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Probabilistic population forecasts are useful because they describe uncertainty in a quantitatively useful way. One approach (that we call LT) uses historical data to estimate stochastic models (e.g., a time series model) of vital rates, and then makes forecasts. Another (we call it RS) began as a kind of randomized scenario: we consider its simplest variant, in which expert opinion is used to make probability distributions for terminal vital rates, and smooth trajectories are followed over time. We use analysis and examples to show several key differences between these methods: serial correlations in the forecast are much smaller in LT; the variance in LT models of vital rates (especially fertility) is much higher than in RS models that are based on official expert scenarios; trajectories in LT are much more irregular than in RS; probability intervals in LT tend to widen faster over forecast time. Newer versions of RS have been developed that reduce or eliminate some of these differences.  相似文献   

This Briefing Paper is the last of a series of three about forecasting. In this one we examine our forecasting record; it complements the February paper in which we analysed the properties of our forecasting model in terms of the error bands attached to the central forecast.
There are many ways of measuring forecasting errors, and in the first part of this Briefing Paper we describe briefing how we have tackled the problem. (A more detailed analysis can be found in the Appendix.) In Part II we report and comment upon the errors in our forecasts of annual growth rates and show how our forecasting performance has improved over the years. In Part III we focus on quarterly forecasts up to 8 quarters ahead, and compare our forecasting errors with measurement errors in the oficial statistics; with the estimation errors built into our forecast equations; and with the stochastic model errors we reported last February. A brief summary of the main conclusions is given below.  相似文献   

A stochastic coefficients model developed by Swamy and Tinsley is used to forecast agricultural investment. In two sets of out-of-sample forecasts, one for 5 years, the other for 10 years, the Swamy-Tinsley stochastic coefficients model outperforms competing fixed and stochastic coefficients empirical models of agricultural investment for a wide array of risk functions. The Swamy-Tinsley stochastic coefficients investment model forecasts continued declines in net investment for farm machinery, with greater declines toward the end of the forecast period. The Swamy-Tinsley method produced better predictions than both stochastic and fixed-coefficients competitors.  相似文献   

Real-time state estimation and forecasting are critical for the efficient operation of power grids. In this paper, a physics-informed Gaussian process regression (PhI-GPR) method is presented and used for forecasting and estimating the phase angle, angular speed, and wind mechanical power of a three-generator power grid system using sparse measurements. In standard data-driven Gaussian process regression (GPR), parameterized models for the prior statistics are fit by maximizing the marginal likelihood of observed data. In the PhI-GPR method, we propose to compute the prior statistics offline by solving stochastic differential equations (SDEs) governing the power grid dynamics. The short-term forecast of a power grid system dominated by wind generation is complicated by the stochastic nature of the wind and the resulting uncertainty in wind mechanical power. Here, we assume that the power grid dynamics are governed by swing equations, with the wind mechanical power fluctuating randomly in time. We solve these equations for the mean and covariances of the power grid states using the Monte Carlo simulation method.We demonstrate that the proposed PhI-GPR method can accurately forecast and estimate observed and unobserved states. For the considered problem, PhI-GPR has computational advantages over the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) method: In PhI-GPR, ensembles are computed offline and independently of the data acquisition process, whereas for EnFK, ensembles are computed online with data acquisition, rendering real-time forecast more challenging. We also demonstrate that the PhI-GPR forecast is more accurate than the EnKF forecast when the random mechanical wind power is non-Markovian. In contrast, the two methods produce similar forecasts for the Markovian mechanical wind power.For observed states, we show that PhI-GPR provides a forecast comparable to the standard data-driven GPR; both forecasts are significantly more accurate than the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) forecast. We also show that the ARIMA forecast is more sensitive to observation frequency and measurement errors than the PhI-GPR forecast.  相似文献   

This Briefing Paper is thejirst ofa series of three designeddiscussed is the process of making 'constant adjustments' in forecasts. This process involves modifying the results generated by the econometric model. For the first time we are publishing tables of the constant adjustments used in the current forecast. We explain in general why such adjustments are made and also explain the actual adjustments we have made for this forecast.
The second article of the series, to be published in our February 1983 edition, will describe the potential sources of error in forecasts. In particular it will describe the inevitable stochastic or random element involved in e tatistical attempts to quantify economic behaviour. As a completely new departure the article will report estimates of future errors based on stochastic simulations of the LBS. model and will provide statistical error bad for the main elements of the forecast.
The final article, to be published in our June 1983 edition, will contrast the measures of forecast error that e e obtain from the estimation process and our stochastic e imulationsp with the errors that we have actually made, as revealed by an examination of our forecasting 'track record'. It is hoped to draw, from this comparison, some e eneral conclusions about the scope and limits of econometric forecasting producers.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper unifies two methodologies for multi‐step forecasting from autoregressive time series models. The first is covered in most of the traditional time series literature and it uses short‐horizon forecasts to compute longer‐horizon forecasts, while the estimation method minimizes one‐step‐ahead forecast errors. The second methodology considers direct multi‐step estimation and forecasting. In this paper, we show that both approaches are special (boundary) cases of a technique called partial least squares (PLS) when this technique is applied to an autoregression. We outline this methodology and show how it unifies the other two. We also illustrate the practical relevance of the resultant PLS autoregression for 17 quarterly, seasonally adjusted, industrial production series. Our main findings are that both boundary models can be improved by including factors indicated from the PLS technique.  相似文献   

Historical evidence shows that demographic forecasts, including mortality forecasts, have often been grossly in error. One consequence of this is that forecasts are updated frequently. How should individuals or institutions react to updates, given that these are likewise expected to be uncertain? We discuss this problem in the context of a life cycle saving and labor supply problem, in which a cohort of workers decides how much to work and how much to save for mutual pensions. Mortality is stochastic and point forecasts are updated regularly. A Markovian approximation for the predictive distribution of mortality is derived. This renders the model computationally tractable, and allows us to compare a theoretically optimal rational expectations solution to a strategy in which the cohort merely updates the life cycle plan to match each updated mortality forecast. The implications of the analyses for overlapping generations modeling of pension systems are pointed out.  相似文献   

Empirical work in macroeconometrics has been mostly restricted to using vector autoregressions (VARs), even though there are strong theoretical reasons to consider general vector autoregressive moving averages (VARMAs). A number of articles in the last two decades have conjectured that this is because estimation of VARMAs is perceived to be challenging and proposed various ways to simplify it. Nevertheless, VARMAs continue to be largely dominated by VARs, particularly in terms of developing useful extensions. We address these computational challenges with a Bayesian approach. Specifically, we develop a Gibbs sampler for the basic VARMA, and demonstrate how it can be extended to models with time‐varying vector moving average (VMA) coefficients and stochastic volatility. We illustrate the methodology through a macroeconomic forecasting exercise. We show that in a class of models with stochastic volatility, VARMAs produce better density forecasts than VARs, particularly for short forecast horizons.  相似文献   

Stochastic demographic forecasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"This paper describes a particular approach to stochastic population forecasting, which is implemented for the U.S.A. through 2065. Statistical time series methods are combined with demographic models to produce plausible long run forecasts of vital rates, with probability distributions. The resulting mortality forecasts imply gains in future life expectancy that are roughly twice as large as those forecast by the Office of the Social Security Actuary....Resulting stochastic forecasts of the elderly population, elderly dependency ratios, and payroll tax rates for health, education and pensions are presented."  相似文献   

In this paper, we define forecast (in)stability in terms of the variability in forecasts for a specific time period caused by updating the forecast for this time period when new observations become available, i.e., as time passes. We propose an extension to the state-of-the-art N-BEATS deep learning architecture for the univariate time series point forecasting problem. The extension allows us to optimize forecasts from both a traditional forecast accuracy perspective as well as a forecast stability perspective. We show that the proposed extension results in forecasts that are more stable without leading to a deterioration in forecast accuracy for the M3 and M4 data sets. Moreover, our experimental study shows that it is possible to improve both forecast accuracy and stability compared to the original N-BEATS architecture, indicating that including a forecast instability component in the loss function can be used as regularization mechanism.  相似文献   

Using forecasts from Consensus Economics Inc., we provide evidence on the efficiency of real GDP growth forecasts by testing whether forecast revisions are uncorrelated. As the forecast data used are multi‐dimensional—18 countries, 24 monthly forecasts for the current and the following year and 16 target years—the panel estimation takes into account the complex structure of the variance–covariance matrix due to propagation of shocks across countries and economic linkages among them. Efficiency is rejected for all 18 countries: forecast revisions show a high degree of serial correlation. We then develop a framework for characterizing the nature of the inefficiency in forecasts. For a smaller set of countries, the G‐7, we estimate a VAR model on forecast revisions. The degree of inefficiency, as manifested in the serial correlation of forecast revisions, tends to be smaller in forecasts of the USA than in forecasts for European countries. Our framework also shows that one of the sources of the inefficiency in a country's forecasts is resistance to utilizing foreign news. Thus the quality of forecasts for many of these countries can be significantly improved if forecasters pay more attention to news originating from outside their respective countries. This is particularly the case for Canadian and French forecasts, which would gain by paying greater attention than they do to news from the USA and Germany, respectively. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) uses a large macroeconomic model to create forecasts of various important macroeconomic variables. The outcomes of this model are usually filtered by experts, and it is the expert forecasts that are made available to the general public. In this paper we re-create the model forecasts for the period 1997-2008 and compare the expert forecasts with the pure model forecasts. Our key findings from the first time that this unique database has been analyzed are that (i) experts adjust upwards more often; (ii) expert adjustments are not autocorrelated, but their sizes do depend on the value of the model forecast; (iii) the CPB model forecasts are biased for a range of variables, but (iv) at the same time, the associated expert forecasts are more often unbiased; and that (v) expert forecasts are far more accurate than the model forecasts, particularly when the forecast horizon is short. In summary, the final CPB forecasts de-bias the model forecasts and lead to higher accuracies than the initial model forecasts.  相似文献   

Previous work on characterising the distribution of forecast errors in time series models by statistics such as the asymptotic mean square error has assumed that observations used in estimating parameters are statistically independent of those used to construct the forecasts themselves. This assumption is quite unrealistic in practical situations and the present paper is intended to tackle the question of how the statistical dependence between the parameter estimates and the final period observations used to generate forecasts affects the sampling distribution of the forecast errors. We concentrate on the first-order autoregression and, for this model, show that the conditional distribution of forecast errors given the final period observation is skewed towards the origin and that this skewness is accentuated in the majority of cases by the statistical dependence between the parameter estimates and the final period observation.  相似文献   

We develop an iterative and efficient information-theoretic estimator for forecasting interval-valued data, and use our estimator to forecast the SP500 returns up to five days ahead using moving windows. Our forecasts are based on 13 years of data. We show that our estimator is superior to its competitors under all of the common criteria that are used to evaluate forecasts of interval data. Our approach differs from other methods that are used to forecast interval data in two major ways. First, rather than applying the more traditional methods that use only certain moments of the intervals in the estimation process, our estimator uses the complete sample information. Second, our method simultaneously selects the model (or models) and infers the model’s parameters. It is an iterative approach that imposes minimal structure and statistical assumptions.  相似文献   

The accuracy of population forecasts depends in part upon the method chosen for forecasting the vital rates of fertility, mortality, and migration. Methods for handling the stochastic propagation of error calculations in demographic forecasting are hard to do precisely. This paper discusses this obstacle in stochastic cohort-component population forecasts. The uncertainty of forecasts is due to uncertain estimates of the jump-off population and to errors in the forecasts of the vital rates. Empirically based of each source are presented and propagated through a simplified analytical model of population growth that allows assessment of the role of each component in the total error. Numerical estimates based on the errors of an actual vector ARIMA forecast of the US female population. These results broadly agree with those of the analytical model. This work especially uncertainty in the fertility forecasts to be so much higher than that in the other sources that the latter can be ignored in the propagation of error calculations for those cohorts that are born after the jump-off year of the forecast. A methodology is therefore presented which far simplifies the propagation of error calculations. It is noted, however, that the uncertainty of the jump-off population, migration, and mortality in the propagation of error for those alive at the jump-off time of the forecast must still be considered.  相似文献   

This paper considers nonparametric and semiparametric regression models subject to monotonicity constraint. We use bagging as an alternative approach to Hall and Huang (2001). Asymptotic properties of our proposed estimators and forecasts are established. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to show their finite sample performance. An application to predicting equity premium is taken for illustration. We introduce a new forecasting evaluation criterion based on the second order stochastic dominance in the size of forecast errors and compare models over different sizes of forecast errors. Imposing monotonicity constraint can mitigate the chance of making large size forecast errors.  相似文献   

We propose a novel mixed-frequency dynamic factor model with time-varying parameters and stochastic volatility for macroeconomic nowcasting and develop a fast estimation algorithm. This enables us to generate forecast densities based on a large space of factor models. We apply our framework to nowcast US GDP growth in real time. Our results reveal that stochastic volatility seems to improve the accuracy of point forecasts the most, compared to the constant-parameter factor model. These gains are most prominent during unstable periods such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, we highlight indicators driving the US GDP growth forecasts and associated downside risks in real time.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic forecasts are frequently produced, widely published, intensively discussed, and comprehensively used. The formal evaluation of such forecasts has a long research history. Recently, a new angle to the evaluation of forecasts has been addressed, and in this review we analyze some recent developments from that perspective. The literature on forecast evaluation predominantly assumes that macroeconomic forecasts are generated from econometric models. In practice, however, most macroeconomic forecasts, such as those from the IMF, World Bank, OECD, Federal Reserve Board, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), and the ECB, are typically based on econometric model forecasts jointly with human intuition. This seemingly inevitable combination renders most of these forecasts biased and, as such, their evaluation becomes nonstandard. In this review, we consider the evaluation of two forecasts in which: (i) the two forecasts are generated from two distinct econometric models; (ii) one forecast is generated from an econometric model and the other is obtained as a combination of a model and intuition; and (iii) the two forecasts are generated from two distinct (but unknown) combinations of different models and intuition. It is shown that alternative tools are needed to compare and evaluate the forecasts in each of these three situations. These alternative techniques are illustrated by comparing the forecasts from the (econometric) Staff of the Federal Reserve Board and the FOMC on inflation, unemployment, and real GDP growth. It is shown that the FOMC does not forecast significantly better than the Staff, and that the intuition of the FOMC does not add significantly in forecasting the actual values of the economic fundamentals. This would seem to belie the purported expertise of the FOMC.  相似文献   

魏炜  申金升 《物流技术》2008,27(4):171-174
运用纳什均衡和贝叶斯更新模型,得到了在一个三层供应链中联合预测的实现条件。模型中,供应商、运输商、零售商均需决定在预测技术上的投资水平,三方的需求预测将会被汇总成一个统一的预测。结果表明,各方预测能力越接近中等水平,会有更多成员倾向于在预测上进行投资。预测能力偏离中等水平越远,越容易出现搭便车行为,即至少有一方不进行预测。  相似文献   

Asymmetries in unemployment dynamics have been observed in the time series of a number of countries, including the United States. This paper studies asymmetries in unemployment rate forecast errors. We consider conditions under which optimal forecasts will display asymmetrically-distributed errors and how the degree of asymmetry might vary with the forecast horizon. Using data from the U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters and the Federal Reserve Greenbook, we find substantial evidence of forecast error asymmetry, which tends to increase with the forecast horizon; we also find noteworthy differences in forecasts from these two sources. The results give insight into the abilities of professional forecasters to adapt their forecasts to asymmetry in underlying processes.  相似文献   

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