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吕海燕 《北方经贸》2009,(12):25-28
电力行业作为自然垄断产业,政府对该行业都实施了严格的规制。我国对电力行业规制改革二十多年来,在打破垄断、引入竞争等方面取得了相当大的成就,但仍有存在很多问题,通过分析我国电力行业政府规制改革存在的问题与产生的原因,提出应进一步加强对竞争机制的引入;进一步推进电价机制的完善;进一步完善电力规制法律、法规体系;进一步提高政府监管职能。  相似文献   

电力产业是国民经济发展的基础性产业,也是关乎国计民生的重要产业。由于电力产业的自然垄断性特点,各国都长期严格管制电力各个环节的运营。当前,我国电力行业规制过程中存在着现有法律滞后,规制机构职能分散,规制成本过高,规制效率偏低,行政垄断现象严重等问题。我国电力行业在运用激励性规制方面,应完善电力法律法规体系,对输配电实行最高限价的价格规制,实行差别电价激励性措施,在发电端引入竞争机制,使用特许投标竞争规制,从而充分发挥市场有效竞争对资源配置的作用,建立更高效率的电力产业。  相似文献   

主要从我国电力定价法律规制现状出发,分析我国成本加利润加税金的电力定价模式存在的弊端,在此基础上提出电力定价法律完善措施。为防止电力行业滥用垄断地位,应当在电力行业适当的引入竞争,从价格规制模式和电力价格形成机制上完善电力定价机制,并通过增强对消费者权利的保护,最终达到合理有效的解决电力定价问题。  相似文献   

主要从我国电力定价法律规制现状出发,分析我国成本加利润加税金的电力定价模式存在的弊端,在此基础上提出电力定价法律完善措施。为防止电力行业滥用垄断地位,应当在电力行业适当的引入竞争,从价格规制模式和电力价格形成机制上完善电力定价机制,并通过增强对消费者权利的保护,最终达到合理有效的解决电力定价问题。  相似文献   

何丹 《商》2014,(18):151-151
随着经济的发展,中国乳制品的需求量一直在增长,乳制品慢慢成为人们的必需品。乳制品的质量安全很重要,但是我国频繁发生安全事故。中国对乳制品安全采取了规制措施,不过存在着规制失灵的现象。本文针对规制这一问题进行研究,分析中国乳制品安全规制的问题、失灵原因,从规制机构、规制立法、规制进入制度、问责制度这四方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

替代效应、交叉补贴与中国旅游景区规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴成安 《商场现代化》2006,(30):180-182
本文对中国旅游景区不同阶段所争论的问题进行了总结,并在此基础上对中国旅游景区中存在的替代效应、交叉补贴现象进行了理论分析,提出了分离可竞争性项目、规范社会规制和经济规制权利和逐步推进国家公园管理体制等中国旅游景区的规制思路。  相似文献   

论转轨时期中国政府规制体制改革及政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄建军 《商业研究》2006,56(3):130-133
政府规制是市场经济中市场失灵条件下,国家为实现某种公共政策目标,对微观经济主体的经济活动进行规范与制约,干预经济政策的一种重要制度安排。转轨时期的中国,在政府规制方面还存在诸多的问题:规制法规建设滞后、缺乏统一、权威、独立行使规制职能的规制机构、政府规制过程中行为主体不成熟及其相互关系定位偏差、规制方式存在缺陷,不适应市场经济的发展。因此,结合中国的实际借鉴西方国家的政府规制的经验,对推动我国政府规制改革有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国的行业性行政垄断大多有着“法定垄断”的背景,这使得其改革进程困难重重。鉴于政府规制与行业性行政垄断有着千丝万缕的联系,本文首先对政府规制的基本概念、其存在的理论依据以及实践中的政府规制等问题进行了文献梳理;在对行政垄断的研究现状进行回顾并对其概念做出重新界定的基础上,对行政垄断行业的判定、行政垄断的合理性、行政垄断的形成机制以及改革思路等行业性行政垄断问题进行了政府规制角度的分析。  相似文献   

何倩 《中国物价》2009,(12):7-10
电力行业属于传统的公用事业领域,关系到重要的公共利益,因而政府规制非常必要。在电力价格的形成机制中,信息的获取是规制发挥作用的重要因素,但信息并不总是真实传递,需要相应的规制措施。加强规制机构间的信息沟通和对企业的财政监管,以及对规制者的监督是有效的规制方式。  相似文献   

本文在非对称信息的理论基础上,通过引入竞争性的电煤价格进行分析得出:电煤价格市场化对规制部门进行电力产业规制产生了影响,在电煤价格市场化程度越来越高的情况下,应提高对电力产业的激励程度;煤炭企业的租金随着自身讨价还价能力和发电企业效率的提高而增加;发电企业的垄断租金随着规制部门激励程度和自身效率的提高而增加,随着煤炭企业讨价还价能力的提高而减少。因此,应加强电力产业规制,采取多种措施限制电煤价格,实现煤炭电力行业健康发展。  相似文献   

Against the backcloth of EU regulation, this note looks at the “politics of necessity” regarding electricity provision in Germany. Electricity as a case is chosen because its provision has been undergoing a profound process of liberalisation and deregulation, and there is a considerable amount of experience with the chances and pitfalls of liberalisation in this sector. Secondly, electricity is a network industry and a natural monopoly subject to systematic market failure, which calls for regulation. The paper starts out with a closer look at the consumer as an actor in the regulation process, proposing a three-role model of the consumer as a market player, as a citizen, and as a micro-producer in households and networks. In these roles, consumers take on different social and political identities; they are affected differently by (de)regulation of essential services and have different options for reacting to quality and price issues. It then describes the legal state and the development of deregulation in the electricity sector in Germany. Selected empirical data are presented, and consumer policy implications are drawn.  相似文献   

The electricity supply industry operated for over a hundred years under a regulatory framework that viewed our economic welfare as directly linked to our increasing consumption of electricity. The public utility under its obligation to serve customers designed a system to meet the growing consumption needs of the public. Today both our attitude toward energy and our technological capabilities allow the consumer to play their proper role as informed customers. The consumer can now deploy conservation technologies, and state regulators have begun to modify the form of regulation employed policies that enable conservation and energy efficiency choices on the consumers' part. This article examines the history of this transformation in the consumers' role within the electric system and the implications this has for the evolution in regulatory policy that is now harnessing the power of consumer involvement and breaking the link between profits and sales.  相似文献   

李影  耿乃国 《商业研究》2008,(2):154-156
电力产业是国民经济的基础产业,它的运行状况对国民经济的发展具有重要的影响。电力的短缺会制约国民经济的发展,而电力的过剩也不利于社会资源的有效利用。因此,实现电力产业可持续发展对我国电力产业的发展和国民经济的平稳运行具有重要意义。目前我国电力产业还存在诸多问题,因此应查找原因,制定我国电力产业可持续发展问题的对策。  相似文献   

The German energy market is facing several challenges due to changes in regulation, technical advancements as well as increasing energy costs and climate achievements like CO2 reduction. This results in changing requirements for companies in the energy market and thus business information systems, which support their core tasks and processes. Software product managers in energy and software developing companies in charge of driving the functional development of information systems have to deal with these challenges and need to develop new information systems or enhance existing ones. Conceptual models proved helpful to design and implement information systems within several industries. However, identification and management of models as well as impact analysis of model changes results difficult. This contribution describes methods to construct, use and maintain a domain specific reference model catalogue to support requirements analysis for software product manager in the German electricity and gas market.  相似文献   

Newly created regulatory bodies in India are the site for emergent consumer politics around electricity. Forged as a means of attracting private capital, these bodies have nonetheless become potential spaces for consumer and citizen engagement around electricity. The nature of this emergent space is examined by developing three narratives around emergent regulatory institutions—apolitical and independent regulation, regulation as captured by the state, and regulation as contested political space. Recent examples of consumer and citizen action on electricity, and particularly protests over a tariff hike following privatisation in Delhi, suggest that regulation as an institution is poised between being absorbed into politics as usual and creating a genuinely new space for consumer action and political engagement in India.  相似文献   

纵向分拆与价格规制对中国发电企业效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张雷  乐军 《财经论丛》2016,(2):97-104
如何激励电力企业改进生产效率一直是电力行业改革的核心问题。本文实证测度1999-2009年间我国数百家火力发电企业年度TFP,显示2002年厂网分拆之后,火力发电企业TFP的增速较之前有明显提升,表明市场化改革确实对发电企业生产效率的改进起到促进作用,但是通过销售电价与发电企业TFP回归分析发现,销售电价下降对发电企业TFP有明显的激励作用,而销售电价上升对发电企业TFP并无影响,即存在非对称性激励,表明销售电价的变化信号被选择性地向上游传递,仅规制销售电价可能并不会促进输配电企业改进生产效率,但发电企业受到规制转嫁的风险却确定性地增加了。  相似文献   

With the envisioned growth in the residential electricity demand and increased share of intermittent renewables in the supply mix, consumers will need to be better informed about their electricity consumption and to play an active role in managing their electricity use. However, consumer inattention and lack of information are ubiquitous, especially in household energy‐related settings. Thus, using a novel survey and actual monthly electricity consumption data, this study set out to measure the level of awareness about electricity bills, prices and costs among some Finnish households—as captured by the answers to six questions—and to investigate whether higher levels of “electricity awareness” are associated with electricity savings. In addition, this study analyses the willingness to receive extra information about energy consumption and savings and how it differs between “electricity aware” and “electricity unaware” respondents. The results indicate low levels of “electricity awareness” among the respondents of the survey. Compared to the respondents with little knowledge about electricity bills, prices and costs, the respondents with higher levels of “electricity awareness” tend to consume less electricity. Higher levels of awareness about electricity use and consumption might “materialize” inconspicuous consumption patterns, as opposed to more general facts about the largely invisible environmental consequences of everyday practices. More than two‐thirds of the total number of respondents would like to receive additional information about energy consumption and how to save energy. However, there exists a significant portion of “electricity unaware” respondents who are not only unwilling to receive such information, but are also unaware of their own knowledge deficits. To maximize the impact of any information strategy, decision makers should attempt to engage with this type of consumer; by becoming more aware of their knowledge deficits, people might become more receptive to information that can benefit them.  相似文献   

关于促进中国商业发展的战略性思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着中国分销领域的全面放开,如何构建一个较为完整的中国商业发展战略成为各界研究的重点。本文从国外商业发展的经验出发,结合中国的实际情况,并建议正确认识商业在国民经济发展中的战略性地位,加强商业统计信息系统的整体建设,强化行业规制和竞争政策的研究,客观评价和正确对待外资进入问题。  相似文献   

The deregulation of the California electricity industry began as a collaborative effort between the regulatory institutions, legislature, the regulated utilities and consumer stakeholders. However, the authorizing legislation failed to define the ongoing role and authority of the principal regulatory institution in the State—the Public Utilities Commission. As a consequence, roles and responsibilities were assumed largely by institutional initiative as opposed to a master plan with the result that competition for authority extended through State and Federal jurisdictions without formal resolution. Under the weight of an inverse relationship of wholesale to retail costs, the wholesale electricity market began to disintegrate. In response, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the California Governor’s Office and the California Legislature began to exert or assert authority over operations and regulation of the market. The result was confusion, increased cost, limited response to extraordinary conditions and ultimately loss of regulatory control by the Public Utilities Commission. Options were available to forestall or avoid the eventual outcome but were not adopted or advocated in time. The lessons learned should help craft future deregulation efforts.  相似文献   

电力事业是我国的核心,而电费的会计核算问题与管理的方式是电费管理的中枢,同样也是电力事业的基本.所以,我们要针对于电费的会计核算管理问题进行分析,通过逐步完善的会计核算管理方式与创新理念辅助电力事业的大规模发展,并能够在新形势下让电费会计核算得到全方位的完善.  相似文献   

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