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Sources of gains from international portfolio diversification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper looks at the determinants of country and industry specific factors in international portfolio returns using a sample of forty eight countries and thirty nine industries over the last three decades. Country factors have remained relatively stable over the sample period while industry factors have significantly increased during the last decade and dropped again since 2000. The importance of industry and country factors is correlated with measures of economic and financial international integration and development. We find that financial market globalization is the main driving force behind the changes in relative magnitude of the different shocks. Country factors are smaller for countries integrated in world financial markets and have declined as the degree of financial integration and the number of countries pursuing financial liberalization has increased. Higher international financial integration within an industry increases the importance of industry factors in explaining returns. Economic integration of production also helps in explaining returns. Countries with a more specialized production activity have higher country shocks.  相似文献   

Currency Returns, Intrinsic Value, and Institutional-Investor Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We decompose currency returns into (permanent) intrinsic‐value shocks and (transitory) expected‐return shocks. We explore interactions between these shocks, currency returns, and institutional‐investor currency flows. Intrinsic‐value shocks are: dwarfed by expected‐return shocks (yet currency returns overreact to them); unrelated to flows (although expected‐return shocks correlate with flows); and related positively to forecasted cumulated‐interest differentials. These results suggest flows are related to short‐term currency returns, while fundamentals better explain long‐term returns and values. They also rationalize the long‐observed poor performance of exchange‐rate models: by ignoring the distinction between permanent and transitory exchange‐rate changes, prior tests obscure the connection between currencies and fundamentals.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sources of both foreign exchange rate and interest rate exposure of industry level portfolios in the G7, decomposing exposure into cash flow and discount rate effects. Initial examination of the degree of exposure on industry returns produces results consistent with the prior literature: that there is little evidence of exchange rate exposure in most industries - the exchange rate exposure puzzle. However, rather than relying solely on the sensitivity of industry returns, we examine the cash flow sensitivity to foreign exchange exposure, of primary interest to firm managers. Critically, decomposing the exposure into cash flow and discount rate components unlocks the exact extent and nature of exposure. Our results show industries have significant cash flow and discount rate exposures. These exposures increase with the level of trade openness and the spread between permanent cash flow exposure and transitory discount rate exposure widens.  相似文献   

By using industry level data, we examine the relation between equity returns and inflation in a frequency dependent framework. Our analysis shows that a positive relation in fact exists between equity returns and high frequency inflation shocks for commodity and technology related industries. Since higher frequency shocks are independent from trend and are transitory in nature, our findings imply a positive relation between stock returns and the unexpected component of inflation. Furthermore, we show that the results are robust to firm-level data by using a sample from the oil industry. Hence, our study provides a new look at the impact of inflation on equities by showing the sensitivity of conclusions in prior work to frequency dependence in data.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by Bali, Brown, and Tang (2017) who find U.S. economic policy uncertainty (EPU) is priced in the cross-section of U.S. stock returns, and uses weekly data from March 2006 to April 2016 to study whether shocks in U.S. EPU also influence prices of China's A-shares from a market, industry, and individual stock perspective. Our methodology relies on an ARMA (1,1) model to extract shocks in the U.S. EPU series and a GARCH (1,1) model to examine how returns of China's A-shares respond to these shocks after controlling for business conditions proxied by term and credit spread in China. Generally, we find that shocks in U.S. EPU significantly and negatively explain returns of Chinese A-shares with a lag of one week. In addition, the market index containing small and growth stocks is more sensitive to shocks in U.S. EPU than the index containing big and value stocks. Furthermore, we find that firms in manufacturing, information technology, and media industries in China are more sensitive to shocks in U.S. EPU, while firms in agriculture and real estate industries respond less to shocks in U.S. EPU. Finally, China's A-shares which decline more in response to shocks in U.S. EPU have higher returns, smaller market capitalization, weaker operating profitability, higher asset growth, and better past year's cumulative returns. Overall, our findings show that investors in the Chinese A-shares market require a premium to hold stocks that are sensitive to shocks in U.S. economic policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

We examine how the patterns of inter-industry trade flows impact the transfer of information and economic shocks. We provide evidence that the intensity of transfers depends on industries’ positions within the economy. In particular, some industries occupy central positions in the flow of trade, serving as hubs. Consistent with a diversification effect, we find that these industries’ returns depend relatively more on aggregate risks than do returns of noncentral industries. Analogously, we find that the accounting performance of central industries associates more strongly with macroeconomic measures than does the accounting performance of noncentral industries. Comparing central industries to noncentral ones, we find that the stock returns and accounting performance of central industries better predict the performance of industries linked to them. This suggests that shocks to central industries propagate more strongly than shocks to other industries. Our results highlight how industries’ positions within the economy affect the transfer of information and economic shocks.  相似文献   

This study presents new evidence that industry-wide earnings surprises diffuse gradually across the supply chain at both industry and individual-firm levels. This evidence provides fundamental support for studies in the literature of gradual information diffusion, commonly using lagged returns as a proxy for information. To allow for the possibility that firms react differently to the industry-wide earnings surprises, this study measures how a stock’s returns respond to the part of its main customer or supplier industry’s lagged returns that are associated with earnings surprises. A long/short equity strategy that combines the firm’s response coefficient and the prior month’s main customer/supplier industry return is shown to be profitable. The strategy tends to select medium-sized firms across industries. Firms in the winner portfolio are more likely to have a positive earning response coefficient and to be less capital intensive and financially constrained. Winners also experience positive responses to both positive and negative shocks while losers experience negative responses to both types of shocks.  相似文献   

This study investigates both the symmetric and asymmetric exchange rate exposures of Chinese financial firms in the context of an accelerated pace of RMB internationalisation. We find that an increasing number of Chinese financial firms are exposed to negative symmetric effects from the change in the trade weighted effective exchange rate. The evidence concerning asymmetries shows that after 2009 negative exchange rate shocks (a weaker RMB) have a stronger effect on exposures than positive shocks (a stronger RMB). Changes in the bilateral exchange rate also have a significant impact on firm returns, given the importance of the USD in the effective exchange rate. Further, the empirical analysis reveals that exchange rate exposures are associated with firm level characteristics including total assets, earnings per share, net cash flows, investment incomes, total liabilities and firm size. Finally, we suggest that domestic and foreign stakeholders need to pay close attention to the movement of the Yuan's exchange rate before it becomes completely convertible.  相似文献   

转轨时期中国产业结构的升级可能会影响人民币汇率调整路径。本文运用Blanchard&Quah提出的对结构性冲击影响进行长期约束的方法,在实际冲击与名义冲击的基础上,进一步分析了产业结构调整对人民币汇率的冲击效应。结果表明,产业结构调整是影响人民币汇率变动的一个重要来源,并且产业结构调整对人民币汇率变动的冲击效应具有明显的结构性特征。实际有效汇率和名义有效汇率波动吸收第一、第二、第三产业和非农产业变化冲击的时期大体相同,分别为4、9、10和4个季度(期),但相较于对实际有效汇率的冲击,各产业结构调整对名义汇率的冲击效应更为显著,服务业的发展有利于弱化制造业和农业发展对人民币汇率的升值压力。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the announcement of an accusation of fraudulent financial misrepresentation affects industry rivals of the accused firm. Consistent with the importance of the industry competition effect, we find that rivals in less competitive industries benefit from the event. However, in competitive industries, the information spillover effect dominates the competition effect, resulting in negative returns to rival shareholders following the event. The spillover effect increases in importance with the severity of the accusation and is more important for opaque rivals and for rivals that had positive stock price reactions to past positive earnings surprises of the accused firm.  相似文献   

This article explores the fundamental factors that affect cross-country stock return correlations. Using transactions data from 1988 to 1992, we construct overnight and intraday returns for a portfolio of Japanese stocks using their NYSE-traded American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and a matched-sample portfolio of U. S. stocks. We find that U. S. macroeconomic announcements, shocks to the Yen/Dollar foreign exchange rate and Treasury bill returns, and industry effects have no measurable influence on U.S. and Japanese return correlations. However, large shocks to broad-based market indices (Nikkei Stock Average and Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index) positively impact both the magnitude and persistence of the return correlations.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Mussa and Rosen (1978) model of quality pricing under perfect competition. Exporters sell goods of different qualities to consumers who have heterogeneous preferences for quality. Production is subject to decreasing returns to scale and, therefore, supply and the toughness of competition react to cost changes brought about by exchange rate fluctuations. First, we predict that exchange rate shocks are imperfectly passed through into prices. Second, prices of low-quality goods are more sensitive to exchange rate shocks than prices of high-quality goods. Third, in response to an exchange rate appreciation, the composition of exports shifts toward higher quality and more expensive goods. We test these predictions using highly disaggregated price and quantity U.S. import data and find only weak empirical evidence in support of our theory.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(2):179-203
This paper investigates the sensitivity of equity returns on Australian industry portfolios to an exchange rate factor for the period 1988–1998. Specifically, using daily data, we (1) analyse the exchange rate exposure of the Australian equities market by implementing a basic augmented market model using relevant bilateral exchange rates, (2) investigate the intertemporal stability of the exchange rate exposure by using a dummy variable specification, and (3) attempt to establish the determinants of the exchange rate exposure of Australian industries by undertaking a cross-sectional analysis. A further empirical issue addressed by our study is that of whether the sensitivity is contemporaneous or lagged. We find (a) some evidence of exchange rate exposure, (b) some evidence of intertemporal sensitivity, and (c) a greater sensitivity to movements in the Australian dollar/US dollar exchange rate factor than to movements in the Australian dollar/Japanese yen. Further, we observe a significant lagged effect when employing the basic augmented model. This difference in the response of the industry portfolio returns is not observed, however, in our intertemporal stability investigation. Finally, we do not find significant evidence in terms of the cross-sectional determinants of foreign exchange exposure.  相似文献   

We examine how product market competition affects firm cash flows and stock returns in industry booms and busts. Our results show how real and financial factors interact in industry business cycles. In competitive industries, we find that high industry-level stock market valuation, investment, and financing are followed by sharply lower operating cash flows and abnormal stock returns. Analyst estimates are positively biased and returns comove more. In concentrated industries these relations are weak and generally insignificant. Our results are consistent with participants in competitive industries not fully internalizing the negative externality of industry competition on cash flows and stock returns.  相似文献   

Industry Concentration and Average Stock Returns   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Firms in more concentrated industries earn lower returns, even after controlling for size, book‐to‐market, momentum, and other return determinants. Explanations based on chance, measurement error, capital structure, and persistent in‐sample cash flow shocks do not explain this finding. Drawing on work in industrial organization, we posit that either barriers to entry in highly concentrated industries insulate firms from undiversifiable distress risk, or firms in highly concentrated industries are less risky because they engage in less innovation, and thereby command lower expected returns. Additional time‐series tests support these risk‐based interpretations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of oil price shocks on exchange rate movements in five major oil-exporting countries: Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and Norway. The R2 of the fundamental model doubles in Russia and Brazil, but increases slightly in Canada and Norway when oil prices are added to it. The volatility of exchange rates associated with oil price shocks is significant in Russia, Brazil, and Mexico, but weak in Norway and Canada. It takes much longer for the exchange rate to reach the initial equilibrium level in Russia, Brazil, and Mexico than in Norway and Canada. The asymmetric behavior of exchange rate volatility among countries seems to be related to the efficiency of financial markets rather than to the importance of oil revenues in the economy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of the real exchange rate and relative output among the US and five of its top six trading partners since the collapse of Bretton Woods. It employs long-run restrictions to identify the usual suspect macroeconomic shocks and their relative importance for exchange rate fluctuations. An improvement of the econometric application is that it allows for the contribution of each shock to the real exchange rate and relative output to vary over time. While the volatility of US output – both total and relative to that of the UK or Canada – is estimated to have substantially reduced since the mid-1980s, consistent with the Great Moderation findings of many others, the volatility of real exchange rates has experienced a gradual and continuous increase over the same period. Monetary shocks account for only a small fraction of these dynamics, although they do track well the increase in volatility of US output during the Great Inflation period. It is supply-type shocks that seem to be more important for the relative output volatility reductions of the mid-1980s. Conversely, demand shocks seem to account for the largest portion of the volatility increases in the real exchange rate. Perhaps unsurprisingly, both volatilities increase during the 2007 financial crisis and the ensuing 2008–2009 Great Recession – periods associated with higher economic uncertainty.  相似文献   

Aobdia et al. (Rev Account Stud, 2014) view the economy as a network of customers and suppliers. Using the 1997 input–output trade flow data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to model the inter-industry network, they examine whether an industry’s position in the network, in particular, its “network centrality,” affects the transmission of information and economic shocks. They find that, compared to the accounting performance and stock returns of noncentral industries, those of central industries are explained by aggregate risks to a greater extent and are more highly associated with the contemporaneous and future performance of their linked industries. These findings suggest that network centrality matters—it plays an important role in how economic shocks are transmitted within the economy. The question of why network centrality matters, however, remains unanswered. A fruitful avenue for future research is to explore the origin of shocks to shed light on the fundamental question of whether sectoral shocks can aggregate into macro shocks.  相似文献   

We study the interaction between firm uncertainty and corporate policies, emphasizing the role of skewness in the distribution of performance shocks reflected in stock returns. Conditional on volatility and other characteristics, firms with more negatively skewed performance shocks adopt more conservative policies, including greater cash holdings, a lower likelihood of dividend payments and increases in payout levels, and less financial leverage. These relationships are significant and robust for asymmetry proxies constructed from stock return innovations, in contrast to results for measures based on accounting performance shocks. This disparity highlights the importance of asymmetries in long-run performance shocks for corporate policy choices.  相似文献   

Taking a dynamic view, this paper assesses the extent to which profitability shocks affect the size premium in the Chinese market. In the short run, there is a significant U-shaped relationship between size and profitability shocks; i.e., both small and large firms experience large and (in most cases) positive profitability shocks, while firms with medium market capitalizations display small profitability shocks. In the long run, profitability shocks in large firms remain large and stable, while profitability shocks in small firms decrease sharply. Adjusting for profitability shocks increases the returns of small firms but decreases the returns of large firms, indicating that large and positive profitability shocks in small firms cannot bring investors sizable returns even though the correlation between profitability shocks and returns is positive. Mismatches between profitability shocks and the per-unit return impact of such shocks (e.g., when firms experience positive shocks but the market reacts to these shocks irrationally) can help explain this phenomenon. Our work reveals that in terms of fundamentals, large firms are very worthy of investment owing to their superb fundamental performance, i.e., large and persistent profitability shocks.  相似文献   

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