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改革开放以来,中国的宏观调控从性质上可分为紧缩性与扩张性两大类型。在具体的政策操作实践中,这两种类型的宏观调控长期存在总量调控与结构性调控并存的双轨模式。其中,结构性调控扮演了重要角色,其通过对经济结构的主动调整最终引致经济的收缩与扩张效应,从而达到逆周期的政策效果。这种以结构性调控为主、总量调控为辅的调控方式成为中国宏观调控的最大特色。结合发展中国家与发达国家大量运用结构性政策的经验,笔者认为,结构性调控与总量调控相结合构成了系统的宏观调控理论及政策体系,而结构性调控政策不仅弥补了西方主流反周期政策中仅包含总量政策的缺陷,也是对2012年以来政府实施的“微刺激”、区间调控与定向调控等结构性扩张的理论提升与现实回应。  相似文献   

长期以来,国内外学者对中国宏观调控的认识存在较大的反差,并由此引发了多次大规模争鸣。在系统总结中国宏观调控实践的基础上,本文提出中国宏观调控长期坚持总量调控与结构性调控相结合、以结构性调控为主的调控范式,并先后呈现出“总量+结构”与“需求+供给”的特点。笔者认为,中国宏观调控之所以形成了结构性调控特色,是因为在宏观调控决策中,充分运用了马克思主义经济学理论及其方法论、中国经济思想特别是当代经济思想和西方经济理论三种资源,真正做到了“马学为魂、中学为体、西学为用”,具有必然的形成逻辑。  相似文献   

徐华伟 《经济师》2023,(4):113-114+132
近些年来,随着我国经济快速发展,面临的问题也在不断涌现,政府在不断升级宏观政策调控的手段和方式。与以往的传统调控方式不同,现如今的经济调控手段更重视精准直达。结构性货币政策更加强调避免大水漫灌式全面的宽松货币政策,以防止金融系统流动性过剩的发生,而是要用定向调控方式去弥补重要领域和薄弱环节的流动性不足问题,引导信贷结构的优化与结构性调整。发挥结构性货币政策的精准调控作用,不仅要关注政策的目标,也要完善结构性货币政策工具激励以及约束机制,更好地实现精准导向,同时也要与其他货币政策相互配合,以实现预期政策目标。  相似文献   

汉语时间概念的空间隐喻系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本将已有关于汉语中空间系统和时间系统的研究成果统合为方向系统、位置系统、形状系统和时间系统、时点系统、时段系统,通过分析方位词的使用,就方面对向、位置对时点、形状对时段三对子系统相当规整的隐喻机制作了初步探索,粗略地勾勒出了汉语时间概念的空间隐喻系统的轮廓。  相似文献   

近年来,结构性货币政策在我国取得快速发展,央行通过实施多种结构性货币政策工具有效调控信贷资源流向,为经济薄弱环节注入流动性支持民营企业、小微企业和涉农企业以及特定行业的发展。与此同时,相关配套监管措施、风险对冲机制和退出机制发展相对滞后,在一定程度上对结构性货币政策实施的有效性造成影响。文章立足当前我国结构性货币政策实施情况,剖析结构性货币政策可能蕴藏的风险,并据此提出应对策略,为完善我国结构性货币政策管理提供参考。  相似文献   

本文首先系统梳理了结构性货币政策工具的动态变迁与多元化发展进程,并在学术镜鉴与政策应用总结的基础上,重点展望中国结构性货币政策工具的未来实践方式.研究发现:第一,"大缓和"时期,货币政策更多关注"总量"问题,常规货币政策工具基本能够满足宏观经济调控需求,"新共识"框架成为主流货币政策调控框架.第二,2008年国际金融危机爆发之后,各国经济发展中的"结构"问题相继暴露,货币政策的"定向"调控需求日渐明显,结构性货币政策工具陆续步入政策前台.第三,新形势下,货币政策当局应该在互补机制、使用频率和操作风险等方面探索中国结构性货币政策工具的创新机制.  相似文献   

“里根革命”和“撒切尔新政”,导致“大企业、大工会、大政府”模式演变为“大资本、小工会、小政府”模式,政府权力被资本绑架,资本逻辑在经济增长和财富分配中占据支配地位。它牺牲工人利益去提高资本的盈利能力,不仅扩大了收入差距,而且加重了实体经济与虚拟经济的失调。“涓滴效应”也并未实现经济繁荣,反而导致收入两极分化。我国推进供给侧结构性改革一定要警惕把“产能过剩”完全归因于政府干预,把僵尸企业直接等同于国有企业,把“降成本”等同于“减税+降低工人的工资和福利”,以及以增强用工灵活性、改善劳动供给的名义修改《劳动合同法》等错误倾向。  相似文献   

高校毕业生结构性失业问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1999年大学扩招至今,中国的大学教育已完成了从“精英教育”到“大众教育”的转变。随着大学生人数的逐年上升,毕业生就业率也在逐年下降。从结构性失业的视角分析可看出了大学生结构性失业现象的原因,从而总结出了如何解决我国高校毕业生结构性失业问题的对策和措施。  相似文献   

我国结构性失业的类型与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结构性失业逐渐成为我国失业问题的主要方面,研究结构性失业的类型有助于更好地解决我国的失业问题。我国结构性失业大体可以分为市场型结构性失业、制度型结构性失业和观念型结构性失业,前者又分为供给滞后型结构性失业、需求变动型结构性失业和机制不灵型结构性失业。根据不同的结构性失业类型,应采用有针对性的解决对策。  相似文献   

中国从计划经济转向审场经济,生产力运行状态将发生根本性的变化,生产力经济学者有责任去研究“市场经济条件下生产力运行机制”这个新课题。本文认为,首先要研究“利益机制”,以“公民产权本位论”为准绳去构造新的产权体系和经济结构,使生产力从国有制及计划经济束缚中解放出来;进而,还要形成适合市场经济要求的“优越机制”及“调控机制”,使社会生产力在市场经济新环境中健康发展。  相似文献   

The proper valuation of time isimportant for estimating the demand for severaleconomic goods. This paper explores the propervaluation of time when estimating recreationaldemand, where time costs represent asubstantial portion of the ``purchase price'. Toestimate demand, this paper uses a travel costframework to analyze actual behavior (``revealedpreference data') and hypothetical behavior(``stated preference data'), which is induced byhypothetical increases in access fees, traveltime, and travel distance. By comparing theresponses to these three contingencies, theanalysis adjusts and improves the valuation oftime costs. As evidence of this improvement,this analysis demonstrates a great increase inthe consistency between the revealed and stateddata. Similarly, this paper improves thevaluation of transportation-related costs.  相似文献   

Household-labor time and market-labor time are organized in part through the social structure of unequal gender relations. Generally, women do more household work than men, women's market work is undervalued, and the greatest rewards for market work accrue to men. The career model of employment is biased in favor of men who have few household responsibilities. Even noncareer seniority-sensitive job paths assume male incumbency with limited competition from household responsibilities. In this article we discuss the gendered underpinnings of the organization of time in contemporary Western society by critically examining household-labor time and the masculine models of career and noncareer employment. In addition to the important feminist goal of pay equity, we argue for a feminist politics of time that promotes alternative work-time arrangements for women and men to foster gender equality in the market and at home.  相似文献   

Graphs are important for highlighting relationships within a data series or across several series. Modern computer software has provided flexibility in the construction of graphic displays that would have been impossible with the tools that were available to researchers only a few decades ago. This article illustrates a variety of different graphical presentations for time ordered or time series data that can now be constructed. These include time series plots, bar charts, range plots, radar charts, scatter plots, heat maps and seasonality plots. For each graph type presented, we discuss the best practice for their construction.  相似文献   

The programs of the IMF were designed to provide short‐term assistance to countries with balance‐of‐ payments disequilibria. Over time, however, the Fund instituted new facilities with longer time horizons, while many countries adopted consecutive programs. As a result, the length of time spent by countries in IMF programs has grown. This paper analyzes IMF program spells for a group of developing economies over the period of 1982–2000. Duration models are used to investigate the time dependence of the spells and the factors that affect their duration. The hazard ratio of spells has a nonmonotonic shape, first rising and then falling. Spell duration is independent of previous spell length or the number of spells. Program duration is extended for countries with lower income, exports concentrated in primary goods, landlocked geographic status and autocratic regimes. Governments that are polarized have shorter spells, which may reflect a breakdown in governance.  相似文献   

时间意识与政治行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先个绍不同文化传统中的时间意识的差异,进而提出这种差异对人的行为方式会发生不同的影响:然后着眼于时间意识与政治行为的关系,分析三种不同的时间意识——只顾当下;着眼未来;兼顾过去、现在与未来——与制度形成的关系。最后一部分结合当前中国的政治现实,从时间窗口的角度提出在推动宪政建设和制度演进时应有的健全时间意识。  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified theory of trade and investment in a world where the rate of time preference varies between countries. In the framework proposed by Buiter (1981 ), we can analyze a situation wherein two countries have different rates of discount. Here, the value of the debt to income does not converge to zero but remains constant even in the long run. Furthermore, we show that the existence of less‐capital‐intensive nontradables promotes capital movements: since a more patient country incompletely specializes in less‐capital‐intensive nontradables, capital must flow out of it.  相似文献   

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