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In this paper, we study the pricing problem of multi-exercise options under volume constraints. The volume constraint is modelled by an adapted process with values in the positive integers, which describes the maximal number of rights to be exercised at a given time. We derive a representation of the marginal value of an additional nth right as a standard single stopping problem with a modified cash-flow process. This representation then leads to a dual pricing formula, which generalizes a result by Meinshausen and Hambly (Math. Finance 14:557–583, 2004) from the standard multi-exercise option (with at most one right per time step) to general constraints. We also state an explicit Monte Carlo algorithm for computing confidence intervals for the price of multi-exercise options under volume constraints and present numerical results for the pricing of a swing contract in an electricity market.  相似文献   

This study develops a transformed-trinomial approach for the valuation of contingent claims written on multiple underlying assets. Our model is characterized by an extension of the Camara and Chung (J Futur Mark 26: 759–787, 2006) transformed-binomial model for pricing options with one underlying asset, and a discrete-time version of the Schroder (J Finance 59(5): 2375–2401, 2004) model. However, unlike the Schroder model, our model can facilitate straightforward valuation of American-style multivariate contingent claims. The major advantage of our transformed-trinomial approach is that it can easily tackle the volatility skew observed within the markets. We go on to use numerical examples to demonstrate the way in which our transformed-trinomial approach can be utilized for the valuation of multivariate contingent claims, such as binary options.  相似文献   

This study compares the changes in implied volatilities of options on Nasdaq 100 and Russell 2000 value and growth portfolios, for the time period of 2004 and 2005. Following the methodologies in Stein (J Finance 44:1011–1024, 1989) and Heynen et al. (J Financ Quant Anal 29:31–56, 1994), we attempt to infer whether there are systematic differences in the degree of overreactions between value and growth options. The empirical evidence indicates that the reactions to information by investors in growth options, as proxied by options on Nasdaq 100 and Russell 2000 growth, are stronger than those of Russell 2000 value. Whether these reactions can be considered as overreacting, however, is not entirely conclusive. Nevertheless, the results imply that difference in investors’ behavior and styles is one potential explanation for the value stock effect.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that the asset value follows a phase-type jump-diffusion, we show that the expected discounted penalty satisfies an ODE and obtain a general form for the expected discounted penalty. In particular, if only downward jumps are allowed, we get an explicit formula in terms of the penalty function and jump distribution. On the other hand, if the downward jump distribution is a mixture of exponential distributions (and upward jumps are determined by a general Lévy measure), we obtain closed-form solutions for the expected discounted penalty. As an application, we work out an example in Leland’s structural model with jumps. For earlier and related results, see Gerber and Landry [Insur. Math. Econ. 22:263–276, 1998], Hilberink and Rogers [Finance Stoch. 6:237–263, 2002], Asmussen et al. [Stoch. Proc. Appl. 109:79–111, 2004], and Kyprianou and Surya [Finance Stoch. 11:131–152, 2007].   相似文献   

Using a comprehensive data set of funds-of-hedge funds, we extend the results of Fung et al. (J. Finance 63:1777–1803, 2008) (FHNR) with an augmented version of the Fung and Hsieh (Financ. Anal. J. 60:65–80, 2004a; J. Empir. Finance 18:547–569, 2004b) model to document performance characteristics from January 2005 to December 2010. We find that our sample period is divided into three distinct subperiods: January 2005 to June 2007 (pre-subprime crisis); July 2007 to March 2009; and April 2009 to December 2010 (post-credit crunch) during which the average fund of hedge funds delivered positive alpha only in the first subperiod. We divide the funds of hedge funds sample into those who have alpha and the rest, which we call beta-only. The empirical results show a dramatic decline in the population of alpha producing funds of hedge funds post 2008 compared to the FHNR findings. When we repeat our analysis with a synthetic hedge fund index replicator, we find qualitatively similar results.  相似文献   

We investigate and compare two dual formulations of the American option pricing problem based on two decompositions of supermartingales: the additive dual of Haugh and Kogan (Oper. Res. 52:258–270, 2004) and Rogers (Math. Finance 12:271–286, 2002) and the multiplicative dual of Jamshidian (Minimax optimality of Bermudan and American claims and their Monte- Carlo upper bound approximation. NIB Capital, The Hague, 2003). Both provide upper bounds on American option prices; we show how to improve these bounds iteratively and use this to show that any multiplicative dual can be improved by an additive dual and vice versa. This iterative improvement converges to the optimal value function. We also compare bias and variance under the two dual formulations as the time horizon grows; either method may have smaller bias, but the variance of the multiplicative method typically grows much faster than that of the additive method. We show that in the case of a discrete state space, the additive dual coincides with the dual of the optimal stopping problem in the sense of linear programming duality and the multiplicative method arises through a nonlinear duality.   相似文献   

We investigate optimal consumption policies in the liquidity risk model introduced by Pham and Tankov (Math. Finance 18:613–627, 2008). Our main result is to derive smoothness C 1 results for the value functions of the portfolio/consumption choice problem. As an important consequence, we can prove the existence of the optimal control (portfolio/consumption strategy) which we characterize both in feedback form in terms of the derivatives of the value functions and as the solution of a second-order ODE. Finally, numerical illustrations of the behavior of optimal consumption strategies between two trading dates are given.  相似文献   

Following Travlos (J Finance 42: 943–963, 1987), Loughran and Vijh (J Finance 52: 1765–1790, 1997), Harford (J Finance 54: 1969–1997, 1999), and Oler (Rev Acc Stud 13: 479–511, 2008), we investigate whether acquisitions involving stock consideration and acquirers with high cash levels are associated with poor performance or not. In addition, we investigate whether including a long-term performance plan in top management’s compensation package can mitigate these negative effects. We find that acquirers with a long-term performance plan are less likely to hold a high cash balance and are less likely to use stock consideration, thus avoiding scenarios that are more likely to be value-destructive. Even if an acquirer with a long-term performance plan carries a high cash balance or uses stock, we find that the plan is associated with improved fundamental performance; however, this relationship does not flow through to improved post-acquisition returns.  相似文献   

Dimovski and Brooks (J Intern Financ Mark Inst Money 14:267–280, 2004b) examined 358 Australian industrial and mining company initial public offerings (IPOs) from 1994 to 1999 to report that more money was left on the table by IPOs that engaged underwriters than those that did not engage underwriters. Loughran and Ritter (Autumn 5–37, 2004) suggested that the negative relation between underwriter reputation and underpricing has reversed in the 1990s with U.S. IPOs. The main purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between underwriter reputation and underpricing in terms of Australian IPO data. In this paper, we use 380 Australian industrial company IPOs from 1994 to 2004 to perform the empirical study. Our results suggest that more prestigious underwriters are associated with a higher level of underpricing. Other variables that are found to be significant in explaining the level of IPO underpricing are market sentiment, share options, total capital raised and underwriter options.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider the valuation of Bermudan callable derivatives with multiple exercise rights. We present in this context a new primal–dual linear Monte Carlo algorithm that allows for efficient simulation of the lower and upper price bounds without using nested simulations (hence the terminology). The algorithm is essentially an extension of the primal–dual Monte Carlo algorithm for standard Bermudan options proposed by Schoenmakers et al. [SIAM J. Finance Math., 2013, 4, 86–116] to the case of multiple exercise rights. In particular, the algorithm constructs upwardly a system of dual martingales to be plugged into the dual representation of Schoenmakers. At each level, the respective martingale is constructed via a backward regression procedure starting at the last exercise date. The thus constructed martingales are finally used to compute an upper price bound. The algorithm also provides approximate continuation functions that may be used to construct a price lower bound. The algorithm is applied to the pricing of flexible caps in a Hull and White model setup. The simple model choice allows for comparison of the computed price bounds with the exact price obtained by means of a trinomial tree implementation. As a result, we obtain tight price bounds for the considered application. Moreover, the algorithm is generically designed for multi-dimensional problems and is tractable to implement.  相似文献   

This paper considers the behavior of the critical price for the American put in the exponential Lévy model when the underlying stock pays dividends at a continuous rate. We prove the continuity of the free boundary and give a characterization of the critical price at maturity, generalizing a recent result of S.Z. Levendorskiǐ (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 7:303–336, 2004).   相似文献   

This paper investigates if bankruptcy of Japanese listed companies can be predicted using data from 1992 to 2005. We find that the traditional measures, such as Altman’s (J Finance 23:589–609, 1968) Z-score, Ohlson’s (J Accounting Res 18:109–131, 1980) O-score and the option pricing theory-based distance-to-default, previously developed for the U.S. market, are also individually useful for the Japanese market. Moreover, the predictive power is substantially enhanced when these measures are combined. Based on the unique Japanese institutional features of main banks and business groups (known as Keiretsu), we construct a new measure that incorporates bank dependence and Keiretsu dependence. The new measure further improves the ability to predict bankruptcy of Japanese listed companies.  相似文献   

We consider the infinite-horizon optimal portfolio liquidation problem for a von Neumann–Morgenstern investor in the liquidity model of Almgren (Appl. Math. Finance 10:1–18, 2003). Using a stochastic control approach, we characterize the value function and the optimal strategy as classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. We furthermore analyze the sensitivities of the value function and the optimal strategy with respect to the various model parameters. In particular, we find that the optimal strategy is aggressive or passive in-the-money, respectively, if and only if the utility function displays increasing or decreasing risk aversion. Surprisingly, only few further monotonicity relations exist with respect to the other parameters. We point out in particular that the speed by which the remaining asset position is sold can be decreasing in the size of the position but increasing in the liquidity price impact.   相似文献   

This paper examines the association between conservatism and the value relevance of accounting information over the 1975 through 2004 period. We measure conservatism using approaches developed in Penman and Zhang, The Accounting Review 77:237–264, (2002) and Beaver and Ryan, Journal of Accounting Research 38:127–148, (2000) and value relevance using (1) adjusted R 2 from regressions of price on earnings and book values, (2) adjusted R 2 from regressions of returns on earnings and changes in earnings, and (3) returns earned by perfect foresight of earnings and book values. We find no evidence that firms with increasing conservatism exhibit greater declines in value relevance. Rather, we observe most significant declines in value relevance for firms where conservatism has not increased. When we adjust financial statements for the effects of conservatism, we find that the value relevance of adjusted numbers is generally lower and trends in value relevance unaffected. Based on these results, it is implausible that increasing conservatism drives the decline in value relevance.  相似文献   

We prove limit theorems for the super-replication cost of European options in a binomial model with friction. Examples covered are markets with proportional transaction costs and illiquid markets. A dual representation for the super-replication cost in these models is obtained and used to prove the limit theorems. In particular, the existence of a liquidity premium for the continuous-time limit of the model proposed in Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004) is proved. Hence, this paper extends the previous convergence result of Gökay and Soner (Math Finance 22:250–276, 2012) to the general non-Markovian case. Moreover, the special case of small transaction costs yields, in the continuous limit, the G-expectation of Peng as earlier proved by Kusuoka (Ann. Appl. Probab. 5:198–221, 1995).  相似文献   

In this paper we generalize the recent comparison results of El Karoui et al. (Math Finance 8:93–126, 1998), Bellamy and Jeanblanc (Finance Stoch 4:209–222, 2000) and Gushchin and Mordecki (Proc Steklov Inst Math 237:73–113, 2002) to d-dimensional exponential semimartingales. Our main result gives sufficient conditions for the comparison of European options with respect to martingale pricing measures. The comparison is with respect to convex and also with respect to directionally convex functions. Sufficient conditions for these orderings are formulated in terms of the predictable characteristics of the stochastic logarithm of the stock price processes. As examples we discuss the comparison of exponential semimartingales to multivariate diffusion processes, to stochastic volatility models, to Lévy processes, and to diffusions with jumps. We obtain extensions of several recent results on nontrivial price intervals. A crucial property in this approach is the propagation of convexity property. We develop a new approach to establish this property for several further examples of univariate and multivariate processes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of four-factor asset pricing model using Hong Kong stock returns. Our four-factor model is constructed by adding a momentum factor into the Fama and French’s (J Finance Econ 33(1):3–56, 1993) three-factor model. We find that the four-factor model may explain return variation using Hong Kong data. Our results show evidence that all the four factors are significant in the model and intercepts are not significant. In addition, the reasonably high values of adjusted R 2 and the insignificance of an additional explanatory variable of residual standard deviation provide supportive evidence to the model. The robustness of the model is also checked for two effects: up- and down-market conditions and seasonal behavior.  相似文献   

The analysis contrasts results of two recently expounded microlevel data approaches to derive robust intertemporal characterizations of redistributional effects of income tax schedules; the fixed-income procedure of Kasten et al. (Tax progressivity and Income Inequality, Cambridge University Press, 1994) and the transplant-and-compare method of Dardanoni and Lambert (J. Public Econ. 86:99–122, 2002). Our study is normative in that the Blackorby and Donaldson (Can. J. Econ. 17:683–694, 1984) index of tax progressivity is employed. This enables contributions from vertical redistribution and horizontal inequity also to be assessed, using for the latter one classical measure and one no reranking measure. When the competing methodologies are applied to Norwegian data for 1992–2004, their respective strengths and weaknesses are revealed. The transplant-and-compare procedure is found to have a number of advantages.   相似文献   

Regression analysis is often used to estimate a linear relationship between security abnormal returns and firm-specific variables. If the abnormal returns are caused by a common event (i.e., there is “event clustering”) the error term of the cross-sectional regression will be heteroskedastic and correlated across observations. The size and power of alternative test statistics for the event clustering case has been evaluated under ideal conditions (Monte Carlo experiments using normally distributed synthetic security returns) by Chandra and Balachandran (J Finance 47:2055–2070, 1992) and Karafiath (J Financ Quant Anal 29(2):279–300, 1994). Harrington and Shrider (J Financ Quant Anal 42(1):229–256, 2007) evaluate cross-sectional regressions using actual (not simulated) stock returns only for the case of cross-sectional independence, i.e., in the absence of clustering. In order to evaluate the event clustering case, random samples of security returns are drawn from the data set provided by the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) and the empirical distributions of alternative test statistics compared. These simulations include a comparison of OLS, WLS, GLS, two heteroskedastic-consistent estimators, and a bootstrap test for GLS. In addition, the Sefcik and Thompson (J Accounting Res 24(2):316–334, 1986) portfolio counterparts to OLS, WLS, and GLS, are evaluated. The main result from these simulations is none of the other estimator shows clear advantages over OLS or WLS. Researchers should be aware, however, that in these simulations the variance of the error term in the cross-sectional regression is unrelated to the explanatory variable.
Imre KarafiathEmail:

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