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随着人们收入水平的提高以及商品同质化竞争的加剧,女性消费者非计划性购买行为的比例急剧上升,甚至超过了计划性购买,而购物时的情境设计是产生这一变化的重要影响因素。本文在给出非计划性购买概念的基础之上,从四个方面论述了情境的影响因素,分析研究了情境对女性非计划性购买的诱导和刺激作用,也研究了女性之所以会受到情境影响的心理原因。最后,进一步讨论了购物环境中情境对女性非计划性购买的影响带给商家的营销启示。  相似文献   

目前,许多购物网站开始从用户体验的角度设计网站的页面和功能,从而改善网上购物的氛围,进而实现提高消费者对网站的信任度和增强心流体验度的目的。通过对网上商店氛围、信任、心流体验等概念的总结,为下一步探讨在线购物氛围对消费者购买意愿的影响因素机制研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的网上市场,网上商店氛围对影响消费者购买意愿有重要的作用。通过分析网上商店氛围对消费者购买意愿的影响,指出网店氛围影响消费者购买意愿的作用机理,从生动性、交互性、象征符号、社会因素四大氛围因素对网上商店氛围进行分类,并提出对策建议,为网商们提供一种参考性的思路。  相似文献   

通过构建消费者购买意愿影响因素、消费者购买意愿与购买行为以及消费者购前情绪(愉悦、唤起)四者之间的关系模型,探讨四者间的作用关系。运用结构方程模型实证分析表明:购买需求、信任倾向、风险感知对消费者购买意愿有显著正向影响,且消费者购买意愿对其购买行为有显著正向影响;消费者的购前愉悦、唤起情绪在关系模型中起到了显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

网络商店形象对情感反应和在线冲动性购买意愿的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对M-R模型进行调整,建立了反映网络商店形象对情感反应和在线冲动性购买意愿影响的概念模型,并利用结构方程模型对概念模型进行了验证。研究结果表明:商品形象对在线冲动性购买意愿的总体正面影响最强,其次是促销形象,沟通形象的总体正面影响最弱,订单履行形象的总体影响则是负面的;商品形象和促销形象对冲动性购买意愿有直接积极的影响,订单履行形象对冲动性购买意愿有直接负面的影响;商品、沟通和订单履行形象对顾客快乐情感有积极显著的影响,而且商品形象能积极显著地影响顾客的唤起情感;快乐和唤起两种情感反应能积极显著地影响在线冲动性购买意愿。文章根据这些发现提出了相应的营销建议,并给出了研究的局限和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

员工幸福感可以为企业带来高绩效,一个能使员工幸福工作的企业是具有吸引力和竞争力的。本文旨在研究员工感知的领导情绪智力对员工幸福感的影响机制以及团队情绪氛围是否在员工感知的领导情绪智力与幸福感的关系中起中介作用。本文以139名员工为样本,通过对问卷进行分组,展开多层次分析,应用Mplus软件进行假设检验。  相似文献   

白潇  彭念姣  苗霄宇 《中国市场》2023,(16):127-131
直播电商中主播的情绪呈现会对消费者行为有重要影响,但迄今为止很少有研究关注主播不同的情绪类型所产生的具体影响。本研究依托情绪劳动理论,运用情境实验的方法,探索在深度表演和浅层表演情况下,主播积极情绪和消极情绪分别对消费者购买意愿的作用。结果发现,浅层表演会抵消主播积极或消极情绪的作用,深度表演下主播积极情绪或消极情绪会对购买意愿产生促进或抑制的作用。本研究拓展了电视直播和情绪劳动的研究成果,并根据研究结果提出实践建议。  相似文献   

商店形象的理论、模型及评估   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
有关商店形象的研究在国内的市场营销文献中经常被忽视 ,随着中国零售业对外开放的加快 ,商店形象的研究已经成为中国零售企业营销战略的重要组成部分。本文介绍了西方发达国家营销文献中对商店形象理论和实证研究的成果 ,并结合对中国消费者的实证研究提出了零售商店的营销策略和措施。  相似文献   

对顾客冲动型购买行为的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会经济的发展,消费者的购买行为在近几年发生了显著的变化。这种变化主要表现为消费者的计划购买比率不断减少而非计划(感性)购买比率急速上升。我们把消费者在这种感性因素驱使下的购买行为称作“冲动购物”(Impulse Buying)。本文就对消费者的这种非理性购买行为进行分  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国经济、消费高速增长时代的结束,受品牌快速扩张、运营成本快速增长、供需矛盾加剧、市场形势变化以及电子商务快速发展等多方面因素影响,零售企业关店现象频繁出现。零售企业关店是我国零售业结构调整与发展方式转变的一种重要表现,对此要辩证地看待。短期看,关店会导致销售额下降,影响零售企业业绩;但长期看,有利于企业调整战略,提高整体利润率与行业集中度,降低外资零售企业影响力。未来零售业销售渠道将进一步向三四线城市拓展下沉,兼并整合将成为零售业自然规律并促使多业态零售商崛起,价格低廉将不再是网络销售的优势,网络销售必须依靠便捷省时、货品丰富齐全来吸引消费者,实体店将逐步演变为全体验性业态,以更好地适应消费者全体验性消费的需求。在我国零售业调结构转方式的大背景下,零售企业必须适应市场需求,努力提高单店效益,以更好地实现调结构转方式的目标;必须转变商业运作模式,改变营销思路,打造新的营销模式,开展多渠道营销;必须适应市场形势,线上线下相互配合,及时调整发展战略。  相似文献   

Interpersonal touch has been shown to affect consumer behaviors such as compliance with a request, impulse buying, and tipping behavior. In this study, we examine if the impact of touch on purchase behavior is gender specific, and if it depends on how much the individual likes the product. Findings indicate male consumers are more likely to purchase a product at low to moderate levels of perceived tastiness when they are touched by a female server, whereas females are less likely to purchase. However, the touch encounter doesn’t matter for either gender when a consumer really likes the product.  相似文献   

本文运用实验研究的方法讨论了消费者情绪对品牌信任的影响及品牌熟悉度的调节作用,报告了两个实验研究的结果:基于情感信息模型,在消费者对品牌不熟悉的情况下,消费者的不同效价与不同评估类型的情绪,影响了消费者对品牌信任的评价;基于情感注入模型,品牌熟悉度调节了消费者情绪对品牌信任的影响。  相似文献   

Since consumers primarily make in-store purchase decisions, firms use product packaging to attract potential consumers. Ever-increasing market competition in many food product industries has further fueled this phenomenon in firms. However, the question of how retail food packaging affects consumer processes has received very little attention. This study investigates the benefits of food packaging on consumer responses to hedonic products by comparing different benefits (i.e., utilitarian and hedonic) of food packaging to understand which one has more impact on consumers’ perceived quality and purchase intention. The results show that both utilitarian and hedonic benefits of retail food packaging are critical predictors of consumer evaluations but play different important roles in determining customers’ reactions. Utilitarian benefits of food packaging impact perceived quality more than hedonic benefits do. Compared to utilitarian benefits, hedonic benefits of retail food packaging have more impact on consumer purchase intention.  相似文献   

Using a scenario-based survey with a factorial between-subject experimental design, this study examines the effect of price dis/parity across multiple channels of distribution on customers' ethicality evaluations and purchase intent, with the focus on the moderating role of price frame. Results show that when the varying prices of the disparity policy were all lower than or equal to the uniform price of the parity policy, consumers did not evaluate the disparity policy as significantly less ethical than the parity policy, and were more likely to purchase from the firm with the disparity policy. However, when at least one of the varying prices of the disparity policy was higher than the uniform price of the parity policy, they evaluated the disparity policy as less ethical, and, therefore, were more likely to purchase from the firm with the parity policy, despite price incentives offered by the disparity policy. This finding suggests that the success of a cross-channel price disparity policy depends on the price frame.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the role of factors underlying consumer choice of domestic vs. foreign products on a sample of consumers in a less traditional post-socialist economy of Slovenia. Empirical results confirmed the postulated relationships among the protectionism dimension of ethnocentric attitudes, familiarity with global brands and consumer domestic purchase decisions for the product categories examined in this study. However, findings did not lend support for theoretical propositions related to demographic variables. Implications for domestic and global brand managers are outlined in the conclusions.  相似文献   

It is now common to see consumers post their own purchases on social media to communicate feelings and/or thoughts about the consumption items to their social media audience. The authors conducted two surveys with a student sample and an Amazon MTurk sample to investigate factors leading to such behavior. The results show that purchase type predicts the consumption-related posting behavior—experiential purchases are more likely to get posted than material purchases, and materialism serves as a moderator in the influence of purchase type on the posting behavior. Specifically, lower-materialism consumers are more likely to post experiential purchases on social media than material purchases, while higher-materialism consumers do not show such a pattern. This article pioneers in investigating consumption-related posting behavior and provides important implications to research on user-generated content, materialism, and purchase type.  相似文献   

陈雨生  乔娟  李秉龙 《财贸研究》2011,22(3):121-128
首先构建了消费者对认证食品的消费行为理论模型,然后在对消费者进行问卷调查的基础上,探讨了消费者对检测与认证机构信任的维度,采用多元回归方法分析最终变量对认证食品购买意愿的影响。结果表明,消费者对检测与认证机构的信任能够提高对认证食品的购买意愿,增强消费者对检测与认证机构的信任应做好三方面工作:加强检测与认证机构的食品检测与监督能力并提高认证人员业务素质;加强对检测与认证机构的监督和提高检测与认证机构工作的诚信度;加强消费者食品质量安全宣传并重视检测与认证机构在食品质量安全方面的作用。  相似文献   

通过对消费者果蔬类农产品购买地点的选择及购买频率、购买渠道的选择和关注因素以及消费者个人特征与购买地点选择的调查研究发现,超市将逐渐成为果蔬类农产品零售的一个重要的营销渠道。超市应克服在果蔬类农产品经营方面存在的困难,合理规划超市选址与布点,有效划分与安排超市果蔬类农产品的经营区域,控制果蔬类农产品的销售价格,保持果蔬类农产品的新鲜度,加强果蔬类农产品品牌建设,以提升超市果蔬类农产品的竞争力。  相似文献   

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