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在不良资产处置过程中,如何识别存在的风险并及时加以预防,以实现中良资产回收价值最大化的经营目标是各资产管理公司面临的最大问题。资产管理公司作为政策性公司,在资产收购时就埋下许多处置隐,作为新生事物,在具体处置过程中,由于政府、企业、银行、资产管理公司等多方利益的关联,政治、经济、政策、法律环境的限制,人才、技术、信息、管理因素的制约,使其在实际运作中风险丛生。本文着重对处置起始环节、内部流程环节和组织实施环节的风险点进行了详尽考察,指出资产管理公司在实际运作中只有明确资产处置各项业务的关键环节和风险点,建立完备的风险控制体系,才能顺利完成不良资产的管理和处置任务。  相似文献   

我国的资产管理公司自1999年成立以来,不良资产处置工作基本过半并取得了阶段性的成果。截至2003年10月,资产管理公司已累计处置不良资产7339亿元,占收购不良资产的51.5%,处置债权资产4977亿元,债权资产处置进度41.9%。初步预计资产管理公司可以在2008年末前处置完毕,其中债权资产可以在2006年末前处置完毕。尽管资产管理公司不良资产处置工作取得了一定成效,但是,随着资产处置向纵深推进,资产处置过程中的一些问题也日益凸显,其中,分期付款项目逾期现象比较突出。一、我国分期付款逾期现象十分严重  相似文献   

一、不良资产处置中的风险表现1.职业风险。不良资产处置是银行的一项新兴业务,它涉及金融业内部的信贷业务、风险管理业务和法律业务,同时与社会政治、经济和法律紧密相联。因此,这项业务对从业人员的职业要求比较高。另外,不良资产处置中的不确定因素较多,如处置经验、对企业运作了解程度、从业人员素质,都使这个职业具有一定的风险。2.道德风险。在不良资产处置过程中,道德风险主要有:在与企业的谈判中,故意泄露处置底价;在评估中,低值高估;在拍卖中,不坚持"公平、公正、公开"的原则;在资产变现中,以权谋私,与处置对象串通,造成国有资产流失,而得一己之利。3.政策风险。不良资产处置是一项政策性较强的业务,涉及面广,政策水平要  相似文献   

银行等金融机构通过剥离不良资产降低不良率,换取资产的流动性,以规避流动性风险.而从银行接棒不良资产的资产管理公司所经营的传统不良资产业务则具有逆周期性、投资周期长、现金流回收不稳定以及长远利益不确定等特点.资产管理公司如何实现传统不良资产业务收购处置过程中的“资产流”与“现金流”有效配置,避免现金流短缺风险的发生?在当前经济增速持续下滑、资产处置环境较差的情况下,资产管理公司既要注重传统不良资产收购处置经营模式,同时也要进行经营模式创新.研究表明资产管理公司合理利用“自有资金+合作方劣后资金+外部机构型理财资金”经营盘活不良资产,是其实现资产合理流动,提高核心业务盈利能力和核心竞争力的重要创新经营模式.  相似文献   

成功 《财政监督》2005,(4):35-35
据统计,截止2004年底,不包括债转股,我国四大金融资产管理公司共处置不良资产6750亿元,资产处置工作取得了不俗的成绩。然而根据审计署近期对金融资产管理公司的审计公告指出,四大金融资产管理公司在资产处置过程中不同程度存在弄虚作假,暗箱操作,低价处置债权,造成国有资产流失严重。下面笔者就金融资产管理公司资产打包处置过程中的风险形成原因及如何防范谈谈粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

不良资产证券化:券商业务新空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资产管理公司受命对不良资产进行处置 ,其主要任务之一 ,是债务的追偿及变现、业务范围包括债权转股权、资产重组及资产证券化等业务。在资产管理公司充分开展金融创新 ,推动金融资产证券化活动的过程中 ,证券公司可抓住机会 ,积极参与不良资产的运作 ,并可与资产管理公司合作 ,拓展其业务范围。在此过程中 ,证券公司可参与诸如资产的剥离、组合与包装、证券化工具承销、股权转让与资产置换的方式设计以及投资咨询与评估服务等业务。证券公司的投资银行业务 ,凭借其积极向上的创新精神和参与资本市场的丰富经验 ,在对不良资产处置运作中 ,将大有可为。  相似文献   

金融资产管理公司(AMC)的处置风险问题一直为各界所关注.2004年,国家审计署受国务院委托对4家AMC五年多来的不良资产处置情况进行了重点审计,从审计查出的各类违规和管理不规范问题中,就有抵债资产拍卖方面的弄虚作假、暗籍操作、假拍卖、假评估等问题.本文就AMC在抵债资产拍卖处置过程中可能产生的三类风险进行了归纳总结,对风险产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的风险防范对策建议.  相似文献   

1999年我国政府成立了华融、信达、长城、东方四家金融资产管理公司(以下简称AMC),对口接收、管理和处置4家国有商业银行1.4万亿元不良资产,这是党中央、国务院为有效化解金融风险出台的重大举措施.国家设立AMC,赋予其特殊的历史使命和管理、处置国有资产的权力.AMC经过七年多时间的实践和具体处置运作,为化解金融风险,支持国有企业改革,最大限度地减少国有资产损失发挥了巨大作用,得到社会普遍公认.但由于设立AMC在我国没有现成可借鉴的经验,只有在实践中不断探索运作,"摸着石头过河",加之AMC掌握着处置资产的权力,市场上一些投资主体,受之于利益驱动,将会不择手段地渗透于AMC,各种风险始终伴随着不良资产处置的全过程,难免会出现一些资产处置不规范问题和道德风险.  相似文献   

资产管理公司自成立以来,在收购、管理和处置国有商业银行划转的不良贷款,化解金融风险,推动国有企业改革和发展等方面发挥了重大作用。随着存量不良资产的逐渐减少,资产管理公司面临着转型问题。本文通过论述资产管理公司转型的必然性,分析其在转型过程中所面临的风险,并针对问题采取相应的对策进行风险控制。  相似文献   

资产管理公司自成立以来,在收购、管理和处置国有商业银行划转的不良贷款,化解金融风险,推动国有企业改革和发展等方面发挥了重大作用。随着存量不良资产的逐渐减少,资产管理公司面临着转型问题。本文通过论述资产管理公司转型的必然性,分析其在转型过程中所面临的风险,并针对问题采取相应的对策进行风险控制。  相似文献   

The auditing industry has mounted a global campaign to reduce its liability. In Canada, it is attempting to change from a doctrine of joint and several liability to proportionate liability, to have the Federal government legislate a statutory cap on liability, or to have the Provincial governments approve the establishment of Limited Liability Partnerships. These initiatives are consistent with the proposals of the CPA firms in the US and the CA firms in the UK. This cross-national trend suggests that a global theory of society is needed to analyze the consequences of audit risk. This paper uses the “risk society” model proposed by Beck to understand why the audit industry focuses on reducing exposure to liability, rather than on improving the quality of audits. Beck's theory of “reflexive modernization” provides an analysis of the so-called “liability crisis” that attempts to overcome the institutional construction offered by the auditing industry. The paper recognizes that it is very difficult for observers outside of the large auditing firms to judge the real risks of audits and to develop alternative public policy options. Ideally, we should be able to evaluate litigation in a modern audit environment. However, the audit firms are not required to disclose sufficient information about their costs to determine the real impact. Meanwhile, professional groups are lobbying hard for changes that will reduce auditors risk without addressing the root causes of audit failures.  相似文献   

We explore the linkage between financial risk tolerance (FRT) and risk aversion. To do this, we obtain FRT scores from a psychometrically validated survey and conduct a battery of online lottery choice experiments involving the same nonstudent participants. We contrast: real and hypothetical payoffs, low and high stakes, decisions involving gains and losses, and order effects. Our key finding is that the two approaches to analyzing decision making under uncertainty are strongly aligned. We present evidence that this is particularly the case for the female participants in our sample and when high‐stake gambles are employed.  相似文献   

This article develops a theoretical relationship between systematic risk and business risk. It is an area that has not been substantially developed in the literature. Rubinstein (1973) and Lev (1974) both developed theoretical models of systematic risk allowing for stochastic demand. A model is derived that allows for prices, variable costs and demand to be simultaneously stochastic, utilizing the covariance of the product of random variables. The temporal stationarity of unlevered systematic risk is dependent upon the temporal stationarity of the theoretical structure derived. Insight is gained as to a potential source of the empirically observed temporal instability of levered systematic risk.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theory of corporate risk management that attempts to go beyond the "variance-minimization" model that dominates most academic discussions of the subject. It argues that the primary goal of risk management is not to dampen swings in corporate cash flows or value, but rather to provide protection against the possibility of costly lower-tail outcomes –situations that would cause financial distress or make a company unable to carry out its investment strategy. (In the jargon of finance specialists, risk management can be viewed as the purchase of well-out-of-the-money put options designed to limit downside risk.)
By eliminating downside risk and reducing the expected costs of financial trouble, risk management can also help a company to achieve both its optimal capital structure and its optimal ownership structure. For, besides increasing corporate debt capacity, the reduction of downside risk also encourages larger equity stakes for managers by shielding their investments from "uncontrollables."
The paper also departs from standard finance theory in suggesting that some companies may have a comparative advantage in bearing certain financial market risks–an advantage that derives from information acquired through their normal business activities. Although such specialized information may lead some companies to take speculative positions in commodities or currencies, it is more likely to encourage "selective" hedging, a practice in which the risk manager's "view" of future price movements influences the percentage of the exposure that is hedged.
But, to the extent that such view-taking becomes an accepted part of a company's risk management program, it is important to evaluate managers' bets on a risk-adjusted basis and relative to the market. If risk managers want to behave like money managers, they should be evaluated like money managers.  相似文献   

风险管理整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险管理整合是当今国际银行业风险控制的大趋势 风险管理整合(Risk Convergence)也称风险集中控制,是指以整合的形式构造更加协调、有效、精简的风险控制结构,实现对各类风险的综合管理和专业化集中控制。从全球范围看,风险管理整合开始于上世纪90年代中后期。一方面,随着市场波动性增强,  相似文献   

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