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We analyze market liquidity (i.e., spreads and depths) and quote clustering using data from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE), where the tick size increases with share price in a stepwise fashion. We find that stocks that are subject to larger mandatory tick sizes have wider spreads and less quote clustering. We also find that liquidity providers on the KLSE do not always quote larger depths for stocks with larger tick sizes. Overall, our results suggest that larger tick sizes for higher priced stocks are detrimental to market liquidity, although the adverse effect of larger tick sizes is mitigated by lower negotiation costs (i.e., less quote clustering).  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that market liquidity affects the price variability of futures contracts. The analyses used take into account the maturity effect and various sources of nonstationarity. Empirical testing involved eleven commodities in various markets. The evidence strongly suggests that futures contracts in distant and thinly traded months exhibit different price variability than contracts in near to maturity and liquid traded months, and that the behavior is commodity dependent. These findings could help investors better evaluate risks and provide a better basis for hedging strategies. Also, monthly averages of open interest can be used interchangeably with volume to measure liquidity in determining which pattern applies to a given commodity.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the behavior of bid and ask spreads and depths around announcements of open market stock repurchase programs. For a sample of 195 announcements from 1988 to 1990, I find statistically significant evidence of a small decline in spreads and no evidence of a shift in depths following the announcement date. Results are similar for a subsample of firms experiencing post-announcement declines in the number of shares outstanding. I conclude that open market repurchase programs as used recently do not adversely affect market liquidity.  相似文献   

In this article, we compare trade size and price clustering of short sales with regular trades. We find that short sales cluster less on round sizes and round prices than do nonshort trades. When price tests are suspended, both trade size and price clustering markedly increase for short sales although the difference between shorts and nonshorts remains significant during the postsuspension period. These results are consistent with the idea that because of execution uncertainty caused by price tests, short sellers are less concerned with cognitive processing costs, negotiations costs, and the costs associated with revealing information through trade sizes.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of financial market consolidation on the allocation of risk capital in a financial institution and the implications for market liquidity in dealership markets. An increase in financial market consolidation can increase liquidity in foreign exchange and government securities markets. We assume that financial institutions use risk‐management tools in the allocation of risk capital and that capital is determined at the firm level and allocated among separate business lines or divisions. The ability of market makers to supply liquidity is influenced by their risk‐bearing capacity, which is directly related to the amount of risk capital allocated to this activity.  相似文献   

Several studies in financial economics have found a positive relationship between stock returns and firm size. This relationship persists even after controlling for various measures of risk. There is also a well documented inverse relationship between stock returns and the Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio. However, there is still substantial controversy whether the size effect subsumes the P/E effect or vice versa. In this paper, we demonstrate that neither the size nor the P/E effect subsumes the other. We introduce Tobin's q as a variable that is closely related to stock returns as well as to both the size and P/E effects and show that the size effect persists after controlling for both P/E and q , while the P/E effect becomes much smaller after controlling for size and q . This leads us to conclude that the size effect is more robust to additional controls such as Tobin's q than the P/E effect. Finally, the size effect is almost entirely a January phenomenon whereas the P/E effect is a non-January effect.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that stock returns are related to firm market value and earnings yield. This study decomposes the measurements of market value and earnings yield into separate components (share price and shares outstanding for market value, earnings per share and share price for earnings yield) and examines the relationship between stock return and these components. Share price represents approximately three-fourths of the relationship between stock returns and either market value or earnings yield. Potential causes for this phenomenon are advanced.  相似文献   

We examine the liquidity impact of Canadian open market repurchases and find that spreads are smaller and depths greater during repurchase programs (as compared to the prerepurchase period) and on repurchase days (as compared to nonrepurchase days). We examine the types of orders used by repurchasing companies and find that all repurchase orders are limit orders and more than 70% of these unambiguously add liquidity to the limit order book. The improved liquidity is consistent with U.S. research but different from results from other markets. We attribute the difference to an uptick restriction that limits the aggressiveness of North American repurchases.  相似文献   

This study examines the price behaviour, trading volume and liquidity of stocks in the Canadian market at the time of options listing. Unlike some studies examining similar effects in the United States, the present one finds no evidence to indicate that either daily return volatility or trading volume is affected by the listing. Similarly, liquidity, as measured by the bid-ask spread, is unaffected. At the same time, cross-sectional tests indicate an inverse relationship between before-to-after trading volume and the before-to-after bid-ask spread.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the behavior of betas of 50 Dutch firms as a function of the return measurement interval. We find beta estimates measured from different intervals differ significantly from each other. As the sample mainly contains stocks that are relatively thin compared to the index, beta estimates from short intervals are on average lower than those obtained from longer intervals. The results further indicate that there exists some variability in the beta coefficients for each interval length. Betas depend on the manner daily prices are juxtaposed to calculate the returns. A way to account for this variability is to average the different betas for each interval length. Asymptotic betas are also computed to show the appropriateness of this method. Finally we show that the size effect is reduced when the interval length is increased, although it remains statistically significant.  相似文献   

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