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中国消除绝对贫困是对世界发展的重大贡献。 绝对贫困问题的解决,离不开精准扶贫方略的施用, 但根本上取决于中国特色社会主义制度的功能发挥。(1) 制度取向是绝对贫困问题的综合施治与系统解决, 是短期纾困与长效赋能、政策兜底与内生脱贫的统一, 是普惠支持与精准施策的均衡。 (2) 制度建构逻辑是政府发挥战略先导作用与市场对发展脱贫渐进起决定作用的耦合互动。 中央统领与对口支援、 地方能动 “三位一体” 的举国扶贫体制, 从扶贫到脱贫的主体化、内生化发力, 从系统变革到微观干预的全方位帮扶, 从瞄准到施策、 赋能的一体化操作, 推动绝对贫困问题的超常规破解。 (3) 制度效能体现在脱贫退出的高质量、 长效性与内生动力上。 以中国共产党领导为政治保证的精准扶贫行动扭转了形式主义扶贫趋向, 相比其他国家取得了更全面、 彻底的脱贫成效。 贫困性质正发生新的变化, 防疫常态化带来新挑战, 消除剩余贫困, 提升脱贫质量、 管控返输入为主的超常规减贫, 转为科技基建、 制度供给为主的乡村振兴与相对贫困管控, 实现贫困治理现代化。  相似文献   

I analyze democracy as an evolving socio-historical process of autonomy, participative governance, social learning, and institutionalization. I discuss a variety of institutional contradictions, ranging from protective versus developmental democracy, socialist versus capitalist democracy, transcendental versus comparative institutionalism, and utilitarian versus pragmatist democracy. I argue that these contradictions are inherent in the agonistic nature of democracy that is transforming political economy along with the antagonistic interests of its members and institutions. I also present a basic synthesis of some dynamic aspects of democracy that enable and enhance social emancipation and transformation.  相似文献   

Welfare was reformed significantly in 1996, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was expanded substantially during the last decade. In the wake of these events, welfare rolls have shrunk dramatically and employment among the poor has increased, leading many to conclude that these policies have achieved important equity and efficiency goals. It is argued here that these conclusions are too strong. The work requirements and time limits of welfare reform create equity outcomes that are dubious and leave the potential for inefficiencies in the allocation of labor. The EITC excludes almost half of the poor population under age 65, rewards poorer working families less well than it does less poor working families, and provides a sizable work disincentive for a large proportion of its recipients. It is shown here that the poor are not homogeneous. Specifically, the very poor have a much higher incidence of physical and other disabilities. The ability to work varies substantially with income among the poor. There is a case to be made for a much more straightforward form of redistribution, such as the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG). It is quite possible that a BIG would accomplish goals of equity and efficiency more fully than the current mosaic of redistributive programs.  相似文献   

本文提出了我国农产品流通渠道研究的政治经济分析框架,展示了该框架对于农产品流通问题分析的独特视角。根据政治经济分析框架,农产品流通渠道可以分为经济与行为两个维度,而现有的研究则主要集中在经济维度上,这突显出加强对行为维度研究的必要性与紧迫性。本文对农产品流通渠道行为维度进行了理论上的界定与探讨,同时提出,需要引入营销渠道行为理论和关系营销理论作为主要理论工具对农产品流通渠道展开研究。  相似文献   

刘铮 《经济纵横》2008,(5):32-35
目前,我国存在着影响可持续发展的两大范畴内的矛盾,即以资源约束和环境污染为代表的生产力范畴的矛盾和以收入分配不公为代表的生产关系范畴的矛盾。这些矛盾的存在,表明体制转轨时期的制度建设不到位。要实现可持续发展,必须建立保证可持续发展的一整套制度体系。  相似文献   

制度创新与技术创新的分析和思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据瑞士世界经济论坛报告,2006年中国竞争力的排名急剧下降,落后于印度11位。这一差距的产生与政治、文化、传统等一系列因素有着系统的联系。制度变迁与技术进步互为约束、相互激励,在社会转型时期制度创新尤其起着决定性的作用。惟有大力推动制度创新,培育适宜于技术创新的企业文化,突破“尊尊亲亲”儒家旧秩序的约束,解决企业家人才短缺的问题,才能提升企业创新能力,进而提高以创新能力为核心的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

发展循环经济的制度模式与制度创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前,我国发展循环经济依赖于制度重构和制度创新.发展循环经济的正式制度包括以转变政府职能为基础,制定与执行各项发展循环经济的法律与政策措施;进一步实施产权制度与价格制度改革,构建充分竞争的市场制度,为发展循环经济提供良好的制度基础设施.发展循环经济的非正式制度安排包括转变观念,为发展循环经济创设思想基础;充分发挥非政府组织及公众在循环经济发展中的积极作用等.  相似文献   

Geoengineering would mask and reproduce capital’s contradictory needs to self-expand, on the one hand, and maintain a stable climate system, on the other. The Plan B frame, which presents geoengineering as a back-up plan to address climate change in case there is a failure to sufficiently reduce emissions (Plan A), is one means to depict this condition to the public and is a product of, and appeals to, a prevalent ‘technological rationality’. Despite its misleading simplicity, logical flaws, and irrational rationality, the Plan B frame is a relatively valid representation of geoengineering in current political-economic conditions. Although the Plan B frame will gain traction because Plan A is too expensive in the short term and does not serve powerful interests, there are alternative social futures in which technology could be used to address climate change in ways that preserve the environment and reduce social risks.  相似文献   

The notion of a circular economy (CE) developed out of the work of Kenneth Boulding and others concerned about Earth’s limited resources and its capacity for regeneration. The concept has recently become the heart of an economic perspective influencing governments, companies, and researchers. Core topics examined by those researchers include resource use, economic value, and systems thinking. The CE literature and the tradition of institutional economics (IE) have important elements of compatibility and complementarity which we examine in this article. There are also opportunities for collaboration between CE and IE.  相似文献   

Poverty and Political Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper explains the negative correlation between developing countries' per capita incomes and measures of political risk by relating a government's decision to tax foreign investors to distributional interests in the host country's population. Using a dynamic general-equilibrium model in which agents make irreversible investments abroad to insure against country-specific technology shocks, it is shown that the political risk for foreign investors is prohibitive if the host country's initial per capita income is too low and if the benefits of international diversification are not high enough to generate a sufficiently strong opposition against discriminatory taxation.  相似文献   

Contemporary analyses commonly attribute the global credit crisis to faulty regulation. What have been the roots of these deficient rules, particularly in Europe, where rapid spill-over from US markets took policy makers and observers by surprise? This article focuses on regulatory liberalism as the paradigm guiding European Union (EU) regulation. It has dominated regulatory thinking for decades, but it has been implemented throughout Europe only since the mid-1990s. This shift can be traced to political institutions that have filtered policy ideas. EU financial reforms have pushed policy from pragmatism, under which it was adapted to political contingencies, to dogmatism, which adapts it to the intellectual exigencies of rigid policy paradigms. Inadvertently, reforms had created an epistemic community in which ‘professional’ rule setters systematically ignored external criticisms. The institutionalised ambition to craft ‘intellectually sound’ policy–rather than policy that simply ‘works’ –generated rules that persistently ignored the financial markets' self-reflexivity and thereby aggravated the crisis.  相似文献   

1978年以来,中国从计划经济体制逐步向市场经济体制转轨,进行了全方位的市场化改革。国内外有大量文献针对这一重大的制度变革开展深入的探讨和分析。值得注意的是,这里讨论的"市场化"是不存在意识形态差别的,而是针对"管制"而言的相对概念;中国的市场化是一个制度变迁、创新的过程;这一过程对于经济增长有着积极的影响和作用。  相似文献   

论政治经济学、西方经济学的位置和功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
准确定位政治经济学、西方经济学的位置和功能,需要把握好以下问题:要正确看待西方经济学,分清西方经济学和当年马克思批判的资产阶级庸俗经济学的关系,鼓励对西方经济学进行创新性研究,有分析地加以利用;正确看待马克思主义在教学和研究中的指导作用,理解好马克思主义的基本内涵,采取与时俱进的态度来创新和发展政治经济学的资本主义部分,针对社会主义国家建设过程中出现的社会各阶层之间利益关系的矛盾,来创建社会主义政治经济学;深刻认识政治经济学和西方经济学的互补性。  相似文献   

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