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品牌的经济学分析:一个比较静态模型   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
现有的经济学理论和模型中缺少全面针对品牌的分析,导致品牌理论与实践的双重混乱.在选择爆炸式增长的经济条件下,品牌对消费者的选择行为产生了巨大影响,因此对品牌选择的经济学分析显得更为迫切.品牌的经济学本质是降低消费者的选择成本,进而影响消费者对品牌的选择,而消费者选择又决定了厂商的销售量和利润.我们在经济学的框架下,以品牌为研究对象,建立起一个比较静态模型,对品牌进行经济学分析,得出消费者均衡和厂商均衡的条件.  相似文献   

This essay proposes a cognitive-evolutionaryapproach to economic policy making where the entire process ofpolicy-formation and implementation is analyzed as a collectiveprocess of mobilization and problem-solving that extends fromthe individual level over the level of collective decision makingto the constitutional level. In the procedural view proposed,many issues or problems of economic policy are not fully solvedbecause of four main filters or barriers that filter out certainissues while letting others through. The main task for politicalentrepreneurs is to surmount these barriers. Important aspectsof the politico-economic process are cognitive processes of perceptionand interpretation by the individual; processes of interpretation,mobilization, and negotiation at the collective level; and evolutionarydynamics at the constitutional level.—This interdisciplinaryoriented approach provides a framework that suggests new categoriesfor analyzing policy-making in a systematic way by linking thebehavior and thinking of the individual with the ongoing politicalprocess at the collective and constitutional level, and leadsto conclusions for advising politicians.  相似文献   

结构性金融产品的定价与投资决策研究:不确定性方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在不确定性框架下,利用Choquet定价和Choquet期望效用理论研究结构性金融产品的定价和投资问题.并将不确定性参数和复杂系数对产品定价和投资决策的影响进行了敏感性分析,主要结论有随着不确定性程度的提高,产品的定价水平也随之提高;复杂产品有利于分散产品的集中风险且投资者对复杂产品平均预期收益水平的估计较高,从而选择复杂产品而非简单产品,部分解释了传统文献中结构性金融产品定价过高和投资者偏好复杂产品而非简单产品的两个悖论。  相似文献   

Public Capital and Economic Growth: A Convergence Approach   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
This paper estimates dynamic effects of public capital on output per capita. Based on an open economy growth model, I derive a version of the income convergence equation augmented with public capital. This equation is estimated using panel data of United States and Japanese regions. Sensible results are obtained when public capital is disaggregated into components. In both countries, the infrastructure component of public capital turns out to have significantly positive effects. The implied elasticity of output with respect to infrastructure is somewhere around 0.1 to 0.15. This suggests a modest contribution of infrastructure to postwar growth of the two countries.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the nonlinear relationship between international tourism arrival and economic growth of Malaysia by using asymmetric models over the periods 2000:1–2015:4. The results show that the tourism arrival is positively related to Malaysia’s economic growth in the long run, but there is no short-run relationship and other traditional growth factors such as trade, exchange rate and Consumer Price Index are important for economic growth in the case of Malaysia. This implies that tourism can be one of the important factors for Malaysia’s economic growth in the long run and development and can be used to stimulate the overall economic growth and hence, policy-makers should pay greater attention towards promoting inbound tourism.  相似文献   

In this piece, we highlight some of the salient issues and controversies surrounding the relationship between financial development and economic growth, from both the theoretical and the empirical fronts. We first discuss the controversies on the role of financial development in economic growth; and we then proceed to review the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth. We conclude that the relationship between financial development and economic growth is highly complex, and is dependent on a number of factors. Hence, the argument that financial development always leads to economic growth should be taken with extreme caution.  相似文献   

The Urbanization Process and Economic Growth: The So-What Question   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
There is an extensive literature on the urbanization process looking at both urbanization and urban concentration, asking whether and when there is under or over-urbanization or under or over urban concentration. Writers argue that national government policies and non-democratic institutions promote excessive concentration—the extent to which the urban population of a country is concentrated in one or two major metropolitan areas—except in former planned economies where migration restrictions are enforced. These literatures assume that there is an optimal level of urbanization or an optimal level of urban concentration, but no research to date has quantitatively examined the assumption and asked the basic “so-what” question—how great are the economic losses from significant deviations from any optimal degrees of urban concentration or rates of urbanization? This paper shows that (1) there is a best degree of urban concentration, in terms of maximizing productivity growth (2) that best degree varies with the level of development and country size, and (3) over or under-concentration can be very costly in terms of productivity growth. The paper shows also that productivity growth is not strongly affected by urbanization per se. Rapid urbanization has often occurred in the face of low or negative economic growth over some decades. Moreover, urbanization is a transitory phenomenon where many countries are now fully urbanized.  相似文献   

This article asks empirically the question about potential nonlinearities in the link between bank competition and aggregate economic growth in a cross‐section of countries. I employ nonparametric methods, primarily kernel estimation, and several measures of banking competition. The results suggest that while the data show the presence of relevant nonlinearities, the available evidence provides only limited support for nonmonotonicities such as inverted u‐shapes, and so contrasts with previous findings obtained using parametric methods. This study corroborates the traditional view, according to which more bank competition fosters growth, with presumed implications for policy.  相似文献   

This paper offers a methodological contribution to the empirical analysis of the relationship between banking and economic growth by suggesting a new indicator for the state of development of the banking system based on a measure of bank microeconomic efficiency. This choice helps to overcome the problem of causality and to capture the effects of banks' activity on growth. This new approach is then applied to analyse the relationship between the banking system and economic growth in the Italian regions, through a dynamic panel technique. The empirical results show the existence of an independent effect exerted by the efficiency of banks on regional growth.  相似文献   

经济增长与收入差距:一个基于主体的经济模拟途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提供了一个基于主体的转轨经济模型,用于分析经济转轨过程中经济增长和收入差距的动态关联性.模拟实验结果表明:随着经济的持续增长,收入差距经历一个先扩大后缩小的过程;实施适度的累进税政策会在缩小收入差距的同时,促进经济高速增长.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - This paper uses nonparametric method to study the relationship between economic growth and the level of pollution. The results indicate that as income increases...  相似文献   

Recently, some economists have come to view economic development as a process of ongoing structural change which has self-organisational features. What is required is evidence concerning the self-organisational character of economic development. In other words, is economic growth associated with growth in the complexity of its structure and with a parallel rise in organisational interdependence? An extended version of qualitative input-output analysis, termed Minimal Flow Analysis (MFA), is used in this paper to analyse the structural linkages and changes that have occurred in the Queensland economy over the last two decades. The MFA evidence confirms that there has been a steady increase in the complexity of the Queensland economy. Economic coordination has occurred, to an increasing extent, through market intermediation. From a self-organisational perspective, it is clear that the Queensland economy has followed a rapid and coherent developmental path, marked by the emergence of bonded structures in its core and increasing complexity on its periphery.  相似文献   

Decentralization and Economic Development: An Evolutionary Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been a growing interest in relationship between economic development and fiscal decentralization. Empirical studies, however, are not conclusive regarding their correlation or causality. The present paper aims to provide a theoretical foundation for better understanding of this issue. Developing a dynamic model, we argue that decentralization and development proceed hand in hand, interacting one another, and that the relation between them is not monotonic but evolutionary. We also show that there will exist multiple steady states and that political decision of fiscal decentralization in general fails to lead the economy to the most desirable one.  相似文献   

Founded on an interpretation that is rooted in localities andtheir communities, we offer a move from the inevitability ofuneven development. Analysis of past and present theory is framedin terms of decision-making. It is argued that ‘external’decisions may constrain localities in their development, whilereflecting the agendas of outside agents, corporations and otherorganisations. A dual approach to development is suggested,that would work in the shadow of the Washington and/or post-WashingtonConsensus to build a learning process of democratic engagement,and move towards redressing the decision-making balance in favourof localities. Examples from South Africa and Nicaragua illustrateour arguments.  相似文献   

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