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Several empirical studies have established the relationship between economic freedom, civil liberties and political rights, and economic growth. Nevertheless, few studies analyze the directions of causality. This paper studies the causality relations between the institutional dimensions mentioned above and economic growth, as well as the interrelations between them, using the Granger methodology with panel data for 187 countries and five-yearly observations for the period 1976–2000. In addition, the relations between these freedoms and investment in physical and human capital are examined, to be able to isolate the direct and indirect effects on growth. The authors acknowledge the suggestions made by the editor and the reviewers, which have improved this work with respect to its initial version.  相似文献   


The religious economics (not economics of religion) concern here is the relationship between the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and Israel, which is known as a geopolitical power in its region and which is also known as an economic success story. Joseph Schumpeter and Karl Polanyi explained how the political economy of medieval Europe was influenced and guided by Christian morality. This paper extends the analysis of religious economics by using the social fabric matrix of original institutional economics to define and structure the integration of the WZO, Israel, and the Diaspora countries. This allows us to observe how to conduct such work and to learn how Israel is guided and influenced by the WZO. It also helps to explain Israel’s “risk of tearing itself apart” as noted in a recent article in the New York Times.  相似文献   

This paper develops a formal model to disentangle the competing political incentives for redistribution, expropriation, and market openness. Although redistribution and expropriation are both types of government extraction, redistribution re‐allocates wealth within the citizenry, while expropriation re‐allocates wealth from citizens to the government. Representative political institutions increase redistribution and reduce expropriation. Market openness changes these incentives, as foreign investors prefer reductions in both redistribution and expropriation. When political institutions are representative, the government will rely more on reducing expropriation, rather than limiting redistribution, to attract foreign investment. Under representative institutions then, openness partially reinforces the preferences of voters rather than undermining them. In addition, market liberalization occurs only when the policy changes needed to attract foreign investment are relatively small. If existing policies are satisfactory to foreign investors, moves toward openness may be accompanied by greater redistribution and expropriation, as governments are tempted by a larger base for extraction. Thus, openness has ambiguous effects on economic policy, at times encouraging and at times constraining extraction.  相似文献   

经济转型期我国社会保险与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡颖  叶晓花 《经济前沿》2011,(6):131-138
随着社会保障制度在世界范围内的建立和实施,对社会保险与经济增长之间关系的研究也成为颇具争议的焦点问题。本文基于新的经济环境视角,采用经典回归模型进行分析的结果表明,社会保险基金支出和经济增长之间长期存在双向正向的关系,通过不断完善社会保险制度有利于提高社会保险制度对经济增长的正向激励效应。  相似文献   

陈艳莹 《财经研究》2007,33(12):17-25
服务业是一个经验品市场,买方互惠行为的缺失与锁定行为的存在都会促使卖方降低服务的质量,进而导致服务业市场萎缩,社会网络会进一步强化这种影响.我国服务业当前发展缓慢与这种买方行为引发的市场失灵不无关系.由于现有的产业政策普遍忽略了买方行为对服务业发展的影响,服务业产业政策的设计需要进行调整.  相似文献   

基于灰色关联度分析-格兰杰因果检验两步法,对沈阳市1978~2009年间的地区生产总值(参考数列)和第一产业产值、第二产业产值、第三产业产值(比较数列)进行关联度分析和因果关系检验,得出以下结论:(1)关联度在不同的时间段具有差异性,且随着时间的推移,关联度呈下降趋势;(2)第一产业对经济增长的影响逐渐减弱,第二和第三产业对经济增长的影响呈加强趋势;而经济增长只对第二产业影响显著,且随着时间的推移,经济增长对第一产业逐渐失去影响力,对第三产业的影响也越来越不明显;(3)经济增长的主要驱动力是第二、第三产业,且第三产业对经济增长的驱动力越来越强。因此,要调整沈阳市的产业结构,稳步降低第二产业比重、增加第三产业比重是促进经济增长的有效途径。  相似文献   

Asset mapping defines, identifies, and quantifies available resources. It has two advantages for planning economic development. First, while it is labor intensive, asset-mapping implementation is straightforward. Second, it yields information useful to establish, inform, and achieve policy goals. Its limitations are (i) a static approach and (ii) the absence of an evolutionary process to evaluate goal attainment and modify future activities. We explore how asset mapping can be embedded into a social fabric matrix for strategic planning and evaluated using economic impact analysis. This sequential, yet two-way iterative process provides an adaptive template for policy assessment, and a qualitative and quantitative predictive framework to evaluate attainment of goals (here to be understood as the criteria for sustainability and justice, as proposed by Underwood, Hackney and Friesner 2015 Underwood, Daniel A., Donald Hackney and Dan Friesner. “Criteria for Sustainable Community Economic Development: Integrating Diversity and Solidarity into the Planning Process.Journal of Economic Issues 49, 4 (2015): 11121123.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Asset mapping in the next time period, structured using evaluative outputs of the social fabric matrix and economic impact analysis, can be reemployed creating a new round of inputs for the social fabric matrix and economic impact analysis to assess the extent to which the criteria for sustainability and justice are achieved. Thus, the iterative process becomes purposeful, evolutionary, and pragmatic.  相似文献   

在经济增长与减贫关系问题上,大量的实证研究仅仅用经济增长以及伴随增长过程的收入分配状态作为解释变量,其结论与现实的契合性不够稳定。通过在计量模型中加入产业结构、农业生产条件、农业扶贫与发展政策等关键性的中间变量,并采用跨越"八七扶贫攻坚"期间和新世纪"农村扶贫开发"两个发展时期的省际面板数据,实证分析表明经济增长在农村减贫中具有重要地位,城乡收入差距扩大对农村减贫具有显著的负效应。与现有的大量实证研究结论不同,本研究表明不同产业在经济发展的不同阶段对农村减贫的影响是不同的,三次产业发展对农村贫困的影响发生了一定程度的逆转。因此,新时期反贫困战略也应做出相应的调整。  相似文献   

网络组织是现代企业参与竞争常常采用的一种组织形式,而传统的竞争法则已逐渐被合作所取代. 在系统分析网络组织相关文献的基础上,应用经济学理论对网络组织进行探源,并结合演化增长理论对网络组织的经济优势进行分析,得出了网络租金的来源.  相似文献   

选取1978—2013年中国的年度数据、1960—2015年美国的年度数据,运用向量自回归模型对中美两国的生产性服务业、制造业与经济增长的动态关系进行模拟和分析。研究结果表明:美国生产性服务业的发展对制造业发展和经济增长的短期效应比中国要强,且作用时间更快;中国的经济增长对生产性服务业发展的短期效应强于美国,且减弱速度更为缓慢;生产性服务业和制造业自身的发展是影响制造业发展的最主要因素;生产性服务业的发展是影响其自身发展和经济增长的最主要因素。  相似文献   

嵌入性、社会网络与产业集群--一个新经济社会学的视角   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
林竞君 《经济经纬》2004,78(5):45-48
由对运输成本、企业间投入产出关系的关注转向对集群相关经济制度、社会文化环境的分析,是近年来产业集群研究的一个重要特点(stroper,1997)。这一转向的直接缘由在于西方新经济社会学的兴起及其嵌入性、社会网络、社会资本等核心概念的提出与发展。笔者试图从这一学科的基本理论主张出发,结合其核心概念的阐述,对产业集群的竞争优势、创新与锁定效应等问题做出新的、系统性理论解释。  相似文献   

We use the Survey of Consumer Finances to analyze changes in U.S. household debt between 1989 and 2013. We focus on how income and debt levels have changed, and what this means for future economic growth and living standards. Prior to the Great Recession, U.S. households had record high debt levels and record low savings rates. Highly leveraged consumption boosted economic growth. However, large debt burdens have led many families to deleverage. Our study finds that deleveraging has been insufficient. Although debt payments have fallen relative to household income, this is mainly due to low interest rates. Debt levels, especially for home mortgages, remain high by historical standards and portend continued stagnation due to lower consumer spending.  相似文献   

杨小玲 《经济前沿》2010,(2):97-104
本文分析了社会资本与金融发展对经济增长的资本积累和技术创新效应,并利用我国31个省(市)1997-2008的面板数据,对社会资本、金融发展与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究。结论表明:社会资本对我国经济增长具有明显的促进作用,而金融发展却阻碍了经济的发展,社会资本与金融发展的互动效应对经济增长起着推动作用。最后本文从政府应注重投资社会资本的角度提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

依据1998年至2008年的数据,通过对中国银行业的市场竞争程度进行测度和考察银行业竞争程度对不同外部融资依赖程度的制造业部门的影响,得出结论:我国金融发展和银行业市场竞争程度的提高,有利于外部融资依赖度较高类型的制造业部门的发展,在短期内有利于产业发展和经济增长,但在长期内会导致资金和技术密集型制造业部门的资本深化,对产业结构和经济发展造成不利影响。这对调整和完善我国制造业部门的产业结构、调节和管理不同产业部门的资本需求、促进银行业市场结构健康发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

构建了一个土地对社会福利影响的分析模型,并用天津市的数据进行检验。研究结果表明:(1)政府对于土地供应量的控制减少了均衡资本量;(2)严格的土地政策会使单位资本产生的福利量减少;(3)土地政策的适时调整能使经济发展沿着社会福利最大化的路径发展。因此,土地政策的制定应该以社会需求为导向,并通过适时调整以实现社会福利最大化。  相似文献   

Gualerzi's comment on Trezzini’s 2015 article (‘Growth without Normal Capacity Utilization and the Meaning of the Long-Run Saving Ratio.’) underestimates the role played by the long-run elasticity of output with respect to changes in aggregate demand in my analysis and in the demand-led processes of growth.  相似文献   

基于环境经济效益分析的再生资源产业政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展再生资源产业是实现循环经济的重要环节。综合评价和分析再生资源回收利用产生的环境经济综合效益,促进该产业的健康发展,是当前要解决的关键问题之一。基于再生资源回收利用的双重外部性特征,从理论上分析再生资源回收利用的环境经济效益,并确定社会最佳回收水平。在此基础上,选取案例进行实证分析,剖析我国再生资源产业发展面临的关键问题,提出针对性政策建议。  相似文献   

Internal armed conflict severely inhibits economic growth according to a prominent set of civil war literature. Similarly, emerging scholarship finds that civil war inhibits processes of economic globalisation which are argued to produce economic growth. A case in point is international trade, which is reportedly stymied by intra-state war. In contrast, this article employs a critical theoretical framework which acknowledges the often violent tendencies of globalised capitalism. By analysing Colombia's palm oil industry, this article argues that civil war violence can facilitate international trade. In the case study which is presented, violence perpetrated by Colombia's public armed forces and right-wing paramilitaries has enabled the palm oil sector to enter and compete in the globalised economy. This includes processes of forced displacement, which have acquired land for palm oil cultivation, and violence directed at civil groups deemed inimical to the interests of the palm oil sector. By employing a micro-level approach, this article attempts to isolate violent trends related to palm oil cultivation in Meta, the largest African palm-growing region in Colombia. An attempt is therefore made to give an empirically informed account of how violence in Colombia's civil war is facilitating palm oil exports.  相似文献   

从生产函数看河北省经济增长与就业结构的变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着资本投入的增长和技术的进步,经济的增长将大量未充分就业的农业劳动力向高生产率部门转移而导致就业结构变化,就业结构的变动又进一步促进了经济的增长。用生产函数将就业结构变动从全要素生产率中分离出来,可以得出就业结构变动对经济增长的推动效应及第一产业就业人口向第二、三产业的流动对经济增长的贡献率。  相似文献   

本文提出一个"信息产业——交易成本——经济绩效"的理论范式,从交易成本的理论视角得到关于信息产业竞争力与城市经济增长之间的内在逻辑成本,并根据广东省21个样本城市的横截面数据对理论假说进行实证检验。本文的结论是,信息产业的发展促进了信息技术的创新和传播,因而节约了经济运行所需要的信息成本,最终提高城市经济绩效。  相似文献   

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