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Prior research in marketing has extensively examined attribution theory and how this influences product evaluations; however, such research has only examined secular attributions to a company, employees, other consumers, or one's self. Thus, through a series of three studies, the research herein examines a new category of attributions—sacred attributions—to determine when consumers make secular versus sacred attributions and how this influences product evaluations. Study 1 shows that religiosity is positively correlated with sacred attributions. Additionally, Study 1 finds that sacred attributions to God are more likely in positive consumption situations, while sacred attributions to Satan are more likely in negative consumption situations. Study 2 finds that God (Satan) attributions lead to positive (negative) product evaluations, and these effects are pervasive, regardless of religious priming. Study 3 increases external validity by using real businesses to show that sacred attributions are greatest for businesses with a sacred value system, although these effects differ based on situational affect. Findings build upon the literature on attribution theory and priming.  相似文献   

While prior scholarship has acknowledged the overall positive influence of vanity sizing on consumer outcomes, no work to date has addressed the psychological process that occurs when consumers suspect retailers of dishonest sizing information. This is an important process to understand because perceptions of deceptive retailer motives lead consumers to react negatively to the product and the retailer, regardless of the retailer's actual motives. Thus, this research utilizes attribution theory to examine perceived deception as a mediator between consumer cynicism (a dispositional trait) and consumer outcomes. The results reveal that at higher levels of consumer cynicism, prior knowledge of deceptive sizing practices has an amplifying effect on the influence of consumer cynicism on perceived deception, while retailer honesty with sizing issues helps to block this influence. Further, perceived deception leads to reduced consumer outcomes, confirming prior findings in the literature.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an effective way for firms to create favorable attitudes among consumers. Although prior research has addressed the direct influence of proactive and reactive CSR on consumer responses, this research hypothesized that consumers’ perceived organizational motives (i.e., attributions) will mediate this relationship. It was also hypothesized that the source of information and location of CSR initiative will affect the motives consumers assign to a firms’ engagement in the initiative. Two experiments were conducted to test these hypotheses. The results of Study 1 indicate that the nature of a CSR initiative influences consumer attribution effects and that these attributions act as mediators in helping to explain consumers’ responses to CSR. Study 2 suggests that the source of the CSR message moderates the effect of CSR on consumer attributions. The mediating influence of the attributions as well as the importance of information source suggests that proper communication of CSR can be a viable way to inculcate positive corporate associations and purchase intentions.  相似文献   

采用扎根理论的研究方法,分析了从网络渠道收集的有关三聚氰胺事件中消费者对于该事件责任归因的认知的相关言论资料,在此基础上分析了消费者对于该事件的责任归因的认知影响因素和作用机制,研究发现中国消费者的一些与该事件无关的固有认知偏见影响着消费者对于该事件责任归因问题的认知。本文对于认知偏见的产生原因进行了探讨与分析,并提出了三个假设。  相似文献   

An attribution is an inference about why an event occurred or about a person's disposition or other psychological state. This study is designed to examine the effects of consumers’ attribution styles (i.e., dispositional and situational) and moderating role of celebrity identification and brand commitment in the evaluation of negative information about a celebrity endorser. The study finds that people who make dispositional attributions judge the endorsed brand more negatively than do those who make situational attributions. The findings also suggest that consumers with a higher level of identification with the celebrity are less likely to react negatively to the bad publicity. Finally, the study found that, when faced with a celebrity scandal, people with high brand commitment showed more favorable attitudes toward the brand as well as higher purchase intention than those with low brand commitment.  相似文献   

No-replies are common in everyday life, especially when individuals interact in online platforms. When consumers participate in the marketplace and interact with sellers or other consumers, they may encounter various kinds of outcomes. Sometimes offerings may succeed, while other times they are explicitly declined. But it is also possible that offerings and requests are unreplied where no explicit acceptance or rejection response is given. This paper examines the hypothesis that no-replies lead consumers to stronger behavioral intentions than negative replies, through different casual attributions. Consumers make attributions to infer causal explanations, based on the type of reply they get from others consumers. Across our studies, we evidence the effect of no-reply on several contexts and reveal the mediating role of attributions on the influence of no-replies on behavioral intentions. The results also suggest that no-replies lead people to higher attribution of self-responsibility to the outcome than negative reply, however, company’s apologies for consumer’s no-reply overturn the effect. Finally, considering that individuals do not require much effort for a no-reply and effort is a proxy for interest, it generates worse attributions.  相似文献   

This research extends previous findings related to the positive influence of company credibility on a social Cause–Brand Alliance’s (CBA) persuasion mechanism. This study analyzes the mediating role of two dimensions of company credibility (trustworthiness and expertise) with regard to the influence of altruistic attributions and two types of brand–cause fit (functional and image fit) on corporate social responsibility image. A structural equation model tests the proposed framework with a sample of 299 consumers, and the results suggest that (1) image fit and altruistic attribution are cues that consumers use to evaluate company trustworthiness when linking to a social cause; (2) functional fit significantly influences perceived company expertise but not trustworthiness; and (3) trustworthiness has more weight than expertise in judgments about corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

频发的企业社会责任缺失(Corporate Social Irresponsibility, CSI)引起了学者们的广泛关注,尽管学者们对企业社会责任缺失归因进行了丰富的研究,但受消费者影响的企业社会责任缺失归因中的消费者失责研究仍十分有限,这类“受消费者影响的企业社会责任缺失”是指因消费者不良需求(需要)、消费习惯及消费者参与等直接或间接促成的企业社会责任缺失。文章通过综合运用定性(访谈法)和定量研究方法(问卷调查法和实验法),聚焦于消费品类生产企业,研究企业社会责任缺失归因中的消费者失责问题,结果表明消费者能区分出企业社会责任缺失归因中的消费者失责归因;消费者失责表现为过度消费、对社会责任缺失企业的纵容等;消费者失责增加消费者弥补意愿。研究企业社会责任缺失归因中的消费者失责丰富了企业社会责任缺失归因理论研究,对提高消费者责任消费意识及行动具有实践意义。  相似文献   

The increasing globalization of business provides a compelling reason for understanding the cultural context of consumer behavior. The research reported here examines the impact of culture on consumers’ perceptions of service recovery efforts. In particular, we studied in an experimental setting, across East-West cultures, the combined effects of explanation and compensation in shaping customers’ attributions and post-recovery perceptions in a medium contact service—a restaurant setting. Our findings show that the differential sensitivity of East Asian and American consumers to situational constraints influence their attributions for service failures, and thus moderate their satisfaction with service recovery process. More specifically, the results suggest that a causal explanation for service failure decreases the likelihood of US consumers falling prey to the fundamental attribution error. Conversely, among East Asians, an explanation had minimal influence in attributional processes. Finally, our results indicate that attributional processes influence customer perceptions of employee effort, which in turn is linked to post-recovery satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study examines whether information in an advertisement promoting a price discount is capable of affecting attributions made about the price reduction and whether these attributions, in turn, affect consumer perceptions and evaluations of the sale. Findings show that price image of the retail advertiser had a strong effect on attributions pertaining to the merchant and a marginal effect on product attributions. The attribution variables, in turn, explained significant amounts of variance in criterion variables measuring consumer perceptions of value, attitude toward the ad, and shopping intentions, beyond the variance explained by the store and discount claim variables manipulated in the study. These results suggest the importance of the role of attributions made by consumers when exposed to ads promoting discounts.  相似文献   


To determine how consumers respond to betrayal of their trust in brands, we surveyed 2156 consumers in nine metropolitan centres in China following the 2008 melamine contamination crisis. Drawing on psychological drivers of scapegoating and attribution theory, we investigate how early information and the perceived involvement in a multi-brand crisis and attribution factors influence scapegoat effects. The survey results reveal that the first accused brand, Sanlu, took disproportionate blame and was made a scapegoat for an industry-wide crisis. The observer/tension-discharging perspective, the ‘early information’ effect, and the contrasting roles of manufacturers and non-manufacturer parties in the supply chain in causal attributions have the most significant effect in consumer scapegoating. Study of a highly unfortunate ‘real-life experiment’ shows how a food safety scandal spills over and negatively affects attitudes and beliefs about the whole supply chain and about competing brands.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of consumers' attribution styles in the evaluation of negative celebrity information. In its evaluation of negative celebrity information, this study examines the effects of consumers' different attribution styles, level of identification with a celebrity endorser, and level of brand commitment. To test its hypotheses, the study employs a 2 × 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design. The three factors are attribution style, level of identification with a celebrity endorser, and level of brand commitment. Conducted through the Internet, the experiment recruited a total of 229 students from a southwestern university in the USA. The study found that people making dispositional attributions judged the endorsed brand more negatively than those making situational attributions. Confronted with negative celebrity information, consumers who identified highly with the celebrity were likely to maintain a positive attitude toward a brand and continue purchasing it. In the same conditions, people with high brand commitment showed more positive brand evaluation as well as higher purchase intention than people with low brand commitment. The research findings contribute to a better understanding of the effects of negative celebrity information on consumer attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   

Manufacturers and retailers, both independently and collectively, offer sales promotions to consumers. When faced with a sales promotion, to whom does a consumer ascribe causality for any satisfaction derived from the promotion? This article introduces attribution theory to explain why a consumer may (or may not) engage in athibutional processing in response to a sales promotion, the nature of that attributional process, and strategies that manufac- turers and retailers may use to influence attributional processing. A model of consumer attributions of sales promotions is offered.  相似文献   

Researchers have used attribution theory as a basis for exploring the relationship between consumers' inferences of advertiser motivation (attributions) and advertising response. This study postulated the existence of two new types of attributions which relate to the perceived ethics of the advertiser (advertiser ethical attributions) and the advertising message (message ethical attributions). Research conducted among a nationally representative sample of 273 adults: (1) verified the existence of both advertiser and message ethical attributions, (2) demonstrated the independence of advertiser and message ethical attributions both from each other and from other measures of advertiser and message evaluation, (3) identified the specific advertising characteristics which lead to the formation of each type of ethical attribution and (4) demonstrated a significant relationship between advertiser and message ethical attributions and measures of advertising response.Dr. Joel J. Davis is Assistant Professor of Journalism, School of Communication, at San Diego State University. Dr. Davis' interests include environmental marketing, marketing strategy and marketing ethics. He has published in these areas in theJournal of Business Ethics, Journalism Quarterly andSAM Advanced Management Journal.  相似文献   

Previous behavioral research on advertising deception has focused on the extent to which consumers would be misled by claims and implications of advertisements. The present research examines the effect of an important, but largely neglected, dimension: the severity of anticipated harm as a result of being deceived. Two experiments disentangle the effect of anticipated harm on consumer brand attitudes and purchase intentions from that of perceived deception. Interestingly, greater harmfulness increases diagnosticity of perceived deception, which partially accounts for consumers’ negative reactions to deceptive advertising. Theoretical, methodological, and ethical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This research explores the effects of tentativeness in online product reviews on consumers' product attitude certainty and behavioral intentions. Drawing on salience theory, attribution theory, and work in attitude certainty, I predict that, when consumers who have seen positive reviews of a product are exposed to a tentative review, their attitude certainty and willingness to purchase is reduced. I also predict that consumer reactions differ depending on the expertise of the review source as well as the product experience of the consumer.I also address confidence in information completeness as the metacognitive mechanism that explains the tentative review effect. Specifically, I argue that consumers who see a tentative review are sensitized to potentially missing information, which reduces their attitude certainty and willingness to purchase.Our hypotheses are tested in a series of experiments which demonstrate that tentativeness reduces attitude certainty and willingness to purchase but that the effect is attenuated when the reviewer is a novice and when the consumer has a high level of product experience. Based on the findings, I discuss our contributions to theory and suggest practical steps that firms can take to mitigate the effects of tentative reviews.  相似文献   

Moviegoers commonly use film critics as information sources. This article proposes that consumers engage in a causal analysis of the reasons behind critics' judgments and recommendations about new movies before making their own evaluations. An experimental study was conducted where critic's style, critic's predisposition toward the film director, degree of agreement between the critic's judgment and that of other critics, reputation of the critic, reputation of the film director, and critic's judgment direction were manipulated in a mixed within‐subjects factorial design. A summary movie review was constructed for each condition of the factorial design. Viewer's movie evaluations were assessed with the use of four evaluative bipolar scales. Three of the five research hypotheses were fully supported. Consistent with the predictions of attribution theory, it was found that consumers' evaluations of a new movie are more likely to follow the judgment of a film critic when this judgment does not conform to the critic's style (H1), when the judgment is inconsistent with the critic's predisposition toward the film director (H2) and when other critics' judgments show favorable consensus (H3). The other two research hypotheses were partially supported. The impact of the film director's reputation on consumer evaluations (H5) was significant only when the movie reviews were positive, whereas the impact of the critic's reputation (H4) was significant only in the case of negative reviews. The results are interpreted within the framework of attribution theory. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

An event important to a consumer that occurred in a foreign country may serve to affect perceptions about the products from the country. Life events represent important experiences or circumstances that tend to exert a major influence on the individual. This article examines how consumer attributions made about a life event occurring in a foreign country vary across individuals from individualist and collectivist cultures, which serve to moderate the impact of the event on product perceptions. The research literature on life events, attribution theory, and cross‐cultural differences are used to formulate propositions regarding the relationship between life‐event attributions and subsequent perceptions of products from the foreign country. Implications and research directions are provided. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Prior research has found attributions to mediate the relationship between the elements of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and consumer responses to firms; however, the question of what variables determine consumer attributions of CSR remains partially unaddressed. This article analyzes why consumers make attributions of CSR that are either positive (values-driven or strategic motives), or negative (stakeholder-driven or egoistic motives). The results obtained from two empirical studies (n = 197, n = 222) indicate that company–cause fit, corporate ability, and interpersonal trust have a positive influence on the motives that consumers attribute to CSR, whereas corporate hypocrisy has a negative effect. This research contributes to our understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying impactful consumer judgments and provides guidance for organizations in responding to such evaluations.  相似文献   

Restaurants with 20 or more locations will soon be required to disclose calorie information on menus and menu boards. Retailers not included in this mandate can choose to voluntarily provide calorie information. To better understand the implications of this major policy change for food retailers, this research examines how consumers’ retailer-related responses are affected by menu calorie labeling. A framework based on the attribution theory and the health halo literatures is developed, and three primary studies, including a field experiment, are used to test the proposed direct, moderating, and mediating effects derived from this conceptualization. Findings across the studies show that menu calorie labeling has a positive direct effect on perceptions of the restaurant’s concern for customers’ well-being and positive indirect effects on attitudes toward the restaurant and patronage intentions. However, these direct and indirect effects are attenuated when the restaurant is perceived to be more (vs. less) healthful and when menu calorie labeling is mandatory (vs. voluntary). The implications of these findings for retail and restaurant management are discussed.  相似文献   

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