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电网公司实施战略管理,最重要的步骤之一就是对影响电网公司战略制订的内外部因素进行全面分析。通过分析,帮助我们找到对公司的机会与威胁和公司的优势与劣势,使我们可以针对自身的的机会与威胁和优势与劣势制订相应的战略。本文将根据国内外制订战略的先进方法,结合电网公司的实际,对影响电网公司的战略制订的外部环境和内部资源及能力的分析方式探讨如下。  相似文献   

谭勇  毛成杰 《冶金财会》2000,(7):29-31,26
<正> 随着生产、技术和管理环境的变迁,战略成本管理正取代传统成本管理,成为获取竞争优势的重要工具,日益为世人所瞩目。战略成本管理是在战略管理兴起的背景下产生的,为适应战略管理的需要,一方面,将成本管理会计导入企业战略管理并与之相融合;另一方面,在成本管理会计中引入战略管理思想,实现战略意义上的功能扩展,  相似文献   

企业竞争环境瞬息万变,新的需求、理念及组织形式不断出现,对传统成本管理造成巨大冲击,也对战略成本管理提出了新的要求。本文对战略成本管理的思想突破与实践特征进行了归纳分析,总结得出:就思想突破而言,传统成本管理更加注重局部环节、低位成本、生产者成本及资金运动,具有成本管理与战略管理相分离、成本与资本相分离的特点;战略成本管理更加注重整体环节、高位成本、消费者成本及商业模式,具有成本管理与战略管理相结合、成本与资本相融合的特点。就实践特征而言,传统成本管理更加注重企业内部及实体运作,具有以成本定价格、追求单体企业成本最低、降低成本不可持续的特点。战略成本管理更加注重企业外部及虚拟运作,具有以价格定成本、追求价值网络总体成本最低、降低成本可持续性的特点。战略成本管理的"整体性"、"外部性"、"无形性"、"不可计量性"、"长远性"、"和谐性"及"无限性"理念,克服了传统成本管理"局部性"、"内部性"、"有形性"、"可计量性"、"短视性"、"矛盾性"及"有限性"等缺陷,以此构筑了战略成本管理的基本框架,以期更好地指导企业实践。  相似文献   

煤炭企业战略成本管理系统设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多样化的市场竞争环境中,煤炭企业应根据自身所处的内部和外部环境,遵循竞争战略原则,成本效益原则,协调原则和弹性原则,制定企业竞争战略和成本管理战略,选择适当的成本计算方法和成本控制方法,构建有效的战略成本管理系统。  相似文献   

本文从战略成本管理的角度来研究成本形成与控制的战略成本管理。研究的范围包括价值链分析、战略定位、成本动因分析。  相似文献   

为积极推动企业高端产业规模化发展的战略目标,保持企业的成本优势,通过分析研究以财务为中心的战略成本管控实现财务转型战略管理,本文详细的阐述的财务战略成本管控体系的构建特点,通过从结构层面、执行层面、控制层面三个方面对财务战略转型进行分析,得出使公司实现战略管控的创新,实现了"量的增长"和"质的提升"同步推进的结论。  相似文献   

随着网络经济的出现,价值创造的基本逻辑已经开始从价值链转向价值星系。新的企业组织形态与价值创造机制对战略成本管理提出了新的要求。本文对比价值链理论的局限性分析了价值星系的基本特征及其对战略成本管理的影响,提出了价值星系条件下的战略成本管理模式,指出战略成本管理应以价值星系全面成本合理化为目标导向,以企业间关系管理作为战略成本管理重点,以建立星系内有效企业间市场为根本途径,实施高参与型成本管理战略,对价值星系整体成本实施源流管理。  相似文献   

一、战略成本管理的内涵“战略成本管理”一词于20世纪80年代由英国学者肯尼斯·西蒙兹提出。战略成本管理就是将成本管理置身于战略管理的广泛空间,从战略高度对企业的成本行为和成本结构进行分析,通过战略成本预测、决策、计划、控制和业绩评价为战略管理服务。  相似文献   

一、战略成本管理的内涵 美国学者John K.Shank和Vijay Govindarajan在《创造竞争优势的新工具——战略成本管理》中指出:战略成本管理是服务于企业战略的开发与实施,从战略高度对企业成本结果与成本行为进行全面了解、控制和改善,从而寻求企业长期竞争优势的一种成本管理手段。  相似文献   

在加入WTO的大背景下,我国企业面临的竞争也愈加激烈,如何选择适合自己特点的竞争发展战略已成为企业存亡的关键。而对战略问题的研究,必然导致建立一套支持战略的成本管理体系──战略导向型成本管理体系。 战略导向型成本管理是由价值链分析、战略地位分析、影响成本因素分析三要素构成的。 一、价值链分析 价值链是企业在供产销过程中,一系列有密切联系的能够创造出有形和无形价值的链式活动。它包括下列四方面的内容: (1)在供应过程中,企业与供应商之间的供应链中创造价值的过程; (2)在产品生产制造过程中,各环节、各…  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between performance levels and the levels of cross-subsidy attained by local exchange carriers in the United States telecommunications industry. These cross-subsidies have been obtained by firms via their engagement in a separations mechanism, based on a cost allocation process, which telecommunications sector regulatory authorities use. Non-market strategies have assumed primacy in the activities of several sectors world-wide. Thus, understanding non-market strategic choices is important in the analysis of firms’ behavior and performance. Active engagement in the separations process is an important non-market strategy in the telecommunications industry, as a firm relatively successful in this activity can gain large cross-subsidies. The analysis establishes that less profitable firms obtain greater cross-subsidies. Once the profitability variable is decomposed into its two main components, which are productivity and price recovery, the impact of the profitability variable reduces. Firms which are relatively unproductive, as well as those unable to recover higher output prices, obtain relatively greater cross-subsidies. These results are inconsistent with the postulates of the strategic cost-allocation and behavior literatures but are consistent with x-inefficiency and rent-seeking perspectives of firms’ strategic actions.  相似文献   

In dynamic sectors, organizations should be capable of adapting to unpredictable environmental conditions. Strategic flexibility grants organizations the capacity to respond to the changes in their environment in the direction required, renewing their strategies and making the required organizational changes. The goal of this study is to analyze how the use of real options relates to strategic flexibility from a managerial capacity perspective. Through an empirical study performed on European firms, we confirm that innovative capacity exercises a moderating role between real options and strategic flexibility. The fact that a firm's management has foreseen and contemplated real options does not necessarily lead to their execution; they must also be accompanied by some innovative capacity.  相似文献   

The Finnish forest industry is sustainable, well-established, internationally oriented and successful. For companies in such a basic industry, an industry that features mainly bulk products and relatively small domestic markets, sustainability in business may hinge on long-term strategic choices. It is proposed in this paper that it is not only strong domestic competition, but also—and especially—coopetition traditions (simultaneous cooperation and coopetition) that are the crucial factors contributing to the success of the industry. This article contributes to the literature by providing industry-level tools, namely a coopetition framework and combined coopetition typology. The findings indicate that coopetition traditions have been present throughout the activities of the Finnish forest industry, enabling sustainability of the industry to a significant extent. Managerial and theoretical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

21世纪是人力资源激烈竞争的时代.薪酬作为吸引、激励和留住人才的重要手段在企业人力资源管理中发挥着不可替代的作用.可以通过建立薪酬文化的方式,来解决我国在薪酬战略管理中与企业经营战略脱钩等问题.  相似文献   

The automotive industry operates in a very competitive market which requires controlling product costs, improving the product quality and shortening the development lead time. Cost estimation requires quality data and information, therefore this research project identified several issues that hinder this activity, namely a lack of resources and information acquiring and validation difficulties. This research paper presents the various data and information requirements for detailed cost estimating in automotive industry. The research project has identified the common cost estimation process model within the identified industry sector. The study identified the types of data and information requirements for cost estimating. It has also constructed the relevant data infrastructure as the basis for a Web Portal, which is the physical presentation of the information infrastructure. Multiple sources of data collection techniques were employed to identify the types of data needed for detailed cost estimates within a manufacturing company. These techniques include participant observation, semi-structured interviews, process models and document analysis of six different UK based automotive companies. Methods of process modelling like IDEF3 and knowledge capture technique known as X-Pat (eXpert Process Knowledge Analysis Tool) were employed in this study.This study makes several contributions concerning both conceptual and practicable information issues that have long vexed detailed cost estimating practices in the automotive industry. The study conceptually defines the detailed bottom-up information (i.e., individual cost elements and the links between them) needed for an accurate estimate of cost, and shows why each element of information is needed and where it fits into the cost model. To respond to the practicable information vexations, the study shows where to find the necessary cost information and proposes a validation method. The research creates useful knowledge in the form of an improved understanding of information requirements for cost estimates. The benefits to the industry of better cost estimates based on this research at the conceptual design stage include improved cost control and enhanced ability to adjust to anticipated market trends.  相似文献   

The theory articulated in this paper suggests that the desire to reduce demand and competitive uncertainty are two separate, important motives for alliance formation. Taking this as a starting point, we predict the configuration of horizontal alliances that we might expect to observe within an industry when firms experience these uncertainties to different degrees. An empirical test of this theory using data from the global auto industry yields results consistent with the view (1) that alliances are a device for reducing both the uncertainties that arise from unpredictable demand conditions and those that arise from competitive interdependence, and (2) that variation of demand uncertainty and competitive uncertainty across firms explains differentials in both the intensity and structure of their horizontal alliance activity.  相似文献   

Sustainable competitive advantage results from the possession of relevant capability differentials. The feedstock of these capability differentials is intangible resources which range from patents and licenses, to reputation and know-how. A framework of intangible resources has been produced which formed the basis for a national survey of chief executives in the U.K. Some of the more significant findings of the survey were that: employee know-how and reputation are perceived as the resources which make the most important contribution to business success; and that for most companies operations is the most important area of employee know how. This article argues, by means of both theoretical reasoning and empirical evidence, that the analysis of intangible resources should play a major role in the strategic management process.  相似文献   

The paper takes a broad view of how economists identify market boundaries. Three types of definition are distinguished: trading markets, anti-trust markets and strategic markets. The first is based on the familiar law of one price, while the second follows US DIJ guidelines and is designed to identify positions of market power. Neither of these definitions suits the needs of one of the more recent and fastest growing users of economics, namely those responsible for corporate strategy decisions inside firms. The paper reviews why market definitions are a fundamental part of strategy decisions, and identifies several ways that such users might define market boundaries.  相似文献   

随着科技、经济的不断发展,诉讼案件越来越多样化、复杂化,经常涉及一些专业的问题,给法官的审判带来种种困难.尤其是建设工程案件,工程造价的鉴定尤为复杂,鉴定机构和鉴定人员的专业水平参差不齐,这让法官审判更是难上加难.最高人民法院于2019年对《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》进行了修正,对专家证人做了明确的规定与...  相似文献   

This study examines the tasks, processes, and frameworks central to performance assessment in collaborative research organizations. The domain of the study is the partnered learning approach to research and development (R&D) management. The empirical results highlight relationships between context (center scale) and performance (value perceived by industry sponsors) in such R&D collaborations. Insights from this research are broadly applicable to the maintenance of alliances among firms involved in collaborative R&D and are generalizable to that context. Data gathered from a national population of 58 National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored centers over a 3-year period reveal significant evolutionary patterns in the development of collaborative relationships. Successful industry university consortia leverage four core process relationships: (1) the creation of research capacity yielding advances in process and product knowledge; (2) technology transfer behaviors within the participants' organizations; (3) participant satisfaction with the outcomes; and (4) the continuity of industry sponsor support, i.e., commitment to the collaboration.  相似文献   

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