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我国国家创新体系的建设需要从技术创新、制度创新和管理创新等不同维度全面思考,建立协同的创新发展策略.在当前国际金融危机背景下,我们应实施重点产业跨越式发展的技术创新策略、建立综合性创新成果交易制度的制度创新策略、建立科学的创新绩效评价体系的管理创新策略.  相似文献   

Darwin uses natural selection in two different senses. Struggle for existence refers to rivalry; survival of the fittest refers to surviving environmental changes. The mainstream vision of economic harmony requires casting natural selection as survival of the fittest. There is no struggle, no conflict. Mainstream economics depicts the selector in the evolutionary game as the firm itself. The mainstream vision requires banishing corporate power and the technological basis of power. For Veblen, corporate power is central. The existence of power implies that among firms, selection assumes the form of struggle. Evolutionary game theory breaks with the mainstream vision; firms are rivals. Evolutionary game theory, however, lacks the "stories" that provide a mapping between theory and reality, something institutionalists are well-positioned to provide. Stories are necessary for understanding corporate power, its origins, its use, and its limitations.  相似文献   


This article conducts groundwork for a discussion of Marx’s influence through examining the boundaries of the specifically Marxian school of economics. This Marxian school extends well beyond the bounds of the self-identified Marxian school. Marx’s influence, Marxian themes and effectively Marxian theory can be found in several important heterodox traditions of economics, though this is often unacknowledged. A consideration of the proper boundaries of the Marxian school of economics is essential for a full understanding of Marx’s legacy and could contribute to the emergence of a more unified heterodoxy in economics.  相似文献   

This study analyses structural transformation in three Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries: Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt over a large time period (1960–2010). We examine labour productivity evolution and structural change contribution to productivity growth over different sub‐periods. We analyze the contribution of different economic sectors to aggregate structural change in the three countries. An econometric analysis is also performed to identify the main factors underlying the intensity and the pattern of structural change. Results suggest that the three countries initiated and achieved some progress in structural transformation over the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s. However, this process has stagnated at low‐income levels and has remained unfinished. Deindustrialization occurred at an early stage of development in the three countries, in contrast to that noticed in developed and emergent countries. The results of the econometric analysis suggest a significant and positive association between investment and structural change as capital accumulation increases the future productive capacity and triggers reallocative efficiency. The human capital quality and availability has a positive and significant impact on structural change. Trade openness is also expected to boost structural transformations. However, labour market rigidity hampers structural transformation.  相似文献   


This essay examines the contribution of Furtado to the understanding of the peripheral industrialisation process. His analysis of the role of industrialisation in the development policy of peripheral countries is based on criticism of the international division of labour that has been presented by CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina). Furtado's study of the new dependence situations of the periphery is based mainly on the expansion of multinational firms, the vehicle of the global diffusion of the industrial civilisation. In order to escape industrialised underdevelopment, Furtado advocates recovering the national decision centres in order to better direct technology within the periphery.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on Lithuania, whose government released an ambitious innovation strategy to become an innovative services hub for Northern Europe by 2015, and an innovation hub by 2020. Biotechnology has been identified as a strategic sector, and whether Lithuania will be able to achieve its ambition of a fully functioning biotechnology sectoral system of innovation will be explored. With the Lithuanian government declaring that they will intervene to achieve their innovation goals, this paper argues that sound policy intervention is possible and can be done in a way that avoids the limitations of past systemic approaches. The policy approach presented is based on a modified extended industry life cycle, and the movement of system structures through three phases – background, pre-emergence and emergence – and explains how each phase lays the groundwork for transition to the next phase.  相似文献   

1978年以来,中国从计划经济体制逐步向市场经济体制转轨,进行了全方位的市场化改革。国内外有大量文献针对这一重大的制度变革开展深入的探讨和分析。值得注意的是,这里讨论的"市场化"是不存在意识形态差别的,而是针对"管制"而言的相对概念;中国的市场化是一个制度变迁、创新的过程;这一过程对于经济增长有着积极的影响和作用。  相似文献   

国家创新系统的研究现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在简要回顾国家创新系统理论渊源的基础上,分别从政策导向的国家创新系统研究、国家创新系统理论分析模型和中低收入国家的创新系统研究3个方面分析国家创新系统研究现状,最后探讨了国家创新系统研究的可能发展方向。  相似文献   

从不同时期、不同国别的国家创新体系的异同点比较、国家创新体系的各组成部分间关系分析、国家创新体系绩效评价、存在问题等方面,对国家创新体系发展评价研究进行综述,分析当前国家创新体系发展评价相关研究的特征和不足之处。指出:未来研究应重点关注普适性发展评价理论;可借鉴系统评价方法、网络分析方法和经济学方法等;应更注重全球化背景下开放环境中的发展评价;应从宏观、中观和微观等角度研究国家创新体系的内部要素及其子系统的动态关系;应开拓国家创新生态体系评价研究。  相似文献   

Inadequacy of technology is a child of structuralism; the conceptof a national system of innovation (NSI) is a child of evolutionarytheory. A dialogue between these concepts can enrich our understandingof the problems involved in building NSIs at the periphery.Celso Furtado explains the structural roots of modernisation–marginalisationpolarisation and how the orientation of technology of underdevelopedcountries is embedded in income concentration. The formationof welfare states at the periphery provides NSIs with a new‘focusing device’, helping to break the marginalisationside of the process. The combined formation of NSIs and welfaresystems is an institutional response to modernisation–marginalisationpolarisation.  相似文献   

In the Progressive Era, sociology and institutional economics shared some important methodological principles and theoretical constructs. This study explores some of these similarities, focusing on the ideas and theories of Albion Small and Franklin Giddings, who were the most important sociologists in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century. Since the literature on the history of the interdisciplinarity of economics and sociology is somewhat scarce, this study aims to contribute to this historiography by considering the methodological and theoretical underpinnings of early institutional economics — mainly from the standpoint of Veblenian institutional economics.  相似文献   

An Institutionalist critique that draws from selected contributions of Veblen and Myrdal initiates a convergence debate. Challenged is a Neoclassical interpretation of economic processes expected to lead toward a catching up with respect to per capita output of Germany's poorer eastern region with the richer western region. Economic method is considered, and the Institutionalist School of Thought rooted in contributions of Veblen as well as Myrdal is touted for offering higher levels of explanatory power than the Neoclassical School. We challenge the usefulness of laws in Economic Science, and especially their applicability to the empirical economy. Instead of automatic forces driving a meliorative trend, we seek to establish that human agency and policy play determining roles in affecting economic and societal outcomes in Germany's eastern region.  相似文献   

创新型国家建设的战略思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
创新型国家建设的关键在于形成结构合理、运行高效的国家创新体系。本文从国家创新体系的主体——政府、企业、大学与科研院所、中介机构以及创新载体高新区产业集群出发,阐述了各自在国家创新体系中的定位及具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

The practice of usury has recently provoked an intense debate in China. While the practice is widely condemned, prominent figures have sought to legitimize it with economic analysis. The institutional competition between ancient usury and modern money and banking has persisted for centuries and seems far from ending. This article examines the institutional factors underpinning the revival of usury in China after a thirty-year stretch (1948–1978), during which the practice had virtually disappeared. The revival of usury is attributed mainly to a pattern of uneven development in China. Usury, by its nature, is a drag on economic productivity and a source of social discord. As China endeavors to achieve a more broad-based human flourishing, the practice of usury must be prohibited strictly once more.  相似文献   

王健菊  姜彦  杜旭 《技术经济》2009,28(8):100-103
本文对真实工作预览的国内外研究现状进行了综述,阐述了真实工作预览的内容、实施步骤,并着重分析了应聘者个体化差异和招聘者特征对真实工作预览信息效果的影响,旨在提高企业招聘的有效性、降低离职率。  相似文献   

创新是金融业发展的动力。河北省是一个经济大省,但称不上是一个经济强省,更不是一个金融强省,只有通过不 断的金融创新,才能推动河北金融业快速健康的发展。本课题组通过对河北省各金融企业的深入调查,发现在金融创新方面 做得很不够,问题很多,在深入分析的基础上我们提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了俄罗斯最近几年构建国家创新系统,促进科技和创新发展,提高国家和企业竞争力的战略思想,分析了未来几年俄罗斯科技和创新发展的目标。  相似文献   

近十几年来,建基于新制度经济学和博弈论的广泛影响,比较制度分析和历史制度分析在比较经济学领域已经成为最有影响的分析范式,但它在处理技术创新、制度演化和结构变迁等诸多问题上却存在着固有的缺陷。为了克服这些缺陷,本文以演化经济学的研究纲领为基础,提出了比较创新体制和比较历史创新体制作为比较经济学研究新框架的构想,简要说明了它在基础理论上与比较制度分析和历史制度分析所存在的重大差别,论述了这种新框架的概念、体系内容和意义所在,综述了相关研究的最新进展,并讨论了比较创新体制和比较历史创新体制的重大前沿问题。本文认为,比较创新体制和比较历史创新体制是我国创新型国家建设不可或缺的研究工具,它为比较经济学的新发展提供了最有价值的新范式和新框架,比较经济学界不应该把其发展排除在视野之外。  相似文献   

关于区域创新体系中几个关系的界定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
区域创新系统是个介于国家创新体系和企业技术创新体系之间的中观层次的创新系统。为了适应区域化和个性化需要,国内许多地区和城市都在着手构建和培育本区域的创新体系。构建区域创新体系必须要界定和处理好4种关系,即“区域创新体系”与“国家创新体系”的关系、“区域创新体系”与“企业技术创新体系”的关系,行政区域与经济区域的关系,不同等级的创新区域之间的关系。  相似文献   

荷兰和英国的创新平台及其对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邓衢文  李纪珍  褚文博 《技术经济》2009,28(8):11-16,103
本文对平台和创新平台的相关理论进行了简要介绍;在此基础上,分析了荷兰和英国的创新平台的功能定位、组织结构、运作模式和资金来源等,据此总结了其对我国技术创新服务平台建设的启示。  相似文献   

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