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生态文明视角下的适度消费观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同的文明形态下形成不同的消费观念。适度消费观是与生态文明相适应的消费观。它克服了工业社会单纯的立足于经济发展,毫无节制的牺牲环境与过度消耗资源的缺陷。适度消费观倡导:生态消费,即人类的消费应与自然环境的承载能力为上限;均衡消费,即代际以及空间分布均衡的消费;与生产力发展水平相适应的消费;综合型消费,反对"纵欲"的物质消费,提倡更高层次的精神消费。要将适度消费观推向实践,应该从教育、资源的循环利用以及法律等方面做好工作。  相似文献   

随着现代技术和工业文明的到来,经济发展超过了生态环境自身的承载能力,一定程度上破坏了大自然循环的自在规律,导致生态环境恶化、生态危机频发。党的十七大报告中提出建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。科技正是其原动力。科学技术是服务于生态文明建设的物质支撑。生态文明建设是发展科学技术的精神内核。科学技术和生态文明二者相辅相成,互利共生,共同推动人类社会不断进步。人们应在发展现代科学技术的同时,正确地引导科学技术的价值取向,用"绿色科技"推动生态化生产。  相似文献   

以绿色消费模式促进西安生态文明建设,是实现西安经济、社会和谐发展的重要机制.针对此,本文提出了以绿色消费模式促进西安生态文明建设的对策建议,即发挥政府的调控作用,增强全民的环保意识,构建绿色消费模式综合评价体系,构筑绿色消费的产业基础,开展绿色消费试点,构建西安生态文明建设的长效机制.  相似文献   

树立生态文明消费观是加快建设资源节约型环境友好型社会的基本要求。生态文明消费观是以适度消费为特征,以实用节约为原则,把人与自然放在同等的地位来思考,追求基本的生活需要,崇尚健康生活方式。树立生态文明消费观,要求促进全面发展的消费、形成以人为本的消费理念,注重公平的消费、形成和谐消费理念,倡导绿色消费、循环消费、低碳消费、形成资源节约环境友好的消费理念,以此改变人类自身的生活方式和思维定式,减少对自然不合理的需求,从而推进"两型"社会建设。  相似文献   

本文首先论证了发展生态消费力的必要性,即有利于提高消费质量、树立生态文明的消费观,有利于节约型社会的建设,有利于促进消费文明,社会文明;其次阐释了生态消费力的发展现状;最后提出了发展生态消费力的实现路径,即培育全社会的生态消费观念,大力发展生态产业,制定扶持生态消费领域的优惠政策,加强保护生态环境的制度建设等。  相似文献   

从绿色旅游产业体系的涵义出发,探讨了生态文明建设与发展绿色旅游产业的互相作用.文章基于对生态文明建设的认识,从生态环境、旅游资源、旅游设施配套、旅游市场、旅游产业集聚、旅游产业融合等几个方面对福建省绿色旅游产业体系的构建的条件进行了分析.其后提出了生态文明建设理念下福建省绿色旅游产业体系的构建途径,包括:(1)优先发展生态文明型旅游行业与旅游企业;(2)进一步促进产业融合,形成生态的循环产业链;(3)鼓励技术创新,信息技术先行;(4)以生态文明观引导绿色旅游消费模式.  相似文献   

自2007年厦门反PX事件后,大连、宁波、茂名等地的PX项目接连受阻,被迫迁址或搁置,这些反PX等重化工项目的运动体现了公众对国内生态文明建设的关切与担忧,但接二连三的反PX运动以及群众对于环境污染工程的强烈反对态度使我们在权衡社会经济的发展和生态文明建设方面左右为难。要破解生态文明建设的现实困境,不能头疼医头,脚疼医脚,必须坚持中国生态文明建设的核心理念,借鉴国外生态文明建设的有益经验,实现"工业情怀"和"人文关怀"的有机统一。  相似文献   

生态消费:人类消费行为发展的新定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统工业文明社会过度追求欲求消费的模式通过消费和生产的互动作用,引领高投入、低产出、高污染的经济运行模式发展,导致了今天资源短缺、生态危机。按照以人为本的消费观,重构建立在人、自然和社会和谐统一基础上的生态消费模式,为优化人与自然的关系,实现可持续发展提供了一个整体思维范式。为此,必须加强制度建设和道德建设,营造一个良好的制度和社会环境,促进生态消费形成。  相似文献   

生态文明是人类社会经历了原始文明、农业文明、工业文明后的一种新的文明范式。生态文明也是人类在后工业化时代应对工业与自然环境危机四伏的博弈中所产生的新的价值观与思维方式。生态文明存在两个基本维度:一是自然的维度,另一是人的维度。生态文明是两个维度的和谐与统一。生态工业正是整合两个维度,促进生态产业化,通向生态文明的路径之一。工业企业生态工程是产业生态化的微观途径与具体举措。生态文明中"人的维度"中"人"具有主观能动性,这要求坚持科学发展观,树立生态伦理观,积极实施企业生态工程,迈向生态文明新时代。  相似文献   

在生态文明建设中,为了满足我国环境产业与金融业发展需求,需要借助市场定价、管理创新与资源配置等手段,发挥政府主导作用,引导社会资本参与绿色产业,推动绿色金融健康、持续的发展。基于此,文章在生态文明背景下,介绍绿色金融发展现状,基于绿色金融发展存在的城乡生态环境二元化问题突出、绿色金融供需矛盾大、绿色产业界定模糊等问题,提出控制策略,更好地推进生态文明建设。  相似文献   

This article aims to present Albion W. Small’s underestimated view on labour relations in industrial organisations. A century ago, this sociologist, who also had a grounding in political economy, analysed the transformation of capitalism through a focus on the relationship between workers and capitalists. He offered some interesting proposals, stressing the need for the two factors of production to cooperate instead of competing. His approach may still be insightful today in rethinking the forthcoming challenges facing industrial organisations as well as capitalism, especially regarding the ontological nature of a firm associated with its governance issue.  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1151-1159
Literature on organizational buying behavior pays little attention to ongoing search, i.e., information search activities that are independent of specific purchase decisions. This study employs ethnographic methods to investigate the nature of ongoing search in the context of trade shows. The study contributes to the literature on information search among industrial buyers by highlighting its bias in favor of search processes that lead to short-term purchases. The research findings have strong implications for trade show scholarship, as they cast a critical light on the “received view” on how to effectively select, manage and measure returns on trade show investments. This article offers a more complex and nuanced view of visitor behavior at trade shows and introduces a broader perspective on the significance of these events for their underlying markets.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that there is a great need in service quality research to develop better procedures for collecting, selecting and interpreting data on service quality. We argue that such a proce- dure should be qualitative in nature rather than quantitative. The focus for study must then be measuring the total service ex- perience from the (internal) customer's point of view. We suggest a new experience-based method for generating qualitative aspects of service experiences. With these qualitative aspects we have a base for measuring service quality. This is illustrated in two case studies of industrial development services.  相似文献   

随着产业集群的不断发展,它对城市化的推动作用越来越强。工业基础好、产业布局原本相对集中的地区对城市的集聚、辐射带动作用较强,城市化和产业集群发展的互动效应也更强。在布局上,大城市往往能更好地吸聚人才、科技等创新型要素,进而支撑高新技术产业集群的发展,而小城镇由于资源禀赋上的限制,集聚比较多的是劳动密集型的产业集群。因此,要充分发挥大城市的要素集聚和产业培育功能,加强城市功能分工和空间优化,并推动工业园区成为城市新区。  相似文献   

李庆满 《中国市场》2009,(28):10-12
技术标准联盟是产业集群发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是产业集聚的高级形式。产业集群与技术标准联盟实质上都是中间体组织,二者既有本质区别又有密切联系。产业集群产生技术标准联盟的动因主要包括四方面:在产业集群内外建立最佳的竞争秩序;共享企业间资源,分散技术研发与标准运作风险;争夺标准主导地位,打造事实标准;利用网络效应获取竞争优势。  相似文献   


The study of the long-term orientation of the commercial relationships established between companies and their suppliers is a topic of great interest at the present time. But although many authors have analyzed this temporal orientation, few have examined its dynamic nature. Moreover, there are no previous studies looking at the moderating effect of the relationship life cycle on the factors determining the temporal orientation of these relationships, comparing how some antecedents could have different effects depending on the specific stage the relationship has reached.

Thus, in the context of the Spanish agro-food sector, the current work examines this moderating effect, considering the industrial customers' point of view. Specifically, we analyze the effect of the initial stage compared with the intermediate stage of the life cycle on a set of antecedent factors of this long-term orientation. Our research offers important implications for the management of elements such as communication, cooperation, trust, satisfaction and commitment.  相似文献   

跨国公司与中国企业产业关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,为了实现产业梯度转移和增强核心竞争力,跨国公司为中国企业提供了产业关联的契机;如何有效吸引跨国公司直接投资,促进产业关联,实现技术进步和产业升级是中国企业的当务之急;针对跨国公司与中国企业产业关联不够紧密,跨国公司在华投资项目国产化率普遍较低的现状,中国企业要通过自身技术创新和聚集效应的获取,努力提高与跨国公司的产业关联度。  相似文献   

This article offers a conceptual framework for classifying attributes of offerings in a business‐marketing context. Typologies on the nature of product‐related attributes and classification of industrial products are synthesized for viewing levels of product meaning. Repertory grid procedures first developed in clinical psychology and recently adapted for use in business settings are presented as an approach for eliciting salient/determinant attributes. Enhanced effectiveness of the classic industrial selling process is demonstrated along with implications for managing the sales force. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

At what point does legitimate competitive intelligence gathering cross the line into industrial espionage, and what is it about certain intelligence gathering practices that makes them open to criticism? In order to shed light on current developments in the competitive intelligence gathering ‘industry’ and the ethical issues that are typically raised, this paper looks at three recent cases of industrial espionage, involving major multinationals, such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Canal Plus, and Ericsson. The argument is made that, from an ethical point of view, industrial espionage can be assessed according to three main considerations: the tactics used in the acquisition of information, the privacy of the information concerned, and the consequences for the public interest as a result of the deployment of the information by the intelligence gatherer.  相似文献   

以倾销方式进入我国的外国产品正逐渐增多并对我国的产业安全造成了威胁。依据外国产品在我国的倾销情况,分析进口倾销对我国产业安全的影响,从产业安全的角度研究了我国的反倾销措施,即通过建立一个高效的包括政府相关部门、企业和中介机构在内的联动机制,充分发挥反倾销措施维护公平竞争、保护国内产业的作用。  相似文献   

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