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Geoffrey Walsham 《Telecommunications Policy》1979,3(2):105-115
Telecommunications administrators in the less developed countries are faced with a number of complex strategic policy issues. The author argues that current planning procedures do not provide an adequate aid to decision making. A more sophisticated approach is suggested based on corporate planning models and a prototype model is described in detail. Some sample applications of this model are presented to illustrate the value of the approach to specific problems, including the areas of tariff policy and the growth rate of rural telecommunications. 相似文献
David C. Sutton 《R&D Management》1987,17(2):127-136
A key requirement for a top manager—whether from a scientific/technical background or from a commercial/administrative background—is the ability to appreciate and integrate the contributions that can be made by all the disciplines and viewpoints around the boardroom table.
It is no more difficult for a scientist to appreciate the perspectives of, say, production or marketing people than it is for them to appreciate those of the scientist. A great deal of general management development theory and practice is therefore equally applicable to the needs of those entering the domain of management from technical and scientific disciplines as it is to those arriving from the commercial, industrial and financial spheres.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a set of theoretical sources which have been found to assist managers and technical personnel to address cross-cultural issues within and between organisations. 相似文献
It is no more difficult for a scientist to appreciate the perspectives of, say, production or marketing people than it is for them to appreciate those of the scientist. A great deal of general management development theory and practice is therefore equally applicable to the needs of those entering the domain of management from technical and scientific disciplines as it is to those arriving from the commercial, industrial and financial spheres.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a set of theoretical sources which have been found to assist managers and technical personnel to address cross-cultural issues within and between organisations. 相似文献
对概率型网络计划问题,目前国内外的研究重点是网络计划的计算工期的估计和关键性的确定方面,对于线路和工作时差问题研究的较少,并且都是基于确定型网络计划时差的研究,而时差又是利用网络计划进行工程项目进度控制的一个重要参数.文章结合随机优势的思想,提出一种计算概率型网络计划线路和工作时差的计算模型,为概率型网络计划的时差问题提供了一些参考. 相似文献
V. E. Unger 《工程经济学家》2013,58(4):237-251
The application of linear and non-linear programming duality theory to capital budgeting models had resulted in the identification of various properties of optimal solutions and has provided economic interpretations of the models. This paper illustrates that similar results may be obtained for discrete capital budgeting models by applying recent advances in duality theory for integer programming problems (1), (2), and (3).In addition, a dual solution method is developed that permits a degree of decentralization of a firm's capital budgeting decision. 相似文献
The intensifying poverty and poorer living conditions, the need for greater social welfare along with ongoing damages to the natural environment in several contexts of the world have proved the increasing importance of social innovation for creating positive social and environmental change. This special issue addresses to the limitations in social innovation literature by providing insights into the role of inter-organizational collaborations in the process, practice and outcome of social innovation. Thus, the papers published in this special issue advance current knowledge and scholarship on different aspects of the social innovation phenomena occurring in inter-organizational contexts. The current paper reviews existing perspectives and studies on social innovation undertaken inter-organizational contexts, develops the future agenda for improving scholarship on social innovation occurring through inter-organizational collaborations, and provides the development of new theoretical ideas by focusing on some key studies in the literature and papers published in this special issue. With a focus on subsistence contexts that are characterized by limiting institutional environments, this paper identifies the types of partnerships that are being formed by social enterprises and individual social entrepreneurs, and how they may facilitate and foster social innovation practice and performance through social value creation. 相似文献
在我国电力市场体系中,省级电力市场的模式需要结合区域电力市场采用统一或分层的模式来选择。结合区域电力市场模式,提出了省级电力市场模式及其交易类型和方式。就如何充分发挥市场配置资源的作用,提出了发展省级电力市场的相关建议。 相似文献
This paper explores where and how marketing accountability of a supplier meets customer perceived value in a business relationship setting. If the supplier's firm implements marketing accountability processes, marketing activities are improved, as well as the communication of the value proposition to customers. The supplier's value proposition is in turn reflected through the creation of superior customer perceived value, which triggers attitudinal and behavioral value outcomes. Hence, the marketing accountability of the supplier, through its external manifestation with customers, ultimately influences the supplier's financial results. The aim of the paper is to discuss the external effect of marketing accountability in a business relationship context, which is often suppressed by the prevailing focus on the internal manifestations of marketing accountability, or the inside-out approach. As marketing accountability is an evolving field, bibliometric co-citation analysis is carried out to gain a better understanding of the marketing accountability's domain and scope. On the grounds of the relationship marketing theory and resource-based view, qualitative research was carried out and insights from interviews with marketing managers from different industries were analyzed. The paper concludes by suggesting the operationalization of the marketing accountability construct and pointing out the need for a multilevel and dyadic design of further empirical studies for testing the proposed external effect of marketing accountability. 相似文献
John Parkinson 《英国劳资关系杂志》2003,41(3):481-509
How the company is conceptualized has important implications for employees. Divergent theoretical approaches towards the company are synthesized below to form three models: the ownership, nexus of contracts, and social institution models. The first two endorse current UK corporate governance practice, in which companies are run for the ultimate benefit of their shareholders, who have the exclusive right to appoint the board. The third model questions this arrangement and, more generally, the characterization of the company as a wholly private association. The conclusion examines the implications of the third model for reform of company law and governance in the UK. 相似文献
Social impact bonds (SIBs) are strategic alliances aiming to generate financial profit through social innovation in the delivery of public social services. SIBs are also a product on the social impact investment market. There is little evidence for SIBs' effectiveness, and their ongoing international popularity partly rests on a theoretical premise that market mechanisms can effectively generate and diffuse social innovation. However, the literature contains no empirical consideration of whether and how this premise applies to public good social innovations. Our empirical study fills this gap by finding that public good social innovations are stimulated by market mechanisms, and markets are in turn shaped by these innovations. Despite this, public good social innovations eventually break away from markets in a micro-process we term ‘schisming’. Through describing how and why schisming occurs, we make a unique contribution to existing knowledge of the micro-processes of concerned market shaping, and the extent to which economic markets and a concerned society are embedded within each other. Implications for practitioners seeking to bridge social innovation and economic markets include the need to be cognisant of how contextual, socially constructed concerns affect the potential and process of diffusing social innovations. 相似文献
Computing is one of the most growing industries offering many opportunities for employment and advancement. Furthermore it is one of the newest industries which comprises of mainly young firms and relatively freshly constituted forms of working practices. Using empirical work in the UK, this paper presents and asesses gendered patterns of work and employment in the computing sector whilst comparing it to other traditionally male-dominated sectors. 相似文献
本文建立了变压器功率负载突然降低时电压平衡方程式。以电流为状态变量,时间为自变量,用龙格——库塔法求出数值解。用 FORTRAN 语言编写程序。给出了程序框图和仿真结果曲线,供模拟参考。 相似文献
New information and communication technologies can have paradoxical implications: they may be liberating and constraining at the same time. This field study examines the direct implications of personal social media use for work on employees’ autonomy and work pressure, and the indirect effects on exhaustion and work engagement. A total of 364 employees of three large multinationals responded to a web‐based survey. Results demonstrate the presence of a paradox, as social media for work is associated positively with both autonomy and work pressure. SNS use has indirect effects on exhaustion and engagement through autonomy, and on exhaustion through work pressure, but not on engagement through work pressure. Furthermore, one's responsiveness to colleagues’ communication decreases the relation between use and autonomy, although not between use and work pressure. Overall, employees seem more likely to be burdened by the use of social media for work than benefit from it, but managing one's responsiveness can help. 相似文献
商务模型与民营企业绩效 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,国内关于影响企业绩效因素的研究大多选取局部分析方法,难以得出整体性结论。新兴的商务模型理论为全面分析影响企业绩效的因素提供了理论架构。本文首次运用该理论对民营企业绩效开展了计量研究。结果提示,提高民营企业绩效可以从多侧面的商务模型改良入手,这也初步验证了商务模型方法的有效性。 相似文献
Ming-Hung Hsieh Author Vitae Kuen-Hung Tsai Author Vitae 《Industrial Marketing Management》2007,36(4):493-502
The Launch strategy for innovative products is a crucial strategic typology adopted by many high tech firms, and which has been identified in prior research focusing on new product introduction to the market. However, the nexus between launch strategies and firm resources has gained little research attention. This article therefore aims to investigate the influence of technological capability and social capital, two key resources for innovation in high tech firms, on the adoption of a launch strategy for innovative products. Furthermore, prior research has revealed that market characteristics play a moderating role on the relationship between firm resources and company strategies; thus, this study also examines the moderating effect of market characteristics. This study takes Taiwan's integrated circuit design firms as the analytical sample. Based on a sample of ninety companies, two interesting findings have been found. First, both technological capability and social capital are associated positively with the launch strategy for innovative products. Second, while the market growth rates increase, the positive relationship between technological capability and the launch strategy for innovative products becomes weaker. 相似文献
胡锦涛总书记把社会主义荣辱观概括为“八荣八耻”.既传承了中华民族的传统美德,又体现了与时俱进的时代精神。树立正确的荣辱观是社会文明的重要标志.践行荣辱观是社会进步的必然要求。笔者结合徐州矿务集团庞庄煤矿的实际,就煤炭企业如何才能找准践行社会主义荣辱观的最佳结合点.怎样才能加快构建宽裕型和谐新矿区的步伐等问题,谈几点看法。 相似文献
The provision of identities online continues to be a fiercely debated topic in policy circles, with proposals emerging for public sector organizations to leverage pre-existing social networking services for their own identity management purposes. Within the broader context of private sector organizations springing up as identity providers, this article explores — from a socio-legal perspective — the merits and drawbacks of using social networking services for government eID in Europe. It then reviews the present and future European policy environment concerning official use of social networking credentials. We focus specifically on legislative measures currently being proposed in the EU to facilitate the Identification, Authentication and Signature policy, within the scope of the ongoing Electronic Signatures Directive revision process and the launch of the proposed Electronic Trust Services Regulation. 相似文献