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"三农"问题的制度经济学分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从制度经济学的角度来看,制度歧视、扭曲、农村组织缺位及制度变迁的滞后、非均衡是导致"三农"问题的直接原因,而诺斯的"国家理论"则揭示了"三农"问题的更深层原因。 相似文献
A. W. Coats R. A. Gonce James D. Shaffer Gary E. Francis 《Journal of economic issues》2013,47(3):597-615
This article examines the historical developments of the institutionalist theory of the business enterprise since the early 1900s in order to demonstrate its distinctive characteristics that are often overlooked or belittled by some institutional-evolutionary economists and most mainstream economists. I argue that the institutionalist theory is an evolving and emergent theory, which bears a reciprocal, evolutionary, and cumulative relationship between the business enterprise and society. The institutionalist theory is, therefore, suitable for the understanding of the real-world business enterprise as it can be modified and refined along with the evolution of capitalism. The article begins with a discussion of the present state of the institutionalist theory. The following section is devoted to the major contributions to the institutionalist theory situated in the evolution of U.S. capitalism. The penultimate section provides a critical discussion of new institutional and evolutionary approaches to the firm. The article concludes with a brief discussion as to what should be done for the further development of the institutionalist theory of the business enterprise. 相似文献
郑平 《生态经济(学术版)》2008,(2):90-93
金融生态用生态学的方法来考察金融改革中的问题与对策,探寻中国金融的可持续发展之路.本文通过历史与逻辑的分析,从货币的本质与功能两种角度对中国金融生态建设提出了全新的思考. 相似文献
本文主要在马克思主义政治经济学的框架下,对产业结构调整进行重新诠释,提出目前我国产业调整过程中出现的问题是由于相关参与主体在调整过程中角色"易位"或"缺位"造成的,明确指出企业是整个过程中的主体,而市场需求则是结构调整的源泉,产业结构调整是资本在各个部门间流动,追逐利润的结果。 相似文献
创新是金融业发展的动力。河北省是一个经济大省,但称不上是一个经济强省,更不是一个金融强省,只有通过不 断的金融创新,才能推动河北金融业快速健康的发展。本课题组通过对河北省各金融企业的深入调查,发现在金融创新方面 做得很不够,问题很多,在深入分析的基础上我们提出一些建议。 相似文献
发展经济学应在变革中发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
发展经济学自20世纪40年代诞生以来,经历了几次大的发展,目前已在西方已形成了较完备的理论体系,尤其是20 世纪80年代中期以后,又呈现出了新的发展趋势。但是西方发展经济学是以非社会主义的发展中国家为研究对象的,我国是以公有制为主体的社会主义国家,显然,不能照搬西方发展经济学来研究社会主义的经济发展问题。因此,中国必须建立社会主义发展经济学。中国经济建设实践的发展和理论研究的深入,为构建社会主义发展经济学奠定了实践和理论基础。 相似文献
金融生态中的法律制度探讨--一个新制度经济学的角度 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在金融生态建设中,完善法律制度是改进金融生态的重中之重.本文运用新制度经济学的相关理论,阐释了中国金融生态环境法制缺陷的深层次原因是没有真正实现从"人治"、"权治"到"法治"的根本转变,以及非正式约束与市场经济还存在诸多的矛盾,金融生态环境建设的核心是法律制度建设.当前我国金融生态建设的首要问题应以完善金融产权为核心,以强化信用秩序为重点,改善金融主体法律制度. 相似文献
Jon D. Wisman 《Journal of economic issues》2013,47(1):227-230
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Hospital Compare Program in 2003 to increase transparency between healthcare providers and consumers. Implemented in 2005, this transparency consists of hospitals' collecting and making publicly available a set of hospital quality score measures. The CMS induced participation by financially penalizing hospitals that did not publicly report a specific subset of these measures (called “starter” measures). Three years into the program, the penalty for non-reporting both the starter measures and other (“non-starter”) measures was increased. I use a difference-in-differences methodology to analyze the effect of the increased CMS penalty on the likelihood that a hospital publicly reported its starter and non-starter measure scores. I find that the penalty had an economically and statistically insignificant effect on the probability that a hospital publicly reported its starter scores, but a statistically significant 8.0 percent effect (p-value<0.01) on whether it reported its non-starter scores. These findings are robust to a series of alternative empirical specifications. 相似文献
突破性商业模式创新要素研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用多案例建构理论研究方法,运用扎根理论数据分析手段,构建了突破性商业模式创新的要素体系。研究发现:价值主张、关键活动、伙伴网络、收入模型和成本结构是突破性商业模式创新的5个核心要素;至少一个核心要素的质变将导致突破性商业模式创新的发生;每个核心要素拥有若干细分维度,核心要素的质变意味着至少有一个该要素的细分维度发生质变。 相似文献
J. M. Finger 《Journal of economic issues》2013,47(1):47-56
I analyze the evolution of trout recreational fisheries with the objective of identifying possible factors that might be driving current controversies in biodiversity policy reforms on the governance of alien and invasive species. Findings suggest that trout species have attained a cultural status, which makes it difficult to have them eradicated without facing stiff resistance from the trout-dependent sector. Results suggested that a process of leisure augmentation through environmental greed underpinned the introduction and continuance of spreading trout. With this process came also the development of a complex set of institutions that protected trout since they served an honorific role. My findings also suggest that the Ayresian thesis that all ceremonial systems are past-binding could be relaxed because ceremonial interests also envision alternative futures that can entrench and further protect ceremonial systems. To that end, these ceremonial interests facilitate path-breaking, but harmful institutional change. I extend Paul Dale Bush's concept of institutional spaces by assigning faces to the concept, resulting in expansion of possible institutional adjustment configurations. I find that this reorganization of Bush's concept tells the historical evolution of institutions of the leisure class in South Africa in a more dynamic way. 相似文献
In this article, the authors use the concept of the hierarchy of money found in the works of Minsky (2008[1986]), Foley (1987), Wray (1990), and Bell (2001) to analyze the process of liquidity creation in modern capitalist economies where shadow banks play an active role. They abandon the narrow focus on banks as the creators of money as well as the idea that nonbank financial institutions are mere intermediaries between savers and borrowers. Instead, the authors demonstrate that, similar to banks, nonbank financial institutions and foreign banks (through their cross-border activities) create liquidity endogenously by leveraging over the liabilities of entities hierarchically above them. The authors further elucidate Kregel’s concept of “fictitious” liquidity in the context of the hierarchy of financial liabilities, distinguishing it from “true” liquidity. By bringing shadow banks and the euro-currency markets into to the pyramid of financial liabilities, they develop a more complete framework of liquidity creation in modern capitalist economies. Their “extended” pyramid is useful for analyzing not only the fragility that may arise from the interactions between firms, households and banks, but also that which may originate through the interactions between banks, shadow banks and foreign banks. 相似文献
以新古典经济学为基础,波斯纳对法律制度进行了全面的经济分析。而伊斯特布鲁克和费希尔则是公司法经济分析的代表。其缔造的公司合同理论,贯彻了市场本位的价格理论,认为公司是合同的联结,法律制度无关紧要。新古典经济学及公司合同理论远离经济现实,受到新制度经济学及其他学派的挑战。 相似文献
L. Randall Wray 《Journal of economic issues》2016,50(1):245-268
This paper revisits J. Fagg Foster’s early assessment of the relevance of John Maynard Keynes’s theory of institutional economics. In his view, neither institutionalists nor most of Keynes’s followers really recognized the importance of Keynes’s theoretical insights. I examine Foster’s views on economic theory, with a particular focus on monetary theory. I apply Foster’s approach to what is now called modern money theory, an approach developed by heterodox economists working in the institutionalist and post-Keynesian traditions. I argue that this approach is consistent with Foster’s, and it offers a way forward to policy formation for the twenty-first century. 相似文献
公司财务控制机理:一个基于制度博弈的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
财务控制的目标是对出资者和经营者之间形成的代理契约的冲突进行管理和协调.以出资者与经营者的制度博弈模型为分析基础,可以清楚表明财务控制机理特征:首先,财务控制本身具有的制度成本(控制成本)是制约控制成效的关键因素;其次,财务控制作为一种制度安排,应具备使经营者违背代理契约的外部成本内部化的功能;最后,财务控制本质是一种契约安排,是出资者和经营者之间多次动态博弈的结果,因此需要不断进行修正完善. 相似文献
Ilias Alami 《New Political Economy》2018,23(4):512-529
An array of innovative financial and monetary institutional and policy initiatives recently emerged across the Global South at various spatial scales: (1) the deployment of national ‘self-insurance’ strategies such as large foreign reserve accumulation, different forms of capital controls, and currency market interventions; (2) the multiplication of bilateral, sub-regional, and regional financial and monetary mechanisms, including currency swaps and reserve-pooling arrangements, credit lines, bilateral aid, and development finance; and (3) a growing participation and assertiveness in multilateral financial arrangements. After critically reviewing the existing literatures – the international political economy (IPE) of ‘policy space’ and the IPE of ‘financial statecraft’ – the paper deploys a ‘scalar-relational’ critical IPE approach and interprets these policy initiatives in terms of a crisis-driven production of ‘new state spaces’ across the Global South, in the context of the current period of credit-led capital accumulation. The paper argues that this process has been characterised by the contradictory extension, intensification and growing complexity of the tasks taken on by the capitalist state at various scale levels, resulting in the increasing entanglement of state power in the nested hierarchy of monetary relations, from the global scale to bodies and subjectivities. 相似文献
大学毕业生基层就业难题的制度经济学分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
大学生不愿意到基层就业是我国高校毕业生就业存在的主要问题之一.毕业生集中在城市和发达地区就业一方面加剧了这里的就业竞争,造成了这里人才资源的浪费;另一方面,也加大了基层和经济落后地区引进人才的难度,抑制了这些地区的发展.解决问题的关键是创新基层就业制度,为大学生基层就业创造良好的环境,实现人才的自由流动和工作收益均等. 相似文献
Noriaki Okamoto 《Journal of Economic Methodology》2020,27(3):226-239
ABSTRACT Although the philosophical literature on social institutions has been insightful for social scientific studies, the application of its core concepts, such as collective intentionality, to real institutional dynamics remains challenging. One factor contributing to this situation is insufficient work that identifies collectively accepted social norms and shows how they constitute social institutions. Relying on the perspectives of John Searle and Raimo Tuomela, this study integrates recent analyses of the concept of performativity with discourse analysis. It presents an analytic framework, drawing on the concept of nominalization, to identify collectively accepted social norms that performatively constitute social institutions. Finally, it illustrates the identification of collectively accepted ‘globalization’ that performatively constitutes and shapes economic institutions engaged in corporate financial reporting. This study contributes to closing the gap between philosophical analyses of social institutions and social scientific studies by highlighting the performance of nominalized collectively accepted social norms. 相似文献
Neil R. Ericsson 《Empirical Economics》1998,23(3):295-315
This paper examines several central issues in the empirical modeling of money demand. These issues include economic theory, data measurement, parameter constancy, the opportunity cost of holding money, cointegration, model specification, exogeneity, and inferences for policy. Review of these issues at a general level is paralleled by discussion of specific empirical applications, including some new results on the demand for narrow money in the United Kingdom.The author is a staff economist in the Division of International Finance, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551 USA, and may be reached on the Internet at ericsson@frb.gov. The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the author and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Reserve Bank of Australia, or any other person associated with the Federal Reserve System or the Reserve Bank of Australia. I am grateful for the generous hospitality of the Reserve Bank of Australia, where I was on secondment when this research was begun. I also wish to thank Tony Brennan, Gordon de Brouwer, Julia Campos, Ed Nelson, Jerome Fahrer, Jon Faust, Steve Grenville, David Hendry, John Irons, Katarina Juselius, Neva Kerbeshian, Helmut Lütkepohl, Dieter Nautz, Athanasios Orphanides, Kevin Prestwich, Robert Subbaraman, Timo Teräsvirta, Jenny Wilkinson, Jürgen Wolters, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments and discussions. All numerical results were obtained using PcGive Professional Version 9.0; see Doornik and Hendry (1996). This paper is a condensed version of Ericsson (1998), which provides additional empirical and analytical examples and more extensive references. The data may be obtained from the Internet at http://wotan.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/oekonometrie/engl/data.html. 相似文献
The hypothesis of this paper is that a detailed history of a specific location and period is more effective for isolating the important characteristics of institutions than studies which span multiple millennia across the globe. To illustrate this hypothesis, I examine three Italian city-states in the period between eleventh and sixteenth centuries. This was a time when the "commercial revolution" was underway in these city-states. As a result, there were institutional innovations in settlement patterns, work organization, and self-governing institutions to help provide for mutual defense and for the internalization of gains from long-distance trade. I contrast this case study with the methodology and findings employed by Douglass C. North, John J. Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast (2009) in Violence and Social Orders. Rather than analyze the importance of beliefs and the protection of property rights as in prior work of theirs, the authors here focus on the "Schumpeterian competition" between impersonal organizations as an effective institutional form to control violence. Moreover, the timeframe of their book extends to "all recorded human history." In contrast to North, Wallis, and Weingast's approach, I concentrate on Genoa, Florence, and Venice in an effort to explain more effectively the emergence of the public/private divide and the relationship between politics and economics in modern industrial society. Experimentation in medieval Italy in mediating conflict between newly emerging classes, innovating in public finance to support the military, and focusing on broad civic participation in the political process had a lasting impact on the development of the state as an institution. 相似文献