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本文主要论述了在网络高速发展的背景下,网络立法在保护各种权利时,应当遵循的一条重要原则“利益平衡”原则,网络环境下的新现象、新问题很多,也很复杂,本文没有一一列举,仅就著作权保护和合理使用两个方面做一简单分析,以此说明“利益平衡”的应用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,金属包装容器行业随之迅猛发展,作为包装行业的主要原材料——马口铁的用量急剧上升。根据中国包装技术协会的统计资料表明,我国马口铁市场需求量2003年已达160万吨,并以每年 10万吨的速度递增,供需矛盾日趋突出。为此,马口铁销售价格也随之一路飚升,涨幅达80%!在这种情况下,必然要引发生产成本的相应转移:一是向下游涨价,二是利用高新技术降低成本。涨价,企业对此难以统一;只有选用高新技术,否则将无法应对前所未有的挑战和考验。在当前市场形势下,用高新技术改造传统生产工艺和企业,显得尤为重要,制胜把握更大。  相似文献   

岳琳 《汽车观察》2012,(8):112-119
在中国车界,客车并非一个格外耀眼的存在. 它并不像乘用车那样拥有极富霸气的百万级俱乐部,也似乎缺乏可视而强大的核心竞争力,它甚至并未经历过任天堂式的备受瞩目的高峰、低谷曲线转换.过去二十年里,少数销量超过万台的企业们在三大传统业务板块拼抢——并未有太大变化,并未有太多新闻,尽管人们乘坐着各种标志的客车来来往往于城市之间,仿佛这是太正常不过的事情. 但这种平凡,本身就显得颇有些不平凡.二十年间,客车业经历着最常见的挑战:多元化受阻、国际化未见成效、缺乏扩张途径……"的确,规模决定了客车是个尴尬的行业,但在艰苦的工业化的进程中,客车却走在了汽车业的前面."宇通客车董事长汤玉祥告诉《汽车观察》记者,"十年前,我说过,较高的市场化程度、较强的资源整合能力以及学习能力成就了中国客车的快速发展及在本土市场的绝对优势,那么又经过十年发展,客车业的收获是,在工业化的进程上,我们多上了几个台阶,提高了中国客车制造业的门槛,这意味着技术水平会越来越高,行业集中度越来越高,结构越来越合理.同时,这十年的发展也让中国客车企业认清了下一步的发展方向."  相似文献   

We present a dynamic empirical model of a firm's R&D decisions that is consistent with the existence of sunk R&D costs, taking into account that these costs may differ between small and large firms, and among different technological regimes. We estimate a multivariate dynamic discrete choice model using firm‐level data of Spanish manufacturing for 1990–2000. Conditional on firm heterogeneity and serially correlated unobservable factors, we find that R&D history matters. This true state dependence allows inferring the existence of sunk R&D costs associated with performing R&D. Sunk R&D costs are found to be higher for large, high‐tech firms.  相似文献   

In this study, chief executive officers were surveyed to evaluate how they perceive their firms’ businesses to be related. Responses from nearly 200 top executives provided the data for this study. Findings suggest that some managers think of relatedness in terms of similarities in products, markets, and technologies, a type of relatedness that is assessed by existing measures of diversification. The study also found, however, that managers hold additional conceptualizations of relatedness, including relatedness characterized by an emphasis on shared differentiation and marketing skills. The importance of the study’s findings and its contributions to the diversification literature are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

丝网印刷在包装组合印刷中的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济发展、物质生活日益丰富,人们对精神文化的需求越来越高。包装印刷品因具有艺术性、装饰性和美化生活的特点,也日益受到生产商和销售商的重视。尤其是印刷企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,树立起质量竞争的观念十分必要。以烟酒包装为例,如今的产品包装较之以往更加华丽精美,工艺日益成熟,以一种印刷方式就能满足要求的日子已经一去不复返了。  相似文献   

The discussion of industrial democracy in Britain has exploded in the last few years, but the result has been to write an agenda which has still to be worked through, not to reveal a consensus which can be written into action at once.  相似文献   

可食性膜在包装中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前商业上大量使用的聚合包装膜、聚合物材料等被遗弃于环境中,不易分解,长期存留对环境产生“白色污染”,使之在越来越多的国家受到禁用.基于上述原因,近年对于可食性膜的研究方兴未艾,因此可食用膜等“绿色”包装应运而生。  相似文献   

目前我国包装机械行业水平还不够高,面对国外品牌强劲冲击,国内企业应该采取积极对策.包装机械市场日趋垄断化,目前我国除了瓦楞纸箱包装机械和一些小型包装机有一定规模和优势外,其它包装机械几乎不成体系和规模,特别是市场上需求量大的一些成套包装生产线,如液体灌装生产线、饮料包装容器成套设备、无菌包装生产线等,在世界包装机械市场中均被几大家包装机械企业集团所垄断。  相似文献   

I examine collusive bidder behavior in auctions with negative externalities and show that the optimal bidding scheme exhibits only partial rigidity. Because of externalities, a cartel not only has incentive to maximize gains from trade but also to minimize the probability of sales. I identify the tension between the two incentives and show that the more rigid the bidding scheme, the higher the possibility of sales. As the extent of externalities increases, the cartel finds it more important to keep a low probability of sales than to minimize payment to the seller. This results in a partially‐rigid optimal collusive bidding scheme.  相似文献   

抗菌材料及其在包装中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着科学技术的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们的健康意识不断增强,对日常用品尤其是食品的健康化和环境的清洁化给予更高的重视.然而在人们的日常生活环境中,细菌等致病性微生物无处不在,威胁着人类的健康.抗菌材料的研制与应用,可有效地降低或避免细菌的交叉传染和疾病的传播。  相似文献   

We study the impact of ‘foreignness’ on survival in interbank currency trading worldwide over the period 1974–93. In particular, we develop hypotheses on the behavior of the liability of foreignness over time, and on the consequences of evolving sources of firm-level competitive advantage on this liability. We test these hypotheses on the population of 2667 market-making trading rooms located in 47 countries worldwide that either existed in 1974 or entered the industry between 1974 and 1993. The results show that there is a liability of foreignness, and that it changes over time. Further, strategic and organizational factors such as the adoption of technology by these firms and their mode of internal control significantly influenced survival, as did location-related factors such as the intensity of local and foreign competition. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

芳烃联合装置投资中软件引进费用估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了投资中芳烃联合装置软件引进费用的估算方法,其中包括专利费,技术资料费、技术服务费等三项内容。  相似文献   

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