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You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourself, "Where has all my money gone"? To help you better manage your salary, here comes some money saving tips. Following them your daily expense will be cut off easily, but still keep the quality of your life.  相似文献   

宋丹 《国际市场》2006,(7):79-80
省市级外贸大公司结汇,多数由熟悉业务的单证财务人员操作,他们对于信用证及汇款项下的索汇路线熟门熟路,一般问题不大。现在多数民营企业初涉外贸结算领域,对于如何进行外汇结算却是一知半解。许多外向型企业大多为劳动力密集型产业,风险大、成本高、利润薄,每一元钱都要精打细算,都要用在刀口上,银行的结汇费用自然也不例外。其次,也不能偷工减料,降低了银行在安全快速收汇中的作用,从而造成损失。  相似文献   

最近,伊朗核问题日趋紧张,美英媒体甚至爆出了喊打之声。另一边,非洲第一大产油国尼日利亚南部产油区的紧张局势也看不到改善的迹象。然而,美国夏季用油高峰即将到来,这使得美国政府公布的汽油库存大幅下降的消息,终于引发了市场的不安情绪。油价在4月第一个星期时回冲到每桶67  相似文献   

马飞 《国际市场》2002,(9):42-43
2001年国内家电业一片凋零:康佳亏损7个亿,万家乐亏损10个亿,而换了新主的科龙更是因为亏损15个亿而不得不戴上"ST帽子",美菱电器、小鸭电器、厦华电子等日子也过得比较艰难.从2001年4月1日到2002年3月31日这个财政年度,日本著名的家电企业除索尼外几乎全部陷入亏损的境地,第一大家电企业松下电器出现48年来的首次亏损,亏损额高达4310亿日元.昔日的制造业帝国日本正面临着前所未有的困局.作为应对措施,日本企业的制造基地正在向发展中国家大举外迁,这将势必对中国的制造业,尤其是家电产业形成强大冲击.  相似文献   

The presumption is that a broker executing a stock trade for a retail investor will get the investor the best possible price execution for the transaction. In fact, the broker often sells the retail investor’s trade to an intermediary for cash payment. The broker’s motivation to generate dealer profits seems to overcome the broker’s fiduciary responsibility to obtain the best execution price for the customer, raising ethical questions. Purchasers and internalizers of order flow in the market may cause prices quoted on the NYSE to deteriorate, making all investors worse off. University of Notre Dame Finance Professor Robert Battalio received a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. from the Indiana University. University of Notre Dame Finance Professor Tim Loughran received a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois (Urbana), an MBA from Indiana University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (Urbana).  相似文献   

付虹 《大经贸》2002,(12):84-85
巨人的陨落让人痛惜,柯德川必须重新设计爱立信的未来。人们记忆中的爱立信是世界上最大的电信制造商之一。但是现在它却陷人了沉皿的困境之中。与两年前的24州乙美元相比、爱立信现在的年收入下降了4叽,爱立信B股价格目前还不到  相似文献   

In 2010, China and Ecuador celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Accepting an invitation from the Chinese government, Ricardo Armando Patino Aroca, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration of Ecuador, and his delegation had a state visit to China. During his visit, China's Foreign Trade magazine interviewed the Minister, providing his views on bilateral relations, he stated that in the past thirty years, bilateral relation haven't developed enough and the aim of this visit was to strengthen bilateral relations further, especially regarding the economy and travel.  相似文献   

11月11日,爱聚公益创新机构等5家国内公益组织发布了中国基金会评价榜(2013)。评价榜根据“受尊重程度”、“行政支持力度”、“外部资源的引介情况”、“对项目执行的弹性情况”、  相似文献   

组合投资防范风险 专家给出的组合投资方式大致是35%用于银行存款,35%买国债,20%买证券,5%买保险,5%搞其他投资.家庭投资不妨借鉴一下.  相似文献   

Pondering the financial storms lashing Europe and the United States,Seth Zalkin,a casually dressed American banker, sipped a demitasse and seemed content with his decision to move here in March with his wife and son. For those with even the dimmest memories of Brazil's own debt crisis in the 1980s,the global order has been turned on its head.The American economy may be crawling along,but Brazil's  相似文献   

Fourth Weekly Falight Added To China's Commercial Capital. Doha, QATAR - Qatar Airways has stepped up frequency on its highly-popular Doha - Shanghai route with the in- troduction of a fourth weekly scheduled flight.  相似文献   

Fourth Weekly Falight Added To China's Commercial Capital. Doha, QATAR - Qatar Airways has stepped up frequency on its highly-popular Doha - Shanghai route with the introduction of a fourth weekly scheduled flight.  相似文献   

Fourth Weekly Falight Added To China‘s Commercial Capital.   Doha, QATAR - Qatar Airways has stepped up frequency on its highly-popular Doha - Shanghai route with the introduction of a fourth weekly scheduled flight.   ……  相似文献   

为打破多哈谈判一筹莫展、且各成员在日内瓦的讨论跳不出重复立场的怪圈,5月3日至5日,欧盟驻WTO大使庞格拉蒂斯在其家乡希腊科孚岛召集了一次务虚·皑质的会议,邀请了16个WTO主要成员的大使麦加。会议似乎释放出一些积极的信号,但是否压以为多哈谈判带来转机,仍需进一步观察。  相似文献   

In-depth interviews with 22 debt-ridden consumers who are enrolled in debt management plans reveal the vulnerability they experience in various life domains. Additional interviews with 19 credit counselors and agency executives illustrate how the practices of a credit counseling agency can help indebted consumers regain their footing. This research sheds light on how consumers can recover from their vulnerable situations and what aids this process.  相似文献   

品尝亏损、学会止损 失败是成功之母,几乎每一位成功股民都是从亏损走向盈利的.所以一名新股民一定要先品尝亏损,学会止损.新股民不应操之过急,在入市的半年到一年内可以只用小部分的资金入市,不计赢亏,但求寻找一种感觉,特别是亏损的感觉,这样才能真正懂得止损的重要性和学会珍惜来之不易的盈利.  相似文献   

萧易寒 《广告大观》2005,(11):162-163
一个朋友听说我做广告后,不无羡慕的说:靠,广告人啊,是不是工作跟拉屎那么轻松,挣钱跟放个屁那么简单,一年能赚辆宝马车啊?!我狂扁他一通后说:靠,我们广告人起的比鸡早,吃的比猪差,干的比牛多,睡的比小姐晚,TMD赚的还没乞丐多。  相似文献   

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