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2011年是极不寻常的一年。世界经济出现大变局,中国经济开始大调整后,中国经济面临大挑战。在地震频繁爆发,世界经济大幅度动荡的情形下,中国也在汶川.青海.云南之后,物价持续上涨,从而也在一定程度上影响着房地产事业。而占社会群体绝大多数的低收入者对此次的感受从某种意义上来说更为深刻。前两年房价上涨过快,脱离了绝大多数老百姓的承受能力,低收入者的住房问题成为全社会关注的焦点,也成为了国家在民生方面的工作重点。从全国范围来看,住房保障建设还远未达到要求。最主要是各级政府重视不够,虽然出台一系列政策措施,但是对保障政策的具体落实执行情况远不尽如人意,无论在投入机制、配套措施、部分城市政府介入还是保障性住房供应量等方面有诸多问题。 相似文献
Dimitry Rtischev 《Journal of economic issues》2018,52(3):869-890
We theoretically examine the connection among labor productivity, work time, and housing costs in an economy with households differing in wages and neighborhoods differing in quality. We argue that the location rent component of housing cost is key to explicating the connection. We trace how the housing market makes relative income instrumental for maximizing utility even if households’ utility functions are not interdependent. Over time, productivity growth yields higher wages but households compete some of that away on the housing market. This structural inflation of location rents counteracts preferences to work less as wages rise and hinders the expansion of leisure. Relative income effects are shown to arise as a consequence of a market institution that monetizes socially-imbued preferences. 相似文献
随着社会经济的快速发展,各地的房价不断攀升,房价上涨给百姓生活带来的经济负担和精神压力。引起了社会各界的广泛关注。解决买房难、买房贵的问题已成为迫切需要解决的问题。通过分析我国中低收入城镇居民住房现状及其原因,阐述了解决中低收入城镇居民住房困难问题的必要性,提出增加中低收入城镇居民收入和提高收入增长幅度、降低高房价的具体对策,并提出将住房保障纳入我国的社会保障体系的建议。 相似文献
Okmyung Bin Jeffrey Czajkowski Jingyuan Li Gabriele Villarini 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2017,68(2):319-341
In this study we utilize a hedonic property price analysis to examine changes in the implicit price of water quality given housing market fluctuations over time. We analyze Martin County, Florida waterfront home sales from 2001 to 2010 accounting for the associated significant real estate fluctuations in this area through flexible econometric controls in space and time. We apply a segmented regression methodology to identify housing market price instability over time, interact water quality with these identified market segmentations, and embed these interactions within a spatial fixed effect model to further account for any spatial heterogeneity in the waterfront market. Results indicate that water quality improvement is associated with higher property values. We find no evidence that the economic downturn crowded out concern for the water quality in this area. We further impute an implicit prices of $2614, evaluated at the sample mean, for 1 % point increase in the water quality grade. 相似文献
We investigate the interaction of product quality differentiation and consumer preference heterogeneity in durable goods markets, focusing on the effects of secondary market liquidity and consumer heterogeneity on equilibrium prices. We build an infinite‐horizon dynamic model of the apartments housing market that captures the above features. Some apartments are considered lucky, and some consumers are superstitious. Lucky apartments are valued more highly than non‐lucky ones only by superstitious consumers. Results show that the difference between the lucky apartment price and the non‐lucky apartment price becomes smaller when the secondary market becomes less liquid and when consumers’ preference heterogeneity becomes more persistent as opposed to time‐varying. 相似文献
经济学中对于成本的研究,尤其是成本曲线和成本函数的研究,是市场均衡研究的最基础性工作.本文将高校的网络教育纳入到纯私人产品的范畴,并将Cobb-Douglas产出技术应用到网络教育机构的成本,并通过一系列假设构建了网络教育服务市场的竞争模型,分析了存在、不存在第三方分成及两种模式下的竞争均衡与相应的质量问题.本文最后认为,我国网络教育市场发展尚处于起步阶段,自发的市场调节对于质量改进是无效性的.引入网络教育质量标准和实行行业评估制度将有助于改善这一状况. 相似文献
Manuel J. Muriel-Ramirez 《Journal of economic issues》2017,51(3):663-687
This article is an empirical inquiry into the nature and causes of the preservation and reuse of railway heritage from a comparative point of view. It addresses the question of why this heritage is not preserved in Andalusia (Spain). Railway heritage is a mixed good, as a public good requires either the public or the not-for-profit sector to intervene to ensure its preservation. In the case of a merit good, it is legitimate for the government to interfere with consumer preferences. The results suggest that three factors directly impact the preservation of railway heritage: (i) the quality of government, (ii) volunteering, and (iii) collective preferences. The first two factors depend on social capital as measured by generalized trust, while the third one is idiosyncratic. 相似文献
以住房抵押贷款为主体的住房金融初级市场的发展是住房消费的基础,并能促进经济平稳运行。我国的住房金融初级市场起步晚、发展快,存在品种少、数量少的特征,并面临资金短缺、流动性降低、长期信贷管理难度加大等一系列问题。文章认为住房金融次级市场是克服住房金融初级市场存在和面临问题的根本途径。但由于住房次级市场的发展对经济环境与法律环境的要求较高,应采取探索和促进的战略。 相似文献
We build an empirical model of the Australian housing market that quantifies interrelationships between construction, vacancies, rents and prices. We find that low interest rates (partly reflecting lower world long-term rates) explain much of the rapid growth in housing prices and construction over the past few years. Another demand factor, high immigration, also helps explain the tight housing market and rapid growth in rents in the late 2000s. A large part of the effect of interest rates on dwelling investment, and hence GDP, works through housing prices. 相似文献
Charles Ka Yui Leung 《Review of Development Economics》2001,5(2):328-335
Studies of tariffs have tended to ignore their impact on housing markets. This paper builds a simple dynamic general-equilibrium model to bridge the gap. The model is consistent with empirical findings that housing prices in several small open economies, and the price of nontradeables relative to tradeables, have increased over time. The model also allows closed-form solutions of the elasticity of the economic growth rate, the housing-stock growth rate, and the housing-price growth rate, with respect to the tariff rate. Other testable implications are generated. 相似文献
This article presents estimates of the supply elasticity for residential property in metropolitan Sydney over the period 1991–2006. Our results suggest that supply is inelastic—less than unity—for all types of housing, although the supply elasticity is relatively larger for strata properties (apartments and flats) than for non‐strata properties (separate and semi‐detached houses, terraces and townhouses). We also find evidence of a significant fall in supply elasticity between 1991–1996 and 2001–2006. When the median time taken by a local council to decide on a development application is included in the supply curve, it is found to have a negative effect on the supply of residential property. However, split‐sample estimates indicate this effect is largely confined to the 1991–1996 period. 相似文献
Maria Teresa Punzi 《Review of International Economics》2013,21(4):601-613
This paper presents a two‐sector, two‐country model showing that inflation in the housing market, a low personal savings rate, and a construction investment boom can contribute to a large current account deficit. In the model, demand by a group of households in the domestic country is constrained by the availability of collateral. This implies more procyclical debt capacity because constrained households can borrow against the increase in the value of their houses during an expansion. A higher degree of financial liberalization and development helps constrained households reach higher loan‐to‐value ratios, thus relaxing their borrowing constraints. The resulting higher net worth and lower need for savings imply a worsening current account. 相似文献
This paper sets out to explore theoretically how a change in the distribution of disposable income affects the market demand for a good or service. With the help of only minimal information on the shape of the Engel curve and the transition from one distribution to the other, a variety of empirically relevant constellations are identified in which the size (or mean income) effect on market demand is counteracted by the distributional effect. Since the determining factors are expressed by relations between summary statistics, the results at the same time provide theoretically sound restrictions on economic approaches to market demand analysis. 相似文献
成本理论是经济学的基本理论之一,该理论认为,在资源稀缺的条件下,经济活动追求的是利润最大化,这就要求收益最大,成本最低。通过审计绩效最优化对审计成本收益的配比进行分析,认为要树立正确的行为审计收益成本观,必须平衡追求业绩和成本的关系。正确的行为审计收益成本观就是在实施行为审计合规性与有效性的基础之上,以最小的行为审计成本追求最大的行为审计收益。通过审计收益成本模型建立的研究,将行为审计收益融入成本管理,确保行为审计绩效的最大化。 相似文献
本文基于一个包含市场风险的住宅需求倾向与住宅价格决定模型,利用CHNS数据,检验了住宅价格风险和风险对冲倾向对需求倾向与住宅价格的影响。本文的主要发现是,住宅价格风险对需求倾向和住宅价格具有负向影响,风险对冲倾向对购房概率和住宅价格具有正向影响;在住宅需求倾向方面,风险对冲倾向对社会地位高的家庭的影响要高于社会地位较低的家庭,但后者的消费行为对住宅价格的影响则更显著。 相似文献