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尼罗河是世界上最长的河流。千百年来,它用河水养育了流域的居民。然而,由于人口增长和生态的破坏,尼罗河的水资源出现了危机。为获取有限的水资源,人们开始争斗甚至真枪实弹地相互残杀,流域内有四个国家被列入世界最贫穷的十个国家名单之中。在危机中,流域各国意识到争斗只会造成贫困,只有通过前所未有的国际合作才能从合理利用尼罗河资源中共同受益。本文记录了造成尼罗河水资源危机的原因和背景,展示了人们发起“尼罗河流域倡议行动”以最终实现保护环境。消除贫困、实现和平的各种设想和愿望。  相似文献   

《商业周刊》2009年1月12日全球经济衰退能够暴露出贸易伙伴最糟糕的一面。由于国内需求疲软,中国和美国的制造商纷纷遭遇产能过剩的问题。  相似文献   

郭霞 《商周刊》2012,(12):26-31
策划前言"从基层看上去,中国社会是乡土性的。"在数千年的中国文明史中,农村人口一直占全国人口的多数,乡土社会也一直处于主导地位。由于儒家传统的文化与农耕文明的相适应,长久以来,乡土社会也处于相对的稳定状态。  相似文献   

学科规训制度与刑事一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“学科”原是教育的一个概念,福科揭示了“学科”包含的“规训”与“权力”的实质,使其成为批判现代知识生产体系的话语工具。鉴于我国刑事学科的现状,提出应对“刑事一体化”思想持谨慎态度,以避免强化“刑法本位主义”,抹杀其他刑事学科的独立价值。  相似文献   

人口、资源与环境经济学是一门正在形成中的横跨生态学、经济学、社会学、战略学和法学的新兴学科。构建这一学科体系的理论基础是什么?人口、资源与环境之间及其经济运行过程是否具有内在的本质的联系?至今还未获得令人满意的答案。提出由物质本源论构建起人口、资源与环境经济学的广义物质变换理论基础;由社会发展构成要素论构建科学发展观的认识论基础;由广义经济学和人口、资源与环境之间的转换、循环、代谢与平衡理论构建人口、资源与环境经济学的学科理论体系的理论思路。试图揭示人口、资源与环境问题的实质,以期从根本上解决构建人口、资源与环境经济学学科的理论基石问题。  相似文献   

Transfers and Bailouts: Institutions for Enforcing Local Fiscal Discipline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growing importance of local and provincial governments as providers of public services and the importance of those services for the overall performance of the national economy has led to a careful re-examination of how public resources are allocated by decentralized governments. While the Tiebout model promises efficient local resource allocations, the conditions necessary for such outcomes—many local governments, fully informed and costlessly mobile households, no spillovers, residential head taxes—are rarely met in practice. Lacking a sufficient number of competitive local governments, however, other institutional safeguards must be found. Four such institutions are identified here. First, a stable central government managed by nationally elected political parties or presidents capable of making (second-best) efficient interpersonal redistributions of income while at the same time denying inefficient intergovernmental transfers and /or access to non-resident taxation. Second, a mature banking system and fully integrated national capital markets to minimize the economic consequences of a single government's failure to repay its local debts. Third, informed and sophisticated municipal bond and local land markets capable of evaluating local services and finances so as to shift back onto local residents the full economic consequences of inefficient local government fiscal choices. Fourth, a politically independent judiciary capable of enforcing constitutional rules for spending and tax assignment, local debt repayment, and balanced local budgets. Efficient central governments and efficient land and capital markets are seen here as necessary institutional pre-conditions for an efficient local public sector.  相似文献   

循环经济的实践已经取得瞩目的成就.循环经济的理论研究还需要进一步深入,探析循环经济的学科基础具有重要的理论意义.从循环经济命题的产生和发展来看,循环经济不仅具有经济学学科基础,至少还包括了生态学、哲学和系统科学基础.  相似文献   

The continuing gender and race/ethnic pay gaps continue to be a matter of considerable concern. Using detailed NLSY data we examine the effects of a number of variables often thought to explain a large part of these gaps. Because the new variables explain some of the differentials our results provide no justification for ascribing all the remaining differentials to discrimination. On the other hand, they explain very little and therefore give no support to those who would discount the possibility of discrimination.  相似文献   

本文以学科创帝过程中的冯友兰为议题,围绕中国哲学史学科建构的早期历史,对这一现代知识系统的形成做些分析,以期对传统学术的形态转换有一深层次的个案性了解和说明.  相似文献   

与股东和债权人相比,存款人时银行的市场约束一直以来相对较弱.文章首先回顾了有关存款人市场约束的相关文献,然后利用数学模型分析了影响存款人市场约束力度的因素,在此基础上对我国商业银行加强市场约束提出了相应的建议.本文的创新之处在于将影响存款人市场约束力度的主要因素及其相互关系纳入一个模型中进行综合讨论,从而对加强市场约束机制进行了比较全面的分析.  相似文献   

试析信息化教学与学科整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着21世纪的来临,信息化教学已成为当前各类学校教育的重要内容,也是教育改革的重要技术手段;信息化教学应当与学科整合有效地结合,提高教育的智能化水平,推动整个教学系统和谐有序地运转.  相似文献   

This article challenges the conventional wisdom of weak market discipline in Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In so doing, we empirically analyse the dynamics of market discipline for all 27 EU member states between 1992 and 2007. The existing literature tends to assert that markets discipline governments, without measuring whether the interest punishment markets impose actually has the purported effect on government policy. To better grasp the dynamics of market discipline it is essential to consider both sides. Market discipline is thus understood as a two-sided phenomenon. On the one hand, financial investors react to policy developments. On the other hand, policy-makers react to market signals. We find strong evidence that although the impact of fiscal policy developments on market punishment slightly decreases with monetary integration, government responsiveness to market punishment increases. This runs counter to the conventional narrative of policy-makers banking on bailout from fellow EMU members.  相似文献   

统计学学科建设之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统计学本科学生的培养总目标应继续遵循“宽口径、厚基础、重应用”的原则,培养复合型高素质统计专门人才。优化课程设置是实现培养这一目标的必由之路。在师资队伍建设、教材建设、教学内容与教学方法等方面进行改革与发展是学科建设的根本任务。  相似文献   

关于构筑高校学风建设长效机制的若干思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
汪风涛 《经济师》2006,(5):101-102
学风建设作为高校的一项基础性工作,是高等教育改革和发展的一个永恒的主题。文章从以教师主导与以学生主体、他律与自律、主阵地与主战场、社会与学校等四个方面以及其结合上,探讨了建立高校学风建设长效机制,目的是使高校的改革发展更好地适应新时期学风建设的新要求,积极拓展学风建设的途径,加快学风建设的进程。  相似文献   

Fiscal Discipline and Exchange Rate Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new 'fiscal' theory of price determination has implications for exchange rate systems and common currency areas. We show that deeper monetary integration requires the discipline of a Ricardian regime ; that is, the government must guarantee fiscal solvency for any sequence of prices or exchange rates. Particularly striking results are that a currency peg is not credible without the discipline of a Ricardian regime, and a common currency area is not viable if fiscal policy in two (or more) of the countries in the union is Non-Ricardian. Interestingly, constraints written into the Maastricht Treaty are sufficient for a Ricardian regime.  相似文献   

Competition, Financial Discipline and Growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The interaction between domestic competition and economic growth of a country or region is a topic of intense policy debate. For example, in a highly-publicized book, Michael Porter (1990) strongly argues that there exists a positive causal relation between competition and growth, since competition at home forces firms to innovate and to be efficient.1 This "Darwinian" view of competition is supported by recent empirical evidence (e.g. Nickell (1996) or Blundell et al. (1995)) pointing at a positive correlation betweenn competition (measured eithe by the number of competitors in the same industry or by the inverse of a market share or profitability index) and productivity growth within a firm or industry.  相似文献   

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