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Corrado Di Maria Susana Ferreira Emiliya Lazarova 《Scottish journal of political economy》2010,57(1):48-67
Despite the potential energy savings and economic benefits associated with compact fluorescent light bulbs, their adoption by the residential sector has been limited to date. In this paper, we present a theoretical model that focuses on the agents' ability to perceive the correct cost of lighting and on the role of environmental attitudes as key determinants of the adoption decision. We use original data from Ireland to test our theoretical predictions. Our results emphasize the importance of education, information and environmental awareness in the adoption decision. 相似文献
The modified theory of the Illyrian firm was developed, in part, to correct a perversity exhibited by the traditional theory of the Illyrian firm — that output rises in response to a fall in output price or a rise in fixed costs. We show that while this revised model has solved the problem for the short-run the problem remains in the long-run, and this long-run perversity may have important policy implications for the short-run as well. We also show that the under-production problem associated with the traditional LMF is mitigated (and perhaps even reversed) in the modified LMF. 相似文献
ROBIN POPE 《Australian economic papers》1976,15(26):37-51
Abstract. For creditor countries such as China on the periphery of the dollar standard with current account surpluses, foreign mercantile pressure to appreciate their currencies and become more flexible is misplaced. Just the expectation of variable exchange appreciation seriously disrupts the natural tendency for wage growth to balance productivity growth and thus worsens the (incipient) deflation that China now faces. It could create a zero-interest liquidity trap in financial markets that leaves the central bank helpless to combat future deflation arising out of actual currency appreciation, as with the earlier experience of Japan. 相似文献
For a class of standard and widely used preferences, a one‐shot money injection in a standard matching model can induce a significant and persistent output response by dispersing the distribution of wealth. Decentralized trade matters for both persistence and significance. Following the injection, the price response may be sluggish, the markup may move up with output, and both the interest rate and the inflation rate may drop below their trend levels. 相似文献
Foreign firms are likely to attempt to shape host government policies in their favour, as the profitability of MNE foreign affiliates largely depends on the business environment in which they operate. Based on data from the World Business Environment Survey, this paper investigates the political influence of foreign firms in 48 developing countries. It is found that foreign firms derive substantial fiscal and regulatory advantages from their political influence and from their ability to negotiate superior entry conditions. 相似文献
交通影响下的城市零售商业微区位探析 总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22
在对一般商业区零售商业营业面积与交通条件的关系进行实证研究的基础上,从分析交通在零售商业微区位选择中的区域性宏观效应入手,揭示了零售商业微区位的支路线性延伸和据点辐射指向以及交通对商业街内部微细分异的影响,并据此提出了协调商业与交通的建议。 相似文献
John C. Beghin Barbara El Osta Jay R. Cherlow Samarendu Mohanty 《Contemporary economic policy》2003,21(1):106-116
The article analyzes the welfare cost of the U.S. sugar program using a multimarket model of U.S. sweetener markets. The latter includes raw crops, sugar extraction and refining, and sweetener users (food-processing industries and final consumers). The authors address the industrial organization of food industries using sweeteners and treat the United States as a large importer. With the removal of the program, this article estimates (all figures in 1999 dollars) that in 1998 cane growers, sugar beet growers, and processors would have lost $307, $650, and $89 million, respectively; sweetener users would have gained $1.9 billion. World prices would have increased by 13.2%. The deadweight loss of the program is estimated at $532 million. 相似文献
新亚欧大陆桥开通后,在促进亚欧经济合作交流中发挥了积极作用。由于陆桥东端经济发展水平不高等因素,大陆桥的通衢、辐射、拉力作用发挥不够。宁(南京)西(安)铁路的建设形成了以上海为东方桥头堡的新的铁路大动脉。开辟新亚欧大陆桥南干线将把东亚和北欧连接起来,把陆桥建成潜力巨大的洲际链和连接我国东、中、西部的经济发展轴。为此,应尽快制定规划、成立协调组织,整合沿陆桥地区产业和资源,更好地发挥南干线的内聚力和辐射力,在加强国际交流和实施西部大开发战略中发挥更大作用。 相似文献
行政区划的调整与遗产"原真性"的保护——以遗产(地)所在政区的更名对区域遗产保护的负面影响为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以遗产(地)所在政区的更名对区域遗产保护的负面影响为例,从具体的行政区划调整与深层的区划制度性的缺失这两个层面来论述行政区划调整对遗产保护的影响和冲击,说明区域的权力核心、权力结构等的存废(表现上即行政区划的调整)对区域特色的形成和维系、也即遗产保护的重要作用。进而认为,行政区划及其形成的政区权力结构,除了具有政治性、经济性的作用而外,还有社会性、文化性的作用;故应尽量稳定,其调整必须控制在一定的限度之内,除了考虑区域经济发展、行政管理便利等因素外,还需考虑地方文化特性维系和遗产保护等方面的影响,且应以当地社区居民的意愿为重要依据。 相似文献
目前国内对性别工资差异研究很多,但对高管人员薪酬性别差异的分析还较少。本文利用2005-2010年沪深两市A股上市公司数据,在综合考虑不同性别在不同职位层级上的代表性的同时,采用Brown分解法分析了高管人员的性别薪酬差异问题。结果表明我国上市公司女性高管在较高层级的职位上代表性不足,同时也存在着“玻璃天花板效用”。女性高管在职位晋升方面受到了严重的歧视,在每一个职位层级上,女性高管职位晋升的门槛值都显著高于男性高管职位晋升的门槛值。男性高管和女性高管存在明显的性别薪酬差距,其中,超五成的薪酬差异是同一职位内的,四成以上的差异是职位间的;而有超七成的薪酬差异无法用教育程度、工作经验等可观测因素解释。 相似文献
本文以马克思均衡公式为基础,推导出两大部类不变资本增长率的均衡稳定关系。该关系式表明,两大部类不变资本增长率之间孰大孰小的问题取决于第一部类资本有机构成函数的特点。在第一部类资本有机构成单调提高的情况下,瞬时生产资料优先增长规律是存在的,但是就均衡稳定而论,两大部类一般是平衡增长的,因而稳态生产资料优先增长规律一般来说是不存在的。这意味着,在经济起飞阶段,生产资料优先增长确实发挥着作用;而在经济成熟期,则是平衡增长规律发挥作用。 相似文献
城中村改造对房地产市场影响的实证分析——以武汉市汉阳区为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
城中村改造作为城市化升级的重要步骤正在我国各大中城市如火如荼地展开,已经并必将继续对城市房地产市场产生重要而深远的影响。以武汉市汉阳区城中村改造为例,从供给、需求和价格的角度分析了城中村改造对房地产市场的影响。就现有的改造方式而言,其增加了土地与商品房的供应量,拉高了市区内部分市场的房价,改变了供给结构,但对需求影响甚微。因此城中村改造宜从改造主体、方式和进度上加以调控。 相似文献
Abstract. This paper investigates Allyn Young's two important doctrines concerning the division of labor and roundabout production. First, apart from advancing the state of knowledge, the progressive division of labor that can occur within a given population encourages the adoption of more specialized, differentiated intermediate goods in the production process. Second, the level of division of labor and the extent of the market depend on each other. Using a general equilibrium model with increasing returns to specialization, economies of complementarity between intermediate goods, and transaction costs, we demonstrate that the level of division of labor and the number of intermediate goods increase concurrently as transaction conditions are improved. 相似文献
Jan W.
Tongeren 《Review of Income and Wealth》1979,25(2):167-189
A review of the United Nations System of National Accounts and its implementation by countries is presently being conducted at the United Nations Statistical Office. This article presents a personal and selective account by the author of the results of that review and its consequences for the present structure of the SNA. Information is included on the level of response by countries for the tables of the SNA national accounts questionnaire. It shows that this response is at present sparce, except for the tables on GDP by end use, cost structure and kind of economic activity. On the more detailed level the feasibility of introducing integrated sector accounts into the system has been examined and different approaches compared. Country practices suggest that one way of facilitating the introduction of such accounts would be to eliminate one essential feature of the dual classification of the SNA, i.e., the distinction between quasi-corporate and other unincorporated enterprises. Other modifications of the SNA structure implied below are the introduction on a limited scale of articulation of transactions, the inclusion of additional aggregate income and balancing items, a reallocation of data between the main accounts and the supporting tables, and a better integration of the SNA matrix with the accounts and tables of the system. A reduction of the present number of independent classifications in the SNA is suggested, based on links between categories of different classifications that are assumed in country responses to the questionnaire. A suggestion is made for a uniform valuation of goods and services and income flows, to replace the present complex valuation guidelines on approximate basic and factor values and producers’ prices. 相似文献
确定城市经济影响区域的范围是一项十分复杂的工作,在区域规划和城市规划中有着重要的理论和实际意义。在分析目前划分城市经济区影响范围方法的基础上,利用因子分析方法来计算城市的中心性强度,应用扩展后的城市断裂点理论和倍增加权Voronoi图相结合的GIS空间分析方法,分析了黑龙江省中心城市自1990年以来的城市经济影响区的范围变化。研究发现:黑龙江的城市经济区影响范围的整体格局未发生明显变化,但南部地区城市发展态势较好,影响范围有北扩趋势;大庆和牡丹江城市经济影响区的范围有所扩大,齐齐哈尔和佳木斯的影响范围相对缩小。 相似文献