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C语言指针教学方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倪铭 《时代经贸》2006,4(Z1):85
C语言功能丰富、表达能力强、使用灵活方便、应用面广、目标程序效率高、移值性好,既具有高级语言的优点,又具有低级语言的许多特点.C语言指针部分的内容是教学的难点,本文通过图示方法来阐述指针的概念、指针的应用和指针与数组之间的联系.  相似文献   

指针是C语言中一个重要的概念,也是C语言中一个重要的特色。正确而灵活地运用指针可以提高程序的运行速度和降低程序的存储空间。在构造链表、树、图等复杂的数据结构,方便地使用字符串、数组,从被调函数得到多个值,甚至可以动态地分配内存等普通程序所不能实现的功能,也可以有效地表示和实现复杂的数据结构。同时指针又是一个十分难以理解的概念,特别是指针形参和数组实参传递参数时,由于分不清参数的性质,错误地使用指针将使程序中隐藏一些不容易发现且难以排除的错误。本文以浅显的论述,讲述指针形参和函数体中数组实参问题,以期达到抛砖引玉的目的。  相似文献   

逄咏梅 《中国经济评论》2003,3(8):187-189,174
文章结合理财环境的变化,在简述无形资产运营重要性的基础上,根据无形资产运营的特点,从无形资产运营的安全性、收益性、营运能力以及创新能力等四个方面出发,构建了无形资产运营效果评价指针体系,并就体系中所涉及的评价指针作出了相关说明和释义。  相似文献   

729管理行为模式探索晔枫所谓729管理行为模式是指管理者行为模式的数量而言,具体说,它是对表现于三维结构中的管理者行为变量关系的729种形式的反映。这种形式是在美国德克萨斯大学布莱克、蒙顿二维方格基础上制订的,因此,它是相对于布莱克、蒙顿二维结构中...  相似文献   

天平在使用一段时间后会出现不同程度的指针摆动异常现象,如跳针、带针和指针回劲等。这些容易造成天平玛瑙刀刀口磨损,直接影响天平的测量准确度。  相似文献   

<正>时钟12点整的时候,钟表的时针和分针会重合在一起。实际上两枚指针不只在12点整的时候才重合,在12小时之内两者要重合好几次。你能说出在什么时候两枚指针会互相重合吗?  相似文献   

科学发展观是我国全面建设小康社会和现代化建设的根本指针。本文从科学发展是马克思主义与中国实践相结合的产物,是当代世界发展观的杨弃,是根于中国传统文化“天人合一”之土,是一种中国表述等四个方面来论述科学发展观的国情基础。  相似文献   

对著名经济学家邓肯·布莱克的单峰定理进行深入研究,一维条件下,个体为单峰偏好可以解决"投票悖论"。将单峰偏好分析从一维条件扩展到二维条件直至N维条件,探讨N维条件下单峰定理是否适用。  相似文献   

1.去掉无关的选项 在Windows XP中,双击“控制面板”中的“文件夹选项”,再单击“查看”标签,然后将鼠标指针滚动到窗口的最下方,可以看到有一个“自动搜索网络文件夹和打印机项”,默认是选中的,将它去掉。这样,当我们打印时,Windows XP不会自作主张去寻找局域网上的打印机并安装驱动程序,以防止不经间将机密文档打到别的部门打印机上面而自己却还找不到。  相似文献   

借用生态学一维和二维竞争模型,探讨了存在升级和不存在升级时的集群发展轨迹,进而探讨其各个阶段与创业产生的关系。当集群不存在升级时,我们使用一维的逻辑斯蒂方程对其进行描述;当集群存在创新时,我们使用二维的Lotka-Volterra模型对集群的发展过程进行描述。当集群能够在全球价值链中升级时,创业产生率呈现一个u型的关系。  相似文献   

In many many places, the political parties and political contests seem to array themselves along a single dimension. If you look at their programs in detail it always turns out that it's much more complicated than that. But it would appear that in the minds of the voters they are literally frequently arrayed on a single continuum which, as a result of the organization of the French chamber of deputies, is usually referred to as a left/right.  相似文献   

In order to examine theories of domestic and international trade in banking, information is presented in this paper on the vast array of service charges banks levy on their customers, both resident and non-resident, and the complex of interest rates on deposits and loans that must be collected. Examination is also necessary of collection procedures of the various charges which central banks levy on banks, as well as interest rates paid on reserves, insurance premia on deposits and the like in order to test propositions that international trade in banking is a function of the various monetary policies followed by Monetary Authorities.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the relatedness of populations across the world shapes international trade flows. Using data on common ancestry for 172 countries covering more than 99% of global trade, we document that country pairs with weaker ancestral relationships are less likely to trade with each other (extensive margin) and, if they do trade, they exchange fewer goods and smaller volumes (intensive margin). The effect of ancestry is robust to a vast array of micro-geographic control variables and mitigated, yet still sizable and significant, when controlling for other measures of cultural distance as well as for current migrant stocks.  相似文献   

We evaluate an array of housing-related tax policies in a general equilibrium model with endogenous housing quality and prices. The local government facilitates the provision of local public amenities, financed by an array of housing-related taxes, including a developer gross revenue tax, a property tax, a land tax, and a development license fee. In a competitive spatial equilibrium, all households optimize and reach the same utility, all monopolistically competitive developers optimize and receive zero profit, and both housing and land markets clear. We examine the effects of various tax policies on housing quality, housing prices, land rent, as well as the population and housing density. By evaluating quantitatively the welfare of the local economy, we establish a globally optimal tax scheme in the housing market: complete elimination of the property tax and imposition of a lower gross revenue tax (possibly fully eliminated) than both development and land taxes.  相似文献   

XiaoGang Che   《Economics Letters》2011,110(3):268-271
Using data on 17 industrial countries from 1982 to 2003 and controlling for a wide array of factors, this paper finds that higher exchange rate volatility increases the unemployment rate. The magnitude of the effect is small. The results are robust to variations in specification.  相似文献   

目的确定木棉叶总黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件。方法采用分光光度法,以槲皮素为标准品测定木棉叶中的总黄酮含量,在单因素实验的基础上通过正交实验对木棉叶总黄酮提取工艺条件进行优化。结果确定木棉叶总黄酮的最佳提取工艺为取70目的药材加入20倍量的80%乙醇回流1h,该提取工艺的总黄酮得率为25.172mg/g。结论本提取工艺具有简单、可靠、准确的特点,可作为木棉叶总黄酮的最佳提取工艺。  相似文献   

转型经济中农户储蓄行为:中国农村的实证研究   总被引:65,自引:4,他引:65  
本文运用大样本农户家庭调查资料 ,对决定中国农户家庭储蓄行为的影响因素进行了探索 ,从实际出发构建了一个具有较好解释力 ,且能对各种类型的变量均有所考虑的储蓄模型。研究发现 :(a)流动性约束、预防性储蓄动机以及工业化等对储蓄率的上升贡献相当大 ,且为正值 ;(b)在解释区域间储蓄率的差异时 ,文化是一个相当重要的因素 ;(c)家庭生命周期的“∪”型分布假说被拒绝 ,相反的“∩”型分布被发现 ;(d)当家庭财富与储蓄率的相关关系表现为负时 ,持久收入假说也被拒绝。  相似文献   


George J. Stigler's seminal role as one of the founders of the economics of science is summarized and evaluated. His main contribution rests in his asking an array of important questions and arguing persuasively for the application of empirical, and especially statistical, techniques to the answering of those questions. He asks whether and how science progresses; whether a scientist's biography is important in understanding his science; what characteristics of a scientist are most complementary to success in science; and how the professionalization of science redirects the attention of scientists more toward internal puzzle-solving, and less toward applied relevance.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory experiment, we investigate whether a variety of behaviors in repeated games are related to an array of individual characteristics that are popular in economics: risk attitude, time preference, trust, trustworthiness, altruism, strategic skills in one-shot matrix games, compliance with first-order stochastic dominance, ability to plan ahead, and gender. We do find some systematic relationships. A subject’s compliance with first-order stochastic dominance as well as, possibly, patience, gender, and altruism have some systematic effects on her behavior in repeated games. At the level of a pair of subjects who are playing a repeated game, each subject’s gender as well as, possibly, patience and ability to choose an available dominant strategy in a one-shot matrix game systematically affect the frequency of the cooperate–cooperate outcome. However, overall, the number of systematic relationships is surprisingly small.  相似文献   

'The enterprise within the social sciences best poised to bridge the gap to the natural science, the one that most resembles them in style and self-confidence, is economics' (Wilson 1998, p. 195)'The rich array of things to learn from other disciplines is too rich And not least of all, the need for economic theorists to work on something new and different is too impelling' (Kreps 1997, p. 80)  相似文献   

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