism neglected the role of social policy, Brazilian social developmentalism reframed it to broaden access to consumer credit and other financial services, such as insurances. In this new financialised framework, social policy has been used to underwrite a financial inclusion model that overturned classic tenets of social policy. As a result, not only household debt has abruptly escalated, but also social insurance and welfare benefits have been partially absorbed as financial rents, deepening economic insecurity and social vulnerability.  相似文献   

Social viewpoint     
Forum for Social Economics -  相似文献   

企业社会责任管理新理念:从社会责任到社会资本   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,企业社会责任研究已经成为社会学界、经济学界和管理学界争相研究的课题,原因就在于,在经济快速稳定增长但同时又面临生态环境污染、员工利益受损、城乡差距扩大和社会秩序失范的今天,我们必须重新思考和定义为经济增长、扩大就业和商业文明做出巨大贡献的企业行为边界和价值规范。虽然不同学者对企业是否应该承担社会责任、承担哪些社会责任和如何承担社会责任尚存在不同的观点和看法,但不容置疑的是,企业不仅是市场经济的价值创造主体,而且是在一定伦理规范下运营的责任承担主体。因此,企业必须正视企业社会责任时代的企业应该主张什么样的管理理念、战略、结构和方法,以使企业能够抵御风险、提升能力和稳步发展。  相似文献   

社会政策、传统文化、经济等因素使得失独老人面临着社会保障、经济困顿、养老、医疗、社会心理恢复等问题,表现为与他人、社区之间社会关系的"断裂"现象。对安徽省合肥市失独老人生活现状及社会支持网络作了实证研究。失独老人对现状不满意,社会关系"家庭化",存在社会支持方面的缺失。影响失独老人社会关系重建的主要因素为性别、教育程度、收入、失去独生子女的时间和社会政策。从多元的视角,提出建立失独老人社会支持体系,重建失独老人社会关系、融入社区的操作性对策。  相似文献   

社会保障税与社会保障制度优化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李绍光 《经济研究》2004,39(8):48-56
社会保障税是指定用于社会保障的工薪税。本文分析了工薪税的税收归宿和劳动供给弹性的影响。当劳动供给弹性较小时 ,税收主要由劳动力负担 ,而且可能会增加就业压力 ;工薪税在劳动同质程度较高时可以取得较好的再分配效应。本文还描述了社会保障制度优化的理论过程。社会保障制度优化是指现收现付计划和强制储蓄计划的最优搭配 ,它以“黄金律”条件下的隔代帕累托改进为标准。就同代收入再分配而言 ,将收入再分配计划的目标定为提高受益人的受教育水平 ,而不是直接为其提供免费的社会福利 ,将有助于缓解收入再分配的代价。  相似文献   

当前,我国经济社会正经历的深刻转型对社会治理形成正反两方面重要影响。从积极方面看,持续的经济增长为社会治理提供了坚实的物质基础,行政改革为推进服务导向的社会治理提供了体制环境。同时,社会阶层结构与治理主体结构持续优化,网络信息技术发展助推社会治理智能化。从消极方面看,我国社会治理面临多方面挑战:经济风险可能向社会领域传导;农村地区基层治理与服务半径加大;中产阶层增长缓慢与群众诉求多元化并存;人口大规模流动及人口老龄化、少子化冲击社会秩序;网络信息犯罪增多而相关管理规范相对滞后。未来应将社会治理目标与政策逐渐融入经济社会体制改革,在大发展、大服务、大预防、大调解中协同解决社会治理问题。  相似文献   

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