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In this paper, the distribution of equity returns on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is examined from 1965 to 1984, and significant and persistent skewness and kurtosis are found. The deviation of security returns from normality declines with increasing portfolio size and appears to be greater than the non-normality evidenced in U.S. security returns. Further, these deviations from normality persist even after controlling for January and firm size effects. 相似文献
In this study we empirically examine the intraday lead/lag relation between S&P 500 futures prices and the S&P 500 index, and whether daily market characteristics are associated with changes in the relation. We estimate daily Geweke measures of feedback and regress time series of these measures on daily price volatility and volume characteristics. Results indicate that the contemporaneous price relation is substantive and that measures of contemporaneous feedback are positively associated with the daily range of the futures price. The primary implication is that the relation between cash and futures prices becomes stronger as futures price volatility increases. As volatility increases, information is being impounded at a faster rate so that futures and equity markets operate more closely as one market. Large futures price moves, by themselves, are not responsible for breakdowns in the stock-futures price relation. 相似文献
This study is an investigation of estimates of expected stock returns implicit in option data. The Lee-Rao-Auchmuty option valuation model provides a unique opportunity to examine whether return measurements derived by nonlinear estimation techniques show any correlation with future stock returns. During the short period covered in this study, the Lee-Rao-Auchmuty estimates give preliminary indications that they are better predictors of actual stock returns than are estimates obtained from historical data. 相似文献
Skewness in returns is relevant to option investors. Because options possess positively skewed distributions, the traditional maxim of diversification, which can destroy positive skewness, is not necessarily consistent with investment objectives. The results indicate that the majority of skewness in option portfolios is diversified with a relatively small portfolio size, suggesting a strategy of antidiversification for option investors. Even though the investment performance of options is inferior to stocks on a risk-return basis, the data indicate the suitability of option portfolios in an environment where an investor's utility is measured by the return, risk, and skewness of the return distribution. 相似文献
This paper examines the common stock valuation and liquidity effects of firms being added to and deleted from the S&P 500 Index. Three potential pricing and trading volume hypotheses are discussed and tested—an Information Content Hypothesis (ICH), a Price Pressure Hypothesis (PPH), and a Liquidity Cost Hypothesis (LCH). The empirical findings indicate that firms being added to (deleted from) the S&P 500 Index over the 1977 to 1983 period experience positive (negative) abnormal common stock returns on the day following the addition. An analysis of common stock liquidity around additions to the Index reveals that while relative trading activity increases in the month of addition, it actually declines in subsequent months. The valuation and liquidity results are consistent to some degree with both the PPH and the LCH and are most likely due to index fund managers adjusting their holdings to reflect changes in the Index. 相似文献
This paper documents regularities in the comparative skewness characteristics across several classes of assets and over time. We find smaller capitalized stock indices are more negatively skewed than larger stock indices. Over time, the skewness of stock indices follows a business-cycle-related variation. Skewness is more negative during economic upturns and less negative, even positive, during downturns. Three alternative methods for testing the statistical significance of skewness and for making confidence interval estimates of skewness are presented. These include a bootstrap methodology and a test that allows for nonindependent observations. 相似文献
David R. Peterson 《The Journal of Financial Research》1990,13(2):117-131
In this study common stock, call, and put option returns from 1983 to 1985 are examined by day of the week and time of day. Stock and call return patterns generally are similar, both having relatively low weekend returns and relatively high returns late in the trading day. Put options have high weekend returns, but do not have low returns late in the trading day. 相似文献
Ahmet Tezel 《The Journal of Financial Research》1988,11(3):215-225
Here, the relationship between Value Line rankings and option implied standard deviations is investigated. Each Value Line ranking (safety, price stability, timeliness, and earnings predictability) is significantly related to option implied standard deviations for a sample of 62 companies with Value Line timeliness rankings of 1, 2, 4, and 5 and with a total of 1,217 call options traded over a 3-day period. The index for price stability would be most valuable to investors for assessing future risk since only this index has a significant association with residual implied volatility, i.e., those unexplained by historical volatility. 相似文献
We test the relation between expected and realized excess returns for the S&P 500 index from January 1994 through December 2003 using the proportional reward‐to‐risk measure to estimate expected returns. When risk is measured by historical volatility, we find no relation between expected and realized excess returns. In contrast, when risk is measured by option‐implied volatility, we find a positive and significant relation between expected and realized excess returns in the 1994–1998 subperiod. In the 1999–2003 subperiod, the option‐implied volatility risk measure yields a positive, but statistically insignificant, risk‐return relation. We attribute this performance difference to the fact that, in the 1994–1998 subperiod, return volatility was lower and the average return was much higher than in the 1999–2003 subperiod, thereby increasing the signal‐to‐noise ratio in the latter subperiod. 相似文献
This paper examines the equity returns and bond prices of firms around the dates of their placement on CreditWatch by Standard and Poor's. Bond prices and equity returns for companies listed on CreditWatch are compared with a set of firms whose debt was rerated during the same time period but were never placed on CreditWatch. The evidence indicates no market reaction when firms are listed on CreditWatch with subsequent rating affirmations, but a significant reaction exists in those cases where the listing was followed by downgradings. Furthermore, the bond market does not appear so efficient as the stock market since relative bond prices continue to decline as long as seven months after a rating change. 相似文献