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本文从信源的角度对企业家代言人的慈善行为如何影响消费者对其代言产品的购买意向进行了实证研究。研究发现,企业家代言人的慈善行为显著影响消费者的购买意向。即:道德身份自我重要性高的消费者更倾向购买捐时间的企业家所代言的产品,因为捐时间的慈善行为让消费者感知其更有亲和力;道德身份自我重要性低的消费者更倾向购买捐钱的企业家所代言的产品,因为捐钱的慈善行为让消费者感知其有能力。本研究是对营销沟通理论的有益补充,我们探究了企业家代言人的不同类型慈善行为(捐时间和捐钱)产生作用的具体情景。该研究结论为营销实践提供了直接的指导,企业家代言人通过其慈善行为提升消费者信任度时需根据消费者的特点来选择其慈善的类型。  相似文献   

本文从捐助慈善事业、保护环境以及善待员工三个层次,对企业承担社会责任行为与我国消费者响应的关系进行了实证研究。数据分析结果表明,三个层次的企业社会责任行为对消费者购买意向和产品质量感知均有显著影响。本文发现,企业社会责任行为与消费者响应之间的复杂关系,既受到消费者个人特征(如消费者是否支持企业社会责任行为(CSR-support))的影响,也受到产品自身特征(如价格信号)的影响。另外,本文也发现消费者对不同层次的企业社会责任行为的响应存在差别。  相似文献   

日前,山东鲁泰集团开发的1.9tex纯棉超高支高密面料获得国家科技部颁发的国家重点新产品证书。该产品研制成功,不仅提高了企业竞争力,使企业在高精尖市场竞争中再次处于领先水平,为企业自身的发展增强了实力,而且对我国棉纺行业的技术进步具有积极的示范与推进作用。据悉,该产品附加值高,极具市场前景,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

品牌文化认同对区域品牌产品购买意向影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从消费者视角探讨产生区域品牌效应的品牌文化认同前因,并将文化认同细分为认知性文化认同、情感性文化认同与评价性文化认同,试图分别考察3种认同对购买意向的不同影响,以及3种认同是否存在相互影响的关系。实验选取4个区域品牌作为研究对象,进行预测试修正问卷后,通过对随机拦截的方式获得392份有效问卷,利用AMOS软件分析3种品牌文化认同产生的区域品牌效应及相互之间的影响。研究结果表明,品牌文化认同与消费者购买意向显著正相关,评价性文化认同的影响效果最强、认知性文化认同影响最弱;且认知性文化认同需要通过情感性文化认同和评价性文化认同来影响消费者购买意向,其与购买行为相关不显著。  相似文献   

当前中国塑料工业存在问题及发展建议当前中国塑料工业主要存在以下问题:一、总体装备水平低、工艺技术相对落后近20年来中国塑料工业加快了技术改造的步伐,不断更新设备,除几十个大型国有塑料企业集团公司及部分独资、合资和私人等塑料制品企业拥有先进设备以外。绝大多数塑料加工企业仍然以国产设备为主,正在使用的设备中大约20%属高能耗、低产能的设备,本应淘汰,但因种种原因至今还在使用。应进口技术含量高的产品,大力整合塑料行业企业,努力提高行业整体水平,积极吸收国外原材料、先进技术装备。二、产品结构不合理,中低档产品偏多中国…  相似文献   

在中国,汽车消费者通常为中、高收入阶层,这一群体更加重视购买消费产品或接受服务的过程中所获得的、符合自己兴趣爱好的特殊感受,即“体验”。因此汽车企业必须针对顾客需求开展体验营销策略。而高端汽车企业通常资金实力比较雄厚,单  相似文献   

在相对保守且单一的客车市场营销方式中,体验营销是最与时俱进的一种。市场竞争的加剧,导致厂家越来越重视用户对产品和服务的体验和感受,通过让消费者亲身体验产品和服务的性能品质,从而促使消费者认知、喜好并购买的体验营销方式,逐渐被各行各业所接受并应用,客车行业也不例外。  相似文献   

研究表明,客户忠诚是实现客户不断重复购买的保证,忠诚客户是印刷企业取得竞争优势的源泉,拥有长期忠诚客户的企业比拥有低单位成本、高市场份额但客户流失率高的对手更有竞争优势.客户忠诚被认为是企业取得长期利润增长的途径.因为,获得新客户的成本是维护现有客户的6倍.因此,培育客户忠诚成为许多印刷企业保持战略追求的一个基本目标.客户忠诚可细分为行为忠诚、意识忠诚和情感忠诚.行为忠诚是客户实际表现出来的重复购买行为:意识忠诚是客户在未来可能的购买意向:情感忠诚则是客户对企业及其产品或服务的态度、包括客户积极向周围人士推荐企业的产品和服务.  相似文献   

今年以来,受成本推动和需求拉动的双重影响,以米其林、普利司通为首的国际轮胎巨头纷纷宣布将在一季度对部分轮胎产品提价。分析师认为,在国际巨头的带动下,国内轮胎企业也有很强烈的提价动力,一季度提价幅度预计在3%-4%左右。受此影响,近日轮胎行业相关个股青岛双星(000599)、风神股份(600469)、黔轮胎(000589)等连续走出上涨行情。  相似文献   

<正>企业在市场竞争中有三个层次,第一是价格竞争,第二是质量竞争,第三是品牌竞争。如今的市场竞争已经发展为品牌竞争。品牌意味着高利润、高附加值、高市场占有率,好的品牌可以为企业带来高收益,可以用相对低的成本让产品或服务具有更强的竞争力。品牌建设对服务企业的重要作用随着经济的发展和经济结构的转型,市场已经从产品为主向服务至上转型,消费者消费层次的提高和消费意识的增强,使消费者已经不满足于产品或服务带来的功能性  相似文献   

In this paper, we report cross-cultural differences in the use of intrinsic and extrinsic product cues (physical quality, design, brand name and price) on consumers' evaluations and purchase intentions for an apparel product in Shanghai, China and Seoul, South Korea. There were some differences in Chinese and Korean consumers' use of these cues in assessing the quality, value and purchase intentions; however, differences were not extensive. Consumers in both countries relied heavily on price acceptability to determine the value of the product; however, it was used to a greater extent among Chinese consumers to determine value. Our findings revealed that design was another intrinsic product attribute that impacts product evaluations and purchase decisions for both Chinese and Korean consumers. However, design was a stronger predictor of purchase intentions among Korean consumers. Brand name was not a strong cue in product evaluations for consumers in either country, although it was a significant predictor of value perceptions among Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

Hypothetical bias is a common research problem in measuring intentions. This study examines differences in individuals' hypothetical and nonhypothetical willingness to pay (WTP) based on purchase intention level. The purpose of Study 1 is to see if hypothetical bias is affecting all groups of individuals when segmented by purchase intentions. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to assess to individuals' purchase intentions and hypothetical WTP for an environmentally friendly (EF) offering. Individuals then participated in an auction that required them to bid on the same offering, thus requiring an actual monetary commitment. Through segmenting individuals into three purchase intention groups (high, moderate, and low), WTP biases were found to be positively related to stated intention level. High and moderate purchase intenders significantly overstated their hypothetical WTP. However, low purchase intenders did not. Further, no significant differences existed in nonhypothetical WTP between the three groups. The price that low purchase intenders were willing to pay through the CVM represented closely what they and the rest of the market were willing to pay in practice. The purpose of Study 2 was to examine several reasons why higher purchase intenders may be overstating their hypothetical WTP, with normative pressure and social desirability bias taken into consideration. Individuals indicated their purchase intentions and hypothetical WTP for an EF and a non‐EF product, and then participated in an auction. The higher purchase intenders again overstated their actual WTP for both products, whereas low purchase intenders did not. Results suggest that both normative pressure and social desirability bias contribute to hypothetical bias for products that carry a normative dimension (EF products). Controlling for these two factors eliminated the differences between hypothetical and nonhypothetical WTP. For products that did not have a normative component (non‐EF products), controlling for social desirability eliminated the gap between the hypothetical and nonhypothetical WTP amounts. A main implication from this research is that hypothetical bias is not a universal phenomenon and does not operate equally in all groups of purchase intenders. Marketers may want to consider only using lower purchase intenders in their pricing estimates for new products, especially for those that carry a normative component. Further, the CVM has received much criticism for measuring hypothetical WTP. However, estimates produced by the CVM were nearly exact for the low purchase intender group and were reliable when controlling for social desirability bias and normative pressure for the higher purchase intenders.  相似文献   

Previous research Has found that product recall announcements in the automobile industry are associated with negative abnormal returns. We extend this research by examining announcements of product recalls and products taken off the market outside the automobile industry. We find negative abnormal returns for these announcements and that the returns are significantly more negative when products are replaced (or the purchase price is returned) than when the products are checked and repaired. We find only limited evidence that government-ordered recalls produce more negative returns than voluntary recalls.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the roles of personal, product related and economic factors in predicting rural consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards organic and free-range produce. A conceptual model is derived and tested via structural equation modeling on a sample of 222 rural consumers. The results show that attitude is explained by consumers’ food safety concern, ethical lifestyle and price perceptions. Attitude partially mediates the effects of ethical lifestyle and price on intention to purchase organic produce as well as the effect of ethical lifestyle on intention to purchase free-range produce. Attitude assumes a more central role in fully mediating the effect of food safety concern on intention to purchase organic produce, as well as the effect of price on intention to purchase free-range produce. Overall the conceptual model of consumer decision making performs well in both organic and free-range contexts yielding similar results.  相似文献   

The convergent product is an increasingly important phenomenon in the marketplace. The convergent product allows the developer to include more and more diverse functionalities into their products, which can satisfy a broad range of consumer needs. However, failures of convergent products arouse the need to understand its functionalities, and the optimal combination of functionalities and their relationships to attitude and purchase intention. In addition, because convergent product has the potential to offer more diverse functionality, we consider if this will have impacts on instrumental and emotional needs fulfillment and attitude and purchase intention. Additionally, consumer innovativeness was examined to ascertain if there were differences among consumers on their classification of the functionalities, or if it will moderate functional diversity, needs fulfillment, and product attitude. Using the Kano model, this study examined the nature of these relationships by examining the functionalities of a smartphone. Overall, our results show that the convergent products that include functionalities from two of the three categories of the Kano model, must‐have and attractive, were rated more positively. Consumer innovativeness differences were found. Consumers with high innovativeness considered must‐have and one‐dimensional functionalities the most important, and consumers with low innovativeness considered all three important, although one‐dimensional functionalities were considered significantly less important. Although increasing functional diversity positively raises product attitude and purchase intention, it tends to raise emotional needs fulfillment only once instrumental needs have been met, especially for respondents showing low innovativeness. The findings should arouse interest about factors that should not be overlooked when developing new convergent products.  相似文献   

The distribution of consumer incomes is a key factor in determining the structure of a vertically differentiated industry when consumer's willingness to pay depends on her income. This paper computes the Shaked and Sutton (1982) model for a lognormal distribution of consumer incomes to investigate the effect of inequality on firms' entry, product quality, and pricing decisions. The main findings are that greater inequality in consumer incomes leads to the entry of more firms and results in more intense quality competition among the entrants. More intense quality competition raises the average quality of products in the market as firms compete for the shrinking share of higher-income consumers. With zero costs of quality improvements and an upper bound on the top quality or when costs of quality are fixed and rise sufficiently fast, greater heterogeneity of consumer incomes also reduces firms' incentives to differentiate their products. Competition between more similar products tends to reduce their prices. However, when income inequality is very high, the top quality producer chooses to serve only the rich segment of the market and charges a higher price. The conclusion is that income inequality has important implications for the degree of product differentiation, price level, industry concentration, and consumer welfare.  相似文献   

Research summary : Why do firms vary so much in their stances toward corporate social responsibility (CSR )? Prior research has emphasized the role of external pressures, as well as CEO preferences, while little attention has been paid to the possibility that CSR may also stem from prevailing beliefs among the body politic of the firm. We introduce the concept of organizational political ideology to explain how political beliefs of organizational members shape corporate advances in CSR . Using a novel measure based on the political contributions by employees of Fortune 500 firms, we find that ideology predicts advances in CSR . This effect appears stronger when CSR is rare in the firm's industry, when firms are high in human capital intensity, and when the CEO has had long organizational tenure . Managerial summary : Why do firms vary in their stances toward corporate social responsibility (CSR )? Prior research suggests that companies engage in CSR when under pressure to do so, or when their CEOs have liberal values. We introduce the concept of organizational political ideology, and argue that CSR may also result from the values of the larger employee population. Introducing a novel measure of organizational political ideology, based on employees' donations to the two major political parties in the United States, we find that liberal‐leaning companies engage in more CSR than conservative‐leaning companies, and even more so when other firms in the industry have weaker CSR records, when the company relies heavily on human resources and when the company's CEO has a long organizational tenure . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

I study a seller's pricing problem where consumers perform costly product research about value before purchase. They buy the product when sufficiently optimistic about value and cease research when sufficiently pessimistic. I find that the seller encourages product research when prior belief about value is high, even though he could sell immediately for a high price. The prior affects both expected value and how additional information changes consumers' beliefs. I show that an increase in research cost affects equilibrium price nonmonotonically. Finally, when the seller chooses price and product value dispersion, the optimal level of dispersion need not be extremal.  相似文献   

Concept testing has long been recognized as an important new product development (NPD) activity. As one of the widely used concept testing techniques, the method of intentions surveys relies on the purchase intentions of the potential buyers of new products and helps firms assess the viabilities of their new products before making major financial and nonfinancial commitments to their development. Despite the importance of intentions‐based new product concept testing and its widespread use by firms, the correspondence between initial behavioral intentions and subsequent purchase behaviors has been relatively low and heterogeneous, making it very difficult for firms to draw any useful conclusions from intentions surveys. Focusing on the predictive validity of intentions‐based new product concept testing and addressing several calls for future research to identify specific conditions making it more effective, this paper tests the moderating roles of prior experience and behavioral importance in the predictive validity of intentions‐based new product concept testing. It also tests whether people who state a positive intention and people who state a negative intention are equally accurate in their intentions. Finally, it tests the relative moderating roles of prior experience and behavioral importance in the intentions–behavior relationship. The results based on two longitudinal surveys first suggested that people's prior experience moderates the relationship between behavioral intentions and actual behaviors in a way that the relationship is stronger when prior experience is high as opposed to when it is low. Second, they showed that the level of importance that people attach to a behavior also moderates the relationship between behavioral intentions and actual behaviors such that the relationship is stronger when behavioral importance is high as opposed to when it is low. Third, they indicated that the behavioral intentions of people who state that they will not perform a behavior are more accurate than are those of people who state that they will perform it. Finally, the results suggested that the impact of behavioral importance is greater than that of prior experience. This study offers several implications. Most notably, the results can help firms better understand different factors affecting the predictive validity of intentions‐based new product concept testing and hence make more accurate new product decisions.  相似文献   

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