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小燕 《珠江经济》2003,(12):50-52
银行业出问题决不仅仅涉及自己,是整个经济出问题,产生的效果会像美国和加拿大停电一样,波及一大片。从历史上看,西方的经济危机都是由金融危机造成的,东南亚金融危机也是这样。  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机对缅甸经济的影响及我们的对策姜永仁一、东南亚金融危机对缅甸经济发展造成的影响1997年6月,东南亚国家发生的金融危机,使泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚的经济陷入一片混乱,甚至韩国和日本也不能幸免。银行倒闭,商店关门,公司破产,经济发...  相似文献   

去年7月份始于泰国的金融危机,首先冲击东南亚各国,进而波及日、韩和香港、台湾地区。这次金融风暴不仅对东南亚经济产生了巨大冲击,而且使这个地区的金融业长期存在的种种问题暴露无遗。东南亚国家普遍存在的银行巨额呆帐和经济结构等问题,我国也不同程度地存在着。而且,福建与东南亚国家及港澳台有着极为密切的经济联系,如果金融危机持续下去,必然对我省经济产生较大影响。东南亚金田危机对福建经济的影响福建与东南亚国家及港澳台有着极为密切的经济联系。近年来,东南亚及港澳投资占我省实际利用外资的比重,我省对东南亚及港澳…  相似文献   

去年7月爆发的东南亚金融危机引起了全球的关注。防范金融风险、保持经济稳定增长成为当前经济研究之热点。虽然我国因成功地实现了宏观调控目标及资本市场尚未开放而避免了这次危机的冲击,但必须看到,我国同样存在金融风险,并且在逐步累积。东南亚金融危机对我国经济发展的影响也将逐渐显露出来。从东南亚金融危机中汲取教训,并采取适当对策,化解风险,对保持经济的稳定增长十分重要。  相似文献   

王静  王丽 《辽宁经济》1999,(6):29-29
亚洲金融危机爆发后,亚洲区内多个国家受到冲击,现在区内国家经济普遍处于低谷,对我国的出口和经济发展也造成很大影响。透过这场亚洲金融危机,我们可以从中思索到以下几个问题:一、金融自由化与金融危机的关系自70年代后,许多拉美国家和东南亚国家受美国经济学家...  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机对内蒙古外经贸的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、影响去年发端于泰国的东南亚金融危机已历时一年,这场危机使长时间高速增长的东南亚经济进入了严重的衰退期,“东南亚经济奇迹”受到了最严厉的挑战。这场金融危机持续时间之长、涉及面之广、情况之复杂,远远超出了人们初始的预料。到目前为止,这场危机已不是单纯...  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机自1997年7月在泰国首先爆发,迅速向该地区其它国家扩散,并引发了亚洲和世界股市的急剧动荡。危机几乎扩散到亚洲主要经济开放国家,成为本世纪30年代以后影响最为广泛的经济危机。本文将从危机性质的演变入手,分析危机对发生国经济的影响和未来走势。一、东南亚危机的性质演变从性质上看,东南亚金融危机经历  相似文献   

第三只眼睛透视东南亚金融危机杨群震惊世界的东南亚金融危机自1997年5月从泰国始发至今还没有结束。这场危机除殃及东亚,引发日本、韩国金融危机外,还导致全球股市多次大幅下挫,对世界经济发生了深刻的影响。对于东南亚危机发生的原因,舆论普遍认为该地区诸国经...  相似文献   

由美国次贷危机引起的世界性金融危机已经对各国经济产生了重创,乃至将来很长一段时间仍然会影响着全世界的经济发展,我国经济作为世界经济的重要组成部分,也受到了严重影响.文章介绍了本次金融危机对我国中小企业的影响,进而对中小企业在后金融危机时代的发展策略提出建议.  相似文献   

东南亚的金融危机,在近期内还不可能对我国造成大的影响和冲击,这对我国当前经济发展是比较有利的。但必须明确,这只限于近期或短期以内,比如1998年最多到1999年。就中远期来说,这种危机则远不能说就不存在和已经消除,或者说对我国只是所谓的“擦肩而过”。这主要是因为:东南亚的金融危机,至今还不能说已经过去,有可能还会进一步发展,影响与波及的范围进一步扩大。特别是就我国经济的实际情况看,引起东南亚国家这次发生严重金融危机的一些深层次原因,如宏观管理制度和体制,尤其是金融体制和制度不健全,非市场因素对经济的  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了1998年亚洲金融危机时我国采取的应对措施及其效果,并分析了当前我国经济中存在的突出问题和当前经济形势与亚洲金融危机时的不同,在此基础上提出了应对危机的对策建议。  相似文献   

杨月坤 《特区经济》2006,210(7):288-290
现代社会,任何企业在生产经营过程中都难免会遭遇危机,并且无论哪种危机发生,都有可能给企业带来致命的打击。因此,对企业来说,危机管理已迫在眉睫。危机管理的重点在于识别和预防危机。危机识别是通过对企业的“体检”,将所有可能对企业生产经营活动造成麻烦的危机一一列举出来,并确认这些危机的性质;危机预防则是学习诺亚造方舟,为可能出现的各种危机作好准备,做好预案,从而自如地应对危机。  相似文献   

吴晶妹  王涛 《亚太经济》2008,(6):34-38,42
随着美国次级抵押贷款市场危机扩大至其他金融领域,银行普遍选择提高贷款利率和减少贷款数量,致使全球主要金融市场陷入流动性不足危机。虽然我国金融和房地产市场与美国市场之间存在相似性,但两者之间存在本质区别。本文通过深入剖析美国次贷危机发生的原因及传导机制,借以研究中国式次贷危机,避免重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

近日,美国陆续传出多家银行在房屋止赎处理程序上出现重大纰漏,并由此引发了"止赎危机",包括机械签名、房贷回购、贷款拖欠等问题。本文阐述了"止赎危机"事件发展以及美国各大银行的涉及情况,在此基础上分析了整个事件的影响。本文研究表明,"止赎危机"可能引发美国房主和投资者的一系列法律诉讼,破坏美国金融系统稳定,打击脆弱的房屋市场及经济复苏。研究同时指出,"止赎危机"仍需一段时间发酵,将持续影响投资者对美国银行业的信心。  相似文献   

李洁 《开放导报》2012,(3):74-77
欧债危机给转型期的江苏企业带来了良好机遇。江苏企业"走出去"亟需通过战略调整注入新的动力。省内企业要改变以往以低端要素加入全球价值链生产环节的状况,实现发展方式转型;利用全球的分工体系和产业链,获得更高效、更有价值的资源整合;以链条式结构向海外进军;在区域结构要形成"三角骨"构架。  相似文献   

This paper examines three developmental regimes in Singapore, China and Malaysia. In these three cases, heavy state intervention was necessary because their economies required significant economic restructuring. For Singapore, state intervention was necessary for the process of industrial transformation. For Malaysia, state intervention was necessary because the government wanted to reallocate economic resources as a means to deal with ethnic conflict. For China, state intervention was necessary in order to gradually “marketize” the socialist economy. The paper also briefly discusses the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis (1997–1999) on these developmental regimes. It finds that for all three cases, economic restructuring was successful because of long-term and heavy state intervention. It explains that, unlike the other developmental states of Asia, these developmental regimes were able to undertake such significant restructuring because of the state's power base, which even managed to survive the Asian Financial Crisis. It concludes with some comments about the future of state intervention in a rapidly globalizing world.  相似文献   

<巴塞尔协议>资本充足率的规定已经成为发达国家或发展中国家银行系统资本监管的标准,提高银行资本充足率对于一国的宏观经济是否有负面的影响,(尤其是在经济低迷时期),这一问题在最近的十年中引起广泛的关注.本文借助于Peek和Rosengren的测算方法,通过计算和分析亚洲各国(地区)在经历金融危机后加强资本管制、提高资本充足率对该国宏观经济的影响时发现,这样的举措在经济低迷时期不但不会改善宏观经济状况,反而会恶化经济的发展.  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia, the issue of “social safety nets” (SSNs) has emerged more prominently since the financial crisis. Despite the increased interest in social safety nets, there is still considerable confusion among scholars and national and international organizations regarding the use and meaning of the term. This article considers the different definitions of the term—particularly as it was used during the Asian Financial Crisis—and to attempt to clarify its meaning and proper use.The safety net analogy is drawn from high-wire walkers who are protected by a safety net if they fall. The safety net prevents any walker who falls—unexpectedly or not—from hitting the floor and incurring catastrophic injuries. Following this line of reasoning, it is not surprising to learn that some organizations and scholars use the term SSN such that it encompasses private and public mechanisms that assist individuals in maintaining a minimum level of consumption.The term “social safety net” (SSN) began to be used by Bretton Woods’ institutions in connection with structural adjustment programs related to their lending programs. Developing countries introduced SSNs to mitigate the social impact of structural adjustment measures on specific low-income groups. They were initially formulated to serve three objectives: poverty alleviation, to make adjustment programs more politically acceptable, and institutional reform. During the Asian Financial Crisis, there was a great deal of confusion regarding the content and consequent identification of SSN programs.Public SSN programs can be classified into formal and informal safety nets. Formal and informal safety nets are, generally, distinguished by law enforcement: formal safety nets are those which legally guarantee individuals access to economic or social support whereas informal safety nets provide likelihood of support to individuals to assure them of attaining or remaining above the designated minimum standard of living but with no legal guarantee.Informal SSNs can be divided into private and public ones. Examples of private informal SSNs include transfers from family members, friends, neighbors and community members and institutions, including NGOs, while those of public informal SSNs refer to the support which individuals can hope for from the government, through programs which generate assets or employment, transfer income, or provide basic social services, as a means of helping affected individuals from falling below the designated minimum standard of living. The difference between formal and informal public SSNs is whether there exists a formal legal support of the assistance.The article has provided more discussion on the definitions of SSN used by the World Bank, ESCAP, ILO and TDRI.In conclusion, the authors note that the tremendous variation in the use of the term invites confusion and makes it virtually useless as a technical concept. The very nature of the metaphor invokes a vision of a large net that encompass a number of different types of programs. In many cases it is not even possible to list specific programs that are included, as the particular forms of these programs could, of course, vary with place, time and circumstances. Complicating things further, the term is sometimes used in a very narrow sense. Given the low probability that usage of the term will ever be standardized, economists and national/international organizations might be well served by avoiding the term completely and instead using its component parts.  相似文献   

邵忍丽 《特区经济》2009,(7):129-131
为了应对金融危机,确保国民经济稳定增长;政府把扩大内需作为保增长的根本途径,把加快发展方式转变和结构调整作为保增长的主攻方向,把改善民生作为保增长的出发点和落脚点;为此,应调整经济发展结构,从依赖于投资出口转向依靠消费和服务也促进经济增长;降息、减税、放宽市场准入,将政府直接需求的短期有效性与启动企业和居民需求长期有效性结合起来;完善收入分配制度和社会保障体系扩大内需。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed:
Gordon Betcherman and Riswanul Islam, (eds) East Asian Labor Markets and the Economic Crisis: impacts, responses and lessons
Françoise Gérard and François Ruf, Agriculture in Crisis: people, commodities and natural resources in Indonesia 1996-2000
Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill, (eds) The Asian Financial Crisis and the Architecture of Global Finance
James Zhan and Terutomo Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia: cross-border M&As in the crisis period
Xiaoming Huang, The Political and Economic Transition in East Asia: strong market, weakening state
John A. Mathews and Dong-Sung Cho, Tiger Technology: the creation of a semiconductor industry in East Asia
A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, (ed.) Confronting Fiji Futures
Peter Drysdale, Yunling Zhang and Ligang Song, (eds) APEC and Liberalisation of the Chinese Economy
Heather Smith, (ed.) Looking Forward: Korea after the economic crisis
L. T. Jones and P. A. McGavin, Land Mobilisation in Papua New Guinea
Marcus Noland, Avoiding the Apocalypse: the future of the two Koreas
Delia Davin, Internal Migration in Contemporary China
On Kit Tam, The Development of Corporate Governance in China
Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song, (eds) China: twenty years of reform
Ramesh Adhikari and Ulrich Hiemenz, (eds) Achieving Financial Stability in Asia
Morris Goldstein, Graciela L. Kaminsky and Carmen M. Reinhart, Assessing Financial Vulnerability: an early warning system for emerging markets  相似文献   

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