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王艳辉 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(18):200-201
基于资金的时间价值并考虑投标竞争环境的影响,利用不平衡方法和Game理论提出了工程量清单报价的优化策略。它通过调整单价组合,能够解决承包商在实际投标时最为关心的在预期利润不减少时如何降低报价,提高中标率,以及在报价基本不变时,如何无形提高预期利润增值两种情况。  相似文献   

投标报价是以投标方式获得工程并确定承包该工程需要的总造价,这是进行工程投标的核心问题.投标报价既是业主选择中标单位的主要标准,也是业主与投标单位签订合同的依据.投标单位对建设项目进行投标报价时,应选择合理的报价.若报价过高,会使投标单位失去承包机会;反之,若报价过低,则会给中标单位带来亏本的风险.为了谋求中标,叉能保证自身的预期收益,就要求投标者必须选择最优的投标报价策略.因此,研究建筑工程投标报价策略是十分迫切和必要的.  相似文献   

工程投标中的报价技巧是指在工程投标中为达到中标目的所采用的策略或技能.在现实的工程投标中,适当地分析各工程因素,运用比较可行报价技巧,对于施工单位能否中标并取得合理的利润,具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

国际工程承包是目前我国企业开展国际经济合作,进行跨国经营的一个重要方式。为了能在国际工程承包的竞争性投标中获胜,并谋求利润的最大化,本文对国际工程承包的利润进行分析,提出了工程投标报价策略的理论制定方法,以及在实践中制定投标报价策略的建议。  相似文献   

工程的投标报价,是投标单位按照招标文件中规定的各种因素和要求,根据本单位的实际水平和能力以及各种环境条件等,对承建投标工作所需的成本、拟获利润、相应的风险费用等进行计算后提出的报价。投标报价是承包工程的一个决定性环节,是投标文件的主要内容。  相似文献   

本文论述了在实行工程量清单计价下投标时,就从投标策略、投标过程中各企业报价的差异产生原因,来分析采用何种技巧取得中标并获得预期的效益.  相似文献   

王艳玲 《中国电子商务》2010,(6):249-249,251
施工企业通过工程投标获得施工项目,工程投标是企业生存与发展的手段和方法,而报价是工程投标的核心,是投标人经营决策的重要内容。随着水利水电市场不断规范和完善,企业承揽工程都必须通过投标方式获取,施工企业要在激烈的竞争中谋生存、求发展,必须熟悉和运用竞争规则,讲究报价策略和报价技巧,提高投标中标率及获取更多利润。本文根据笔者的投标经验对施工企业在水利水电工程投标中如何通过有效的报价策略及编制技巧来提高中标率进行探讨。  相似文献   

在日益激烈的投标竞争中,标价、工期、质量及施工方案成了影响投标单位能否中标的主要因素。由于工程项目涉及到公路、铁路、房建、水利等不同的专业项目,所以这几个影响因素也存在明显差别,而投标单位要想在投标中获胜,提高中标概率,就必须认真研究工程投标报价的策略与技巧。  相似文献   

建筑工程的造价控制在建筑工程投标招标的工作中占据了重要的地位,建筑企业要获得生存的空间和条件,就要对建筑项目进行投标,中标了才有获得经济利润和更好发展的机会。所以建筑投标企业要科学的方法去进行投标报价的工作。本文主要介绍在清单计价模式中的工作内涵和运作方式,以不平衡报价为主要例子说明和探究建筑工程投标报价的方法,让建筑投标企业成功中标,获得更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

在激烈的投标竞争中,能否提出恰到好处的报价,往往是决定买卖成败的关键。因而,对于如何建立一套系统化的投标报价决策程序或步骤;如何运用数学的方法,以加强报价决策的科学性,避免盲目性,则是我们在国际投标中需要认真研究的一项重要课题。下面谈谈投标报价的决策程序以及估算中标概率的几种方法。  相似文献   

针对目前的垂直切换技术普遍不能满足多网络下的切换问题,提出了一种改进的基于贝叶斯决策的垂直切换算法。首先根据接入终端网络的信号强度、网络负载、误码率和网络阻塞率以及用户业务对网络的实际需求偏好建立多条件相关的切换概率分布,计算出先验切换概率;然后通过贝叶斯决策算法计算出后验概率来进行判决比较,从而选取最优的接入网络。仿真结果表明,该算法不仅能有效地实现不同接入技术之间的垂直切换,从而减少不必要的切换,提高了切换成功的概率,而且还能在维持各网络平均负载达到30%~40%〖时减轻通信热点的阻塞情况,为用户提供更优的服务质量。  相似文献   

工程的投标程序及投标报价是项目实施前得重要环节,也是现代市场竞争下的必然趋势.正确合理的投标程序及投标报价的编制是水利水电工程中的重要环节,关系着工程成本和质量,也是企业竞争力的有力体现.本文针对水利水电工程投标程序及投标报价的编制方法进行简单的探讨.  相似文献   

本文阐述了粮食工程项目投标文件中技术标的编制要点,论述了施工组织设计、项目管理组织机构设置,提示了技术标编制时应注意的问题,以及采取的对策与方法。  相似文献   

In the past the dollar has been so dominant as an international currency that the term ‘dollarisation’ has become a synonym for currency substitution, i.e. the voluntary use of a foreign currency instead of the respective country's own legal tender. This article addresses the question as to whether the euro may be expected to partly replace the US currency in this function, focusing on the former's use as a substitution currency in countries on the periphery of the euro zone. Some policy conclusions are drawn for both the ‘euroised’ economies and Euroland.  相似文献   

A common theme in the literature on corporate control is that, when share ownership is diffuse, the free-rider problem prevents raiders from making acquisitions at tender prices below the postacquisition share price. In this paper, we address this question by formulating a nonstandard model of takeovers of diffusely held firms. It is demonstrated that, even when individual shareholdings are infinitesimal relative to firm size, takeovers succeed with positive probability and equilibria exist in which the raider earns substantial per share profits. Further, the Nash equilibria of the game are characterized with regard to raider profit, the aggregate fraction of shares tendered, and the relation between raider profit and the degree of randomization exhibited by shareholder tendering strategies.  相似文献   

韩义民 《中国市场》2007,(49):12-13
物流被看作是企业最后的也是最有希望的降低成本、提高效益的环节。对物流成本的核算、分析和控制是企业必须面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined overbooking in the restaurant industry. The authors observed the business situation in a restaurant in Hong Kong over 2 years, noted how demand exceeded supply on a regular basis, and analyzed the reservation data. The reservation data were used to estimate the no-show/cancellation probability and walk-ins for lunch and dinner on different days of the week, to illustrate the model, and to arrive at the optimal booking limits. A conceptual model was developed which would take into consideration the business situation, no-shows, cancellations, and walk-ins to determine the booking limit for maximizing the expected total revenue.  相似文献   

Assets misuse by an agent and the optimal audit inspecting strategy are analyzed in this paper. The agent and the principal are acting to maximize their expected utility and both are characterized by risk aversion. The agent's decision about a theft takes into account the probability of benefiting from the stolen assets but also the probability of being penalized if caught. The principal's decision about the optimal number of audit teams, hence, the probability of uncovering the theft, takes into account the cost involved, the probability of one team of auditors uncovering the theft and the agent's decision about the theft. We get two response curves which describe the optimal behavior of both the agent and the principal and show that there may be a Nash solution to the problem. Since in real life there are often many principals (shareholders) with different utility functions, a set of efficient strategies is offered using the First and Second degree Stochastic Dominance rules. A numerical illustration which clarifies the methodology and displays the applicability of the model is also provided.  相似文献   

Properties of a class of voting power indices, defined as the expected number of swings under a probability model, are discussed. For decisive voting games swing sets exhibit symmetries which can be used to characterize the voting power indices. Numerical illustrations based on EU Council data are provided.  相似文献   

刘子林 《中国市场》2008,(49):120-121
高校教学仪器设备招标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实四原则,本文就怎样搞好高校仪器设备招标工作进行了简单阐述,并结合我院的教学仪器设备招标工作经验提出了一些看法与建议。  相似文献   

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