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Building brand equity is a key objective for a range of communication activities; however, greater understanding is required on how different communication options compare in their impact on consumer response to a brand. In particular, firms are increasingly using cause-related marketing (CRM) to achieve business as well as social objectives, yet there has been limited research comparing the effectiveness of this strategy to other communication methods that may achieve similar brand-related outcomes. Using an experimental design, we examine consumer attitudes toward CRM and CRM's impact on brand attitude compared with two other communication options: sponsorship and sales promotion. Our results show that consumers respond more positively to CRM and that this strategy can be more effective in achieving brand-related objectives. However, consumers must perceive that the partnered cause fits with the brand. In fact, perception of fit plays a more critical role in determining the impact of CRM than in the impact of sponsorship or sales promotion. These findings suggest that when firms are considering their communication mix, CRM can be a more effective way of developing favorable brand associations, but managers must associate with causes that consumers will perceive to fit with the brand. Furthermore, this fit should be communicated.  相似文献   

目前,中国正成为世界上重要而且快速增长的新奢侈品消费市场。新奢侈品消费已经显示出消费群体以中产阶层为主、消费形式网络化、情感体验型消费、消费由一线城市向二三线城市扩张等特征。基于新奢侈品利用新的消费者心理,将高质量商品消费大众化,将消费的物品提升为一种新的体验和享乐的趋势,中国应根据自身独特环境来选择适合的营销策略,采取突出品牌个性,加快整合多种传播渠道,实施差异化品牌传播与体验式营销,发展品牌战略联盟等措施。优化产品营销规划,正确引导消费者进行理性选择,推动消费升级。并在全球市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   


This article investigates the influence of brand esthetics on consumer response to cause-related marketing campaigns. Drawing on brand visual identity and advertising research, a processing fluency perspective is explored in the relationship between stimulus characteristics and consumer judgment. Processing fluency suggests color enhances the ease with which consumers recognize and process brand elements, and more broadly, cause-related marketing campaigns. Brand logos were recolored to enhance the perceptual fluency of the two entities. Its joint effect with conceptual congruence (e.g., fit) indicate that both low and high fit brands benefit from enhanced processing fluency, with a more robust outcome for high fit brands. These effects were mediated by logo evaluation, leading to a new path of fit perceptions in CRM initiatives.  相似文献   

品牌定位是品牌成功的重要基础。品牌定位策略的制订必须依赖于一定的理论根据,主要包括心理依据和市场依据两个方面。品牌定位是一个关于品牌内涵诸多方面的定位,企业对品牌内涵的诸多方面应进行整体的定位设计。从整体定位传播的角度讲,需要遵循集中传播原则;从面向消费者的品牌定位讲,则体现为集中于品牌内涵某一部分的定位,即集中定位传播而非整体定位传播,不能简单地认为品牌定位就是产品属性、利益等某一点的定位。  相似文献   

包装作为产品整体概念的一个组成部分,是品牌理念、产品特性、消费心理的综合反映,它直接影响到消费者的购买欲,是建立产品与消费者亲和力的有力手段。包装作为视觉营销策略的重要组成部分,具有视觉传达功能、市场定位功能、传递文化功能。包装的设计应具有个性化,符合、满足消费者的心理,有利于促进商品的销售。  相似文献   

旅游市场竞争的关键是旅游品牌的竞争,旅游品牌竞争的关键是企业营销与传播策略的竞争,旅游品牌整合营销传播是旅游品牌竞争的重要手段,其实质就是旅游企业与旅游者进行旅游品牌信息沟通过程,它是旅游业市场竞争的发展趋势。  相似文献   

后危机时代,我国经济快速发展,品牌竞争加剧,更多企业借助重大事件开展公益营销,进行公益宣传,增加品牌资产。在营销传播视角多元化和企业社会责任兴起的背景下,研究企业的公益营销具有现实意义。以“欧莱雅世博礼仪讲堂”为例,这一活动有力地把握了市场环境,找到了利益相关者的共同点,使公益活动与品牌主体得到了完美融合,并对公益营销策略做出了有益的启示:注重传播的互动性、适配性和完整性。  相似文献   

The effect of fit and dominance in cause marketing communications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Consumer processing of cause marketing communications featuring a brand and a cause is investigated in the context of the communication format (perceived fit and dominance) on consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions. Two studies using different forms of communication, public service announcement (PSA) and cause-related marketing advertisement (CRM ad), are used to examine these effects. Findings suggest that both factors are important to consider in any joint communication. While high fit is critical for brands, dominance is shown to be important for both in joint communications.  相似文献   

In the light of patient empowerment and channel fragmentation, hospitals struggle to target patients in their new role as active, knowledgeable consumers. As market differentiation via traditional marketing mix variables such as price is hardly achievable in healthcare, superior communication grounded on sound positioning is a more promising lever for competitive advantage. Yet, research on marketing-driven communication from provider to patient lacks synthesis and critical reflection. Drawing upon evidence from previous research, this article unites 62 articles from medical and social sciences covering aspects of hospital marketing communications. Derived from qualitative content analysis, findings on the effectiveness of specific communication channels and contents are portrayed. This article further uncovers the characteristics of four evolving archetypes for hospital positioning and illustrates the implementation of integrated hospital marketing communication strategy. The elaborated conceptual framework can be used as a managerial tool for tailoring hospital communications. The article closes by highlighting future research directives.  相似文献   

我国企业文化营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化营销有助于企业实现产品差异化及提升品牌价值,也有助于企业产品品牌与消费者之间的沟通。我国企业在使用文化营销过程中还存在着不能紧密联系消费者、无法建立长期稳固的关系、不能给予消费者迅速反应、不注重消费者回报等问题。企业在实施文化营销时,应将文化运用到4R营销当中,即建立与消费者之间的文化关联;建立消费者所需求的文化反应;建立企业与消费者之间长期稳固的文化关系;建立了稳固的关系得到的营销文化回报。这能使营销过程更加顺利,并更有效的达到营销目的。  相似文献   

Cause‐related marketing (CRM) refers to the phenomenon where brands partner with causes, such as nonprofit organizations. Consumers may see some CRM partnerships as less compatible than others, however the level of perceived compatibility differs from one consumer to another. We know a great deal about how perceptions of compatibility affect attitude and behavior toward CRM partnerships, but we know less about how to predict a consumer's perception of compatibility. Therefore, our purpose was to investigate the boundaries in which balance theory could be used to make predictions about consumers’ responses to CRM partnerships. This is the first study to consider the construct of attitude strength (vs. attitude alone) when considering balance theory. We found that a consumer's attitude toward a brand, along with their attitude toward a cause, predicts their perceptions of CRM compatibility. We also found that CRM triadic balance could be predicted when attitude strength was included in the models, and that balance theory allowed us to observe preliminary evidence of attitude and attitude strength spillover effects in CRM triads. Practitioners can use these insights to determine which organizations to partner with, as well as determine how advertising these partnerships may affect acceptance of these partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrative review of the literature on cause-related marketing (CRM) persuasion research (i.e. studies of how CRM influences evaluations of the partner brand). The aim of the study was to review CRM persuasion research and to integrate the findings into a theoretical framework that could direct future research efforts in the area. Drawing on Bergkvist and Taylor's model of Leveraged Marketing Communications (LMC), a dual-path model of CRM persuasion effects was developed. According to the model, CRM affects brand evaluations along two paths: the indirect transfer path which is mediated by attribution of motives and the direct transfer path in which attitude towards the cause is transferred to the brand. The model incorporates results from extant research and provides guidance for future studies.  相似文献   

Cause-related marketing (CRM) campaigns that combine consumption in the Global North with international development causes in the Global South are an increasingly popular phenomenon, which link consumption by individuals to broader social issues. In this paper, we explore the use of development-focused CRM campaigns by social enterprises. We highlight the ways in which CRM represents a form of neoliberal consumerism and how the various strategies of social enterprises using CRM produce responsibilized consumers. We assert that individuals are transformed into responsible “development consumers” through the processes of personalization, authorization and capabilization. Throughout this paper, we focus on how these processes occur through the specific case of CRM. Ultimately, we examine the potential implications of the production of a “development consumer” by arguing that the responsibilization processes used in CRM campaigns are inherently problematic because of the types of development practices they support.  相似文献   

Trade fairs are an integral part of the marketing strategy for many products and services. The aim of this article is to investigate how trade fairs as a means of marketing communication bring about new ideas, desires and wants in consumers and by so doing facilitate everyday consumer creativity. The results imply that trade fairs play an important role in setting the stage for consumer creativity. Based on an empirical study of trade fair visitors carried out using an ethnographic method, the study demonstrates how consumers communicate their visit to a trade fair. The findings indicate that trade fairs have an influence on consumer creativity in the different phases of the process. As an outcome, two metaphors describing the role of trade fairs as facilitators of everyday consumer creativity are proposed. These are trade fairs as a tool and a vantage point. The implications for effective trade fair management and postmodern marketing are explored.  相似文献   

休闲旅游城市品牌营销评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩玉 《北方经贸》2013,(6):92-94
现代城市在进行品牌推广时,常常忽视了营销效果评价的作用。合理的营销效果评价,能够总结出以往营销过程中的不足,对未来营销活动的实践提供借鉴。休闲旅游城市具有其自身特点,在进行品牌营销评价时应当充分考虑这些特点,使营销活动更具有针对性和可行性。休闲旅游城市品牌营销评价体系从品牌建设、品牌传播、品牌管理三个系统层、九个领域、三十三个指标,从政府统计数据和游客感知数据两个角度对杭州城市品牌营销进行评价,并对评价结果进行分析,以期为杭州未来城市营销实践提供合理建议。  相似文献   

产品营销关乎企业生存与发展,面临众多大品牌的激烈竞争,对于一个新品牌来说,如何规避消费者对新品牌的不信任预期,使自己企业的产品受到更多消费者的青睐,是一个普遍存在的问题.因为知觉恒常性和知觉定势的存在,消费者在购买产品之前就会形成自己的预期,改变消费者的预期会对产品营销带来非常巨大的作用.改变消费者的预期可以通过消费者...  相似文献   

Gay men and lesbian consumers are increasingly representing a desired target audience for brands seeking to build brand loyalty in an under‐tapped market. The existing literature on marketing to gay men and lesbians suggests that brands targeting this market should position themselves as gay‐friendly. Nevertheless, little is known about consumer perceptions of gay‐friendliness, its antecedents or the socialization processes relevant to establishing a brand's gay‐friendly claim. This paper attempts to fill this void by reporting the results of a survey of gay men and lesbian consumers. The survey assessed the factors involved in perceptions of gay‐friendliness, socialization sources and the relationship between gay‐friendly brand claims and attitudes towards the brand.  相似文献   

品牌关系是指将品牌虚拟成人,研究品牌和消费者之间的关系。作为将关系营销范式移植到品牌营销理论之后出现的前沿研究领域,品牌关系引起众多学者的关注。由于品牌关系源自西方,理论界对于品牌关系的研究主要建立在西方个人主义的行为模式上。而在以集体主义价值观为背景下的中国,这些建立在个人主义行为模式上的理论在我国的应用具有一定的局限性。本文结合国内外的研究成果,构建了一种中国文化背景下品牌关系影响及作用机制。  相似文献   

The availability of a wide variety of luxury brands has resulted in declining commitment toward a single brand. Enhancing brand commitment has, therefore, become a significant challenge for international businesses and marketing managers. We develop a multi–dimensional brand commitment framework underpinned by marketing, organizational, and social psychology literature streams. The simultaneous examination of brand–commitment dimensions based on consumer desire, need, and obligation in our framework offers a novel perspective that advances research on brand commitment. Our findings demonstrate stability of the framework in important emerging markets for luxury brands, namely China, India, Russia, Turkey, and Thailand. The framework, incorporating affective, continuance, and normative brand commitment dimensions, offers a conceptually robust fit. We demonstrate that each brand commitment dimension is influenced by distinct antecedents, and we show the direct and interactional impact of consumers’ emotional attachment, economic motivations, and normative pressures on purchase intentions. Supported by well-established theories in organizational and social psychology, our study offers new insights on how consumers commit to brands. We provide international brand managers with a blueprint for strengthening brand commitment across countries.  相似文献   

The persuasiveness of stories and their influence on consumers have been acknowledged in marketing, particularly within the advertising field. In marketing practice, brand stories are increasingly also appearing on product packages. However, packages differ from ads in significant ways as communication channels; for example, the space for messages on a package is limited by the size of the package. This study reports findings from two experiments comparing consumer responses to fast‐moving consumer good (FMCG) packages with and without short brand stories. The findings show that even a short brand story included on FMCG packaging has a positive impact on consumers’ affective, attitudinal, product value, and behavioral intention responses to the brand.  相似文献   

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