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There are a number of analytical conundrums in the neo-classical theory of the emergence of private ownership rights, which is closely associated with Demsetz’s works. Reconsidering the internal logic of private ownership rights, the paper argues that, first, the emergence of “modern” private ownership rights should be the subject of analysis rather than ownership rights per se. Second, at least for some latecomer countries, modern ownership rights typically emerge when feudalistic multi-layered proprietary rights over land are abolished and replaced by ownership rights for the purpose of ensuring tax revenue, prompted by pressure from and/or the intrusion of a colonial power, rather than as an efficient response to changes in resource prices. Third, the socio-economic aspect of ownership rights that related to the manner of social formation tended to be concealed in the universal aspect of private property rights that focuses on the materialistic relation between a person and a thing. These arguments urge the bringing of social relations into the basic layer of analysis of ownership rights theory, as the original institutional economists such as Ely and Commons considered.  相似文献   

During the process of private enterprise and relaxing control, the railway industry of the entire world reserves considerably proportional state enterprise and state capital. One important reason of these economic phenomena is that there are many establishment collectivities in the railway industry. Every railway transportation enterprise uses the railway network, the hinge, the organizing group station and even the control center, take the format of public property and state capital to organize the relative transportation resources, which is more efficient in many instances than the private property right and capital, which is also the important economic reason why in the railway industry all of the world there are still ubiquitous for the public property rights and state-capital.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the access to an essential facility in two different property rights regimes. In the first, the owner of the facility has an unrestricted private property right of the essential facility. In the second, access is regulated according to the efficient component pricing rule. Proponents of the second regime claim that this rule is efficient, for it forecloses the complementary market only to inefficient producers. We prove that, as far as entry is concerned, the two legal frameworks are equivalent if we do not consider the possibility of the transfer of the property right, and that if this is allowed the efficient component pricing rule might exclude efficient suppliers.  相似文献   

Diversification strategy is a growth behavior adopted forthe long-term development of the enterprises when theyreach a certain stage. The success of a planned diversifica-tion strategy depends mainly on the correct businesschoice. Nevertheless, it is very difficult for a corporation todecide which business should be chosen. I.TheEvolution of theapproach of businesschoiceIn his 1980s’ books entitled, Competitive Strategy andCompetitive Advantage, Porter. Michael E. analyzed thecompetitive …  相似文献   

The strategy of diversification has become an important approach to enterprise development A successful diversification strategy depends mainly on the correct business choice. Before choosing a new business, we must identify the core competeneies of the enterprise and research the attraction and criticai success factors of the target business. Then we should make sure whether the core competencies match the critical success factors or not.The new business should be useful for cuitivating sustainable competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Big-ticket IPOs in New York and Hong Kong for Chinese banks and insur- ance companies make headlines. But in recent years another class of Chinese company has been quietly tapping the in- ternational capital markets. Enterprises that don’t have the heft or profits for a splashy initial public offering are finding they can  相似文献   

Evidences indicate that segment reporting has the ability to forecast firms' performance and reflect risks of stock market. However, there is no consensus between IAS and FASB on the choice of policy for segment reporting. Based on the analysis of IAS and FASB's statements for segment reporting, this paper points out that industry and geography are the two vital bases for determining the segments, and internal organizational structure also should be taken into account. Before segment reporting, a primary segment needs to be identified, and others can be regarded as secondary segments. The information of the segments can be disclosed in the form of supporting statement. This paper also gives a concrete format of segment reporting.  相似文献   

Social influence is an important factor in learning and decision-making. We estimate peer influence on student choice of specialization using data on undergraduate students of a Russian university. Information about individual social ties has been gathered from a questionnaire survey. We show that specialization choice is significantly influenced by friends as well as by study partners. The strongest effect is produced by friends who are study partners and those who have similar academic achievements. Reciprocal friendship ties have a stronger influence on the choice than nonreciprocal ones. Also, the decision is affected by classmates with similar academic achievement. The results allow us to better understand the mechanisms of peer effects in the specialization choice.  相似文献   

This paper finds evidence from Taiwanese manufacturing multinational enterprises (MNEs) for the period 2003–2005 to show that Taiwanese manufacturing MNEs are more likely to choose joint ventures (JVs) if intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection in the foreign direct investment (FDI) host country is strong. The estimation results suggest that if a country with an IPR strength similar to the level of Chile increases its IPR protection to the strength of Taiwan, the probability of forming JVs in that country will increase by 13.8%. One policy implication of this study is that developing countries can stimulate local participation by IPR reform.  相似文献   

以苏州19个代表性旅游景点为样本,引入通达性的概念,使用空间距离通达性和时间距离通达性为测量指标,构建空间—时间通达性矩阵,分别得到不同条件下等空间距离示意图、等时间距离示意图和低碳公共交通对景点通达性改善示意图,通过测算比较,分析城市低碳公共交通对旅游景点通达性的影响程度和机理,结果表明:①景点的通达性与其空间距离通达值有一定的相关度;②城市公共自行车能在不同程度上改善景点的通达性;③城市公共自行车的科学布局非常关键;④要构建城市立体低碳公共交通系统实现整个城市内部交通通达性的提高;⑤引入城市低碳公共交通在古城保护、城市环境、旅游效用、景区保护等诸多方面有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Intellectual property management plays a very important role in the process of technology transformation among different companies. This article discusses the main methods and mode which companies usually used to manage their IPM in market. Some suggestions are also provided for the company managers.  相似文献   


As the centenary of the 1917 Russian revolution approaches, it is worth reviewing the past 100 years’ discussion amongst economists on the possibility—or otherwise—of economic planning under socialism. The socialist calculation debate is of fundamental importance, not merely as a specialist application of economic ideas, but as an investigation of the foundations of economic activity. Every economic action is premised upon calculation, every choice depends upon an assessment of the costs and benefits of each alternative between which the agent must choose. The view of that choice and its attendant calculation is constitutive of the schools of thought—Marxian, neoclassical and Austrian—which have contributed to the debate. An understanding of the calculation debate is therefore required to understand how these paradigms stand in relation to each other. This article addresses one aspect of that debate—the claim by Austrian economists that socialism is impossible because the absence of private property in the means of production precludes economic calculation. The article suggests that several control rather than private property is required for economic calculation, and that several control is consistent with public ownership of the means of production. The Austrian argument on this point, therefore, is without force.  相似文献   

通过对河南省双沟村75家农户的深入访谈,运用Logistic二元选择模型对影响农户公共空间的支付意愿进行分析。结果表明,所有农户都认为公共空间受到不同程度的破坏,大多数农户认为无论是破坏还是改善都存在政府不作为。农户对公共空间的支付意愿受个体特征、农户特征和认知特征的共同制约,支付意愿普遍较低。年龄和学历与支付意愿负相关;职业与之呈显著正相关;农户家庭农业收入和非农收入与之具有统计上的正相关,但系数较小,实际意义并不明显;农户认为公共空间破坏越严重,越易产生支付意愿。农户对村域公共空间的认知及其支付意愿对村域治理有重要的政策含义,社会主义新农村建设应重视公共空间在村庄的稳定和发展中的作用。  相似文献   

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