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黄继晨 《中国广告》2022,(11):92-97
选取日本BB-navi广告排行榜2021年1月至2022年6月每月排名前十的共160支视频广告为研究对象,采用叙事学理论和内容分析法,探索视频广告中叙事话语、叙事策略和叙事时空的显著特点。研究发现广告模特选择收窄,暖色调产品广告更受欢迎;音乐铺垫叙事风格,音效转换叙事场景;叙事密度高,叙事风格偏重感性诉求;叙事时序线性式,叙事空间倾向选择内景。日本视频广告叙事的研究不仅有利于了解当下日本广告的传播环境,也为我国广告叙事中各元素的组合提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文针对广告非线性叙事这一特征,借鉴结构主义语言学家格雷马斯提出的“语义方阵”的叙事模式,以语言系统二元对立关系的研究方法.着力探讨广告语义结构的叙事模式.以反义词二元对立的语义结构.并通过广告界面的综合感知材料和表现形式.构成语义结构和意义生成的广告叙事模式。  相似文献   

刘腾 《消费导刊》2010,(3):217-218
《叙事话语》是关于叙事学的一部重要理论著作,《红楼梦》是中国古典小说发展的顶峰。本文将二者联系起来,运用法国学者热奈特的叙事话语理论,从顺序、叙事速度、频率和叙事主体四个方面对《红楼梦》进行了叙事话语的分析,并零星地获得了一些全新的见解。  相似文献   

本文从广告文化的研究现状入手,对广告文化研究的表层化现象及理论的贫弱进行了归纳、分析与思辨,在对部分著述进行评述的基础上,论述了广告文化研究过程中概念界定及本体论研究的重要性,指出了目前广告文化学学科建构应持的研究角度与理论重心。  相似文献   

邹琰 《中国报业》2012,(12):92-93
随着媒介竞争的加剧,各个媒体都积极增加新的媒介传播手段,以提高媒体竞争的优势。其中较为突出的是信息的叙事技巧,它的改变使新闻叙事学逐渐摆脱传统理论只关注文本内部的模式,开始关注与研究同文本相关的社会文化背景给媒介叙事带来的影响。本文正是以新闻叙事学作为基础,结合当下媒介的现实语境,探讨新闻叙事学面临的挑战和困境,并提出了叙事伦理的重建成为新闻叙事学面临的新课题。  相似文献   

以耐克趣味叙事广告为例,分析了国内体育用品类广告现状及趣味叙事广告的诸多优点。  相似文献   

王怀  方迎丰 《中国报业》2017,(21):40-42
随着我国经济发展带来的消费升级以及新的传播技术应用,传统广告被重新定义,传统媒体的广告经营模式也随之而变。广告信息传播模式由"对话"变迁为"叙事",媒体的广告价值得到重构。媒体叙事成为当前传统媒体再造广告模式的核心思路之一。  相似文献   

安静 《商业时代》2007,(13):15-16
本文在界定了“指向广告的态度”概念的基础上,分析了“通过工具性条件反射来产生”以及“也可以是一个非常复杂的认知过程的结果”这样两种指向广告的态度的形成方式,并阐述了认知人格因素在指向广告的态度中所扮演的角色。态度是在特定的情境中形成的,企业和广告商在面对负向的指向广告的态度时,首先是认清产生这种态度的营销和广告环境,并能动地适应环境的变化,转变原有的看法,充分认识到消费者对广告的反应,不仅仅是一种刺激反应,同时也是一种认知反应,广告的制作和传播应建立在对目标消费者的心智和行为的深入研究和仔细分析的基础上。  相似文献   

高云 《商》2014,(47):170-171
英剧《纸牌屋》和美剧《纸牌屋》都改编自英国小说《纸牌屋》,前者曾广受好评,后者如今也已风靡全球。本文运用修辞叙事理论,从叙述者、叙事进程和叙事判断三个角度对美剧《纸牌屋》和英剧《纸牌屋》进行对比分析。从修辞叙事学视角探究两剧的成功之道和美学价值。  相似文献   

原生广告作为品牌在数字化时代营销传播沟通方式的新宠,在各大新媒体平台中应用广泛,带动了原生广告的深入探讨及研究。然而,已有的针对原生广告的研究存在概念不统一、研究体系分散、广告效果结论不一致等问题,阻碍了原生广告研究的进一步发展。本文结合文献研究法,基于传播过程的“5W模式”,厘清了原生广告的概念及类型,归纳分析了既有研究中原生广告效果的影响因素,并勾勒出既有的研究轮廓,提出了未来的研究方向,以期为该领域今后的理论研究和管理实践奠定基础和提供思路。  相似文献   


Advertising: The Business of Brands is a “non-genre” text, to borrow a term from film criticism. Genre films, such as Westerns or romantic comedies, follow certain formulas and have recognizable forms (Kaminsky 1991). Similarly, advertising principles texts used in introductory courses are part of a genre that, until now, has included certain recognizable and expected forms. The genre of ad principles texts carries certain expectations about scope, writing style, and layout. These texts provide an overview of the field; are written in a linear, narrative style by the same author or set of authors; and are hardbound books of up to 26 chapters in length. The layout incorporates an abundance of colorful ads and a generous amount of white space for visual appeal.  相似文献   

This paper will problematise the notion of distributed cognition in courses across cultural learning borders, by presenting a narrative case study of six learners’ journeys to online learning. I will argue that although distributed cognition is a widely acceptable theory in e‐learning, it is based on an assumption that the ‘distribution’ of cognition is reciprocal between toolmakers, texts and users, when perhaps, in certain instances, it excludes the life (and learning) world of local learners in the global, borderless environment. In these instances the cognition that is assumed to be distributed is, in contrast, ‘contained’ in the narrative‐in‐action that is familiar to the learners, whose situated knowledge is embedded and embodied in a non‐global discourse ( Henning et al., 2000 ).  相似文献   

This study focuses on the creation of a family identity as a central communication objective in business storytelling. We contribute to the field of business website marketing by identifying, through textual analysis of US winery website narratives, how businesses communicate family brand identities. Results show that three claims that are critical for family brand identities—character, temporal continuity, and distinctiveness—do appear in the website texts. Our study provides beginning evidence that family identity does not require family ownership alone but can be built upon complementary narrative elements and tactics, including kinship references and heritage storytelling. Both content and linguistic style of narratives are useful in conveying a family brand identity to an external public for website design. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

As one of the most controversial literary figures among his generations,Allan Poe always tries to embroider the terrific effects from the auditory aspect,which can reinforce readers' understandings of the literary texts.This thesis explores the horrific effect of Poe's short stories from the narrative point of view.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1265-1287
This article states that the distinctiveness of business history and its convincingness can be improved by the concept of invented tradition and narrative. After a theoretical overview it suggests that the narrative approach explains the way leaders operate in practice. It argues that with a narrative approach one sees that history is used by business leaders in four different ways: as a source to create traditions and symbols as means of communication, as a way to understand and strengthen the identity of the organisation, as means to create corporate memory and as a tool to connect past, present and future. The examples are taken from a Dutch oral history project on management behaviour at multinationals.  相似文献   

Media stories of ethical lapses in business are relentless. The general public vacillates between revulsion, impatience, cynicism, and apathy. The role of the Business School in Moral Development is debated by scholars, accrediting agencies, and Schools of Businesses. It is a question to which there is no easy answer and one with which Business Schools continue to grapple. This article places the concept of “moral imagination,” theories of moral development, and ethics in a behavioral context. It then discusses a staple of business education, the case study, as a form of ethics narrative that provides ethical modeling within that context. Finally, in discussing the narrative role of the classroom professor in ethical modeling, it provides a framework for further discussion of the role of business education in moral development.  相似文献   

Business ethics texts often have sections on ethical theory, but typically little or no discussion of foundational philosophical concepts like cause, personhood, or responsibility. Here I use the Love Canal case as an example of how discussion could be enriched by reference to issues such as these. I advocate that we foster deliberation about these kinds of core metaphysical issues as well as ethical theory in case analysis, and believe that doing so would move students from intuitive gainsaying to a richer and more subtle examination of cases.  相似文献   

Representations of the woman leader in Finnish business media articles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the kinds of representations of the woman leader produced discursively in the Finnish business media. The paper draws on the idea that jobs and organizations are gendered and, to the extent that gendered features are valued differently, with masculinity being favoured particularly in managerial positions, the status of women and men leaders becomes unequal. Based on the assumption that the media form a powerful force which creates and maintains meanings in contemporary society, we focus on articles published in a leading business newspaper and major business magazines in Finland. Three discourses are built based on the texts, namely a patriarchal, a victim and a professional discourse. The results of the study imply that the texts are largely reified in terms of masculinity, and that one underlying problem is the shortage of female role models and lack of the feminine perspective in the dominant discourse. It is suggested that, if we are to develop alternative, "new" ways of constructing the woman leader into being, the writing in the business media texts should opt to test the limits of the current discourses by voicing comments regarded as expressly feminine, instead of taking the masculine as the dominant norm.  相似文献   

Drawing on the themes of men and masculinity, this article examines texts in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports of local multinational enterprises (MNEs) in South Korea, an emerging economy. This article explores how Korean male hegemony is hidden and naturalized in CSR reporting. Focusing on the discursive construction of gender identity, we analyze how CSR reports portray gendered identities in ways that may foster gender inequality by examining how the texts reflect the inferior position of women and marginalized male workers in the workplace. We review 15 CSR reports from Korean MNEs as a primary data source for examining corporate policies and disclosure on gender-equality issues in the workplace. We explore the inherently embedded meaning of CSR reports to evaluate the masculine tone of gender relations in these texts. To deepen our understanding, we retrieved the original text segments, coded them by using a categorical framework and revisited our data to critically examine our interpretation of the narrative structures that we argue reflect and reproduce certain discourses of masculinity, through the (in)visibility of women, the marginalization of women and (part-time) men, and the silencing of their voices by the Korean male hegemony.  相似文献   

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