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How have changes in labour law affected income inequality in the United States over the last half century? Curiously, even though employers have increased the degree to which they break labour law, workers have decreased their utilisation of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the strike. How do we understand the unwillingness of labour to utilise the NLRB and the strike when under increasing attack? To answer these interrelated questions, I analyse three central changes in federal labour law and norms from the middle of the 20th century to present: the usage of permanent replacement workers, adjudication of the main federal labour law—the National Labor Relations Act—and change in administration of the NLRB—the body charged with overseeing the National Labor Relations Act.  相似文献   

The traditional mechanisms for improving and protecting labour standards in advanced economies are failing. In Britain, the effectiveness of collective bargaining has diminished substantially over the past quarter century. Legally enforceable minimum labour standards have been an inadequate substitute. A new form of ‘joint regulation’ is emerging that may be better attuned to the contemporary structure of product market competition. It involves employers and unions coordinating action on labour standards across the supply chains of firms that contribute to the production of a particular good or service. This article explores the circumstances in which these ‘socially sustainable sourcing’ mechanisms develop and examines their impact on labour standards, by means of two case studies.  相似文献   

Economic growth during the second half of the twentieth century was not accompanied by an improvement in the position of women in the Japanese labour market. The peripheral position occupied by women was due, in large part, to the substantial barriers created by the internal labour market with its employment practices such as ‘lifetime’ employment, seniority promotion, and on-the-job training. In the past decade, the use of such practices has declined and the corresponding erosion of the internal labour market, coupled with a predicted skill shortage, was seen as an opportunity for women to gain a degree of equality in the workplace. Yet, the changes to the structure of the internal labour market have not been able to overcome the discriminatory work practices are that are embedded in the way work is organized. It is this contest that is explored and analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

Here the trajectory of manual work in the British coal mining industry since the late nineteenth century is examined in relation to five sociological models of development of modern skilled work. Each of the models is examined in the four main phases of the labour process in coal mining.  相似文献   

李友红 《价值工程》2013,32(1):238-239
大学图书馆员应该树立"师生第一,服务至上"的思想。目前,高校图书馆馆员素质的现状不容乐观,在这个知识与信息不断发展、更新的年代,提高大学图书馆馆员的素质具有深远的意义,大学图书馆提高馆员素质的重要途径来源于馆员们平常的点点滴滴的工作。  相似文献   

In the Middle Ages, discourse on economics, such as it was, proceeded for the most part as an application of theological doctrine. But economic analysis as an independent discipline per se was taking shape in thirteenth‐century scholasticism. This is shown by a review of relevant sections of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa theologiae regarding property rights and the division of labour; wealth and income policies; consumer protection and fair trade; and the distinction between usurious and licit financial returns.  相似文献   

The effects of the minimum wage (MW) on the labour market have been studied for almost a century, but the results remain inconsistent. To review what is known until now, a global, multilingual database of 588 articles on MW effects is constructed spanning more than a century, from 1900 to 2020. Most of the studies belong to developed countries, and less than a third come from developing countries. The most researched subject during the period under review is the impact of the MW on employment, but the evidence is mixed independently of the country studied. Consequently, it is only possible to perform a meta-regression to suitably evaluate the impact of the MW on employment according to the number of studies collected on this topic. The meta-regression model is useful to explain the reasons for these differences. For this purpose, recently developed meta-analysis methods are implemented distinguishing between developed and developing countries. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis that reviews articles on the effect of MW without limits on the analysis period, the variables relative to the labour market or the countries under consideration. The results show a negative publication bias for developed countries but not for developing countries. The impact of the MW on employment is negative in both groups, adjusting for that bias. This adverse effect is small but robust. Characteristics related to the control variables, the demographic groups concerned, the methods implemented and the inclusion of local fixed effects, trend or time dummies account for the estimated employment effect. Public policy recommendations are proposed based on the studies reviewed.  相似文献   

Socialism has repeatedly failed to match the accomplishments of capitalism, and yet it refuses to die. At the beginning of the twenty‐first century, a new type of socialism, ‘liberal socialism’, is growing in Europe. The rise of liberal socialism has been marked by the erosion of two key institutions of capitalism, private property rights and the freedom of exchange. Unlike communism, which used brute force to replace private property rights and free exchange with state ownership and central planning, liberal socialism focuses on redistributing wealth, creating entitlement programmes, supporting labour unions and promoting ‘fair’ trade.  相似文献   

二十一世纪是知识经济与信息的时代,更是科学技术快速发展和全面创新的时代。高校肩负着培养人才、科学研究、服务社会的责任,培养高素质的满足社会需要的合格人才是高等教育肩负的历史使命。当今社会生活的丰富多样性和多元化要求当代大学生要全面发展,更要求高校注重学生德智体美劳和学习态度及能力的全面培养,其中,培养具有科研能力的创新型人才成为中药专业教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

It is valuable to evaluate contemporary employment law on industrial action and trade unions, and employment protection, in relation to the 19th‐century law of combination, and master and servant. Such a historical comparison, despite differing language and legal sanctions, focuses attention on the goal of legal ‘reform’—the drive to control workers' collective organisations and enhance the managerial prerogative in order to consolidate employers' capacity to determine the terms of the contract of employment or for services, and the content of the pay–effort bargain, that is, the real subordination of labour. It is a form of class struggle from above.  相似文献   

The Keynesian theory as set out by Keynes embodied an Achilles heel which he himself half understood but chose to ignore. It is also ignored by “post-Keynesians” and “New Keynesians”. The trouble is not in the labour market but in the goods market, where The General Theory, at least up to Chapter 19, definitely assumes perfect competition. But on that assumption the possibility of a Keynesian recession requires that employers behave with highly inconsistent expectations. Once, however, the assumption of perfect competition in the goods market is replaced by imperfect competition or oligopoly, the Keynesian theory re-emerges not only as robust, but also totally relevant to the 21st century.  相似文献   

Thinking about future needs and about what can reasonably be expected as feasible in the next century, how should producers of statistics direct their activity? Increasing complexity and diversity of needs leads us to recognize that, between producers and users of statistics, a mediating role is more and more often played by analysts and research workers who are requesting above all good data bases. Concerning infrastructures for statistics on productive systems, coordination between accountants and statisticians will be crucial, as well as adaptation of the constraints which, because of excessive worry about confidentiality, could prevent establishment or use of data bases. In an increasingly competitive world, where private firms will sell analyses and informations, particularly on very large enterprises, the public statistical service will remain essential in all respects. Intangible investments, innovations and many aspects of the internal organization of firms will create formidable challenges. Information on employment and labour markets has been much developed during the past decades; but on a few specific and difficult issues progress is still needed: lifecyles in the working-age population, acquisition of knowledge and skills in formal education and on the job, matching labour supplies and demands, and so on. Particular attention will have to be given to the lower levels of cultural and professional skills.  相似文献   

Theoretical perspectives on work and the employment relationship Mark Lansky Revista Internacional del Trabajo Does «trickle down» work? Economic development strategies and job chains in local labour markets La mondialisation: Origines, développements et effets The economics of sustainable development Work behavior of the world's poor: Theory, evidence and policy Workers and narratives of survival in Europe: The management of precariousness at the end of the twentieth century Una alianza global contra el trabajo forzoso Empleo de los jóvenes: vías para acceder a un trabajo decente. Promotión del empleo de los jóvenes: abordar el desafío Marco promotional para la seguridad y salud en el trabajo Reconciling work and family responsibilities: Practical ideas from global experience Trabajo en el sector pesquero  相似文献   

When the inverse of the value added productivity of labour is regressed on total labour requirements (which is equivalent to labour values), a significant relationship is obtained. This indicates that the value added productivity of labour can be explained by total labour requirements (labour values). The mean value of the regression coefficients is about 1.7. The regression coefficients have a tendency to increase during the process of rapid economic development and to decrease afterwards. Such movements are explained by value added linkages. This study is based on input–output analysis, where total labour requirements per monetary unit of output and the value added productivity of labour are calculated for each of 24 industries in Japan, Korea and USA, every 5 years between 1960 to 1985.  相似文献   

Quarterly estimates of consumption, capital and labour tax rates are provided for six major OECD countries. We then use the 'stylized facts' methodology to evaluate the strength, sign and phase of cyclical comovements between tax rates and labour market variables. Labour taxes distort labour market de-cisions and help explain why the unemployment rate is so high in continental Europe. However, labour taxes cannot be the only determinant of diverging unemployment rates since the labour force is also reduced by higher taxes. Finally, we offer some preliminary structural evidence showing employment growth in particular to be negatively related to the taxation of labour.  相似文献   

劳动分工不是一个新的论题,我们的前人早已看到了分工的重要性,分工是社会发展的需要。政治经济学之父亚当·斯密在《国富论》中阐述了分工理论,现在读来其思想的闪光点依然为我们所见。本文引入斯密分工理论,结合现实,提出新时代的分工思想,对建立社会劳动和谐分工作一探讨。  相似文献   

Given inelastic demand for labour‐intensive public services, the size of government depends positively on labour costs. OECD data exhibit a strong statistical association between government size and the business‐sector labour share of income. When the labour share is instrumented with measures of technological change, institutional variation and predetermined data it continues to positively impact government size. In contrast, transfer spending is unaffected by the labour share. The evidence is consistent with the idea that the recent decline in the labour share has contributed to the slowdown in the growth of government witnessed in much of the post‐war era.  相似文献   

This paper considers how asymmetric tax treatment, where labour market earnings are taxed but household production is untaxed, affects educational choice and labour supply. We show that taxes on labour market earnings can generate a large (non-marginal) switch to home production and the ensuing deadweight losses are large. Using a cross-country panel, we find that gender differences in labour supply responses to tax policy can explain differences in aggregate labour supply and years of education across countries.  相似文献   

Business service firms,service space and the management of change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth of business service firms represents the latest stage in a continuing twentieth century process of technological and organizational restructuring of production and labour skills. It is associated with the rising information intensiveness of production and the development of an economy of signs. Business service activities located in service spaces drive innóva.tions both in production technology and in management systems. The co-presence of business service firms with their clients as well as other business service firms shapes the possibilities of trust between them. A detailed case study of the way in which large client firms utilize the services of independent business service companies is provided. This is followed by an examination of the relationship between small firms and business service expertise. A dual information economy may be developing in which large firms are able to search for specialist business service expertise irrespective of its location, while SMEs are tied into local providers of more generalist expertise.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents a selective survey of the recent literature on labour market institutions and offers new empirical EU‐based evidence on the impact of labour market reforms on employment and labour market adjustment. Although the literature traditionally treats labour market institutions as exogenous, attention shifted recently towards understanding the underlying causes of specific institutional arrangements. As a consequence, the literature highlights the great importance of an efficient policy design exploiting these interactions wisely and identifies general principles for achieving an efficient policy design at both macro and micro levels. Although empirical evidence does not show a major change in terms of intensity of labour market reform after the setting of the Economic and Monetary Union and the creation of the euro, the reforms aiming at strengthening the labour market attachment of vulnerable groups tend to have been successful both in raising their employment and increasing labour market adjustment.  相似文献   

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