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January to April this year, the economic operation of China’s textile industry overall in slowdown trend, the growth rate of output of major products fell significantly, exports and profits were greatly affected, the textile industry is facing great operating pressure. The export side, Japan, EU, U.S. textile and garment export growth has slowed down, the market share  相似文献   

Due to the increasing price of raw material,the appreciation of RMB and the change in draw- back tax policy,the tie producing industry of Shengzhou has met a new crossroad after 20 years’ development.The Shengzhou government is researching in the prospective development of tie industry,and has decided to implement the"Silk Expanding Project",whose goal is to form a silk industry base of China and even the world basing on the tie industry and other related textile industry.  相似文献   

The textile industry is growing at a slow speed against backdrop of outrageous rise in raw materials, energy, wages, yuan’s appreciation etc.. Three hot issues are more obviously brought into spotlight to be seen as most important factors that weigh a lot on the economic growth during the first half of the year and defi nitely the second half to come.A half of 2008 has elapsed, and the fore part of the year is mingled with hopes and worries, but the industry has managed to voyage on in the troubled waters. Reviewing the situation in perspectives, [[China Textile]] has summed up three hotspot issues that played protagonists in China’s textile industry: Firstly, outside-in sales from outbound shipment to homebound march on, secondly, the industry’s development is restricted by fund shortage; thirdly, the industrial adjustment and production relocation are still in progress.  相似文献   

China will take comprehensive measures next year to ensure a stable textile export growth, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said. Since the country ’s textile export faces complex situation amid a world economy slowdown and financial turmoil,  相似文献   

Dear readers: We are already in the second half of 2006. China, shine or rain, still troubled with many factors devilling its normal course of development. Its textile indus- try seems to have done pretty well in production, domestic market and export in its textile industry. During the first half of 2006, Chinese shipments of textiles and apparel to the EU arrived at $9,822 million, 10.52% higher than its previous correspon- dent time. The ten quota-capped categories out of this total expor…  相似文献   

China is the world’s leading textile and apparel producer,but as China’s economy rapidly develops,all eyes are focused on the other end of the cotton supply chain--Chinese consumers. China’s middle class (with household incomes of$8,300 to$68,800) has grown 22% in the last two years,to reach 80 million,and is expected to increase nearly tenfold by 2020 (according to Euromonitor,July 2007).As the disposable income  相似文献   

During the first two months of 2011,China’s textile industry maintained stable growth but was exposed to natural disasters and political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa,the Reripheral pressure is increasing.The following is a review of Chinese textile industry’s performance during the first two months of 2011.  相似文献   

This year marks 30th year commemoration of China’s" reform and opening up" policy, the strategic decision made at the 3rd plenarysession of the national party congress’ 11th central committee of Communist Party of China (CPC) in Dec. 1978. History made its way to the end of 1978. In December of that particular year, CPC leaders tapped on the table to decide to open up and reform this long-encapsulated country in a milestone conclusion. Thirty years elapsed. Like many other industrial sectors that benefited from this monumental decision, Chinese textile industry has undeniably been growing at a fantastic speed, and its export is on an unrivalled growth in phase...  相似文献   

Innovation:the key to the development of Nantong’s home textile industry Through July 29 to 31, Mr. Du Yuzhou, President of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), and Mr. Yang Donghui, Vice President of CNTAC and Director of China Home Textile Association (CHTA), investigated the current status of the home textile industry in Nantong, a famous production base in Jiangsu Province, China.  相似文献   

Since the inception of last year,forecast on the"shuffling"of the textile industry has been spread widely.What’s more,some latest reports of Financial Medias on the bankruptcy of garment enterprises that used to run with main business of export or OEM in Guangdong province dealt a heavier blow on people’s nerve.It is said that Chinese textile industry are suffering"painful period"now……  相似文献   

With changes of China’s economic environment and needs for adjusting and upgrading industrial structure,the development of the textile and apparel industry in East China has been increasingly  相似文献   

During the first three months of 2011, China’s textile industry maintained stable growth but was exposed to natural disasters, political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa as well as domestic inflation risk. The following is a review of Chinese textile industry’s investment activities in Q1.  相似文献   

In the second quarter of 2014, the world's economy continued a moderate recovery: re-acceleration of economic activity happened in the U.S., weak recovery continued in euro area, Japan's economic growth was diminishing, with recovery monlentunl weakening, and capital inflows has increased in emerging market economies, among which some economies were still facing economic downward pressure. Against the stabilized environment of international market de- mand, China's apparel export reached $ 79.85 billion, with year-onyear increase of 4.3%: textiles export totalized $ 56.54 billion, rising by 4.0%. Knitting industry achieved accumulative total export of $ 40.61 billion.  相似文献   

In China, the cotton textile industry undertakes over 50% of the total fiber processing volume, rendering a great number of quality yarns & cloth to its downstream pipelines, such as knitting, dyeing & finishing, home-textiles and apparels industries. In 2005, the export of Chinese cotton textiles & apparels reached US$41.13 billion, import US$5.393 billion. At present, the total employment in the large-scale cotton textile enterprises is estimated for 2.512 million people, holding 26.5% of …  相似文献   

According to customs statistics, January-May2012, China’s textile and apparel exports valued at USD 93.523 billion. Compared with the same period in 2011 increased 2. 63%. Among them, The exports to European Union( the EU) valued at USD 16.756 billion, accounted for 17.92 % of total exports to the global in textile and apparel, down 11. 17% y/y. e EU is one of the main markets for China’s textile and apparel exports. e negative growth highlights the grim situation of the European Union market . Market share declined in the EU The EU, the United States, and Japan had  相似文献   

A Sum Up of the Development of China Textile Industry for the First Three Quarters of 2005Finally, after an intense three months of negotiation the dispute between the United States and China has solved, and the 'bra wars' with the European Union this summer was said to have put Europe's textile industry under siege. All these disagreements as well as the stubbornness of high cost in Chinese textile production have slowed the speed for export down for the first three quarters of 2005. Ne…  相似文献   

Textile industry, once an export engine of China, is fi ghting for their survival in 2009 due to the impact of the fi nancial crisis. The industry and the government have recognized the potential of the nonwovens sector as the growth engine for the textile industry. Nonwovens Industry is one of  相似文献   

A Sum Up of the Development ofChina Textile Industry for the FirsThree Quarters of2005Finally,after an intense three months of negotiationthe dispute between the United States and China has solved,and the'bra wars'with the European Union this summerwas said to have put Europe's textile industry under siege.All these disagreements as well as the stubbornness of highcost in Chinese textile production have slowed the speedfor export down for the first three quarters of2005.Nevertheless,Chi…  相似文献   

Dear Readers     
This March is quite a heat in Beijing as the two important national congresses are held in a gorgeous gathering of the 11thNational People’s Congress and the 11th China People’s Political Consultative Conference.A new industrial and IT information ministry is established and added to the State Cabinet to fuel the overall management to entire manufacturing industry in China.Textile Ministry,as a national textile industrial  相似文献   

The year of 2007 witnessed a fairly good economic performance in textile industry as a whole,resulting in industrial output value for 3080 billion yuan in the middle and big enterprises. The textiles and apparel export came up to $171.7 billion,18.86% up as against 2006. With this setting,the knitting industry in China also kept a growth momentum in 2007. From Jan. to  相似文献   

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